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Stephen awoke to another day in his new wifes bra as she lay asleep with him fastend to her like a baby to his mum. Ever since his 18th brthday a year ago Stephen was arranged to be gifted into 19 year old Stephanie Meyers a bright pretty young nurse.


For Stephen he was kept with Stephanie at all times as she kept him bound to her like he was a precious piece of jewelry. There was good reason for this though and Stephen had heard stories of the cold wild world outside of his wife's bosom. For Stephen to survive he would have to be kept in the custody of Stephanie at all times.



One would qustion why if they looked on from a outside world where men were the dominant breed and the bread winners. Well on this planet Earth life was like that until about 100 years ago in the year 2015 AD.  During this time a strange strain of a flu hybrid mixed with a unknown gene in the male genetic code caused men to get severely ill and die of this strange new strain. Men dropped off by the millions and the world was in a panic,but soon the medical field came up with a cure to save the male breed.


After the toll of the virus was counted up the score sheet left the world with a major gender population gap. The male work force was gone and all leadership positions were taken up by females. The new leaders came to the conclusion that males were to be a protected species and kept out of the world until their numbers rose up.


As a result of this women began doing more taxing jobs and consuming more and more food as their male counterparts were kept under lock and key to save them from the dangers of the world. As women began working more and more they saw their bodies begin to grow larger in size and strength. While they were gaining size to complete their new tasks men saw themselves getting punier and smaller due to lack of work and food. Soon their appetities were nill to nothing as they watched their female counterpart grow lrger each passing day.


As the dynamic shifted women began looking at their men as a child needing their protection. Their maternal insticts kicked in and they felt the need to further bond with their male counterparts. As each gender shifted in this new world men began craving the nutrients of their wives and girlfriends and the women began to need to feed them like a mother would to babe.


Fast forwrd 100years and you have a world where the ratio of men to women has only slightly gotten better. Worse yet for the men of this world was the fact that females craved the bond of their tinier counterparts but they were severely outnumbered. Thus the need for a mother to find a mate for her son to protect him from the feminine mob outside desperate to find a man to suckle and call their own.


Stephen while upset he had very little freedom and no personal time at all was greatful to have such a pretty and compassionate wide like Stephanie. She was overbearing and overprotective but she truly loved Stephen and would lay down her life for him.


She was his wife,his guardian,his protecter and his second mommy. Taking a moment to take in the day Stephen crawled up to his wife's house sized tit and began to get his breakfast. As hi mouth latched onto one of her nipple ducts he could taste the warm sweet milk flowing into his mouth and giving him his nutrients. Stephnie moaned in pleasure and thought of warm motherly thoughts."Thats my baby"she whispered to him.

Chapter End Notes:

The End

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