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Author's Chapter Notes:

A tender moment between Tom and his mother 

Where to from here

After removing Tom from the case, Ella held him in her hand a moment, looking down at her boy though he was nearer to being a man, her eyes softening, filled with a lifetime of unconditional love.

Suddenly Tom felt overcome, unbidden emotion welling up in him. Gone was the cocky youth, the cheeky devil, instead there was Tom the boy, vulnerable to the perils of the world, but in this moment, he had the sense that no matter what happened, as long as he was in her hand he would be okay. She would let no harm befall him.

Seeing him struggle with tears, Ella smiled warmly and brought her other hand up under the first, “Shh,” she whispered softly bringing him near her cheek. “It’s okay,” she assured tenderly, a single crystal blue tear sliding silently down the side of her face

Seeing her mother and brother thus, Tess lowered her eyes and looked away. The touching display between them was more in keeping with what she had originally expected from her mother in regards to seeing Tom small. She presumed her mother’s earlier assurance stemmed from the fact they had grandfather’s device and a means to fix Tom. Now, all she had was a long shot halfway round the world.

Carefully passing Tom to Cassidy, Ella wiped the side of her face with a hand, muttering under her breath, “Sciocca vecchia.”

Receiving the tiny boy, Cassidy lay him in her palm supine, examining his body carefully, checking him for injury or impairment other than his diminished condition. “How are you felling?” she asked, testing the range of motion for both arms.

“A little under the weather. Get it? Little?” he asked grinning cheekily, letting her test each of his legs.

“Any pain?”

“Mmm, nope,” he replied, shaking his head.

“Dizziness? Ringing in your ears? Difficulty swallowing?”

“All good,” he answered.

“He seems fine to me,” Cassidy commented, smiling to Ella, “Despite his size, everything seems okay,” she offered, setting him on his feet down on top of the polished surface of the coffee table.

“Fit as a fiddle,” Tom chimed in, doing a little jig.

Tess rolled her eyes, Janine smiled.

Looking at Ella in askance, “I’ll begin making the necessary arrangements for travel,” Lina said, half statement, half question.

Tom’s mother nodded slowly, “Please,” she encouraged, eyes still on her tiny son.

“I’ll have Serena shuttled back in immediately to wrangle the fine print in the legal documentation,” Lina advised, rising to her feet.

Leaning forward in her seat, “I’m not sure the appropriateness of the timing for this but given the amount of schooling Tom has already missed, it might be prudent to set up an endorsed education plan to address any potential obstacles to completing the required course material in order for him to qualify for graduation. He is a very capable student and I’m sure I should have no problem promoting a plan through the academy,” Miss Harwood offered. “Would you like for me to initiate that?” she asked.

Looking to the teacher, Ella nodded, “That would be prudent,” she said.

“I get to it right away,” Katie assured, standing up.

“I think I’ve some things in my room to set up temporary shelter or a habitat for Tom,” Janine put forth.

“I’ll help,” Tess added.

Ella smiled, “Good, you girls should go,” she urged.

“Although everything seems alright and I’m not sure how long it will take to make the travel arrangements, so I think maybe I should remain close for the next couple of days in case his condition changes or other complications arise,” Cassidy said.

Ella nodded before Cassidy departed. With many plans in motion, Tom was left in the sitting room alone with his mother, her green eyes weary and filled with concern.

“You’ve had yourself quite the grand adventure but I’m frightened for you my son,” she said softly, voice barely above a whisper even to his ears.

Walking to the edge of the table nearest her, he smiled up, the expression genuine, “I have no words to offer that might lessen the concern you have in your heart.”

Reaching her hand down, she waited for him to climb in as she brought him to her bosom, “You were always such a precocious child,” she said with a chuckle.

He grinned. “Though not quite a handful at the moment,” he teased.

“I swear you make a point of vexing me,” she replied, shaking her head in mock exasperation.

“It’s good to have a hobby,” he said, spreading his hands.

Ella snorted, “Hobby? Dear child, I think you’ve not only refined it, but you have mastered the craft,” she jested affectionately.

Gazing up at her, the expression on Tom’s face grew serious, “I want you to know I’m not as naïve as you think I am and that I am aware that there are agendas aplenty,” he assured.

Smiling down, “Do you? Given the wealth of women leaping to your aid, I’m not nearly as naïve as you might think I am. You are a man grown but you should exercise better judgement when toying with feminine hearts, they could be your undoing. You and your grandfather are far more alike than you and your father,” she replied, arching her head to the side.

How much did she know? Time to change the subject. “Speaking of grandfather?”

“I received a text a short time ago. Fortunately your aunt found him in the custody of a young nurse in training. Like you he had suffered a similar set back. I’ve to discuss it with Lina, but my intention is to bring him with us to the clinic in Sweden,” she advised, still cradling him. While ultimately restoration was her goal, given the high probability of misadventure, she figured it would be best to calibrate the equipment properly on a man who had lived most of his life as opposed to a boy at the front end of his.

“That’s good,” he murmured, cozying I against her.

Reaching up with her free hand, she gently caressed his hair.


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