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Isen felt the sweet intoxication flowing in his veins. He swallowed another swig of his fifth amber ale. His quizzical smile was obvious, and he loved it.

'Man, how long has it been? I have never, hic, considered Rane to be a man of stamina or virility. Knowing him, he's probably got her cuddled up in the basement. What a sap.'

'Ahh, give the man a chance. He finally scored for once, let him have this.' replied Cairn.

'Maybe I haven't drank enough, but I'm actually with Isen on this one, it's been like, an hour. Maybe they snuck out the front without us noticing, but still, I'm curious to see how the happy couple is fairing.' added Jared.

'I'm with the oaf on this one,' snapped Wrat. 'Fuck him, let him add a few more sores to his cock. You can get all the juicy details in the morning, Isen. You poetic perv.'

Isen had already tuned out the wiry one. Whenever Wrat opened his filthy trap to spew more idiocy, and it was always idiocy, Isen ignored him entirely, and the insults that would inevitably follow. He lurched on the edge of his seat, nearly tipping over before Cairn's hand tugged his shirt, righting him with steady surety.

'Urp. Thanks Cairn. Almost took a nosedive. Still, I need to relieve myself. No, no. I'll be fine. See?' Isen chimed. He stood, cautious hands braced on the table's edge, until both his legs were sturdily planted beneath him. The drunken waddle that followed was anything but elegant, but Isen didn't care. Blurred tunnel vision aimed directly at the lou, he bee-lined for his destination. Three stumbles and one brief stop to hold back vomit later, he turned the short handle and entered. It was empty, thank goodness, he hadn't knocked. Isen proceeded to complete his business before lurching forwards. His attempts to prevent himself from tilting sideways or falling on his face proved successful. But then the floor shook.

It lasted a second, if even. What in the god's name was that, thought Isen. A seasick sensation flooded him, as the floor shuddered, and he turned, spewing haplessly on the base boards. Sausage? He didn't remember having sausages. What was he thinking about again? Oh yes. The floor. He was definitely getting used to the room spinning, but the floor shaking was brand new. Best he investigate. It had come from below, he was sure of it. And the only person he knew to be residing in the basement was Rane, and that delightfully well-chested friend of his. He would be an incorrigible friend if he didn't go down and check on them, just to make sure they were all right. And if he ruined there fun, so be it. And if she was naked, well, at least he was doing the right thing.

Cairn could hear Isen retching from the midst of the crowded bar. The fellow came by it honestly, he was no drinker, so this was all expected. But when Isen opened the door and immediately turned towards the staircase to the cellar, Cairn felt a pang of guilt. He should probably save the lost lad before he rolled down the steps and cracked his fool head

'Guys, I think Isen is attempting to investigate our romantic friend, and I'm a touch worried that his sea-legs are less than adequate for the hike. Anyone want to help me save our scholar's noggin from winding up a bloody pool on the stones?'

Jared turned to see Isen fiddling with the handle that led to the basement. He immediately rose alongside Cairn, and the two headed towards their pitiful friend at a brisk pace. Pinchy plucked up, and followed in tow, short legs unable to keep pace with his vertically-gifted companions. Wrat scoffed and finished his drink. With a slam, he stood and casually pursued. The group arrived just in time to watch Isen falling forwards into the stairwell, having tripped himself on some invisible obstacle. Pinchy, dove forth to save his friend, inadvertently sliding into Isen's legs and boosting him towards an inevitable tumble.


Isen felt himself falling. This... this was not going according to plan. Some unseen force was toying with him. First he had tripped, and now something had kicked out his legs. And things had been going so well too. And as the third stair approached his rapidly descending skull, someone grabbed his ankles and lifted. Perhaps angels really were real! Isen flexed his neck to see the Cairn's lower half, muscled legs that were planted firm. No, not angels, giants, but still, thank goodness for those. With a sudden flip, the world righted itself and Isen stood, staring at Cairn's muscled chest, with Pinchy laying nearby in a heap. Jared stood patiently next to the big lad, and had his usual look of satisfaction. Maybe he had emptied his stomach completely, or maybe it was the adrenaline, but Isen didn't feel nauseous, despite his rapid inversion and reversion. He grinned wide. It was about time these goofs followed him, instead of following that Jared fellow like blind sheep. Yes, his intellect would surely lead them to victory, and there was no time like the present. With a flourishing twist, Isen pointed himself to face the staircase once more, and took a deliberate first step. His foot never contacted the next landing.

Persistent bugger when he's drunk, thought Cairn. Reaching forwards again, he wrapped his forearm around Isen's chest and lifted. With the lad nestled tightly in his armpit, Cairn gestured to let Jared go first. Isen flailed his neck wildly, but he wasn't about to escape Cairn's grip. He settled quickly when Cairn took a step down into the dimly light basement. Well, if Rane hadn't heard the door open, he surely heard the ruckus. At least he'd probably have his pants back on before they all barged in on him. Might be that the girl would be dressed too. Crying shame, that. With heavy footfalls that rattled the entire frame, Cairn reached the bottom and looked around. Pinchy walked directly into him, face pressing into Cairn's back.

'Guess they ain't here' offered Cairn. Jared nodded. But as he turned to haul Isen back up to the main floor, a pile of clothing caught his eye. Haphazardly strewn next to a nearby ale cask lay a set of trousers and a linen shirt. Either Rane had left bare-assed, or he was still down here. Pinchy had already waddled over and begun to pick through Rane's leftover garments. Something didn't feel right. Cairn searched the casks and the walls, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Jared was investigating as well, he must have sensed something amiss as well. His hands ran along the walls, gently rubbing against stones of poor architecture, rough and grimy. Cairn watched intently, seeing as Jared's fingers caught with a halting jolt. Shifting his hands upwards then down, Jared revealed a small yet distinct crack concealed by the filth of an age. Withdrawing his hand, fingernails now black with embedded debris, he waved Cairn over. Naturally, Cairn complied, still cradling his drunken passenger in his forearm and stood next to the wall.

'I think I've got a good idea what to try here.' offered Cairn. Jared nodded again, easily reading Cairn's next move. Cairn pushed hard with his opposite palm, muscles tensed and sinew bulging, the panel did not move. He had no intention of giving up there. With a swift twist, Cairn slammed a forward kick into the wall. It groaned as he rebounded, nearly dropping Isen to the floor with the recoil. But instead of yelping, Isen still had that stupid grin on his face, a smirk that slowly parted into a laugh.

'I might be able to offer a little help here. But perhaps first I'll regain my footing, with your permission of course, Cairn.' Shrugging, Cairn released his grip. Isen thudded face first to the ground. He yelped this time. Slowly collecting himself with stuporous flair, Isen crawled towards the now obvious split in the wall. Raising a finger high over his head, he slowly motioned it forwards.

'And this, my friends, is how you find a trapdoor!' Isen exclaimed. His finger continued forth, at a ridiculous snail's pace, only to land a small outcropped stone. Had that been there the whole time, thought Cairn. He may be wasted, but Isen was still an observant twat, he figured. Watching Isen casually lean sideways, the wall rumbled as it shifted horizontally. A dark passage lay before them, a unknown tunnel to some unknown location. Cairn looked to Jared with a puzzled look. Jared shrugged. Turning back to the doorway, Cairn watched as Pinchy slipped through and took off at brisk pace. Isen was already stumbling into the darkness when Jared finally decided to join the idiotic duo. Wrat appeared from behind a cask, Cairn hadn't noticed him standing there in the shadows this entire time. With a sly nod, he too ducked into the poorly lit passage.

'I fucking hate tunnels, fucking spiders, fucking bugs, fucking...' Wrat continued as he paced along.

Too late to turn away now, thought Cairn, as he struggled to slide through the opening. He took a few steps forward. Couldn't see a damn thing. He could still hear Wrat complaining as he ventured forth into the darkness. With a small click, the entrance quickly withdrew, sealing him in complete darkness.

'Guess I've got to babysit these twats' Cairn muttered. 'Here goes nothing.'

His thumping footsteps echoed down the tunnel as he pursued his companions. It was going to be a long night.


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