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Author's Chapter Notes:

A lot of back info about the women, some character development for some of the girls. anyone following my other stories might recognize some of the character names...

Before the Hunt

Up from the lake, situated in the sprawling broad valley nestled amidst the steep surrounding snow capped mountains was a large villa and several other smaller buildings, an enormous complex of structures serving dual purposes both as residence and house of scholastic pursuit. The colossal size of the edifices suggested the gigantic nature of the residents. At the moment, there were twenty one young women in residence ranging in age from thirteen to eighteen studying at the villa. The three women serving as instructors to the young students also resided on site.

Selene and Vanessa both moved at a near run across the valley floor toward the villa, excited by the find of tiny men. Ascending the broad marble stairs leading up to the main building, Selene espied Tanaquil, one of the three instructors at the villa seated at a stone bench along the wall. Although slender, she carried enormous authority in both her manner and posture. Her mature features many would say possessed the characteristics of classical beauty, were it not for the penetrating gaze of her slate colored eyes. Her dark haired was bound back.

Approaching, both girls nodded deferentially. “Mistress Tanaquil, we are just returned from the lake,” Selene said, voice slightly breathless.

Tanaquil held up a hand and frowned, deepening the lines in her face. “This time is devoted to study, what were the two of you doing at the lake?” she asked.

Both girls looked at their feet.

“I see,” said Tanaquil. “And you felt so riddled and overcome with guilt you needed to come confess, or someone else saw you returning and you’ve come to pre-empt them from telling on you. Well, which is it?” she demanded.

“Neither Mistress,” Selene said, extending her hands forward and opening them, Titus in one, two soldiers in the other.

Tanaquil’s eyebrow arched upward. “Little ones,” she said.

“In the forest,” Vanessa added, opening her hands to show her three captives.

Rising to her feet, she closed the tome she had been reading. “We need to alert the headmistress directly,” she said. Turning, she began walking, the two girls dropping in behind.

Through the villa proper and down into the subterranean basement Tanaquil walked, pace brisk enough to force the girls to half run just to keep up. Stopping near a large metal bound wooden door, she knocked.

“Enter,” invited a voice from the other side of the door.

Tanaquil opened the door and held out her hand indicating for the girls to enter before she herself entered.

Light brown hair tied back, Adeline was splendidly attired from foot to head in clothes that accentuated her feminine curves exquisitely. Like Tanaquil, she appeared more mature than the two young women before her. “Must be of terrible import for you to interrupt me when my time is occupied,” she said, voice firm but not cross.

Selene entered first followed by Vanessa, both bowing their heads respectfully. “Headmistress Adeline,” they said in unison.

“They were at the lake when they should have been engaged in their studies,” Tanaquil said.

 “She is a Soulreaper!” blurted Selene, eyes large and round as she beheld the naked blonde woman standing in the center of a containment circle at the opposite side of the room. Though disheveled and dirty, she appeared no older than Selene.

“What else are they called Vanessa?” asked the teacher without looking at the red head, turning instead to look at woman in the circle. Long golden hair tangled and unkempt, gold eyes full of rage, the Soulreaper barred her teeth, lips curled back into a snarl.

“Harvesters, they are also called harvesters,” Vanessa replied, taken aback by the presence of the dangerous creature.

“And how can we identify them?” Adeline asked.

“Their eyes, The Pale Queen said we will know them by their golden eyes,” Selene answered.

“That’s correct,” acknowledged Adeline.

“What is she doing here?” Vanessa asked, “I thought them to be all locked away in their own plane.”

“Someway, somehow, tribesmen in the surrounding area were able to open a portal between her plane and this one,” Adeline explained. “How they managed to open the conduit, I’m not sure, and how they controlled her is a mystery. By whatever agency, they seemed to have lost that control, and she was set free.”

“How is it that she is here in your custody?” Selene asked.

“The Dark Goddess bought her down then delivered her here,” replied Adeline. “The tribesmen who summoned her called her Hildegarde, translated as protective battle maid or something, so that is what I’ve been calling her, but she has yet to reciprocate communication.”

Adeline turned from Hildegarde to face the two young women. “So, what is it that you needed to see me about?”

Both came forward, opening hands to reveal the half dozen little treasures within, the men clinging tightly to fingers to prevent a catastrophic fall.

Adeline’s eyes brightened. “Now that is most interesting,” she said, looking over the half dozen tiny men.

“Romans,” Selene said. “They appeared out of the forest near the western end of the lake. We were able to gather this many, plus a like again amount we’ve already consumed. One of the men said they are at least a dozen more in the area beyond the lake toward the mountain.”

Adeline nodded then looked up to Tanaquil.

“You will each forfeit two of your prey for the indiscretion of foregoing studying,” Adeline said, pointing at the wooden table where there were several assorted bowls and herbs.

“Does it matter which two?” asked Vanessa, crestfallen.

“No child, keep the one you wish, leave the other two,” she instructed.

Selene looked at the figures in her hands. Choosing Titus, she set the two tiny men on the table. Vanessa frowned, intently studying the men in her possession before selecting one and depositing the others on the table. The frightened men crowded together on the table.

Looking at the girls, Adeline said, “You are excused.” Once the girls were gone, Adeline looked to Tanaquil. “Do you think we should call for a hunt?”

Tanaquil nodded. “I presume Delphine would concur. What of this creature?” she asked, looking over to the golden eyed woman.

“She is stubborn,” Adeline conceded, looking back. “Aren’t you Hildegarde?”

The blonde remained silent.

Standing up, Adeline walked over to the table to better see the four men left behind by the two younger women. Reaching down, she picked up one of the tiny men, a soldier named Marius. Walking over near the circle, she crouched down and rolled the little man inside the boundary of the magical circle holding Hildegarde prisoner. The blonde regarded the little man as he got to his feet, his eyes fearful as he tried to figure out a direction to run. Like a startled deer, he bolted. The moment he moved, Hildegarde reached down lightning quick, snatching him up off the ground.

“No, please,” he screamed, dangling upside down as she lifted him up.

Taking a leg in each hand, she pulled them apart suddenly, ripping his left leg free from the rest of his body, all the while keeping eye contact with Adeline. The soldier shrieked, blood spurting from the several femoral artery in his missing leg. Closing her fist around him, bones crunching and blood trickling out of her hand and down her arm, she stuffed him into her mouth and swallowed, before letting the torn off leg drop from her other hand. The soldiers still on the table got frantic, trying to put distance between themselves and the grisly death they had just witnessed.

“I accept your offering,” growled Hildegarde, her eyes glowing balefully as she dabbed a finger in the dead soldier’s blood and made marks on her face.

“The Dark Goddess has asked me to ensure you receive instruction in the appropriate use of power,” Adeline said, shaking her head from side to side.  “Clarissa herself vouches for you.”

Hildegarde smiled.

“What?” demanded a surprised Tanaquil. “She is a bloody Harvester!”

Adeline nodded. “The Dark Goddess wills, who am I to refuse her command?”

Tanaquil stepped forward, finger pointing at the blonde creature penned in the magic circle. “The moment you lift the circle, she will attack, they are savage wild creatures!”

Adeline stood up, facing Tanaquil. “What would you have me do?” she demanded loudly. “Tell Clarissa no? She has assured me Hildegarde has pledged to abide by the Divine Covenant and may be released,” she informed. “Whether you or I or Delphine, or any other likes it or not, that is the will of the goddess,” she declared, the fire in her eyes brooking no argument.

“She should be forced to swear a code of conduct if she is to remain, get her to kneel before the altar,” Tanaquil countered

 “I will only bend before the Dark Goddess or the Pale Queen, none other,” Hildegarde interjected.

Adeline nodded, “The Pale Queen accepts no vows,” she said.

“I sense her close by,” Hildegarde said.

“No, you sense her daughter, delivered here to us when the girl was but a child,” Adeline explained.

“Release the circle,” Hildegarde said.

Adeline flicked a glance at Tanaquil. With a small gesture, the power energizing the circle was gone. Both instructors allowed magci to fill them, ready to lash out should the Soulreaper attempt to attack.

“Hildegarde,” said the Soulreaper, “As good a name as any other,” she said taking a tentative step outside the boundary of the circle. Meeting no resistance, she smiled.

“You will be treated no differently than any other student here, you will be expected to comply with instruction, failure to do so and I will contact the Dark Goddess myself to see you reprimanded. Harm any other student here and you will be punished accordingly,” Adeline said. “Do you understand?”

Hildegarde nodded slowly. Adeline didn’t like it, though she kept her feelings to herself.

“You will go with Tanaquil, she will see to your arrangements,” Adeline said.

“Me?” asked Tanaquil, startled as if just slapped.

“You have a half hour to make her presentable, then we will assemble at the courtyard to announce the hunt,” Adeline said.

“Will I get to hunt?” Hildegarde asked, eyes shining.

“As I said before, you will be treated just as any other, you will be permitted to participate,” Adeline clarified.

Hildegarde smiled wickedly.

At the appointed time, Adeline and the other two instructors stood atop the stairs of the principal building overlooking the courtyard. Delphine struck the triangular chime thrice, sounding the call for general assembly.

Also standing slightly behind the three women, was Hildegarde, dressed in a simple cotton dress, honey colored hair pulled back. Tanaquil had made sure she was cleaned and presentable.

As the young women gathered before her, voices tittering as they milled about. Once all of the girls were in attendance, Adeline held up her hands. “Providence has smiled upon us this day girls, for two reasons. First, I’d like to introduce our newest pupil, Hildegarde.” She turned and beckoned Hildegarde forward. As she came forward, she was greeted to several gasps.

Taking a step forward, “Silence!” barked Tanaquil, eyes challenging anyone to continue making noise or being disruptive. A hush settled over the crowd of females.

Adeline nodded. “Thank you Tanaquil. Hildegarde is here under the dispensation of the Dark Goddess. If her presence here was deemed to be dangerous, she would not be here, period. You will all behave appropriately and any acts to undermine the will of the goddess will be directly reported to her and you can explain why you defied her.” She paused, allowing the notion to sink in. Defying the will of a goddess, let alone the Dark Goddess carried with it the likelihood of divine retribution and possible execution.

“I will state the obvious, yes she is a Soulreaper, yes you have been taught how unpredictable and dangerous they are, but Hildegarde is bound by the Covenant now.”

“Hilde,” said Hildegarde, “Call me Hilde.”

“You may join the others,” Adeline said, motioning her down the stairs.

The girls at the front parted, averting their eyes. One of the younger girls looked up and smiled.

“Secondly, we are going to have a hunt. In the foothills to the west of the lake, there are a number of roman soldiers, at least a dozen or we have been led to believe,” Adeline announced to the group.

Immediately a susurrus broke out amongst the young women assembled before the steps.

Tanaquil shifted forward, raising her hands, stern expression on her face. The gathering grew silent.

“All of you, with the exception of Selene and Vanessa will be permitted to participate in this hunt. We three shall also not participate,” she indicated the instructors. “Whatever prey you capture is yours to do with as you choose. Any disputes over prey will be resolved by either myself, Tanaquil, or Delphine. Is that understood?” Adeline put to the girls. Heads bobbed in unison.

“A hunt?” asked Lily, Selene’s patrilineal half sibling, moving forward. Like Selene, she was pale skinned with long dark hair, bluey gray eyes. Of all the women studying in the villa, Lily was the eldest and perhaps most powerful.

Adeline nodded.

“Given the scarcity of prey, should not some of the lesser sisters be excluded?” Lily suggested, looking to the more senior girls for support.

Voices rose up in protest. Adeline raised her hands to hush them, “All shall be permitted to participate, thus has it been decided,” she affirmed.

Lily shook her head. Turning away, she drew several of the other girls to her.

“A single note from the horn will announce the commencement of the hunt, three blasts will signal its culmination. You shall all have a short time to prepare yourselves

Hilde walked off a short distance. Lily with another girl named Jessa in tow walked up beside her.

“Hilde?” asked Lily, false smile on her face, bluey gray eyes penetrating.

Hilde met the gaze and nodded.

“You’re an aberration, an abomination. Even pale little Serah can claim divine lineage, but you, you’re just a wild thing belched up from some dark forgotten place. You would presume to consider yourself our equal? They,” she pointed to the instructors, “May say you are to be treated as any other, but know this, from this day until the stars themselves are extinguished, you shall never be my equal,” she hissed, voice venomous.

A slow smile curled itself at the corner of Hilde’s mouth.

“Come Jessa, lets us be away from this vile thing,” Lily said haughtily, making a show of turning and walking away.

“Pay her no mind,” said a delicate pretty blonde girl.

Hilde turned to face the speaker.

“Simone,” she said with a smile.

Hilde nodded.

“She’s got a very high opinion of herself,” Simone said, glancing at the retreating back of Lily.

“The others here defer to her,” Hilde said, eyes intent, analyzing the girls in the assembly as they prepared.

“She is likely the most gifted here, except maybe for Serah,” she said, indicating the youthful white haired girl who was seated off by herself.

Hilde nodded. “She is the progeny of the Death Goddess,” she stated.

Simone nodded affirmatively. “She has been here longer than most, very young when the Goddess of Light delivered her here.”

Hilde watched as Vanessa and Selene approached.

“I see you’ve met my sister,” Selene said with a sour look on her face. “I’m Selene,” she introduced, turning to the redhead, “And this is Vanessa.”

Hilde nodded. “Hilde,” she replied.

“You’re excused from the hunt?” Simone asked.

“We were the ones that found them,” Vanessa said.

Simone’s luminous green eyes grew wide, “Truly?”

A single long note from the horn sounded, the hunt was on.

Several of the girls broke into a run in the direction of the lake, Hilde and Simone parted from Selene and Vanessa, before following the frenzied rush. 


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