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Garrett waited at the dinner table. Kira was making his favorite tonight. Spaghetti a tomato sauce with meatballs and parmesan. Damn he loved this chick. His last girlfriend had been a little psycho, and was no cook. He loved a hot, home cooked meal. Something so satisfying about coming home after a long day to enjoy her trimmings was exactly what he needed in life right now. Kira was flirty and cute, if just a tad shy in bed. Still, any blonde willing to cook for him was worth fucking. Dinner would be ready soon, so he waited patiently on the couch, glancing between his phone and the TV. Sports recap, it was mindless background nice. His stomach growled impatiently. Apparently one part of him was unwilling to wait in silence. It couldn't be helped.

Kira stirred the pot again. The pasta was almost done, and her sauce was all put together. Touch of salt, little extra cayenne, some basil. She dipped a wooden spoon in to confirm. Perfect. Grabbing the colander she set it into the sink and lifted the large pot with a set of oven mitts. She leaned in to pour the water and spaghetti, letting the boiling liquid drain off before setting the pot back down onto a hot plate. She retrieved the strained noodles and returned them to the pot before taking the pan, bubbling slowly, and pouring the savory red liquid overtop. The meatballs strewn over the surface, the liquid drizzled down to coat the remainder of the pot. She fetched the Parmesan, freshly grated, and placed it on the table. Next she hoisted the completed pot of pasta to the table and set it dead center. She smiled in satisfaction, Garrett would love it. Cooking was always satisfying, and having someone to appreciate it made it even better. She was happy to have Garrett away from his ex, apparently the woman was an atrocious chef, and a bit of a mental case. Better him with her, she figured. He was after all, a passionate man and an excellent lover. She moved the small vase of flowers that normally rested on the table over to the main granite counter to clear some space. As she opened her mouth to let him know dinner was ready, the doorbell rang. She halted abruptly, before calling out to him.

'I've got it hun. Come to dinner, its getting cold!'

'You don't have to tell me twice. Damn that smells good!' he replied.

Kira smiled to herself as she made her way to the door of her small house that they were sharing. It was plenty room for the two of them, and so much nicer than an apartment. In small towns like this, a house wasn't so affordable as in the big city. She was glad she moved here and met Garrett on the job site. Directing traffic as a flag girl payed pretty well, and with his added salary, they easily shared her mortgage payments with ample to spare on a good meal or a nice TV. She reached the main entrance and looked out through translucent glass windows paneling either side. Kira couldn't see anyone, so she unlocked the door and opened it wide. Nobody stood on the front door. Glancing around at the street, she saw two passersby, but nobody in the small garden that led from the street to the entryway. She shrugged, turning back to the house when the welcome mat caught her eye. Resting there was a bottle of wine and a card. A gift? She lifted the green glass bottle, a Sab-Cav from a winery she was unfamiliar with. Neat. The card was more generic. 'Great work on the site these last few weeks you two, enjoy the wine.' So it was from their boss, Pete. Everyone knew his gruff tone and bulldog face were all bluster, he was actually such a softy. She hadn't ever received a present from a boss though, shame he couldn't just hand it to her personally. Guess word about her and Garrett had gotten out over the last few weeks. Apparently even Pete knew. She took the bottle in one hand and the card in the other, and strode back inside.

'Who was it?' asked Garrett, already helping himself to a second serving. The lid lay next to the pot, steam drifting up above the kitchen table.

'Pete, he dropped off a bottle of wine and a card. A thank you it seems. Didn't stick around to say hi though.'

'Ahaha, that's so like him. I've been working with the guy for two years now and he's never taken the time for a real face-to-face conversation. Still, what a softy.'

'My thoughts exactly. You want a glass?'

'I can't say no to a free bottle of vino. Here's to Petey.' She uncorked the wine and poured it into two separate glasses. They tapped glasses and he smiled at her. She did like that smile. Like she was the only girl in the world.

Ivy waited just down the block. She watched as the blonde woman came to the door and opened it. She looked surprised for a moment before reaching down to inspect the present that Ivy had left for the happy couple. As the woman took, Ivy glanced at her watch. Five minutes should be plenty, she decided, and casually began to stroll back towards the house, bag in hand. Past the set of gardens lining the walk from the street, she approached the front door. She quietly tried the handle. It was still unlocked. Perfect. The door slid open and she stepped inside. Not bothering to take off her boots at the front mat, she closed the door quietly behind herself. Looking around, she was in a quaint house. Shoe rack, closet, small hallway, the usual generic crap. She hated this girl already, and her taste for the boring only lowered her rating. Ivy crept forwards down the hallway. The scent of basil and tomato sauce filled the place, and she salivated. Trying to assure herself that she wasn't here for pasta, and that finer foods were on the menu, she pressed onwards, glancing through the first doorway. A small empty bathroom. She continued, quickening her pace. The next area turned towards an open living room, and directly adjacent a kitchen. The place appeared empty. Ivy knew better, of course. If all had gone according to plan, there would be small set of figures in the kitchen. She peered around at the tabletop. Seeing two plates of unfinished pasta still giving off a small column of steam. Two chairs were pulled out at the one corner. And standing atop each were small figures, only but a few inches tall. The female one was perhaps a touch smaller than the male. Without a doubt, she was staring down a miniature version of Garrett, so that would make her his newest slutty flag girl. How cute they looked together, trapped helplessly on separate chairs. The gap separating them was but a few feet, but at their size, the precipice was too far for either to attempt. Ivy laughed heartily and they both turned. She beamed back at them.

'Hello Garrett, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I just wanted to pop by and see how things were going with your latest gal-pal.' Ivy glanced at the table again. Two place mats were labeled 'Kira' and 'Garrett'. Adorable, she mused, trying not to gag at the insufferable cliche.

'And you must be Kira then. I do hope you appreciated my present. Well, how could you not, considering how much you each have already had.' Ivy chuckled again, phony and light. They looked terrified of her at their current size. It was for the best, after all, she wasn't intending to cast pleasantries at them forever. She hadn't quite decided what to do with this Kira though, but something would surely come to mind. Ivy set out her bag on the table and removed the device from inside placing it next to the open pot that waited on the middle of the table.

'Now what to do with you two.' Ivy smiled devilishly.

'Oh! I know! She opened the small cap off the Cherry sausage maker and walked towards the seat where Garrett stood, peering over the edge. He cowered as her hands reached for him, plucking him up by the shirt and lifting him from the chair.

'Well don't you look cute honey. In fact, you are just the perfect size for a little experiment I was hoping to try. You see, I'm famished, and well, I've got a bit of a craving. Mind helping a girl out.'

His arms flailed wildly, but she casually tossed him inside the main chamber of the device all the same, replacing the cap to confine him properly.

'And what to do with you my dear.' Ivy smiled, tapping her chin. Turning to see the room, she spotted the small glass vase, three stems of spring flowers resting in water by the sink. Ivy waltzed over to it and lay the stems outside before pouring the water out into the sink. She brought the vase back to the table and rest it beside the output shaft of the sausage maker. Then she reached down to grab Kira and dropped the small woman into the jar. Peering down inside, she smiled again at the tiny figure, now trapped below the narrow neck of the vase where the water previously sat.

'I'm sure you'll want to watch this, dear. So try to pay close attention. I haven't decided exactly what I'd like to do with you next, but maybe if you behave yourself, I'll see about changing you back. Either way I'm famished. Let's see about turning that boyfriend of yours into a fitting snack.'

Ivy returned her gaze to the machine. Taking a small casing from the tray, she slid it over the shaft and check to see that the grind function was off. Satisfied, she tapped the on button and waited. It hummed to life, and Ivy hummed with it. Slowly, the device began to extrude Garrett, headfirst into the casing. He slid along slowly, the casing expanding as he entered until his body filled it entirely. As he reached the end of the shaft, it dropped and twisted. A clamping sound completed the process, and the sausage then fell to the table, contents firmly sealed inside, directly in front of the vase.


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