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This is some kind of follow-up on the first part of the series. It focuses on a small squad  sent by the rumored settlement in the former city of Aabernaa. If you don't remember this, or simply haven't read it, check it out in chapter 6 from the first part. It starts about six or seven months after the kidnapping of Oliver and Oumou, and Starla, and Franklin.

Like I said, it's just a small follow-up, almost a stand alone if you will, so I probably won't add more chapters than 3 or so.

I will also start writing in Libre Office Writer, and not in a notepad. So thank God for that. And one small note, a few minor changes have been made. Sorry, I just thought that that would work better. Example: Clerence Yenotin's height has been changed from 6”2 to 6”5.

Also: http://puu.sh/bWUF7/242b329723.jpg . That's the link to a screenshot (not a virus or anything it's perfectly save), it shows the map of East Europe. The red line represents The Wall, and the blue line is a sea blockade. The Capital of the Empire is in Minsk (all the way up North).

Enough talking, enjoy !


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"Alright Clerence, are you ready?" The squad leader asked the former member of Oliver's team. They were hiding in bushes, observing the giant wall that surrounded the Empires heart. Behind him laid his fellow Special Force members; Grozdan Mateev, Mladan Sokoloff, his twin brother Danail Sokoloff, Viktor Vodenicharov, and the former member of Oliver's squad: Clerence Yenotin. The survival expert. She could shortly blend in with a Giantess group thanks to her exceptional height, that of 6”5. Though still small compared to most Giantess', it does occur that a Giantess grows only a little bid, so most don't ask questions.

And right next to them, sat Gerald, who had recovered from his wounds. He was found by Austrian scouts who came after the Giantess Bintou had been spotted, to see if there were people alive. After Gerald had told them about Olive, the Austrians in Vienna sent a message to Byzantium that explained the situation. They had to infiltrate The Wall through Lithuania, find Oliver and get out.
The only Giantess' at the North side of The Wall were actual Giantess', and a few Ginormous'. The region there was specially build for those two, so it shouldn't be hard sneaking around there through the giant objects.

These men are the Special Forces of Byzantium. It's not the historical city in Turkey, but the name of a resistance city in Denmark. The name was given to the city because of it's gigantic walls and mighty defense. Every attempt to get into the city by the Empire had failed, and the Giantess' gave up after the casualties became too high.

“Alright, here's the plan.” Rog, the squad leader says. He is armed with only a sword, and carries a small jar of Datura with him. A very strong poison. Put enough of it on the sword, and even a Giantess will die. The other team members are equipped with auto-rifles and silencers. The ammo they carry aren't normal bullets. Normal bullets barely go through the skin of a Giantess. Hollow-points, however,
have proven very efficiently against the strong skin. All of them carry five clips with them.

“Go to the gate guards over there.”  Rog points at the strong and dangerous guards that stand in front of a giant gate-door.

“Tell them, that you lost your access pass. They would never let you in without it, but because you wear clothes they should let you in. When they ask you why you're trying to get into the Northern part, because of your smaller height, tell them you have a sister living there. Give the name “Samantha Ribbens”. She is a Giantess spy working for us, and had even made contact with your Vault, and she'll confirm it.”

“Understood. And then what?” Clerence firmly replied.

“Not too far from the entrance, you'll find a path that leads to a staircase that'll take you to the watchtower.”

Rog points at a look out tower. It's over 200 feet high. On it stands some sort of harpoon, with a rope attached to it.

“That harpoon machine was build long ago as a siege defense weapon, but got abandoned shortly after the war ended. Shoot it down, and we'll be able to climb up the rope. Understood?”

“Yes.” Clerence nods and walks toward the guards.

6 minutes have passed, and Clerence approached the guards. Through their optics, they can see Clerence and the guards talking. After a minute of talking, 1 of the guards starts to talk to ham radio. Shortly after,  Samantha walks out of the gate. She nods, and Clerence walks in.

“So far so good.” Danail says, with a concentrated look on his face.

“Yes, but why are we even doing this?” Grozdan asked.
“For all we know, Oliver can be dead. If they're after his DNA, all they need is a drop of blood, or something else from his body. If they'd just sent a limb to Istanbul, we'll have to drag his body out of The Wall, 'unseen', and make it back to Byzantium before his limb reaches Constantinople.”

The others nod, and look at their squad leader for a reply. He had made a strong point. Why risk the lives of some of the finest soldiers the resistance has to offer, for a meager chance of finding a probably dead man?

Rog coughs. He knows Danail makes a good point.
“We have reason to believe that the Empire doesn't even know he's in there, or even found yet.”

“Not know? How can they not know? The Empire has been searching for 'him' since the beginning, and so have we... if this isn't big news...” Viktor was cut off by Gerald.

“Our spy informed us. Nobody know yet. The Giantess that took Oliver and the rest must be keeping them hidden. Samantha is trying to find out who took them.”

“Wait, finding out? So we don't know where we have to look?” Viktor started to get a bid angry.

Gerald sees this, and tries to calm him.
“We know her name is Bintou, she's African and serves as some kind of war hero for bringing the African resistance down. It shouldn't be hard tracking her down.

“That's great and all, but..” Viktor was one's again cut off. Not by Gerald this time, but by a giant spear that was shot into the ground 10 yards away from him.

Rog had greatly underestimated the impact of the projectile. It came down like a cannon ball, and the shock wave threw them away. It sounded like a bomb had exploded. Gerald quickly grabbed his optics and looked at the guards. Luckily, none of them were reacting to the noise the must have heard. The team slowly got up and started to climb up.

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