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Jessica was a few miles away at the evacuation point as she was regulating how many people were getting into the transporter. It she was doing everything that she could to stop people from panicking but she was quickly losing control of the situation. Despite her size it seemed that everyone was more afraid of dying rather than the fact that there was a hundred and twenty plus foot giantess standing before them. She could feel some people climbing over her feet as they were trying to get to the transporter. She couldn't see them since her large breasts blocked her view but she still did her best to bend down and pick them up. Her large breasts were also making her a little unbalanced when she was bending down. She was still getting used to having such big breasts and this was something that was going to take some time.

She began to hear her VSC device on her wrist begin to make a noise but rather than it being the emergency alarm it was indicating that someone was trying to communicate with her and she quickly pressed the receive button and brought the device close to her mouth. She didn't know who it could be or even why they were communicating to her.

"Jessica this is Dennis do you copy?" asked a masculine voice. It only took her a few moments to realise that it was Agent Fredericks. It was nice to hear a familiar voice after everything that was going on.

"This is Jessica," replied Jessica.

"I need you to come to the power plant right away. I'm uploading my location to you right now. Please come as soon as possible."

"Are you alright? You sound a little off?" She had been able to detect the sorrow in his voice but she wasn't sure if it was because of the line between the two communicators or with Agent Fredericks himself.

"Yeah I'm fine." He was lying to her but he was only doing it so that she wouldn't be concerned with him. "I just need you to get here as soon as you can. Drop whatever you're doing and come to the plant."

"Ok I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Good, please hurry."

The link went dead as Agent Fredericks disconnected from his end. Jessica was somewhat puzzled with why she was being told to go to the power station. She knew that it was the cause of what was happening but she didn't feel like she would be any real help in preventing the explosion.

Jessica shrank herself down to her minimum height and almost immediately a sea of people tried to get passed her. This forced her to grow up to her full size once again so that they would back away for the moment. The fact that she had shrunk and then grown again so quickly had caught some people by surprise and she understood that she would have to stay this size for the time being so that the situation could still be handled.

In the end she was forced to turn towards the transporter which was only moments away from lifting off. She still needed to tell Agent Hancock that she had to leave and travel to the power plant. It would mean that she would have to deal with all these people by herself which would be a close to impossible task.

Jessica squatted down and looked into the still open transporter. Inside she could see Agent Hancock making sure that everyone was ready for take-off. She had been too busy to hear Jessica's conversation with Agent Fredericks.

"Hey Hancock I hate to do this to you but I've been called to the power plant," said Jessica as she knew that Agent Hancock would not like this. In truth there was not much that she could do.

"You've got to be kidding me," replied Agent Hancock with much disbelief in her voice. "How do you expect me to keep all these people in line by myself?"

"I don't know but I really need to go." She did feel guilty about leaving Agent Hancock by herself but she knew that Agent Fredericks would not have contacted her if it was not of the upmost importance. "I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise."

Jessica stood back up and looked forwards but with the sea of people in front of her she couldn't see a decent area to place her foot. Almost everywhere that she saw there were people and if she shrunk and tried to get passed them it would take too much time and she would be most likely crushed by a stampede of people. She took a deep breath as she knew that she would probably hate herself for what she was going to do next. One thing that she couldn't hear was Agent Hancock inside trying to communicate with another agent so that they could take Jessica's place.

"Ok people I need to walk away from here right now. I need you all to move so that I can walk out without crushing any of you. Believe me there is nothing more that I want than to see you all safe but right now I need to leave. I expect you all to still enter the transporter in a safe and calm manner. Do everything that Agent Hancock tells you to do and everyone will be fine."

Jessica had to lift her large foot over the crowd so that they would move enough for her to place her foot down. She had to wait a few moments before doing this and she had to repeat the process multiple times before she was clear of the crowd. Some of these people were now truly afraid of her but as she hoped no one was crushed or even injured. With the crowd on her way she could concentrate on getting to the power plant.

The next thing that Jessica did was take a look at the co-ordinates that Agent Fredericks had given to her using her VSC and unfortunately for her the quickest to get to the plant was to go through the city. She still remembered the failed training exercises that she had as she tried to go through a simulated city. Unfortunately this time if she destroyed any buildings while walking they wouldn't be simulated. They would be the real thing and she could be destroying a person's life by doing this.

"Ok Jessica you can do this," said Jessica in her head. She took deep breaths and even wanted to close her eyes but if she did she knew that she would be asking for trouble. "Just imagine you're walking down the street and there is nothing abnormal about me. It is just a normal walk."

She began to take her first few steps and she was frantically looking around for anything that might cause her to trip over. She kept her eyes out for obstacles like cables, signs, vehicles and other objects that were a tripping hazard. Since everyone was at the evacuation points she didn't have to worry about accidentally stepping on someone. This was at least one relief for her.

Each footstep Jessica took made the ground shudder for a moment and she feared that she might leave indentation on the ground. Although the vehicles on Home were mainly hover vehicles she still thought that there would be some disruption. Also even though she was a giantess many of the buildings around her still towered above her. It was only these buildings that prevented her from feeling like a true colossus.

With each step Jessica's confidence was beginning to grow and she started to put the doubts out of her head. The fact that there was no one around did make the task somewhat easier for her and she took each step as they came. She was doing better than she expected and she knew that if Agent Fredericks saw her he would most likely be very proud of what she was doing.

Unfortunately Jessica didn't know just how little time was left, if she had she would probably have picked up the pace. If she had she most likely would have made a mistake and accidentally caused billions in damage. She even saw her reflection in a building of glass windows and although she did like what she was seeing she didn't have to time to stand around and admire herself.

It took Jessica several minutes to get through the city to the power plant on the outskirts. Overall she had been happy with her city walk although she did cause some damage as she knocked over a couple of signs. The damage to the city was minimal and would only prove a minor inconvenience for the city to replace the signs.

One thing that did surprise Jessica when she reached the plant was its size. It was bigger than she expected and even though she was a giantess she did feel relatively small in comparison to it. But to enter the building itself Jessica did need to shrink so she muttered the word 'Small' and moments later she was back down to her smaller size. With no time at all she rushed inside through the main entrance and used her VSC to locate Agent Fredericks' signal.

Inside the agents were getting anxious. They knew that Jessica was on her way but there were only a few short minutes before the reactor exploded. Agent Bolton was doing everything he could to delay this from happening but even he was not a miracle worker. There was only so long he could prevent the explosion but he still couldn't stop the Bicovio from rising. Before long the plant would be too dangerous for anyone and only moments after that the explosion would occur.

Agent Truly was still in a bad way. She had yet to regain consciousness after her exposure to the Bicovio and the others were getting worried that she would never recover. Agent Lang in particular was getting more anxious than the rest of them. He felt that they were only moments away from getting killed but Agent Fredericks was still keeping his cool. He placed his hand on the shoulder of Agent Lang who had been pacing back and forth. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

"Please Rich calm down," said Agent Fredericks as he hoped that this would help calm down Agent Lang. Unfortunately it seemed to have little effect as Agent Lang still seemed to be agitated.

"Where is your trainee?" replied Agent Lang. "If she doesn't get here soon there will be a crater that stretches from here all the way to the Idonian District." This was a region some distance away but it was likely that the blast range would reach there along with the same distance the opposite direction.

"She will be here I promise you. Junior Agent Snape is not a slacker, she'll be here before we know it I'm sure."

"It's not just that, if we are able to stop the explosion we could still lose Philece. I don't want any more agents dying under my command."

"They won't my friend. You've done a good job keeping us alive and you will continue to do so until the mission ends."

"Is there anyone here?" asked a feminine voice. Both agents looked over to where the voice was coming from and much to their relief they could see that Jessica had finally found them. This was probably the greatest voice that they had ever heard due to the situation at hand. It seemed that a small part of their hope had been reignited.

"Jessica? We're over here!"

Moments later the two agents saw Jessica at the entrance to the room. Agent Lang was never more relieved to see a junior agent but he had no time for this as there was still a lot that needed to be done. All he could do was watch as Jessica made her way towards them. She was outside the range of the Bicovio but she didn't know about it. She couldn't see it at all and it was only really through luck that she wasn't being exposed to it just yet but this would change soon.

Seconds later Jessica reached where the two agents were standing and she was surprised to see Agent Truly lying on a nearby table. She began to fear that she was dead but she did see her hand move slightly and it was enough for her to know that she was still alive. But she still had no idea why she had even been called.

"Jessica you're here and not without a moment to spare," said Agent Fredericks. At first he was smiling but this soon faded away as he was going to have a hard time asking Jessica to lay down her life to save the people in the city who had yet to evacuate. It was going to be the hardest thing he was ever going to do and he just hoped that he could live with himself afterwards. "Jessica there's something we need you to do and I'm not sure how exactly I can ask you." He pointed towards the reactor which was on the verge of exploding. "Over there is what's causing our problems. In only a couple of minutes that reactor is going to explode and take out the city and everything in the surrounding area." He paused for a moment so that he could compose himself. "We need you to grow to giant size and remove the cables so that the reactor can stabilize itself. All safety restraints have failed and you're our last hope of saving the city."

"Sure that seems easy enough," replied Jessica. She didn't realise what the danger was and Agent Lang felt like he had to step in to break the news to her that she would most likely not survive the experience.

"If only that were true," said Agent Lang as he stepped towards her. "The reactor is leaking out Bicovio and already most of the ground near the reactor is covered with the stuff. You're the only one of us who has the body to withstand the Bicovio for an extended period of time and the strength to disconnect the cable. Unfortunately your survival doesn't seem to be very likely."

"What?" She was in some disbelief over what she was hearing. She couldn't believe that her mentor and an experienced agent were asking her to lay her life down. "Are you asking me to kill myself?"

"Please Jessica it's not like that," replied Agent Fredericks. "We wouldn't ask you this if there was any other way. My body won't be able to withstand the Bicovio as long as your body does at giant size. If I could I would do it myself but I would be dead before the first cable was pulled out and Agent Lang wouldn't get anywhere near it." He gave a sigh. "I know that we're asking you to make the ultimate sacrifice but think about all the people that you will be saving, the children who will be able to enjoy their lives thanks to you and I assure you no one will ever forget the sacrifice you make today. I know that we haven't known each other for a very long time but you're a wonderful person and if you do somehow survive today you will make a great agent. I cannot force you to do this but consider what will happen if you don't act."

Jessica fell silent for a few moments as she considered what she was being asked. The thought that her life would be coming to an abrupt end like this. She thought of all the things that she had been looking forward to in life, getting married, having a family with the man that she loved. She did still have her date with Bobby that she had been looking forward to but it seemed that she wouldn't get the chance.

She knew that either way she was going to die in a few minutes because even at her largest size she couldn't outrun the blast radius of the explosion. The VSC used by the agents at this point in history were too primitive to be able to generate their own short distance vortexes. The only thing that Jessica had going for her if she did nothing was that she would have a quick death, the only downside to this was that thousands if not millions of people would also die. If she did try to disconnect the cables she would die a slow and agonising death but at least she would save the lives of many good people. She knew that as an agent she would have to put her body on the line for the good of other people. She just didn't think that it would have happened so soon.

"O-ok I'll do it," said Jessica in a relatively quiet voice. A couple of tears were rolling down her face but the next thing that she felt was Agent Fredericks giving her a hug. All she could do was hug him back for the moment and due to his body he felt incredibly soft. When she was in her arms it was easy to forget about her extreme height since he was much larger than her.

"Thank you Jessica," replied Agent Fredericks. He soon broke the hug off since if they continued to hug and not do any work then everyone would be in trouble over it. "Agent Bolton will walk you through the process. Good luck my dear and for what it's worth it was an honour being your teacher."

Moments later Jessica stood some distance away from the reactor. She was just short of the Bicovio field that littered the area in an invisible blanket of toxic particles. She could feel her heart beating through her chest and more than once she had considered turning back but with everything that was at stake she just couldn't allow this to happen. She took several deep breaths as she took a quick look up at the ceiling. She was surprised with how high it was and she even thought that she would be able to reach her full size in there without her head hitting the ceiling.

"Junior Agent Snape are you ready?" asked a voice. The voice belonged to Agent Bolton who was talking to her through the VSC. Slowly she lifted the device up to her mouth so that she could speak.

"Yeah I'm ready," replied Jessica with a small amount of fear in her voice. She began to feel as scared as Shelly was when she found herself face to face with a gigantic, naked Jessica.

"Ok first things first for this plan to even work you need to be at your full size otherwise you'll die within a couple of minutes."

"Right here I go." She lowered her arms and prepared herself for what was to happen next. "Big." She soon felt her body rocket up as she grew extremely fast. In almost no time at all she went from being close to seven feet tall to being a one hundred and twenty foot plus giantess. The first thing she felt was a sharp impact on her head as it came into contact with the ceiling. She did have enough time to bend down slightly so that her head didn't go right through the ceiling. But no sooner had she reached her full size she lifted the VSC back up to her lips. "Ok now what?"

"Now make your way over to the reactor and you'll see four large cables connected to it. You need to remove all of those cables carefully. If you shake it up too much it'll cause the reactor to explode sooner than anticipated."

"No pressure there then." She gave a sigh as she looked down to where the reactor was. She was in an uncomfortable position in the sense that she couldn't stand to her full height but right now it was the least of her worries. "Ok here I go."

Jessica began to take a few short steps towards the reactor and almost immediately she could feel the Bicovio impacting her body. It did make her body feel a little giddy and it did somewhat take her by surprise. She didn't need too long to recuperate as continued to make her way towards the reactor. She didn't want to think about what the Bicovio was doing to her body. Instead she was thinking about all the people that would be killed if she failed. She could see her father disappearing in the explosion and Bobby burning alive. Probably worst of all she could see Alicia. Rather than it being Alicia dying due to the explosion but rather the way that she had stormed out of Jessica's house earlier that day. She felt that she would never see Alicia again.

At her size it only took Jessica a few seconds to reach the reactor but she could feel herself becoming weaker. Even at her size the Bicovio which was being leaked generated by the reactor was taking their toll on her. She knew that she didn't have long before she lost consciousness and then after that she would succumb to it. She only hoped that she could perform her task before this happened.

As she looked at the reactor she saw the large cables that Agent Bolton had mentioned. To her they looked quite small and already she didn't know that she had already lasted longer than anyone else if they had attempted this. She took a deep breath as she grabbed the first cable and pulled it out with one quick pull. She heard the reactor rumble and it did make her a little worried.

"Careful there Snape," said Agent Bolton through the VSC. "That was close to setting it off, try doing it slower."

Jessica didn't respond but she took the information in and she held onto the next cable. It was located near the bottom of the reactor and she did pull it out but this time she did pull it gentler. Unfortunately it was using up precious time that she didn't have much of and she could see the world around her starting to get a little blurry as the Bicovio continued to infect her body.

Agent Fredericks could see what Jessica was doing from the distance and he was extremely worried about her. He felt guilty because in this situation he felt completely useless. He would have loved nothing more than to run to her and help her pull the cables out but he knew that he wouldn't be able to get near before succumbing to the Bicovio. His hated to admit that his fate was not in his hands.

As Jessica went to pull the third cable out of the reactor she saw that her hands were becoming wrinkly and if she could see her face it would look like someone was draining the life out of her. She didn't have time to worry about this however and could only concentrate on the mission at hand.

Agent Bolton was still keeping his eye on the reactor readings through the computer screen and because the cables were being pulled out things were seemingly getting better inside. He still knew that it would explode shortly but when the final cable was pulled out the reactor would revert back to normal. He didn't want to imagine just how much Bicovio was being absorbed into Jessica's body. He thought that it was a miracle that she hadn't succumbed yet and he knew that she probably only had seconds before she fell.

Jessica wrapped her enormous but wrinkled up fingers around the final cable. She tried to pull but her strength had seemingly left her body and at first she couldn't disconnect it. She tried a couple of more times and she knew that it would take the last of her strength to pull it out. She was still very afraid since she knew that this was probably going to be the last moments of her life and with her final shred of strength she gave the cable one more pull. It was enough to disconnect it from the reactor and there was a loud screeching sound that made everyone think that it was about to explode.

The only one who knew the truth was Agent Bolton who was still looking up the readings for the reactor on the computer screen. Much to his delight everything was returning to normal and he couldn't believe that Jessica had actually done it. It would only be a few more moments until the reactor completely stabilised. He couldn't help but smile as the thought that the city wasn't going to be completely obliterated could bring a smile onto almost anyone's face.

Agent Lang could also afford to smile for a moment as he was fed the news that the reactor was not going to explode. Agent Fredericks on the other hand couldn't have been more horrified as he saw Jessica was still standing but it looked like she was on the verge of death. The life had practically been completely drawn out of her and to look at her a person could believe that she was over a century old rather than being an eighteen year old young woman. She was so weak that she could barely speak and all he could do was watch as her towering body began to crash to the ground.

As Jessica fell her body was already beginning to shrink. The poor woman was unconscious before she had even hit the ground and due to the size of her breasts the weight had caused her to fall forwards rather than backwards. Thankfully she had shrunk so fast or else she could have crushed the reactor causing it to explode.

Despite the danger to his own health Agent Fredericks ran towards her as fast as his bloated body could carry him. Everything around him didn't matter to him at that moment in time, all he was concerned with was getting to Jessica and tears were rolling down his cheeks as he thought that he had just lost not only his trainee but his friend.

As soon as he reached Jessica's body he picked her up as if she were weightless. Thankfully due to the fact that the reactor had been stabilized the Bicovio level had begun to fall almost immediately so now it was not as deadly as it was. It would only be a few moments before it dissipated all together but it seemed that the damage had been done. Jessica lay there seemingly lifeless in Agent Frederick's arms.

"Don't go Jess, don't go," said Agent Fredericks with tears in his eyes as he gently shook her to try and wake her up. There was no response from her and he was beginning to think that he had truly lost her. "You're a strong girl and you're going to live. I won't allow you to die."

There was very little chance that Jessica was going to survive. No one in history had ever absorbed that much Bicovio and lived to tell the tale. For the moment all Agent Fredericks could do was try and get her some help but the very little life that she had within her was beginning to be snuffed out. She had prevented the reactor from exploding and thus saving the lives of countless people but now it was her life that was in danger. If she were awake there would be a small glimmer of hope but even then there was almost nothing within her. It seemed like she was past the point of no return.

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