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Thursday Night, Coming Clean

Sitting cross legged on the coffee table, Tom positioned himself so his back was deliberately facing the two grinning girls seated on the chesterfield. Neither of them were willing to divulge who did what and it was his intent of communicating his displeasure by the passive aggressive display.

“Don’t be pouty,” Tess encouraged, giggling softly.

“I’m not,” he sulked, crossing his arms demonstratively.

Janine laughed, folding her legs up under her on the couch.

Cassidy and Katie returned, both slightly disheveled and dressed in yoga attire. Cassidy paused at the opening to the living, followed shortly by the teacher.

“Uneventful night?” she asked, eyes drifting to Tom.

Janine and Tess both grinned, Cheshire expressions, “Mostly,” Janine replied.

“Um,” Cassidy noised, opening her hand in Tom’s direction and raising an eyebrow

“He’s moping,” Tess replied.

“Thomas,” reprimanded Miss Harwood, using the authoritative inflection she generally reserved for her classroom.

Pursing his lips, Tom got to his feet, eyes green defiance. He contemplated voicing protest, but judging on the way everyone was looking at him, he decided sullen silence would be more effective.

Tess rose from the chesterfield, Janine following suit.

“You girls going?” Cassidy queried.

Tess nodded, “Big day tomorrow,” she said before bending at the waist above her tiny brother. “Sleep tight Tom,” she added, blowing him a kiss.

Janine chuckled, “Goodnight,” she said, touching the side of his head.

“Goodnight,” he repeated, tone still petulant.

Cassidy walked Tess and Janine to the door, confirming arrangements for the following morning and leaving Tom with Katie.

The teacher stood there, arms crossed, eyes on the tiny youth standing on the coffee table.

“What?” he asked.

“You know what,” she admonished, “behaving like a querulous child.”

He knew he was being childish, that sense of powerlessness irking him. So he had been confined in Janine panties and SOMEBODY had stimulated her using him. Whether it was Janine doing it or Tess, it didn’t really matter.

Letting out a long breathe, he nodded. “You look all sweaty,” he commented.

“Hot yoga,” she replied, “but don’t worry, we’re all going to take a nice bath together.”


“You, me, Cassidy,” she informed.

A bath? Could be fun. Tom was an expert swimmer. Unless there were bubbles. If there was a layer of bubbles on the water he would be mired in them.

Cassidy reappeared in the living room, “Did you tell him about the bath?” she inquired.

Katie nodded.

“I’ll go get the water started,” offered the nurse, ducking out of sight.

Miss Harwood moved forward, extending her hand toward the table. “Be a good boy and come along,” she instructed.

Nodding, Tom moved to her hand and climb on, sitting in her palm, the sound of running water audible in the background.

Lifting him up, she smiled at him, “Whatever shall we do with you tonight?” she pondered, angling her head slightly to the side.

? Looking back on all of the things he had been through, not just with Cassidy and Miss Harwood, but with each of the women, what did he want to do or have done to him that hadn’t already been done? This was going to be his last night of ‘freedom’ and he might never get another opportunity to be with a woman, let alone two. “Everything,” he said softly.

“Sorry?” she said, turning her head to hear him better.

“I want to do everything,” he repeated, his smile transforming his face.

Turning her head back, she smiled at the small youth in the center of her hand and nodded, “Then there will be no safe words,” she advised.

“Bring it,” he challenged, motioning her with his hands.

Laughing softly, she walked back toward the bathroom where Cassidy was seated on the edge of the tub. “There is nothing more exhilarating than an eager student willing to apply themselves to the learning process,” she said.

Cassidy laughed softly, swiping a hand through the steam water before dropping a handful of rose pink colored salt crystals into the tub.

Miss Harwood set Tom down on the counter and he watched the women slowly undress one another before he was collected and brought into the bath by Cassidy.

The bath itself was kind of fun for Tom, one woman at each end of the tub with him spending time moving back and forth while they splashed at him and one another. It wasn’t until the water in the tub was beginning to grow tepid that things started getting serious.

Pushing Cassidy back, Katie straddled the nurse’s waist. Taking Cassidy’s face in her hands, Katie leaned in and kissed her deeply on the mouth, Tom scampering to the side to avoid being caught under the teacher’s descending breast.

Cassidy for her part, reciprocated, hands sliding over the teacher’s hips and up and down the side of her body. Leaning back, Miss Harwood captured Tom by the foot, dragging him across Cassidy’s breast and erect nipple before lifting him up to her open mouth.

Balling himself up, Tom let Miss Harwood move him around inside her mouth before the teacher renewed the kissed and then he was pushed back and forth.

Cassidy used her teeth on his thigh, firm but not painful, to hold him in place while Katie slowly slid her lips up, over, and off his body. Giggling in her throat, Cassidy slowly sucked him back into her mouth, buffeting him with her muscular tongue. When she opened her mouth again, Katie’s mouth was there to receive him as she transferred him back.

Turned topsy-turvy, Miss Harwood repositioned his head near her teeth, tongue propelling him between her lips. The teacher was still in a superior position over the nurse, him hanging precariously between Katie’s lips over Cassidy’s wide open waiting mouth. The nurse waggled her tongue, almost as if beckoning him in, then Katie released her hold and he fell into the gaping maw, Cassidy’s lips closing behind him.

Inside the humid confines of Cassidy’s mouth, she drooled him out over an open space of cloudy water, letting him fall into the lukewarm bath.

Breaching the surface, he sputtered, spitting water out between his lips.

“Shall we move this to the bedroom?” suggested Miss Harwood, moving her hand under Tom as he dog paddled in the water.

Smiling capriciously, Cassidy nodded.


Chapter End Notes:

Next chapter, nothing like going out with a bang...

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