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Habeas Corpus

A slow smile crossed Serena’s face, a confident expression. “You’re funny,” she stated, shifting her bum to the edge of the couch and leaning over him. “You are also far too clever for your own good. Appealing to my sense of femininity and the whole injustice of it all,” she added with a chuckle.

Arching an eyebrow, the grin on Tom’s broadened.

“If you think for a minute I’m some delicate retiring wall flower who has allowed the big bad male dominated world to bowl her over, I’m afraid you’ve misread me,” she chuckled mirthfully, shaking her head.

“How so?” he said, inviting her to continue.

“You presume I’ve allowed our patriarchal system to victimize me, keep me down because I have a pretty face or nice firm tits. You couldn’t be more wrong. You couldn’t possibly understand how absolutely foolish the male of the species becomes when they think they have a shot,” she stated, parting her legs so that he could peer into the shadowy space between her opened thighs.

Tom shrugged dismissively.

“Come now little one, you can’t tell me your whole little spiel wasn’t just a plea for you to get into to my pussy?” she questioned, shifting her weight from side to side to draw her skirt up a little.

Shaking his hand slowly, Tom chuckled.

“Don’t be shy,” she said, “go on. Take a little peak.”

Looking down from her face, he settled his eyes on the lacy powder blue panties molded around the shape of her pudendum. Through the sheer fabric, it was easy to tell she waxed her business.

Chuckling, she shuffled her bottom right to the edge of the chesterfield, parting her legs farther until it was close enough he could almost reach out and touch it.

Swallowing hard, he was certain he could warmth emanating from her crotch as he looked back over the swell of her breasts to her face.

“You have a pretty face, and that smile, oh that smile. How I would love to feed you to my pussy, not because my gender has had to endure millennia of oppression, or because you want me to. No. I would do it to conquer you, enslave you to my desire. You would be her special little pet,” Serena purred, her left hand tracing a line down the groove of her covered sex.

With no witty retort on his lips, he brought his hand up and feigned a cough into it.

“And when she was finished with your tiny hapless little self, I would shove you so far up my ass you would be able to taste what I had for breakfast,” she asserted playfully.

This definitely wasn’t going quite the way Tom had envisioned.

Glancing up over her shoulder toward the upper level, she turned back to him, feline smile on her attractive face as she suddenly plucked him by the arm and shifted herself back, setting him on the triangular patch of cushion between her thighs. Arching an eyebrow, “Well?” she queried.

Placing a hand on the front of her panties, Tom glanced up and favored her with a crooked smile on the side of his face.

Without warning, the lawyer brought her legs together, pinning his body between the smooth flesh of her inner thighs. Feeling him struggle against her hold, she laughed softly to herself and picked up her mug before leaning back into the couch.

Knowing she was making a point by asserting her dominance, Tom went limp. There was no point trying to wriggle free of her vice like grip. He chastised himself for falling into the same trap he had with Janine when first he sought to explore her naked body, pretty face masking shark like instincts.

Taking a sip from her cup, Serena swallowed and smiled. She would like nothing better than to wipe that smug smile from his little face and there was no denying in other circumstances the fun she could have with the boy, but these weren’t other circumstances. After he went still, she waited a few moments longer before releasing him from the confinement of her clenched thighs.

Dropping to one knee, Tom sucked in a lungful of air, getting a hint of her scent. He could feel himself stirring, his nakedness unable to conceal his burgeoning arousal.

He was about to make a smart ass comment, when she shifted her hips forward, bowling him over onto his back, the weight of her pussy now bearing down on his body and pressing him into the cushion beneath leaving the only portion of him not under her his head. Grimacing, it took tremendous effort for him just to pull in a breath let alone talk.

Moving her left hand down between her legs, she slipped it into her panties, middle finger making a lazy circle over the delicate folds of her labia.

Grunting under the sheer weight crushing down on him, Tom slipped one arm free and pushed feebly against her, his futile attempt making her chuckle as she continued to play with herself, slipping her finger inside her pussy.

Removing her hand from her panties, she looked at the glob of glistening moisture at the end of her middle finger before lowering it down and smearing the thick juice over his face and head making sure he could sample her.

Ingesting a healthy dose of her secretion, Tom choked and sputtered, coughing for real.

“This must be new to you, five millennia of misguided male rule and just now you come to realize the balance of power is just an illusion,” she said with a soft laugh. Using the arm of the couch, she pushed herself up and off him, setting the mug back down on the table before adjusting her skirt.

Rolling over to his side, he got onto his knees and wiped at the sticky mess on his face, his excitement at full mast.

Chuckling to herself, Serena ignored him, walking away, her shapely ass swaying side to side sexily. She did not need to look back to know he was intently watching her depart.



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