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Author's Chapter Notes:







As Earth became uninhabitable, and humans began to die off, four goddesses stepped in to prevent the total eradication of their loyal human servants. Each about the size of earth, the graciously allowed Humans to live on their bodies in space safe domes made by humans. They were strategically placed so the goddesses wouldn’t have to much of an interference in their new lives of roaming endlessly through space. Of the current twenty billion inhabitants of the Earth at the time, only a fifth of them survived, roughly one fourth of the survivors went with each goddess.


Jason awoke, wishing he had gone with one of the other goddesses. He was with Vendrun, a demoness who was treated like a goddess by an insignificant, ancient civilization. Vendrun had remained in power over the years by infecting humans minds into partially following her. Every stupid act you had ever made, might have been caused by Vendrun. Jason grabbed his hooded shirt he had to wear before heading to the local palace of worship.


Despite seeming to be generous, Vendrun only took in humans to turn them into tiny slaves. Anyone between six and sixteen were required to go daily to the palace of worship, and worship her for a while. After passing sixteen they would be required to do whatever she wanted, and somehow she could communicate with everyone at once. People like Jason were lucky, he only had to worship her as the “goddess” wanted him to, and occasionally go and let himself be rolled around in her country sized hand. Jason was also lucky, considering he and the other citizens were protected by a magic veil, preventing anything from killing them so long as the “goddess” wanted them to be.


Jason walked across the bright red flesh of Vendrun’s arms, as she had decided to not create roads, to his destination. As he walked, he heard the seductive sound of her voice invade his ear. “Jason, please come over to my face, I have something very important to say to you, and I want it to be in person”


Jason diverted from his course, and began walking towards the face of his master. Soon, a giant servant of Vendrun’s found Jason. Vendrun knew at her size she couldn’t manage everything going on across her body, so she created minion’s that stood about one-thousand feet in size to deal with minor problems she might have. Vendrun’s minion picked up the tiny Jason.


The minion spoke in the same seductive voice as Vendrun “Well Jason, it’s time for me to take you to my master” She clutches him in her hand, and slowly makes her way to Vendrun’s face. Jason was terrified in the grip of the minion as sometimes they had been know to take away someone’s veil of protection and either swallow them whole or to crush them like the tiny speck they are.


Jason slightly squirmed in the grip of the minion as they proceeded, and that had been a mistake. The minion temporarily takes away his veil of protection, the fingers clutching him begin crushing his bones to dust. Blood squirts from inside of him. Jason cries out in severe agony. “I’m sorry!” he screams “Please forgive me!” The minion returns his veil of protection. Jason weakly comments “Thank you for your mercy” Jason’s wounds slowly heal as they continue along.


The minion smiles at her work, seeing the tiny human weak and bloody. “You’re lucky little human” she says, still with the calm seductive voice of Vendrun. “I was rather hungry, and despite your tininess, you would have made a satisfactory meal.”


Jason shudders a little at the thought. He had seen people being digested alive when they had first arrived about four months ago.


After a few criminal’s thought it would be funny to take some extra food from the food production laboratories, they had severely angered Vendrun. Vendrun assembled everyone near her stomach, and magically made a device that allowed them to see inside of her stomach. Vendrun ate those criminal’s, chewing a few, letting the others live. She then swallowed, and everyone could only watch in horror, seeing their remains turned into nutrients inside of her.


Vendrun had punished other “Criminals” in the same manner ever since, letting them slowly digest inside of her gorgeous, but evil body. Jason then replies to what the minion had said, as was required when a minion spoke to you. “It would be an honor to be slowly digested inside of you as you are an embodiment of my master, and I’m lucky for you to even consider digesting one as puny as I am”


The minion smiles in satisfaction “If Vendrun didn’t have plans for you, I’d be happy to oblige.” The minion then pressed Jason against her belly, letting him listen to the gurgles of her stomach, being emitted from deep inside of her. Jason rubs the belly of the minion so she doesn’t get upset.


The minion then hoists Jason above her mouth, placing him on one finger she slowly inserts her finger into her beautiful and enormous mouth. Saliva drips from the roof of her mouth, and onto Jason. Jason tries to get up, but is mesmerized by the utter beauty of the inside of her mouth. The giant minon closes her lips and slowly drags her finger out, leaving Jason inside.


Jason falls onto the minion’s soft, wet tongue. Jason gets up, covered in saliva, warm breath washing over him. The minion slowly brings Jason around her entire mouth, her reddish tongue tasting him all over. The minion lets out a seductive noise of satisfaction to show she enjoys his flavor.


Her gigantic tongue wraps around Jason, tasting his body to the fullest extent. Grinning, the minion begins to tilt her head back. Jason begins to struggle, panicking as the throat looms before him. The minion’s tongue let’s go, letting him slide down hundreds of feet, covered in saliva to his oncoming doom. Jason screams in terror, rapidly approaching the giant creatures throat. “Vendrun, please save me my goddess!” he screams, the throat hungrily pulling to grab him. It’s no use as the throat gets its wish, and Jason slides right into it. The giant minion swallows sending Jason on the slow decent into her stomach. She then takes off his veil of protection.


The muscles constrict around Jason, slowly pulling him down. The muscles also begin to crush his tiny body, as he is so fragile now.


Soon he is teleported outside into the careful grip of a different minion. “What are you doing?” The minion says to the minion who had almost sent Jason into her belly “He has official business with Vendrun!” Before the minion responds, she is absorbed into the skin of Vendrun within a few seconds.


The minion holding onto Jason lightly strokes him “I’m sorry you had to experience that, I’ll take you to Vendrun right away” she says in a more apologetic tone then Vendrun normally has. Jason us surprised to hear the kind tone and the nice actions that this minion is displaying.


Jason asks “Are you even a minion of Vendrun?” risking the possibility of her deciding to kill him since it could easily be taken as an insult.


The minion doesn’t seem insulted at all “Yes, but I have a bit more of Vendrun’s small amounts of kindness in me, making me perfect for comforting those who went through traumatic experiences, when they don’t need to.”


Jason refrains from complaining about the countless unnecessary deaths Vendrun’s minions have caused, as he does not wish to be killed. After several hours, Jason reaches Vendrun’s face. He is set on her chin, which is almost the size of texas compared to him.


Vendrun smiles and makes sure her voice is loud enough for only Jason to hear. “Jason, I’m glad you were able to make it here, so that I may speak with you”. Her voice doesn’t have her usual seductiveness, rather it’s more professional, so that it makes her sound far more serious and also a little kinder. “As you know, there is an overwhelming amount of people that think I’m pure evil, but I want you to know I am not pure evil, I do infact care for some of you”


Jason loses the sense of dread he felt and now he feels a special warmth, knowing that she does care deep down inside. Vendrun continues “Unfortunately for you, you aren’t one I care about”. Jason’s eyes widen with fear, but before he can do anything, the seductive demoness opens her mouth and with one simple push, sends Jason skyrocketing inside of her continent sized mouth.


Her gigantic tongue slams him into the roof of her mouth, tasting his entire body. Vendrun tastes his entire body, satisfied by his amazing taste. She then lets go, letting him plummet to her throat. The red insides of her mouth bombard Jason with an odd sensation of love. His mind begins to feel a wave of emotions he never would have thought he would feel towards the goddess. While she does this she sends a mental message to Jason. “Jason, you shall make a delicious meal, and I thank you for your sacrifice, have fun swimming inside of my acids”


She then lets go of Jason, allowing him to slide to her throat that dangerously looms below him a few miles down. Jason’s mind begins to feel much different than normal, the sound of swimming in her acids sounding like a great way to end his existence. “Thank you for allowing me to be eaten by you, my goddess”


He, along with a pool of saliva, which seems like a small sea, flow down to her throat, which hungrily gulps him and the saliva down. Vendrun takes away his veil of invisibility as he slowly goes down her miles of throat muscles. Slowly and softly, Jason slides downwards, the red muscles slowly taking him into her belly. Vendrun rubs her belly, not caring about the workers currently on her hand who she took the veils off of accidentally while taking away Jason’s.


Jason plops into her stomach, which is enormous. The sheer size makes it where she could almost fit the entire united states inside. The acids, about as large as the pacific ocean graciously accepts the small treat and begin to rapidly burn through his clothes. “Goodbye, my goddess” Jason says before Vendrun makes him fall unconscious, so he doesn’t have to feel the pain of the acids.


Vendrun takes her hand away from her belly, she quickly absorbs the bodies of the ones who had died while she rubbed. Vendrun sighs slightly, “Though I wish I still had him as a little play toy, I couldn’t let him find out his history…”


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