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Asuka and Shinji together both slept for 14 hours, having been awake for so long over the previous two days.  Eventually, sun began to stream in through the walls of the largely destroyed gym, and the two of them began to wake up.  Asuka began to stretch as she normally did, although she felt a loud thump as her hands hit the back of the auditorium, causing glass to rain everywhere.  Startled, she immediately sat up.  Shinji clung desperately to her nipple as she burst through the roof of the gym, causing plaster, wood, and concrete to fall everywhere.  Some students who had snuck in to the gym to be close to her were startled as the building was quickly falling apart.

            At first Asuka just sat there, not really knowing what was going on.  She blinked her eyes twice in response to the strong sunlight.  However, quickly she realized the chaos that was going on in the auditorium below.  She scooped up several people who were crushed under some of the beams, making sure they weren’t hurt.  Feeling something on it, she retrieved Shinji as well, who was desperately clinging to her nipple.  She looked at the situation, still sitting down on the ground, and sighed deeply.

            “You know I wasn’t requiring anything from you while I was sleeping, right.  I’d like just a LITTLE personal space, not yours.  And for your information, choosing to sleep five fucking feet away from me doesn’t matter much.  If I was not the type of sleeper who can stay exactly still, you all would have been crushed.”  Still, Asuka felt that she had messed up.  She liked bullying people, but KILLING was going way too far for her.  Yet, these people had no fucking inhibitions around her.  It made it very hard to keep track of people, especially as they were getting smaller to her.  And she didn’t want to tiptoe around people either.  The outside wall of the auditorium fell over with a loud thud at this time.  The great Kaju Asuka destroys the school through the destructive action of sitting up.  Well, I bet Kensuke’s already cum from this.  He’d probably want me to destroy the city, too.  There’s nothing more erotic than knocking down a bunch of buildings in exactly the same way and then getting bombed to death, is there.  Oh boy…

            Asuka sat there, still trying to wake up.  Putting the people she gathered up in the grass next to the gymnasium.  Simply left without a word, for the purpose of taking a dump.  She even left Shinji there while she did it.  Her task soon completed, with large quantities of dirt put on it to cover the massive surprise, she returned, wondering how she would go about the rest of her day.  That was when news came to her, in the form of an announcement blaring from a van driving nearby.

            “The pilots of Unit 01 and Unit 02 need to return to NERV immediately!  Repeat.  The pilots of Unit 01 and Unit 02 need to report to NERV immediately!”  Asuka sighed and picked Shinji back up, any budding plans she had for the day already having been derailed.  She prepared to head towards the facility, noticing that most of the regular houses and small stores didn’t even come up to her knees anymore.  In fact, my walking speed is as fast as a car now.  That’s pretty cool.  I suppose this is why NERV thought this would be useful.  Why me though?  Asuka thought all this while she headed to NERV, Shinji in hand.  On the way the streets were being torn up from her massive weight, anywhere she walked being rendered impassable by cars.  She did make sure to avoid other people, however.  She didn’t want to step on anyone, instantly ending their life.  Soon she found herself in front of the entrance to the building, preparing to again engage the Angels.  She soon heard another announcement blaring from the entrance building.   

            “Asuka, a special entrance has been prepared for you, please enter the building through the launch entrance.”  They meant the Eva entrance.  Great.  Let’s go.  Asuka put Shinji down, telling him that it would be okay, that she’d see him later.  Blah blah blah.  He really has become dependent, hasn’t he?  I don’t want to be his freaking mother.  Well, he’s finally walking off.  Okay, let’s figure this out…

            Asuka prepared to shimmy down the shaft, which was approximately the right size for her.  Even as she climbed into it, she realized that it was still quite a fall, but she’d crawl down slowly… except that wasn’t possible.  The surface was very smooth, and she wasn’t able to get a purchase on it, resulting in her falling all the way down the shaft.  She screamed loudly, thinking that she’d break bones in the process.  However, she reached the bottom with little incident, finding out that some sort of padding had been put at the bottom for precisely this reason.  Still, laying on her side she spied Ritsuko in the launch room.

            “So, is there an Angel, is this why we were called back?”

            “There’s no Angel… in fact there hasn’t been one since I first started this experiment.  In all honesty, it may be time to come clean… I don’t think that there’s going to be an Angel anytime soon.  Through this project I believe that we can prevent any more Angels from coming.”

            “What the heck do you mean?”
            “I’ll explain.  When I fir



            Shinji had somehow gotten in the massive hangar where Asuka was located.  Although she was satisfied as she was in there, she knew she wanted to show herself off some more.  It should be a crime to keep me trapped in here, away from my fans.  What are they doing without me?  I have to give them what they want.  And as usual, this boy may be able to help me do that.  “Hi Shinji!”  Asuka waved like a little girl at the boy, about the size of a large insect to her.  As Ritsuko had no idea that she would be growing so rapidly, she was still fully naked.  It suits me, really.  There aren’t any clothes that can handle me.

            Yet behind him a large portion of the rest of the NERV staff followed, the others wearing face masks.  Rei was noticeably lacking one, as well.  Both Shinji and Rei were in their plugsuits, dressed prepared to launch. 

            “Shinji and Rei well launch in the Evas for this experiment,” Ritsuko said behind the mask that hid her face.  “They will both engage in plug forward facing mode, and will test out the mechanism for Asuka’s growth.”  Ritsuko knew she had done something wrong, but if what she was suspecting was confirmed here, it would be much worse than she thought.  

            Asuka then stood up, getting off of the mass of cushions she was on.  She turned to face Ritsuko and the others, who on the banister only reached the height of her breasts.  She pushed them forward when she reached the banister, their flesh meeting weak resistance from the railing, spilling through the gaps in it.  The pink nipples were several feet above them, almost taunting them.  Her chest, over ten feet wide, dominated the view of all the NERV personel, drawing their attention towards the soft supple flesh.  Demanding it.

            “You absolute perverts~  You want to measure the mechanism of my growth.  Plug forward facing mode.  You just want to watch me have a threesome with the Evas!”  Asuka placed her hands on the wall behind the banister, and stood forward on her tiptoes.  This way, her breasts ended up leaning over the other people, fully showcasing how terrifyingly large she had become.  Some of her hair was falling amongst them, it trickling over the banister to where they were.  Her arms were spread outward, palms laying on the wall above them to either side.  What intrigued Aoba was to look at her armpits.  Since she had quit shaving, a small tuft of hair was growing in each one.  It was the same color as that on its head, the fierce red present within the confine of her sweaty, unwashed armpits.  This was especially integral to Maya, who was looking at them with a transfixed look.  Wow… just… wow.  That is the largest armpit I’ve ever seen.  If I could get that.  Better yet, if Ritsuko could become like that herself.  Or me.  I have to find out how she did that… that hair’s got to be several inches long.  And when she sweats… I wonder what it tastes like?

            “There’s… something that we think we can understand from seeing it.”  Above all else, Ritsuko wanted to see how Shinji and Rei reacted towards Asuka.  Keeping on the masks was integral, she believed that there would be bad consequences otherwise. 

            “OK!  I’ll show you all what you want to see… Shinji, Rei!  You heard her.  Get in the Evas.  They complied silently and headed towards the launch room, preparing to go in them. 

            Meanwhile, Asuka, looming over all of them, wanted to find out exactly why no Angels were appearing.  She had realized by this point that it may very well be connected to her, and she wanted to find out exactly how.  Ritsuko’s messed with me so many times.  I will find out exactly what she’d doing.  We can defeat the Angels normally.  As cool as this is, I’d rather be normal, but I have to figure this out first.  I can’t believe they’re showing me off like a piece of meat anyway!  All of the NERV staff have been looking at me so weird. 

            Rei and Shinji both got in the Evas, the two of them walking towards the center of the massive hangar.  They both surrounded Asuka, each of the Evas still twice as tall as than her. 

            “Okay!  Now we will go into the back, where we will measure the vital signs and reactions of the Evas and their pilots.” Ritsuko proclaimed to the other staff present.

            “Well… are… are you sure, Ritsuko?” Maya asked Ritsuko immediately, as if she was pleading.

            “Yes, Maya, I’m sure.”  Ritsuko gave her an odd look, as if she knew what her intentions actually were.  “Now, let’s all go back there now.  NOW!  I MEAN IT!”  At this, everyone who had been hanging around the banister, staring at the massive form of Asuka, slowly began to file towards the observation room, no longer disobeying Ritsuko’s orders.

            “Shinji, Rei!  Is everything normal?” Ritsuko asked through the intercom by the time they made it to the observation room. 
            “Yes… we’re fine.  Do we have to go through with this?” Shinji asked.  “I don’t think Asuka really wants us to do this anymore, and I’ve just been humiliating myself the past couple of days.  I’d really prefer if we DON’T go through with this.”

            “It’s necessary to advance out knowledge of how Evas and the Angels work,” Ritsuko said in response to this question.  And besides, you’re a man anyway, shouldn’t you enjoy this?”

            “You shouldn’t just say that I’ll enjoy this just because I’m a man!”  Shinji shouted.  “This has been very uncomfortable for me…”

            “Alright Shinji, that’s enough.”  Asuka suddenly said, from the side.  “You’re acting like you’re SO tough and above it now, aren’t you!?  You were LITERALLY crawling inside me yesterday, begging for more, and now you act like you don’t like it.  And Rei, quit acting like that.  You know you had fun too, quit acting like that.”

            “I didn’t say I acted like anything,” Rei said in what sounded like a slightly annoyed voice.

            “Well I know how you will act.  Hmmph.  Ritsuko!  Check the scanners!  How’s Shinji’s heart rate?”

            “It’s highly elevated”, Ritsuko said, simply looking at the signs shown on the chart.

            “That’s exactly what I thought,” Asuka said smugly, looking over at Shinji’s Eva.

            “Fine… I know I enjoy it.  I enjoy it more than just about anything else.  Will you enjoy being the size of the planet?”

            “Well… I…” Asuka wasn’t entirely thinking clearly.  She was starting to realize that the potion had some sort of effect on her, yet she wasn’t sure what.  She didn’t know what was going on.  Yet she wanted to go through with it.  Maybe it was her desire to be above others.  Maybe it was an effect of the potion.  Maybe it was just her natural exhibitionism.  But whatever reason it was, Asuka wanted to go through with it.  I really do just want to get bigger and bigger… maybe I’d be fine with staying this size anyway.  I just want to be… bigger.  BIGGER!  BIGGER!

            Asuka was tired of waiting, and leapt forward onto Shinji’s Eva, quickly pinning it down on the floor, her body almost as large as it.  As this happened, Ritsuko began to notice that an unidentified pheromone was spreading throughout the chamber they were in.  Perhaps it’s the reason why people have been losing their self-control around her.  It appears to go up in production whenever she’s excited herself… perhaps Misato was right… I probably need to stop the experiment. 

            The Evas were beings made from Angels, and were themselves the only beings capable of fighting the Angels.  Yet, the necessity of restraining them created a lot of limitations.  The primary one was that they could only operate for five minutes when separated from the cable.  She had hoped to change that with this experiment. 

            I injected Asuka with a potion made from the matter of an Angel we defeated.  Ritsuko thought to herself, wondering why she had allowed herself to do something so idiotic.  A loud noise was heard as Asuka allowed herself to fall down to the ground, spreading her legs, awaiting for the Eva to fuck her with its entry plug.  She was already sopping wet, more so than anyone ever should be. 

            Well… this is probably the last time anything will actually be able to properly fuck me.  This is yet another time that Shinji will be able to go inside me.  I can’t believe that he was so ungrateful earlier.  What does he mean that I won’t like this?  I love this!  I’ll be towering above everybody!  Everything!  Asuka’s mind had largely been possessed by the potion, as she was so far gone that she wished for nothing else than to expand, to get bigger.  Her scent was spreading throughout every inch of air effectively, and had somehow even been able to begin to force itself into the entry plug, as Rei and Shinji both noticed… in their loins. 

            The evas each stood at 80 meters in height, still towering far over Asuka.  However, the entry plugs were still somewhat thin for their size.  Even so, they looked pretty oversized for her at her current height.  Yet Asuka was willing… and wanting… to take the oversized phalluses. 

            Rei felt everything that the Evas did… but it was still odd to feel the front entry plug as a penis.  She had never felt anything like it before… the organ was tingling in the presence of this gigantic girl, spread out on the floor, seeming to BEG them to fuck her.  She just wanted to stick the entry plug in her, right now.  Yet she knew at the same time that she was in it.  When she was lowering the entry plug towards the mouth, a gigantic tongue licking its lips between two thick lips, Rei knew that she was lowering herself inside there, inside her awaiting mouth.  It was enough to show the absurdity of the image of submissiveness Asuka was creating.  She was the one laying there, the one being acted upon.  Yet she was the one giving Rei and Shinji permission to fuck her, making them fuck her with her pheromones.  And she was not an Eva.  She was a person.  A person capable of having coitus with a being standing almost 100 meters tall.  And Rei was the one disappearing inside Asuka’s mouth.  Even if the sensors gave her the perspective outside of her, Rei’s body would be encased entirely inside the young girl.  Entirely.  Inside.  Asuka.

            Rei thrust into her awaiting mouth, giving the wet, squirming redhead exactly what she wanted.  Giving into Asuka’s overwhelming submissive dominance.

            For Shinji a similar sexual haze was playing through his mind.  Just a couple of days ago he had fucked Asuka with his own body.  With his own dick.  Yet now his entry plug, something thirty feet long and six feet wide would be entering inside her.  At her size, these entry plugs would actually be very oversized for the girl.  Yet he knew, at the same time, that she would inexorably grow bigger, that even the Eva’s dick would become insignificant.  She was already beyond human.  Soon she would grow beyond the Eva.  He reached to stroke his own dick within the plugsuit, even while he felt the one on the Eva.  The LCL seemed to put him into a somewhat calm state.  Yet now he felt a sexual energy running through him.  Asuka’s always wanted to be seen as the greatest, hasn’t she?  Now she can be, I suppose.  Ritsuko doesn’t seem to understand how out of control she has gotten.  Her vagina… god, it’s so damn wet.  Her clit is throbbing, it looks like it’s trying to stick out as far as possible.  How big is that thing?  It’s probably a foot tall at this point.  If I was there myself, would she even feel me?  Even if I through my whole body just against that wonderful, pink clit?  She really wants me to put it in.  But she’ll always ask for more.  Maybe now an entry plug will work.  Later though she’ll want the Eva’s arm, then the Eva itself.  NERV will be consumed by it, Tokyo-3… the world.  Everything will go… to swim in her juices.  As Shinji lowered the entry plug towards her, preparing to enter Asuka himself, Shinji knew that she’d truly never be satisfied.

            The two of them began to fuck her at the same time, the two entry plugs sending waves of pleasure throughout the lithe, nimble body of the gigantic girl.  “Put it in harder, Shinji!”  She screamed.  “Your Eva can handle me, can’t it!  I’m not going to go easy on you.”  And Asuka was trying the best she could.  She wanted more of the entry plugs inside her, wanted to take in as much as possible.  As she gagged Rei’s entry plug down her throat, she knew she loved having her holes stretched.  It was like a challenge.  They’re taunting me to take more, to force those entry plugs inside me.  Just watch me!  I can take anything thrown at me!  There appeared to be no way that Shinji’s entry plug should fit inside her entirely, yet with each thrust it reached just a little more inside her.  With each thrust a bit more of the plug disappeared inside her.  With a loud, squelching noise, the metallic dick was spreading the girl wide open.  As Unit 01 did this, at the same time Shinji grabbed her feet, spreading her legs open.  He was kneeled so that he was almost straddling her, thrusting the entry plug into her while she was prone on the floor.  She was still somewhat strong for her size, likely stronger than the Evas.  This was apparent as it was hard to keep up their rhythm.  She thrust her hips hard, alternately drawing in the entry plugs and expelling them out.  The lewd girl loved the fact that everyone else was watching, even if only with the sensors.  I want everyone to watch.  Everywhere.  Any time I’ll fucking masturbate, everyone else will too.  I’ll stand miles above everyone else, but my scent will travel.  When I put my fingers in my pussy, everyone else will fucking stop.  Everyone will shout ‘Asuka’ and will listen at my every heavy breath.  They’ll drink from my sweat and run across my body.  They’ll all live on my fucking body, like the parasites they are.  My boobs will be impassable mountains, standing miles in the sky, pillars of an incomprehensible sex.  No one will think of anything else, and when they want release, they’ll just thrust on my skin, the ground they live on.  They’ll drink my release, swim in it, worship it.  Everyone will know that the only reason they have anything is because of me.  They’d never want to have anything else.  That if I wanted to, I could end them with my breath.  And again they’ll shout my name…

            “ASUKA!”  She shouted her own name even as she came, for once doing so before Shinji and Rei.  Her body turned her on more than anything else could.  The red-haired girl only fucked harder, once she came, her liquids overflowing and spilling dozens of feet to the floor, forming a lake covering much of the hanger.  She was ready for the other two to come, ready for them to swell her yet more.  There was a standard procedure of emptying the liquid within the entry plug whenever there was any source of contamination within it.  Liquid circulated through the plugsuit, and throughout the entry plug.  Upon release the LCL would empty its batch and a new one would form.  This way their release could still enter her.  For now Asuka was simply toying with the Evas.  In the long run, she knew that they would be inferior to her as well.  As everything was becoming.

            Rei bucked the hips of her Eva, sending her entire body again and again into Asuka’s mouth, the entry plug becoming fully coated with her saliva.  As she did this, it was like she had two different senses at once.  One on hand, her hand was able to cover all of Asuka’s chest, her fingers kneading the soft and springy flesh with ease.  On the other, the strongest noise she could hear was of Asuka’s tongue, running around and caressing the entry plug.  The sound of her gagging and sucking on the phallus was incredibly loud, echoing repeatedly within the tight confines of the entry plug. 

            For Shinji, the the effect was even more bizarre… and more stimulating.  As he thrust inside her, his erection was already throbbing, heading towards the place of no return.  His body was now disappearing inside her all the way with each thrust of the Eva, the entry plug somehow being taken up to the hilt. 

            “Holy hell!  It’s breaking me open.  The entry plug is breaking me open!  Asuka was screaming in pleasurable agony, as the entry plug nearly reached her oversized womb with every time it entered her.  She never thought that she would have the opportunity to have sex with a phallus this incredibly large at her state.  It would be something that she would miss dearly in the future.  However, she knew that all good things have to come to an end.  Becoming the overwhelmingly dominant sexual partner to the rest of the human race was worth that tradeoff for her.  But with every thrust, a fire was ignited within her.  Even though it hurt.  It hurts so good.  It hurts so fucking good. 

            The Evas looked like they were manhandling her, like they were just absolutely dominating her.  Asuka began to nibble on the entry plug, and Rei could hear the loud noise of her teeth impacting the entry plug.  I can feel it… down… there… yet it’s happening all around me.  What’s going to happen when she gets bigger… gets… bigger…  Rei by this point was extremely wet, but not just from Asuka’s ministrations.  From what was going to happen.  What would inevitably happen. 

            Shinji could feel her body sucking in the entry plug, squeezing it tightly from all directions.  Even when he withdrew his thrusts, he was largely inside of her.  Even as he held her tight, fit body within his hands, he could hear the wet, repetitive sounds of the entry plug moving through her flesh.  So now I know what it’s like to be a dick… Shinji thought to himself as he was totally encased inside of her.  At this point, the entry plug’s the only thing that keeps me from dying, isn’t it.  If she was like this with anyone else, they’d just become a bloodstain inside her, soon to be washed away by her fluids.  Washed away like the bug they are.  It was this thought that brought him to release, Shinji cumming inside his plugsuit, his semen becoming stuck to his skin even as he furiously pumped against the redhead.  

            “Eeeeee!  You’re all pretty randy, aren’t you!?” Asuka squealed in delight as Shinji upped the tempo of his thrusts as he came inside his plugsuit.  “I hope you’re ready for more… and more… and more…”

            LCL contamination present.  Dumping and recirculating LCL.  That means!  Shinji finally realized what was going on as he felt a sucking force all around him.  The LCL began to empty all around him, and as everything inside the plugsuit was being circulated with it, that meant that his own release was being dumped along with the LCL!

            As the liquid began to empty from the entry plug, Asuka’s vagina kept sucking it in, seeming to want to consume everything.  The powerful organ forced the entry plug to move with its rhythm, going in and out repeatedly with her movements.  As the LCL poured into it, the extreme tightness began to be alleviated for Asuka.  She was still taking it in, but it was with less pain and friction throughout her insides every time.  The plug kept forcing itself as far back as possible, but with each thrust more and more of it was swallowed.  Finally, the Eva’s hips met Asuka’s incredible, glorious butt as it thrusted the entry plug all the way inside her. 

            “She… she’s growing this much every time!?”  Ritsuko was stunned as she was looking at the scene before her.  Asuka was expanding in every direction, her butt alone had to be twenty feet wide at this point, practically the size of a house.  What will she eat?  Where will she live?  I… I’ve created a monster.  As Ritsuko observed the massive girl, she was stunned that her sexual appetite appeared to have no end.  Rather, it only seemed to increase with every thrust.  The lewd girl sucked it in with an odd rhythm now, appearing to take in Eva 01’s increasingly small dick with a fast, sensual movement.  She forced Shinji to move farther towards the ground with every thrust, but as she moved back she stuck her ass high up into the air, forcing him to nearly stand up with every thrust.  Each time Eva 01 thrusted forward, it practically fell on top of her, desperately humping her with all of his effort. 

            Meanwhile, Rei was also being consumed entirely by her, Asuka’s mouth now taking in all of her entry plug as well.  She felt the ministrations of her soft, firm mouth on her nonexistent organ.  She marveled at her swelling body, the fingers of the Eva being pushed back by the expanding firm flesh of her boobs.  Her breasts.  She rubbed her erect, prominent pink nipples with her fingers.  They were practically throbbing with sexual energy, still expanding with the rest of her body.  As they pressed outwards, her boobs began to become handfuls even to the Eva.  Asuka wrapped her arms around Unit 00, pressing its hips into her face.  She seemed to want to force more of the entry plug into her, even though there was no more left.  It was a bizarre feeling, as she could feel Asuka’s hot warm breath flowing sensually around her crotch even though in reality it was flowing all around her, echoing throughout the entry plug.  When she bit at it earlier, she may have created a slight gap, as her pheromones began to enter the plug, driving her increasingly wild.  The scent of Asuka’s sweat was enveloping her, along with her mouth.  As Asuka thrust Rei into her, harder and harder, as she fingered her sweaty, slippery, growing boobs, it became too much for her.  Rei added her own contamination to the LCL as well, forcing the recirculation process to begin.

            Ritsuko was in panic, as she realized that she had made a major mistake with giving Asuka this potion.  Her truly titanic body was now eclipsing that of the Evangelions, and it was still expanding at a fast clip.  As her body eclipsed the Evas, she noticed Asuka looking towards the control room, a sly grin on her mouth even with the entry plug still swallowed up within it.  Finally, she could hear Asuka speaking.

            “Everyone, you all have thirty seconds.  You need to stand back, away from the glass panel.  I will be removing it.”

            “Asuka, you can’t just do that!” Ritsuko shouted.

            “I’m counting.  I suggest you move.”  At this point, everyone was retreating from the outer edge of the observation room, heading towards the back in a panic.  Looking at the swelling girl, forcing two Evas to adjust to her rhythm, her strength was obvious.  As thick as the metal barrier was, it was obvious that she could easily remove it if she wanted to.  Finally, it was confirmed, as when she finished counting, her massive fingers ripped through the wall, stopping merely a foot short of where Ritsuko had retreated.  For a second, the fingers were largely still, as Asuka was able to keep them still even while the two Evas were fucking her.  However, they inched closer and closer to Ritsuko, who stood there paralyzed in fear and arousal from the growing girl.  Her scent was pouring into the control room, and some of the NERV staff were already rubbing themselves, any sense of professional decorum completely lost in the face of Asuka.  Finally, Ritsuko found herself bumping against the tip of a finger almost two feet in height, and suddenly it moved in further, curling around her.  As her other hand completely destroyed the metal barrier separating the control room from the hanger, Asuka dragged Ritsuko outside towards her, forcing her to marvel at the sheer, unimaginable scale the girl was attaining.

            “Now Ritsuko… I don’t want you to resist any… You’re becoming realllyyy teeny, so if you do anything I don’t expect, I could end up hurting you.”  She said this matter of factly while most of her body was still practically vibrating, her massive breasts flopping about, sweat flowing in rivers down it even as she was growing.

            “Now, could everyone else kindly get me some water?  I’m getting really thirsty from all this-I mean, you know, fucking is one of the best ways to exercise there is!  So, just get the firehoses ready, and in return, I’ll stay realllyyy still and let all you pervs feel a girl up.”  At this point she brought her butt down as fast as possible, and thrust it back forcing Eva 01 to be knocked back towards the wall.  At the same time, she spit Rei’s entry plug out of her mouth.  With this, she signified that for now, sex was off limits-and the other two stepped back from her, not wanting to upset the towering redhead they adored.  Shinji regretted letting go of the curves of her magnificent, tight, expanding ass, as the entry plug made a slick wet sound coming out of her, but he knew he had to do so.  He lurched as the entry plug fell several feet after sliding out of Asuka’s pink, throbbing maw.  Besides, there’d be more of her.  There’s always more of her.

            The NERV staff soon arrived on the scene, all of them hypnotized by the girl who took up much of the hangar.  Her growth was slowing, but it was clear by now that if she stood up, she’d hit her head on the ceiling, even within this massive structure.  The Evas, with Shinji and Rei inside them, stood to the side of the gigantic girl, prepared to be called into service whenever necessary.  Asuka, sitting down, swung her head towards the walkway to give her orders. 

            “Ok… so everyone’s going to have to head down to the hoses, but it looks like I destroyed the walkway, so you’ll have to let me help you.”  Asuka said this in a brusque manner, although her voice boomed around them, even though she was trying to be quiet.  I positively can’t help being intimidating at this point, can I?  Asuka giggled to herself when thinking about the ease with which she dominated people.  They’re just waiting for permission to rub their pathetic little bodies all over mine.  Well, they’ll just have to wait a bit longer.  And Shinji’s practically salivating, look his Eva’s still thrusting forward a little.  The Eva might be useful… based on what Ritsuko said, tomorrow should be the last day the potion works, and I don’t think I’ll need any more.  I’ll try to grow the most I can until then, but even so, I should be able to keep up with him in that.  Shinji could be my little pet!  The way everything’s going, I’m going to be queen of the world!  Asuka tore of the top railing, and extended out her hand for everyone to step on, her latest growth now halted.  Several people began to gingerly step onto the palm of her hand, and she gingerly lowered them towards the floor.  At her size, she was too large to operate the water valve, and she’d need someone else to do it for her.   

            As they reached the floor, the people began to reach for and operate the hose.  For the most part, they were enraptured by Asuka, but Ritsuko realized that she had really messed up.  As they got the hose ready, Asuka lowered her head towards the ground, ready to receive the hose’s water.  They prepared the industrial grade firehose, several people lifting it up, and fired it into Asuka’s open mouth.  The force of the jet of water, enough to sweep away ordinarily people, was simply a steady rivulet to Asuka.  The firehose impacted twenty feet away on her tongue, where she greedily swallowed it.  Ritsuko could feel her hot breath on her even as she swallowed the vast quantities of water.  Gallons upon gallons were disappearing down her throat with each swallow, her body having a limitless thirst.  For her it was like a water fountain was operating on low pressure, and her head had to be placed disturbingly close to the NERV staff for her to swallow it.  Yet as her scent permeated the air, their thoughts were overtaken by her, and her alone.  What would it feel like to be inside her mouth, to be pleasured by a tongue which could service a building?  As she kept drinking, Asuka moved her mouth closer and closer, wriggling forward ever so slightly to intimidate them with her presence.  The sound of her lapping at the water was the only one in the air.  Everyone stood there silently as this continued for over a full minute.  Finally, she had her full, and Asuka sat up, creaking noises reverberating throughout the entire hanger as she did so.

            “Well, that was quite good!  I don’t think I’ll be able to get out of the hangar now the normal way, so I’ll just have to do what I’ve been doing, and bust out of here.”  Asuka swished her hair to the side when she said this.  A trickle of water trickled down from her mouth, flowing onto her breasts which were still soaked with sweat from earlier.  Her body rose a monolith above them.  Her breasts were level with the NERV staff members on the railing, just like before, except now it was while she was sitting down.  Maya gawked with amazement, watching water trickle across breasts that were now over ten feet in height, with nipples that stuck out over three feet, now nearly the size of her.

            “Asuka, um… do you think… that I could be placed on your nipple!”  Maya said this loudly, rather uncharacteristically for her.  Asuka looked closer towards the shouting girl, recognizing her as one of the staff members whom she didn’t ordinarily talk to.  It seems that my eyesight is somewhat enhanced now… but she’s still just so small now.  She leaned in closer to look at the tiny girl, her gigantic head appearing just a few feet away from Maya.  It took up the entire range of view for the girl.  Maya could see the curve of her nose, still slick with perspiration from her earlier activities.  Sweat dripped down to the staff below from her sharp chin, crystal blue eyes examining the people below.  Her features were delicate, with soft skin and a lithe, catlike figure.  Ordinarily her figure would be described as thin, but the small of her back was over 30 feet tall.  This was a soft waiflike girl magnified hundreds of times over; the crowd was all mesmerized by her deliberate movements and soft, calm breath.  As she shuffled closer, they all fell in her shadow, Asuka exerting just how complete her dominance was over them.  The railing creaked threateningly as her soft body pressed against it.

            “I suppose I have a bit of time left before I decide to get out of here.  It might be kind of slick, though.  If you want to ride Asuka’s nipple so badly, I want to see you beg for it!”  She looked at the girl curiously as she said this.  Asuka wanted to find out how exactly Maya would beg.  She responded with one simple action.  Maya Ibuki began to strip, taking off the uniform she made sure to put on every day.  After removing the outer parts of her uniform, she took off her undergarments as well, exposing herself completely to the outside world.  It was extremely cold as she felt the cold, metallic surface of the walkway beneath her.  However, it was worth it if she could impress Asuka.

            “Is that all… your breasts are kind of small you know.”  Asuka brought her finger towards the chest of the small, naked girl.  She poked them with her finger, liking the feel of the spongy flesh against her finger.  She’d really miss that feeling as she got larger, but she didn’t really want anyone else to get her status.  However, she kept feeling up the small girl, noticing that it felt almost as if she was grabbing at a handful of breast flesh.  Her body had become incredibly sensitive, and she was able to experience an incredible array of sensations just from feeling up the miniscule girl.  She noticed that Maya was squirming around, putting her arms around the finger.  This was completely public, there were other staff members standing just ten feet away from the squirming girl, watching how someone can have sex with a titaness.  Maya leaned forward, almost entirely straddling Asuka’s finger, arms wrapped as widely as possible around a finger almost twice as tall as her.  Her arms could not reach all the way around the finger, but they were able to get around enough of it to give her a good grip around it. 

            “C’mon… you can let yourself go.  You really are quite passionate.  Show me how hard you can mate with my finger!”  Asuka said this toward the girl, cheering her on as if she was a pet.  And really, she is, isn’t she.  Fundamentally, everyone is reacting as if they’re my pet now.  Shouldn’t I treat them as such?  “C’mon, Maya!  Go all out!  Show my finger how much you love it!”  Everyone was watching Maya as she squirmed further up the finger, humping and kissing it passionately.  She rubbed her pussy passionately up and down the surface of the finger, loving the soft and sensual feel of the giantess’ skin.  In her passions, a trickle of warm liquid was being left on Asuka’s finger, something she could still feel clearly despite her massive size. 

            “Asuka… you feel really great, you know.  Your skin’s so soft…” Maya mouthed this while speaking to Asuka’s giant finger, now rubbing her cheek against the oversized digit.

            “I wish I could have as much fun as it looks like you’re having.”  Asuka, with a mischevious expression on her face, began to leak a globule of spit from her mouth, soon landing upon the small girl. 

            “Does that feel good too?  I hope you like my present.”  More and more spit was falling from her mouth onto the girl, practically submerging her in it.  It’s really amazing how much spit I can produce now.  People do really seem to like it though.  If I ever need any spare money, maybe I can just have my fluids packaged.  I mean, if I keep going like this, I’ll probably have enough for my own factory.  They’ll work on bottling it, and whenever they need any more I’ll just let a loogey loose on the factory.  Of course, if I’m able to get in as much as I want, I’ll probably cover the entire place~.  Asuka’s special delicious nutritious spit!  Her own formula, a sensual and delicious liquid!  Sure enough, Maya was drinking from it, ingesting much of the incredible quantities of liquid.  As she slurped at the sticky liquid covering her body, Maya could feel her body moving faster and faster, using the spit as lubricant on the surface of her finger.  Heat was building up within Maya, her climax impending.  

            “It feels good, Asuka… you’re so beautiful.  I’ve seen you before, around headquarters.  You always were beautiful, your red hair streaming behind you, your confident stride.”  Maya kept praising her frantically as she rubbed herself on the massive appendage.  “You always looked so beautiful in that tight plugsuit… I always noticed the way that it showed off your firm butt.  I’ve always admired you from the moment I first saw you… I wish I could be that beautiful.  I’ve had to look at you from a distance, but to be with you… at that scale… it’s the greatest thing that’s happened in my life.”  Finally, lightly shuddering, she came, mixing in more of her fluids with the vast quantities of Asuka’s spit.  It wasn’t a frantic process like with most people, but one of true devotion.  Asuka realized that she had a true follower present, not one who was forced to her will by the power of her pheromones.

            “Hmmmm… of course I’ll give you what you need.  Hang on tight!  Asuka began to lift Maya on her finger towards her breast, jutting almost fifteen feet out from her body, capped with a nipple almost two feet wide itself.  She held her finger steadily right next to it.  Maya knew that Asuka wanted her to climb onto it herself, and she slowly began to clamber off of the massive finger.  She reached out gingerly towards the massive nipple, putting her hands around the massive pink object.  She began to shimmy her whole body towards it gradually pulling herself towards Asuka’s firm massive breast.  Maya could see Asuka’s legs beneath her, over 50 feet below.  She knew that falling, even onto Asuka’s soft flesh, would almost certainly kill her, but she was desperate to show her devotion to the massive girl.  She was almost over there, her legs wrapping around her nipple, when Asuka giggled at the small girl climbing onto her.  This movement caused her boobs to bob slightly up and down, causing Maya to lose her grip on Asuka.  Soon she had only one arm around her, but she knew she couldn’t stay on long.  At this point she looked down again… to find Asuka’s massive palm beneath her.

            “I know it’s a little hard… I’ll help you get on.  You need to hang on tight, okay!”  Asuka said this while smiling towards Maya in a caring, motherly way. 

            “Ok… Asuka… th… thank you.”  Maya said all this while gazing up at her adoringly, her face almost solidly red.  Asuka used her other hand to pick up her body delicately, making sure that she didn’t put too much force on her and hurt her.  She lowered her and placed her back onto her nipple, and Maya made sure to wrap her legs around it quite tightly.  Asuka loved the feeling of her little lover on there.  Maya was moving up and down practically dancing with joy at the feeling of the firm, springy flesh beneath her.  She loved the resistance the nipple gave her as she squeezed it with her legs.  It even expanded a little as she raise Asuka’s arousal, the nipple spreading her legs apart further, showing Asuka’s true power. 

            Shinji looked towards Asuka from Eva 01 while this was going on.  Normally, Asuka acted very domineering, and while she still did in a way… she was acting much more kindly now.  Maybe it’s better if Asuka’s like this.  I think she’s always wanted to be somebody important, and this way she definitely can be.  Asuka leaned down slowly, letting Maya stay on her nipple while she laid down on the ground.  She propped her head up lazily with her elbow, and surveyed the room contentedly, radiating the aura that she knew she was queen.  Once she was steady, she turned her head and talked towards everyone else. 

            “So… I think Maya’s got a bit of a privileged spot here, but everyone else can help out as well.  I know you can’t resist.”  She picked up the remaining staff on the railing and held them in from of her face, a big toothy grin shining on it.  They knew that if she decided to swallow them that they wouldn’t even be a mouthful, disappearing quickly inside her stomach.  However, they all trusted her knowing that she didn’t want to hurt anybody.  

            However, for Asuka, that was all about to change.  She had reservations against hurting anyone before, not wanting to cause anyone harm.  However they were the size of insects to her, and quickly getting smaller.  They act about the same way to me as well-they just want to crawl over me, like the little bugs they are.  I’ll keep Shinji with me-I suppose in a way he made it all possible.  Besides, I’m not planning to become so big that it would be hard to keep up with Unit 01.  People who act like this adorable little girl will be appreciated by the beautiful Asuka Langley Soryu as well!  Asuka thought this while she was stroking Maya, her admitting squeals that were almost like purring in a way as she sunk into Asuka’s chest.  I’m not going to go out of my way to hurt anybody.  But my size… my fucking size… is getting a little ridiculous.  If I don’t see anybody, it’s too bad for them.  Well… I suppose I should show everyone that no one’s going to contain me.

            Ritsuko was able to maintain some of her clarity, and she soon said “Asuka, that potion contains the genetic material of an Angel!  I’m not sure what it could do to you!”

            “So… everyone, do as you see fit, my body is your playground!  Stay off of my left breast though, I think that’s already been claimed.  She looked at the little people walking up the plain of her toned belly with delight.  Everyone’s so wrapped up in me.  It’s incredible. 

            “Asuka, I meant it!  I shouldn’t have gone through with this project!” 

            “What is everyone else standing there for?  There’s plenty of me.  This girl wants a little excitement.  Are you scared?  I imagine it’s natural to be afraid of someone your size…”


            “…but some people just need to let go a little.  Did any of you ever think you’d have the opportunity to do something like this?”  Asuka spread her legs open, inviting the remaining people on the floor to make the journey between her legs.  She was already getting excited again from all the attention, and there was a small stream of liquid flowing from it towards the people, promising more if they’d make the journey.  They excitedly began to run towards it, leaving Ritsuko behind entirely.  She sighed, realizing there was no way that she could possibly have any control over her at this point.  Everyone was rushing towards her, her smell and her sight becoming the only thing occupying their minds.  

            “There really aren’t enough people here to satisfy me, though-I suppose I’ll have to find some more.”  Asuka knew she’d have many more worshippers soon, it is simply inevitable.  But for the final stage of her growth to begin, she needed Shinji and Rei.

            “You two, you know what you have to do if you want me to be as glorious as I can.  You’re ready right, a few minutes should be all you need,” Asuka chortled, speaking condescendingly to the two pilots.  “I can arrange myself the right way, there’s still a couple of holes you can use.”

            Shinji had largely been standing to the side, simply staring at the girl the entire time.  He was already hard, and was instantly ready to take care of what she wanted.  I can stay with her forever… I will stay with her forever!  On her, inside of her, with her.  I wonder what life will be like from now on.  Shinji went towards Asuka, placing the hand of the Eva on her shoulder, appearing to wait for what to do next.

            However, he soon responded eagerly.  “Asuka… is it possible… could I put the entry plug in your butt?”

            Asuka was taken aback by Shinji responding first.  “Well… I think that could be arranged.  You’re pretty eager, aren’t you Shinji?”

            “Well… I mean, no one’s ever made me feel like you have.  I want to be with you forever, if I can…”

            She knew that Shinji just wanted that because she made him feel good, but it still humored her to hear this coming from him.  “Okay… Shinji… but just because I feel nice.  You’re going to have to crawl under there, though.  I might be a little heavy.”

            “Yeah… um… Ritsuko, could it be possible to make a larger entry plug, for the future?”

            “NO!  Why does everyone keep ignoring me!  I told you, that it’s going to be disastrous if Asuka gets any bigger!”

            “Ah well… ignore her Shinji.  Maybe your Eva will be able to crawl in there soon.  I’ve only got a little more time, so you really need to help me now.”  With that Asuka used her arms to arch her butt high up in the air, giving Shinji room to cuddle up with his favorite ass.  His Eva was still a little more than half her height, so it was an awkward process to crawl under Asuka’s plush, firm butt.  He could feel her familiar scent as he began to feel up her butt, loving the feel of the skin against the Eva’s hands.  He then began to stick the Eva’s head down there, lingering a moment to sniff at her asshole. 

            “Shinji… Ahhahah!  That tickles, what are you doing?”  Asuka rolled around at the sensation of Shinji prying the Evas nose down there, causing many of the people to roll across her stomach.  They rolled down in a heap towards her breasts, Asuka not caring so much about delicacy any more.  She still kept moving awkwardly as Shinji gradually shimmied into his favorite spot.  “Geez… you are always eager Shinji.  Do you want me to fart on you again?”

            “Yes.  I would like it.  They really have a lot of power behind them.  And they’re so mischevious and dominating, just like you.”

            “Well I’ll just have to make sure to then.  I bet soon they’ll be able to knock a building down, you know.  Yep, nothing’s made for me at this size.”

            “Well of course, nothing can stand up to you Asuka!  It would be ridiculous to think of anything standing up to you.  We don’t have to worry about the Angels either, I bet you can squish them all with one stomp.”

            “I… if an Angel attacks do you think there’s a. way we can watch it!  Up close, I mean.  I want to see you reduce it to a pile of goo!”  Maya looked up from her nipple that she was fondling like her partner with a violent look on her face.

            “Yeah… I’ll make short work of it… and anything else that stands in my way.  By the way, Rei, yours works too, so could you be a doll for me, you know, like you usually are?  There’s an available hole to blindly thrust in.”  Asuka opened her mouth wide, a bored expression on her face as she leaned towards Rei’s Eva.

            “Umm… yes.”  Rei said quietly, her mind almost completely clouded by the pheromones.  She walked over towards Asuka’s giant body, running her hand through her hair, and letting the entry plug rest on Asuka’s mouth.  She loved the feel of the plush lips on her ficticious dick above all else, rubbing it up and down the lips to enhance her pleasure.

            “C’mon, I want to get bigger… hurry it up!”  Asuka quickly gobbled up the entry plug putting the whole of it inside her mouth, sucking it at a fast pace.  She knew that according to Ritsuko, she only had until the end of the day.  The way this potion worked, she would be taller than any mountain by the end of it.  Her lower back was fully propped up as Shinji had managed to wriggle underneath it, the Eva’s head under her back.  He was kneading at the flesh of her butt, over and over.  The massive ass was Shinji’s favorite thing in the world by now.

            “What a position, huh.   It really is your favorite!  Now poke that little entry plug in there, and we’ll get this show on the road!”

            “Yes, Asuka!  Shinji kept squirming frantically, getting to the right position under Asuka’s heavy body where his head was entirely under her back.  Finally, he found the right position, with the entry plug positioned between the amazing buttcrack, and began to thrust.  He felt his dick sliding in and out of her asshole again, faster and faster.  Even as he did this, he wrapped his arms around her butt as well, sinking his fingers into it even as he thrusted.  At the same time, Rei had now come to straddle Asuka entirely, the entry plug now swallowed up by her mouth.  Her tongue was furiously prodding the entry plug, trying to bring Rei to climax as quickly as possible.  She could feel many other sensations throughout her body at the same time.  Just as Shinji and Rei were fucking her, so were the other miniscule members of the NERV staff.  They were being knocked about by Asuka’s movements from Shinji’s thrusts.  However, whenever they were steady, they thrusted into Asuka’s body without abandon.  She felt the effort of all these people, only about an inch in height to her, throughout her highly sensitive body.  She could feel tiny people thrusting their hips into her skin all throughout her stomach, as well as the miniscule deposits of liquid many people left as soon as they came on her, Asuka’s body and smell being too much for them.  Her sex being the only thing anyone else was thinking about proved to be too much for Asuka.  She was already approaching her own climax, her river of liquid being added to the lake she had left earlier.  Shinji, even in the Eva was trapped underneath her, Asuka simply proving to be too much for anything.  He knew his dick was becoming insufficient, the space he was inside nothing more than a toothpick to the hyper girl.  Even as he was losing himself, one question came to his mind.

            “Asuka, how much do you weigh?”  Shinji asked with excitement tinging his voice.

            “Well… let’s see here.  I’m around 200 feet in height, so probably around… 3200 tons.”  She said as if it was completely normal.  At the same time, she was clenching her butt, trying to get as much of a feeling as she could for the entirely insufficient phallus.  At the same time, Shinji could hear the flesh contracting sloppily onto the entry plug, as he was surrounded by Asuka entirely.  She proved to be too much for him, and with barely any time having passed at all, he came into his plugsuit again, filling it with much of his semen.  Again, the recirculation process again happened, and Asuka began to swell to something larger than a true skyscraper, to proportions that would normally be considered beyond impossible. 

            “It won’t be too much longer until I break out of here as well… it’s not like any building can contain me.”  Asuka said smugly as many of the people on her body were knocked over, the result of Shinji’s thrusts intensifying from his climax.  Rei wasn’t there yet, but she figured it wouldn’t be much longer.  That should be enough to outgrow this entire place.  She used a finger to steady Maya, as it became very hard to stand on her at all as her breast bounced up and down.

            “Now there… if you have trouble staying on me at the size I am now, it’s going to be a lot harder when I’m through growing.  I guess I’ll have to stay very still when everyone’s busy thrusting their tiny cute hips into me.”  Asuka chortled as she kept Maya steady.  As the fluid from Shinji’s entry plug began to empty, Asuka knew that everyone would be in for quite a ride.  It was kind of nice to feel someone thrusting in me again… I guess I’ll never experience that. 

`           Her growth began to resume again, the people on her stomach feeling themselves move as they stretched against her expanding skin.  Several people came on her as they felt her skin expanding forcefully against her own, something Asuka felt quite clearly.  She knew she would soon break out of this room, her body causing the Eva hangar that intimidated before to break all around her.  I’d have it no other way, Asuka thought smugly.  And they’ll all be my dolls, just one sight of me, one whiff of my scent, and they’ll all be like dogs, following my every stupid order for the chance of sniffing at my butt.  Just like Shinji. 

            She still kept growing, her body becoming nearly the length of the entire room.  Ritsuko found her feet approaching her, the pillars of flesh stretching as high as a house in the air.  Her sweaty, musky feet were too much.  Ritsuko had been silent, trying to resist the temptations of Asuka.  But as she grew, her scent became stronger, her voice more forceful.  Everything about her is just so damn overpowering.  Finally, with the sweaty foot nearly reaching her, Ritsuko abandoned her senses and began forcefully licking the bottom of the gigantic sole, savoring the feeling of the rough surface against her tongue.  The licking tickled Asuka slightly, but she wasn’t going to give Ritsuko any attention right now, not after what she said to her earlier.  She should be lucky that someone nice became gigantic… I could have squished her like a bug. 

            As she kept growing, Asuka picked up Rei so that she could handle her better, smiling tauntingly at her even with her “dick” in her mouth.  She showed that the Eva was like nothing to her, her bulk able to lift it in one hand even as she kept growing.  She sucked the entry plug like it was a straw, the entry plug proving to be no match for her vast mouth.  As she did this, Rei felt heat building up within her again, amazed at how easy she could dominate her, even while she was in the Eva.  The ease with which she managed her was enough to bring her to climax again, and a low chuckle emitted from Asuka about how pathetically easy it was to bring anyone to orgasm.  Asuka again bit in hard at the entry plug, denting it and eliciting a sharp pain from Rei.  As soon as she felt the pressure on her, Rei began to squeal from pain and delight.  As she deposited her own fluids into her plugsuit, Rei thought with ectasy about her becoming even more of an overwhelming force.  Asuka bit in harder, at an intensity that would have easily drawn blood if it was a normal dick, but it simply caused Rei to squirm harder.

            “You like that… don’t you?  You’d like me to just consume you entirely, like the pathetic doll you are.”  Asuka bit even harder, the end of a tooth suddenly appearing above her, as she pierced the entry plug, causing it to loudly creak.  The entry plug creaked ominously as she did this.  A streak of red hot pain and pleasure coursed through Rei’s body as she did this.  She was completely at the mercy of Asuka’s mouth. 

“Okay Rei, this is hilarious.  Now please make me even bigger~.”

“Why… why does this feel so good.” Rei had been overcome by her senses and drool was leaking out of her mouth as she laid there in a stunned state.

Soon her juices circulated through the plug into her mouth, and her rate of growth began to accelerate yet further.  Everyone was finding themselves moving upwards as her belly expanded in size, the toned surface rising higher and higher.  Asuka’s shoulders were bunching up against the wall, even as her head, merely leaning up slightly, approached the level of the upper platform.  Equipment was being shunted to the sides of the room from the unstoppable force of Asuka’s swelling body. 

“Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my… Asuka!  OH!”  Maya was completely overcome at the same time as the nipple she was fondling swelled beyond her size, the pink fleshy pillar pushing her arms further and further apart as she could no longer wrap them around it.  She kissed and humped the surface, even as it pushed back against her.  Finally, she abandoned herself to mindlessly humping the swelling nipple, growing even faster than the rest of her due to stimulation.  She nibbled at it, loving the feel of the dexterous, sensual surface.

“It’s getting kind of hard to keep track of everyone in here.  You may have to watch out for yourselves a bit.”  Asuka said this matter of factly.  As Asuka swelled further, the nipple was becoming twice as tall as her, swelling larger than a car.  Her nipple alone can completely overpower me.  Asuka began fondling at them, overcome by her feeling of power.  As she grabbed at her massive breasts, she trapped Maya underneath her sweaty nipple, rubbing her up and down her boob, pressing her face harshly between the slick surfaces of her fingers and her boobs. She sunk many feet into the soft breast flesh, her being surrounded by Asuka on all sides.  She grabbed as many of the other people as she could, stuffing them all into her boobs as well.  They were being relentlessly bruised and battered as they were roughly forced into her evergrowing boobs, the soft, pliable flesh approaching the size of houses.  Each boob seemed to be living beings of their own, soft overpowering aromatic flesh, swelling, with fat, cocky nipples sticking out prominently towards the air.  They were twin monuments to Asuka’s incredible sexuality, their sheer size indicative of her raw sexual power.  She had about twenty people, yet they barely covered an appreciable amount of their surface, all of them licking and fondling the breasts as best as they could.  Yet, even as she did this for her amuzement, these people were all too little to truly please her.  She seemed more sensitive at her size, and yet the movements of these people did not do anything for her breasts compared to her massive probing fingers, frantically grabbing at her breasts in an attempt to bring her towards climax.  God they can’t fucking do ANYTHING!  Hmmph, my breasts are just overwhelming their pathetic bodies.  Boobies, boobies, my boobies are nice.  I can turn myself on well enough, I don’t exactly need anyone else.  God, these things feel great… if only I could have sex with myself. 

Her growth still did not stop, and Asuka started laughing as she had to curl her legs within the now cramped hanger.  The foot Ritsuko was pressed against was lifted off of her, ascending dozens of feet into the sky.  She then saw Eva01 rushing past her, ending up slamming against the wall itself.  However, far more impressive was the absolutely incredible butt now pressing into the wall, the metal groaning and creaking as her cheeks flattened against it.  She saw the still growing, vast chasm of her butt crack, now appearing to be a vertical cliff.  She was trapped in the space against it along with Eva 01, an infinite ass with an incalculable weight.  The butt could flatten her without even noticing, and it was STILL growing.  The cheeks were vibrating from Shinji’s efforts, the Eva still pressing into her oversized, and growing, dominating asshole.  The waste that thing must be able to put out is indescribable… I feel like waste.  What right do I have to live alongside something so incredible, so overwhelming?  I am like waste next to her… even if she ate hundreds of people it would barely make a meal.  All she could hear was the sound of Asuka having “sex” with Shinji, she still contracting her butthole in a vain effort to feel the toothpick of an entry plug.  Even so, the girl was able to draw incredible pleasure out of Shinji, each contraction of her butt feeling like nirvana itself to the young boy.  The Eva was flattening into her, feeling at the flesh of the massive girl.  As Shinji felt his Eva being pushed back by a force greater than any he had faced, Shinji was sniffing her, taking in Asuka’s distinct smell, and thrusting against her with increasing intensity. 

“Shinji, you really can’t hold yourself back at all can you?”

            “No… I can’t Asuka.  I just love the feel of your butt!  You have a really amazing butt Asuka.  It’s squeezable and huggable… Maya’s right!  It always looked so good in your plugsuit.  I always wanted to put my face between those cheeks and smell them, like what I’m doing now.  It’s a dream come true!”

            “Go on…”  Asuka said, loving the feeling of Shinji spazzing out about her.

            “It feels…. Pleasant.  Your breasts have a springy softness… and everything about you.  You’re able to take control of everything so well… perhaps that’s an important part of your sexuality.”  Rei said this, just a hint of admiration present in her monotone voice.

            “Well… I… uh… thanks Rei.”  I didn’t expect that coming from her… this is so fucking awesome.

            “Your breast is the best lover I’ve had!”  Maya chirped in really quickly, wanting to show he adoration. 

            “Well of course it is… people describe breasts as being a handful, pleasant to squeeze.  When yours is the size of a house it becomes something far better.”

                “Of course it is, it’s only natural.  My boobs are something different from normal ones entirely.  You cant’ exactly compare them to anyone else’s.”  Her own power was pleasuring her more than anything else, and Asuka reached one of her hands down towards her massive pussy, ready to achieve her climax.  She needed to show Ritsuko exactly what would happened to anyone who defied her.  Already Ritsuko’s shoes, and the bottom of her feet were wet, the result of her wading through Asuka’s juices.  However, as her climax was approaching, the liquid began to pour out in a greater intensity.  Ritsuko began to find it harder and harder to stand, as the viscous liquid poured out of the growing girl at a faster and faster rate. 

Asuka slammed her other arm against the wall and screamed in pleasure as her orgasm approached.  She left a gigantic hole in the wall as she did this, the reinforced sheet metal instantly succumbing to the incredible force of her arm.  She bucked her hips up into the air as well, almost a hundred feet.  This instantly launched the people on her breasts far into the air.  They all rose high into the air, dozens of feet before they fell back onto her soft surface.  Some of them were okay, landing back onto her soft breast flesh in a way so that her fall was properly cushioned.  However, many were not so lucky, breaking arms and legs as they landed upon her.  One man even died, obliterated from a routine movement of Asuka.  Even those who were hurt were still thrusting upon Asuka’s glorious body, so lost in their pleasure that they kept thrusting onto her even as pain was shooting throughout their bodies.  Upon noticing what happened, she tried to approach her climax a bit more gently.  She didn’t care about anyone else, but she wanted Maya to be safe.  Good worshippers like her should be rewarded for their efforts, Asuka thought to herself. 

Ritsuko was now becoming completely submerged in her clear liquid.  Even as much as she was pouring out, it was only forming a shallow layer in the space between her butt, the clear liquid wouldn’t even really be a puddle if she was normal sized.  However, at her current stature, it was now forcing her to swim throughout it.  She was battered back and forth from the currents that emerged from more and more ejaculate pouring into Asuka’s little pool of love.  It was easy to stay afloat in the viscous liquid, but waves of it ended up pummeling her, seeming to punish her for her defiance to a goddess.  Some of it forced itself down her mouth, and as it did, she noticed how incredible it tasted.  There was nothing like it before, and as she swallowed it, she found herself removing her lab coat and undergarments, wanting to be lost entirely within Asuka’s discharge.  She ended up swallowing more of the pungent delicious liquid, savoring its taste, wanting to drink from it forever.

Yet she was still inexorably swelling, and Asuka knew she would soon be out of there.  Rei was now staddling her neck in Eva 00, and she was thrusting her pathetic, tiny hips into her without shame.  Asuka would likck the tip of the entry plug, lingering on it agonizingly slowly, the massive tongue teasingly caressing the tip.  Then she pulled it all into her mouth, the tongue battering it and washing it with her saliva at a rapid pace, it running all the way up and down her shaft several times a second.  Suck.  Suck.  Slurp.  One hand forced her deeply into her, reminding Rei that the phallus was incredibly tiny, nothing to the growing, demanding spoiled girl.

“Ah~  I am a little spoiled aren’t I.  I just want a little… more… from my dicks.”  Sluuuurrrppp, “but Asuka likes licking her little Rei candy.  You like me licking at it, don’t you little Rei dolly.”

“Ye… yes!”  Rei was gasping from the efforts of Asuka’s fast ministrations, largely letting herself stay there and be acted upon.  She came to lightly fondle the entry plug with her tongue, dancing across the tiny shaft with precise, deliberate movements.  In fact, her tongue was now larger than the entry plug, it not even nearly able to reach the back of her throat.  As she was doing this she fondled herself faster, generating a waterfall of her juices flowing from her vagina around Eva 01 to the floor.  Each of her fingers was now as large as the entry plug penetrating her mouth.  She ran her lips up and down it even as she ran her tongue underneath it, easily running it down her entire length.  She was still rocking back and forth slightly from Shinji’s desperate thrusts, yet she was able to hold Rei steadily in her mouth, slurping at her erection.  Rei wrapped Unit 00’s hands around her hair, running her hands through the soft, red carpet of hair around her.  There was a pleasant smell to it as she laid Unit 00’s head on the top of Asuka’s, smelling her wonderful hair.  She placed another hand on her nose, even loving the feel of the pleasant skin of the bridge of her nose against her.  She saw her eyes and mouth were practically radiating with joy.  Her mouth was curled up in a Cheshire cat’s grin even as she continued to suck on unit 00’s dick.

“I’m such a little girl… I just want to be a little bigger.  You’re going to help me get a little bigger.  I want the nice filling on the inside of your candy… then I’ll be just a little bit bigger.  You’re having fun too, aren’t you Rei?”

            Rei couldn’t even respond as she was lost in a sea of pleasure, the result of Asuka’s incessant ministrations.  She was again approaching her peak, Asuka already getting close to eliciting another orgasm from both Rei and Shinji.  And then I’ll be able to show myself off to the world.  Asuka licked the entry plug more and more greedily as her own climax was approaching.  It’s time for everything to be my playground.  Every time Asuka moved, the entire place rattled, equipment being easily crushed under her swelling skin. 

Shinji was losing himself to the feeling of her asshole, succumbing to the rhythmic contractions of the flesh, now a hole as wide as a tunnel.  He could no longer wrap even the arms of the Eva around her butt, and Asuka kept pushing his pawing flesh outwards through her growth.  As he thrusted, it felt as if he was being sucked into her entirely, every contraction pulling him deeply into her.  Yet he knew that he already was inside her, that he was inside the dick probing her asshole.  He was a human buttplug, and yet not only was he insufficient, but the entire entry plug was.  This is too small to be a freaking butt plug for Asuka.  Will a building be too small someday?  Maybe eventually all everyone will see is her magnificent ass, blocking out the sun entirely, and we’ll hurl closer and closer as she pulls the planet in…

Asuka was thinking about this at the same time, her fantasies in sync with Shinji.  With one finger I’ll draw the planet in, slowly to my ass.  And it’ll go in easily, so easily.  It’ll slip in and I’ll say ‘is that it… but it’s so itty bitty.’  Then I’ll make the smallest of farts, and the whole thing will disappear, the entire planet will be vaporized in an instant.  I’ll have to be very careful, won’t I? 

Thinking about this, she decided to fart on Shinji’s dick again, as his reaction to her farts never got old.  With another slight contraction of her ass, she unleashed the force of wind upon him.  On one hand he felt it on his prick, it forcefully impacting the entry plug.  He could also hear it all around him, his body being shaken from the force of wind upon the entry plug.  The sound of her slight bowel movement caused a massive noise which shook Shinji’s eardrums from inside the entry plug.  This torrent of wind was felt by Ritsuko, who was blown back by the force, even as she was swimming in Asuka’s juices.  The noise to her was deafening, just as every word she said was.  Someone of Asuka’s scale was simply baffling, and it drove Ritsuko over the edge, her body shuddering even inside of Asuka’s cum.  At the same time, Asuka got what she wanted, as Shinji was drove over the edge as well, Asuka’s farts proving to be the most potent aphrodisiac imaginable to him.  Soon yet more of his semen would pour into and be absorbed by Asuka’s titantic asshole.  One that was soon to become even larger.

As Shinji emptied his semen into the entry plug, Asuka was still sucking on Rei’s entry plug as if it was a straw.  “Rei… are you close… does it feel good… Rei… the entry plug only appeared to be three inches in length to Asuka.  It was going to become even smaller as she grew yet further.  Although the entry plug could not reach the back of her throat, with her swirling, hungry tongue Asuka was able to bathe the phallus entirely with her saliva.  The saliva functioned as a lubricant, enabling her to go faster and faster as she brought Rei towards her own climax.  Finally, she began to clamp down upon it with her teeth and sucked on it as hard as she possibly could, while Shinji spasmed from his orgasm.  Rei screamed and writhed inside the tight entry plug, as she was contained entirely within Asuka’s mouth.  The LCL had run low and was not entirely able to replace itself last time.  The chamber was only partially filled with LCL, but the hole in the top of it was gradually being replaced with Asuka’s spit as her salivation poured in continuously through the hole, drenching Rei’s head in the sticky, smelly liquid.  On one hand it repulsed her, but such feelings were overwhelmed by the sensation of sheer power Asuka was able to exert.  She could conquer Rei from merely a trail of her spit.  She could also see the surface of the vast, powerful pink writing muscle above her, something operating with vast strength.  As she squirmed in pleasure, all Rei could think about was how she could see the tongue licking at her entry plug at the same time she felt it at the nonexistent organ on her crotch.  Rei finally abandoned herself and screamed as her liquids ran out into the inside of her plug suit.  Asuka kept sucking with vigor the entire time, and as Shinji’s semen found its way into her insides, the strength began to increase.  She was already growing around her, the entry plug becoming smaller than one of her fingers.  She was finding herself curling up within the confined space, Shinji again finding himself flattened in Eva 01 against the wall, her butt pressing against him. 

“Man, this place is simply cramped.  I really don’t think I’m meant to be cooped up inside here.  Well… I suppose it’s time to bust out.”  She was thrusting her fingers in and out rapidly, her liquid forming a layer over thirty feet deep in the crevice created by her body.  They were able to pry at her more deeply than just about anything else in existence, and the exhibitionist Asuka did not shy in letting that be made known.  “There’s really not much you can do for me at this point.  But I’m nice.  I’ll let you see me fuck myself realllyyyy good, dollies.  I can go in me reallll deep, a hundred feet.  Nothing else can.  Maybe I’ll let you go in there sometime, to splunk in my cave.” 

“I’d like to go in there!  Could I go in there now!  I really want to see it!”  Asuka suddenly heard Maya’s exuberant voice.  Somehow she had climbed on top of her nipple, and was looking up towards Asuka’s face with beaming eyes.

“Um… there’s a real river raging right now… you might just be swept away if you go in now.”  Asuka said, looking down at the girl, now approaching the size of an ant. 

“I suppose it won’t get any easier… I’ve got a bit of growing left to do.  Later, when I’m done, maybe we can have people go rafting in it.  But for now… you’ll have to be patient, okay.” 

“Okay...” Maya looked up at Asuka with a calm joyous smile, as she was enraptured by her new goddess. 

Asuka’s growth began to speed up as Rei’s liquid was poured into her as well, her tongue swirling around the entry plug, attempting to prolong her orgasm.  Shinji had reached the end of his, yet was still pumping desperately in the throbbing asshole, wanting Asuka to grow yet larger.  The other people were all being forced to slide towards the same spot of their stomach as Asuka grew yet larger and was forced to bend over within the confined space.  Her head was being forced towards the ceiling, as she was bending over.  Her feet were being forced upwards, heading towards the ceiling as well.  There wasn’t much room left for her to go.  With Rei’s ejaculation being added, it was quickly going to run out.

“I wonder what Tokyo-3 will think when they see this.”  Asuka mused to herself, thinking about how she’d make her big debut.  Everyone bunched up against her stomach were still thrusting on Asuka’s sweaty skin, a convenient orgy having formed near her belly button. 

“Geez… you really are tiny now.”  Asuka remarked attempting to look at the throng of people on her belly from her cramped position.  “Well… my knees are bumping the ceiling now.  I suppose I’m about to destroy this place now.”  Rei was now wrapped around Asuka entirely, Unit 00 now the size of a doll to the titanic girl.  Her arms were wrapped around her head, and Asuka was still lightly sucking on the entry plug which barely pierced her lips.  The entire chamber smelled of Asuka, the strong sweaty smell of her skin mixing with the more pungent odor emanating from her armpits.  I really am turned on by myself, Asuka thought, breathing in her scent deeply.  Oh well, I suppose it’s not like anyone else would be able to do the job at this point.  Wow… Asuka looked at her sweaty breasts, each approaching the size of an Eva unit.  She could barely feel Shinji, still trying vainly to pump in her plump ass.  I guess I’ll never really be able to have sex with anyone again… except myself.  I really am the only one worthy for me.  The walls of the room were vibrating loudly, her body no longer finding any room within the cramped confines of the hangar.  Loud crashes reverberated throughout the room as with a burst of effort Asuka kicked down the wall on the far end, resulting in the liquid flowing out from there, spreading throughout many of the other rooms in NERV’s facility.  Ritsuko was swept out with Asuka’s discharge, finding herself moving along with the current.  She was almost completely spent, finding herself taken with the sweet smelling liquid. 

“Ok everyone, be careful.  You can get in my hand.”  She extended her arm out towards the people trapped near her belly button, including Maya who was currently thrusting inside of it, drinking some of the sweat that had pooled up within it.  She clambered out and walked towards Asuka’s outstretched hand, clambering into the massive palm, standing almost forty feet across.  When everyone got in, she covered it with her other hand, still being oddly careful, even with her massive size.  I just don’t want to hurt anyone who’s so devoted to me, Asuka thought, rationalizing her decision. 

“Ok, Shinji, I’m sorry, but you’ll have to wait a couple of minutes.”  With an audible pop, Uniot 01’s entry plug was forced out of Asuka’s asshole, Shinji still attempting to thrsust within it even as it was shifted out of his reach.  The walls were falling apart as Asuka stuck her arm through one of the walls, plowing through dozens of NERV offices.  As her feet broke through, the entire place finally began to fall apart, Asuka not being able to be contained by any building.  With dust raining from all directions, Asuka finally began to stand up, Rei clinging onto her desperately as she just held Unit 00 by the mouth.  Rei had her arms clinging to Asuka’s skin, not even able to wrap themselves around the face.  The thin entry plug, held in Asuka’s pursed lips, didn’t appear to provide enough protection.  Yet it was all that Rei had to rely upon as she clung to Asuka, her body stretching far above the pyramid of NERV’s headquarters.  Shinji was left in the collapsed room, staring from Eva 01, which now stood only a little above Asuka’s ankles.  He simply gazed up at her in adoration, her face appearing to be the sun itself, blocked only by the small form of Unit 00 clinging to her.  Her hands were still closed, clamped around her followers, sheltering and protecting them.  The one exception was Ritsuko, who lay in another room of the facility, injured, laying among the wreckage.  She simply lay back there, Asuka’s liquid still filling the room around her, equipment floating in the viscous liquid.  She looked up and saw Asuka standing high above her, ignoring her.  Maybe I should have done what she wanted, Ritsuko thought wearily.  She soon lay back and fainted from exhaustion.

“So… I guess I’ll put everyone down now.  I’ll be seeing you later so don’t miss me.”  Asuka put her hand on the ground, unfurling her fingers and giving them plenty of time to climb down from the appendages.  “Okay… Shinji, I’m going to take you with me… not that I imagine you exactly mind.”  She grabbed Unit 01 casually in her hand, like it was a doll.  She stretched her massive form, preparing to go out from there and who her incredible body off to the world.  


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