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Why didn't Susan ever lock the door to her inner office? It was impossible for Devin to take his eyes away from the door nob as he stood alone in her home. He would often spend the weekend at her place even after having invited her to his home. The reason for this was a bit simple. Her place was nicer then his by a large margin. They normally spent that time together but she had to step out. He had volunteered to go with her but she had told that it was fine and insisted that he stay behind. Now it was just him and that blasted door all alone. He could still remember his first visit whenever he had asked her what was behind that door.


Susan, “It's my office.” Had been her answer. Naturally he'd asked to see what was inside but she had moved to block the door and told him that she wasn't ready for him to go inside just yet. Thinking that she meant it was dirty he had insisted that he didn't mind if it wasn't perfectly tidy. The thought that Susan had even a single unclean room in her home was actually a bit amusing considering how clean she kept everything else. She had actually got upset that he would even think that her office wouldn't be clean and then demanded that he promise not to go inside unless she invited him in. He had given his word. He had given his word yet the door knob was already in his hand.


How angry would Susan be if she learned that he'd looked inside of her office without permission? Devin didn't want to risk losing her over curiosity. He just needed to leave the door be and then he heard the sound of a click and felt his hand moving forward pushing the door open. When had he twisted the door knob? Devin wasn't certain but he was looking into her office now and his ears soon found a very strange sound coming from the room.


Voices, “Help! Help! Get us out of here before she comes back! She's crazy help us!”


Devin froze up immediately upon hearing the voices. They were faint as if they were coming from a great distance and seemed to be from many different people. Yet it seemed to be coming from the room. Perhaps a speaker? He got his answer when his eyes fell upon a rather large desk. Various bits of clutter, pencils, paperwork a calculator and some other things covered the desk but in a clear section was a cage. The cage consisted of three levels and while he couldn't see what was happening at the bottom of that cage he could see the top level and middle level. There was clearly movement.


Rusty, “Over here! You have to help us!” As Rusty called out he couldn't believe his good fortune. Ever since he had been shrunk he'd only seen other shrunk people and the bitch who had actually shrunk them. So far she hadn't been entirely clear on her intentions but had told them they were all going to have to repay their debt to her. He didn't know what that debt was but he didn't want to pay out. “Come on hurry and help us!”


At first Devin wasn't entirely certain of what he was seeing. It wasn't that he couldn't see the people clearly enough but the impossibility of the situation was almost overwhelming. They kept calling to him though and he found himself walking over as much to get a better look as in response to their cries. “Susan what are you doing here?” The words came freely from Devin as he lowered himself down to one knee to put himself eye level with the middle section of the cage. He could still hear the screams for help coming from both men and women.


Jacklyn, “Please help she shrank us all of us! We don't know what she's planning but it can't be good! Please help us escape.” As Devin had approached the cage the entire crowd had groan silent. Each of them could feel the vibrations that ran throughout the structure a constant reminder of the size difference between them and perhaps their savior. Typically this invoked fear in the masses whenever Susan was in the room but in the current situation there was some hope mixed in.


Had Susan done this? It seemed like a strange question after all this was Susan's main office. Was this what she had been hiding from him all this time? Devin really didn't know but he found himself glancing towards the door. Should he wait for Susan to come home and confront her about these shrunken people or should he help them now? Surely she had to have her reasons for shrinking people. How did she even shrink them? One thing was certain the shrunk people didn't seem to like him looking towards the door especially without freeing them from the cage first.


Devin, “How did you all end up like this?”


Rusty, “I told you! She shrank us and kept us in this cage. She said that she came to collect her collateral because we didn't make our payments.” As he spoke Rusty's words were echoed by several others. Apparently they were all in similar situations. “Please help us for all we know she's going to sell us, kill us. Hell she might even eat us!”


Out of the group's Rusty's words seemed to reach Devin more then the others especially when he mentioned eating. Susan was positively sweet playful and more then a little crazy at times. Rusty's words brought back a conversation from long ago. Surely Susan hadn't been serious back then? It was a strange thought but Devin couldn't risk it. If it was only his life he would have waited for Susan and confronted her but this wasn't just his life. He didn't know how many were in the cage but it was clearly more then twenty people far more. “Okay I'm going to help you all out and then I'm going to ask Susan what's going on here.”


A cheer ran throughout the cage upon hearing Devin's decision. Rusty for his part didn't think confronting Susan was a very good idea but he wasn't going to argue the point. At least not until they were safely outside of this house. A loud click soon reached his ears as Devin began to work the cage's lock. It wasn't even a true lock just a switch that had to be held down to open the cage. None of them or perhaps even all of them lacked the strength to pull the lock down so it didn't matter. He was a bit surprised whenever their ears were assaulted by a sharp yelp and the desk was made to shake as Devin suddenly retreated away from the lock. Fortunately the door was already opening.


Upon opening the latch Devin had felt something prick his finger. The stinging was far more intense then he was prepared for and he retreated from the lock instinctively. As he looked at his finger he was surprised to see that nothing was wrong yet he could feel a tingling moving from his finger up into his arm and soon into his entire body. He heard some mumbling coming from the cage but couldn't make it out as he felt himself growing dizzy. His gaze turned downwards as his left hand pressed against his forehead. “I. I believe there might have been something protecting that cage.”


None of the shrunken crowd had really been paying attention to Devin after he had retreated from the cage. Rather there had been a rapid dash for the exit Rusty being one of the first through quickly moved away from the entrance in order to avoid being trampled by the mob. Upon hearing Devin's words though he began a rapid dash towards the edge of the desk even as others were climbing out. “Hey hold on! You have to get us down from here!” As he spoke Rusty found himself waving his arms in a frantic attempt to get Devin's attention. Even as he was looking at Devin though he couldn't help but notice how long Devin's sleeves looked.


Devin really couldn't make out what was being yelled but it was clear someone was yelling at him. The voice seemed further away then it had a moment ago. As he forced himself to look towards the table he couldn't help but notice how his shirt collar felt different and indeed his entire shirt did. This feeling was surpassed whenever he raised his hand to straiten his collar only to find it inside of his sleeve. How had Susan shrunk these people? The question popped into his mind even as he looked towards them. A tingling on his legs told him that his socks were beginning to slip down and even in his dizzied state he realized that his pants had suddenly became extremely lose. He still didn't know how Susan had shrunk those people but one thing was clear he was shrinking as well.


Rusty, “Shit. Shit!” As Rusty watched Devin shrinking down he began to pace back and forth his arms flying up into the air only to smack the side of his legs. They were out of the cage but now how were they going to get out of the house? How were they even going to get off the table? With this thought Rusty glanced over the edge towards the ground below. He estimated his size at roughly one centimeter which meant that the fall was entirely out of the question. “Damn it! Why couldn't you have just set us down instead of standing around like a moron!”


Rusty's insults weren't reaching Devin as he found himself worrying about his own situation. Just how small was he going to shrink? Surely he wasn't going to become smaller then those on the table. Should he make a run for the front door? The feeling of his shirt collar slipping down onto his shoulders sent a jolt through Devin. Turning towards the table he remembered the people stranded upon it. Was he still large enough to get them down? Not waiting for the answer Devin tried to move towards the table but while one leg lifted from the ground his rapidly changing mass seemed difficult for his body to cope with as he felt himself tumbling forward.


The force with which Devin hit the ground was anything but remarkable. Yet as he looked up towards the table he watched it rapidly reseeding away and soon felt his shirt collar pressing against the back of his head only. Immediately his arms began to work as he tried to crawl forward but the rate his body was diminishing surpassed his rate of movement and the light began to rapidly fade as he found himself looking up into his shirt. Was he even child sized now? He didn't know but he knew that it wouldn't last for long as his body continued to dwindle. Soon he would be smaller then any child.


Jacklyn had been on the second level of the cage whenever Devin had opened it and quickly dashed to the exit. As she made her way from the cage to the edge of the table she was dismayed to see their savior rapidly shrinking away. “No! What about me!” As she spoke Jacklyn didn't bother glancing behind herself at the growing crowd though she heard similar thoughts as her own being voiced by several of the others. She could see movement within those clothes but it was clear they were diminishing.


Devin's clothing had gone from normal, to over sized, to a very awkwardly shaped quilt to a tent. He didn't know how small he was now but the fibers that made up the cloth felt extremely strange to his far tinier body. Indeed they felt more like ropes as he made his way over them towards his shirt collar. What was going on here? He knew that Susan was a bit nutty. It was one of the things that he loved about her. How could she shrink people though and would she really carry through with her threat? Just as important what would she do to him if she came home and found that he had broken his promise to her? At his current sized he could think of a great many things that she could do to him.


For a moment Devin found himself coming to a stop as he once again found himself questioning how Susan could even do this. Perhaps she wasn't the one that had shrunk them. They were in her office that was true but that didn't mean it was her doing. He couldn't really think of anyone else that it could be given that it was in Susan's office in her home if nothing else she was involved. Why hadn't she kept that door locked? A sigh escaped Devin as no answers came to mind and he resumed crawling. Was this even real? It sure didn't seem possible but it seemed too vivid to be a dream as well.


It would probably be best if he assumed that the situation was real and treated it so was Devin's final resolution as he made his way to his shirt collar and began to climb up. The once delicate threads now providing easy hand and foot holds as he began to climb towards the light. The table where the mass of shrunk people were gathered was the first thing that came into site and it was clear they were all watching him. No longer certain of what he should do Devin raised his right arm and began to wave it. “Hey down here.”


Rusty, “Shit it seems she got you to. I guess the cage had a trap to it.” As he looked on Rusty found himself examining the desktop. Even if their initial rescue was out of the question there had to be another way down. He doubted that Susan expected them to get out of the cage. If nothing else he could try getting to the desk legs and see if he could climb down. The problem was time limits. Being out of the cage would do no good if Susan came back before they could make their escape.


Devin could see the crowd of people waiting on the edge of the desk. Some of them still looked to him as if expecting him to help them and that held him in place. He needed to consider his own situation but he couldn't just wonder off and leave them either. The solution came rather simply. “Jump for it!”


Jacklyn, “What? It's like five hundred feet to the ground!”


To this Devin gave his head a rapid shake even as he began to climb out of shirt. He came to a sudden stop and looked down at himself realizing that he was entirely naked. There was an awkward moment when he considered climbing back into his clothes and trying to find something to cover up with. He actually had to will his leg to move forward as he realized there wasn't time for such behavior. “I don't believe so. It's not a hundred feet tall we're just very small. The drop can't be more then three feet.”


Jacklyn, “How do you know that we'll survive even if that is the case!”


A low groan escaped Devin as he looked at the mass of humanity. Didn't any of these people take physics? The rate gravity pulled you down didn't care about your size if nothing else the wind resistance would slow their fall. Unfortunately he didn't know how durable they were in their shrunken size. Was there anything insuring that they could survive a three feet tall? “Do you really have time to find another way down? How long do you believe Susan will be gone?”


The last two questions hit everyone extremely hard. None of them wanted to risk falling to their death but then again Jacklyn didn't want to risk waiting for Susan to come home. If only one of them would go ahead and jump. Then the others could see if they would survive the fall or not. Cautiously Jacklyn turned to her side scanning for anyone that seemed ready to jump. She felt a set of hands on her back even before she could turn to look the other way. She was already over the edge as she began to scream there wasn't much time for it.


Gretchen was rather surprised by how quickly Jacklyn had fallen. A true two hundred meter drop would have taken several seconds to fall. Jacklyn's fall on the other hand had been over with in less then a second even with wind resistance. Apparently gravity really didn't care what their mass was. Now was the important part. Had Jacklyn survived the fall and what condition was she in. Gretchen was really glad whenever she saw the woman beginning to raise up apparently unharmed. If she had been injured then they'd need another way to get down.


The drop had been mercifully quick. Jacklyn didn't have time to really think past the initial shock and now she was on the ground. The room seemed to be silent now and she looked up towards the table and the people gathered there. “Fuck you all! You pushed me off the table!” As she rose to a standing position Jacklyn could feel her rage building within her. She didn't know which one of them had pushed her off the table and in that moment she didn't care. If she was fully sized she'd stomped on the lot of them. A rapid shake to her head and Jacklyn realized she'd done worse if she was full sized right now.


It took a moment and Jacklyn was clearly upset but she began to walk away. This brought a slight shrug from Gretchen who took one step away from the edge and two quickly forward sending herself over. She had thought to scream on her way down but the fall wasn't long enough to allow for anything proper. Her body impacted with the ground before she could even see anything and she was getting to her feet and dashing away to insure that no one landed on her. While Jacklyn was running towards the door though Gretchen was dashing towards Devin who was busy making his way through the pile of clothes.


As awkward as walking around naked in front of a mass of humanity was the difficulty of climbing through his clothes in his own shrunken state distracted Devin. He had been relieved whenever he saw one of them jump and had to keep from shouting for joy when she got up. Her little outburst about being pushed sort of distracted from that victory. Now they seemed to be jumping of their own accord as he noticed the number of people on the ground growing rapidly. The fact that one of them would push another didn't set well with him despite that success and he hoped it had been the woman's imagination. Now what was he going to do next.


Gretchen, “Hey there! Nice call on the jump.”


Looking towards the woman Devin was a bit surprised by what he saw. Gretchen was clearly on the tall side or she was if their current sizes were representative of their original heights. Her abdominal muscles could be clearly made out and her biceps would have been roughly the size of baseballs. Her hair was on the long side and a bit messy leaving him to wonder how long she'd been in that cage. “Thanks but we're not out of here yet.”


Gretchen, “Yeah. My name is Gretchen in any case what's yours?”


Devin, “It's Devin.” By now Devin had made his way down to the hardwood floor and was walking across to Gretchen and towards the crowd of people that was rapidly growing. It was clear some of them were already departing some in groups some alone and others seemed to be waiting for him.


Gretchen, “So any idea as to where we should head to next?”


Devin, “Honestly I haven't had much time to think about it. One thing I do know is that we need to get out of her before Susan comes back. I just don't have any idea where we should go after that.”


Gretchen, “You don't believe we should try to get out of here?”


A sigh escaped Devin as he gave his head a slight shake. “I'm not sure. I'm guessing you don't know where we are but Susan lives a good quarter of a mile away from her nearest neighbor no matter what direction you go. At this size I don't think we could survive a walk through the woods. What we need to do is find some place for you all to hide while I go have some words with her.”


Gretchen, “What? You're still going to confront her even after she shrank you?” As Gretchen spoke she found herself crossing her arms and leaning on one leg causing the muscles to expand. This pose was more of a force of habit then conscious thought meant to show off her build and height. As Devin came closer she could tell that she was taller then him and stronger.


Devin, “It's the only thing I can think of.” As he walked past Gretchen Devin raised his voice. “Okay people I don't know what's going on here but I'll help you as best I can. We all need to get out of here and find somewhere safe for you all to hide. After that. Well I hope to confront Susan and demand an explanation from her but there might be another method. In case you're wondering we're currently a good quarter mile from the nearest neighbor so don't think you can just cross the yard and find safety. We're in an upstairs central room as well. Just beyond that door is the master bedroom and bathroom.


Rusty, “So you know the layout of this place pretty good?”


Devin, “Yeah. I've known Susan for a while now. Listen I know you all have questions but I believe we need to get moving. If you want to come with me you're welcome to but if you want to go off on your own that's your choice to.”


Gretchen, “I'll be staying with you.” As Gretchen looked at Devin she couldn't help but wonder how fond of him Susan truly was. Even if he couldn't find a safe place for them to hide perhaps he could serve other uses if Susan was to find them. It made her wish for a knife or two. Killing someone with your hands was a lot more difficult then with a blade so it made taking a hostage more difficult. Given Devin's build she felt certain she could make due with her hands at least.


Given a slight nod Devin began walking towards the door. He didn't know how many were following him but he could hear them speaking with one another. The sound of someone coming up behind him caused him to glance over his shoulder as he watched Rusty approach. “Something on your mind?”


Rusty, “Yeah but we can walk and talk. You're the only one of us that knows the house so where do you have in mind to hide? I don't know about the rest of this place but the bitch always seemed to keep a tidy office.”


It was hard for Devin not to groan as he heard Susan referred to as a bitch. Even if she was responsible for his shrinking he didn't like hearing someone refer to her like that. This wasn't the time to start on such topics though. After all while he was close to Susan even he was upset by the situation and he doubted these people had the relationship with her that he did. “Honestly that desk is messy compared to the rest of Susan's home she's always been careful to keep it very clear. I'm really not looking forward to her carpeting either.” A sigh escaped Devin as he looked ahead towards the bedroom and noted the carpeting. Susan had always been a fan of very thick plush carpeting.


Rusty, “Fuck that is right. I noticed it whenever she opened the door you could never hear her approaching thanks to that carpet. I wonder if she did that so we wouldn't know when she was coming. Fine then can you at least think of any good spots to hide?”


Devin, “The problem is I've seen how Susan cleans I've even helped her. She's methodical to say the least. The best chance of any of you staying hidden would be to either get down to the cellar and hide in the storage or to actually get outside but at this size I don't believe outside is an option. A large group of ants might even be able to kill one of us. I'm not sure how long you might have to stay hidden.”


Rusty, “Yeah I heard you still plan to confront her. You have guts if that's true.”


Devin, “It is. Now that doesn't mean I'm not trying to think of an alternative to confronting her directly and you should probably try to think of something should she decide to eat me.”


Now Rusty picked up his pace a bit to move in front of Devin. “Hey now that last part wasn't funny. What makes you think that she'd eat you?”


For a moment Devin said nothing but couldn't help but notice Rusty's nakedness. The fact that there was a small mob of people walking behind him while he himself was naked made him cringe for a moment. It seemed likely that the crowd had gotten use to not having any clothes while caged but he was still adjusting. “I was just remembering some things that Susan likes to say. At times she'd call me her favorite treat but I never thought that she meant it literally. Then well. I believe some of you said that you had a debt to Susan.”


Gretchen, “That's what she told us. Why? Has she ever said anything about it?”


Devin, “I don't believe it's possible that she could have been serious back then but I remember once she loaned some money to an associate. I teased her that Leasha would never pay her back she was kind of bad with money. Susan words, “Well then I guess I'll just have to eat her.” I thought she was referring to another type of eating of course.”


A slight chuckle escaped Rusty despite their situation. “I can understand that. So exactly how do we go about getting down to the cellar?”


Devin was a bit surprised that they were only now nearing the carpet and he wasn't at all happy to see that it was nearly as tall as they were. Other people who had began walking before hand had already made their way into it but he doubted they were making much progress. How much longer before Susan came home? “We have to get through her bedroom first. I believe that we should stick to the walls it'll make the trip longer but it'll keep us from having to push through the carpeting.”


Rusty, “Then it's a strait shot down the hall?”


To this Devin gave his head a slight shake. “No. We'll have to make our way through her gym after that to the hall and then we can begin making out trip down stares.” As he spoke Devin found himself climbing up onto a slightly raised section of floor just before the hardwood turned to carpet. “Okay everyone please listen. We need to stick to the side of the room. If we climb up on the edge a bit we won't have to fight through the carpet and it'll help keep anyone from getting lost. If you hear someone coming try to find cover where you can.” As Devin spoke he didn't bother mentioning the fact that by sticking to the wall they decreased their chances of being crushed should Susan not be watching where she stepped.


As he spoke everyone seemed to be paying attention but Devin didn't know how long that was going to last. He really needed to speak with these people and make sure they understood the situation but there wasn't time. Given their current size and possible complications he really wondered when the opportunity to speak with them would arise. Perhaps whenever they made their way behind Susan's dresser he could risk stopping and speaking at length with them? It was a possibility but they had to get moving now. He was a bit surprised whenever a hand appeared next to him.


Gretchen, “Come on I'll help you up onto the railing.” As Gretchen spoke she had already moved over to the baseboard. While nearly insignificant to a full sized person it now provided quite a note worthy walk way for the group. So long as they made use of the elevated section of floor it was also possible to climb onto it.



It was with a relieved sigh that Susan heard her garage door shut behind her. She had thought to only leave Devin alone for thirty to forty minutes. Things had not worked out that way as she climbed out of her car and retrieved a large box of pastries. It was all Denise's faults. She had smelt the coffee and pastries at their little shop and had to stop and buy some. Then there had been the choices. So very many choices. As she carried the box inside she felt confident Devin wouldn't mind especially if she let him have first pick so long as his first pick wasn't the strawberry tart that one was hers.


Susan, “Devin I'm back and I brought goodies.” Upon calling out Susan deposited the box of sweets onto the kitchen island and waited a moment for Devin to respond. When no response came the tips of her fingers began fiddling with the box as she wondered if she should really wait for him. “Devin? Devin are you on the potty?”


With no response from Devin Susan knew he had to be in one of the upper rooms. It was hard to hear what was going on in the office when in her bedroom. It had been designed that way as it was also impossible to hear what was happening in the bedroom if you were somewhere else in the house. Figuring that was where Devin was Susan took a moment to slip off her flat heels before stepping into the carpeted entertainment room as she came to the top of the steps she checked again. “Devin I brought home some sweets to eat my treat.”



When she said her treat did she mean that the sweets were the treats or was she calling him a treat? “Hurry up people we don't have much time.” As Devin spoke he really wasn't certain how close Susan was to her room. The affects of being shrunk had distorted every sound he heard so it was hard to estimate her location. He did know that she was fairly close if they could actually make out what she was saying. Susan's bedroom was practically a panic room when it came to the construction of the walls. She didn't even have a window.


Gretchen, “We can hide behind that dresser.”


Devin strongly disagreed with Gretchen even as he picked up the pace. Susan's carpet was such a pain. He had to be careful when eating or only eat in the dining room or he'd get food on it and given that it was all white it would show up. He had to be mindful to never wear his shoes through her house or it would show up. Effectively anything showed up on that solid white carpet and on top of that it made it impossible to tell when Susan was sneaking around. How many times had she sneaked up on him due to that carpet?


Susan, “Devin did you decide to take a nap on me? You know that gets you a special wake up call.”


Despite the situation Devin felt his body respond to Susan's threat. Well as much of a threat as it was. Her special wake up call effectively consisted of waking up to Susan's thighs squeezing his head while her crotch pressed against the top of it. It was an odd mixture as she had proven many times that she could squeeze more then hard enough to make the experience painful when he'd tried to fake sleep through it but so long as he didn't resist it was quite nice to wake up to. Even if she had shrunk him Devin's body remembered this and he felt his penis responding to the memory.


A slight rumble struck Devin shaking him back to reality. The sound of Susan's softened foot steps reached him and he knew she had to be close. “Get down and set down!” As he called out Devin had already slid off the baseboard and began to settle down into the carpet. The carpet was pure white but so long as they set down perhaps they'd remain hidden. That depended on how many of them tried to cram into the same area naturally. He didn't get to think about that as he heard rumbling and looked up towards the baseboard as several people began to dash across apparently going for the dresser.


Rusty, “It looks like we're going to have a decoy.”


Upon hearing the man's voice Devin looked to his right. He couldn't see Rusty due to the thick carpeting but he had a rough idea of where he was. He didn't agree with those who had chosen to run but he didn't have time to convince them either. The notion that they were decoys didn't set well with him despite their decision. “I hope they make it to a safe hiding place.”


Rusty, “Hey Devin if you were to speak with your woman now what do you think she'd do?”


Devin, “Knowing Susan? I have no idea it's hard to tell what she's going to do even on good days. She might just cage me and resume her hunt for everyone else. It's also hard to reason with Susan even when you have your own cards to play.”


It had been Rusty's intention to continue the conversation but he went silent as a massive figure passed through the room. The thick carpeting did a lot to dampen Susan's foot steps but a slight rumbling could still be felt. A rumbling that only insects or perhaps very small animals would have detected. He turned his attention to the woman and hoped she wouldn't notice him hiding within her carpet as if it was a field.


Even if they were hiding from her Devin could help but be awed upon Susan entering the room. She had always been lovely. Raven black hair cut short so that it just barely slipped past her ears just beginning to threaten to curl if she allowed it to grow any longer while bright green almond shaped eyes scanned the room. A cute button nose adorned her face while light pastel and somewhat thin lips pursed as she looked around. Susan's ears were lightly pointed and somewhat high on her head often leading Devin to claim they tempted him to nibble upon them.


At one hundred fifty three centimeters tall Susan wasn't what Devin would have called tall by any stretch of the imagination. That had been when he was full sized now she seemed like a living building. Had she been so massive to him while he was full sized he imagined she would have challenged if not surpassed any structure in town. The thought caused Devin's eyes to shift down towards Susan's at one time teacup sized breasts. It was often a battle for her to find a shirt that had any chance of showing off her assets one that he often became a part of when she went shopping. Now even Susan's breast would have been massive in comparison to him.


Susan, “Devin you naughty boy you went into my office.” A light chuckle escaped Susan as she walked towards her office. Even before Susan could check inside her office her eye fell upon a tiny disruption in the flow of her carpet. “And apparently you released my investments as well. Devin I told you before that I have to keep my business dealings private even from you! We're going to have such a talk once I find you. At least it doesn't seem like all of you have gotten too far.”


Who had she seen? How many had she seen? These questions were on more then one person's mind as Susan stepped further into the room. Sherwood was one of those as he hunkered down within the carpet itself. It had been his intentions to make a strait line to the bedroom door but she had gotten back too soon for that to happen. The fear that she had spotted him began to increase as while her foot steps were muffled by the carpet they were clearly growing in power. Fearfully Sherwood turned his eyes up towards the towering figure being forced to crane his neck further and further back as she drew closer. Suddenly one of her foot steps came close enough to bounce him into the air. A shrill shriek escaped him and before he even knew what he was doing Sherwood charged forward in an desperate attempt to push his way through the carpet.


Susan's ears twitched in response to the tiny shriek. Having always had superb hearing an amused giggle escaped Susan as she remembered all the times her friend had teased her about elf ears. There was something even more amusing then old memories though as she looked at the tiny figure trying to push his way through the carpet. “Ah now isn't that sweet of you! You know many prey species scream not to escape but to warn others of their species that a predator is in the area. I suppose that wasn't your purpose but let's pretend it was. At least that way you can enjoy some level of nobility.”


It was now clear who she had noticed as Sherwood pushed against the carpet. This wasn't any field of wheat or corn however the carpet proving far more difficult to push through. He hadn't even managed to progress three centimeters before another impact struck him this one clearly very close as a powerful gust of wind slammed into Sherwood along with the vibrations he found his feet coming out from under him. The thick carpet caught him from all sides but that didn't matter to him as he noticed the light rapidly diminishing from around him while his blood ran cold.


A shriek that seemed to surpass the first escaped Sherwood as Susan pinched the tiny figure between her fingers. She felt a sudden impact on her thumb and then another the little blows tickling her. “Now. Is that anyway to respond before you even know what I'm going to do with you? For all you know I'm going to take you and grow you back.”


Susan's words struck Sherwood and he managed to calm himself slightly. As he looked up towards the towering figure he found that he wasn't moving but rather she was holding him steady a few centimeters above the carpet. “Are. Are you serious?”


Susan, “Well I could be about to grow you back but I'm not.”


Sherwood, “Damn you! Let me go you fucking bitch!”


Susan, “Now now. Don't you want to know what I am going to do with you?”


Throughout the entire time they'd been shrunk Susan had never told any of the shrunken people what her plans for them was. Now that they had escaped it seemed like that might change or perhaps she was just teasing him. “You can't keep me like some kind of pet! I'm a human being. This isn't right.”


Susan, “Keep you as a pet? Why I would never do that. You're far to fowl mouthed, ugly and inconsiderate to be a pet. In some ways you're an awful lot like a turkey. An ugly, smelly but delicious creature. Actually I believe the term turkey suits a lot of you really well.” An amused giggle escaped Susan before she let her tongue slip out from between her lips to run briefly along them wetting them so that they glistened in the light.


Sherwood, “No. No! You can't do this to me you cannibal!”


Devin felt his ears perk up immediately and couldn't help the groan that escaped him. The entire seen was surreal. The woman he loved was currently holding another human being between her fingers talking to him as if she intended to eat him. As he looked upon the seen he knew how sweet and kind of a person Susan could be. Was it beyond her to eat a person though? These thoughts hadn't made him groan but rather the man's choice of words. Telling Susan that she couldn't do something was never a good idea as it only made her more likely to do so.


Rusty, “Shit. I knew she was messed up whenever she shrunk me and then I met the others but surely she wouldn't really do it.”


Why would Susan eat this person? As Devin looked on the question ran through his mind once again. Immediately Devin gave his head a rapid shake as he realized the truth. He had already given up on wondering if Susan would eat another human being but had already moved onto why she would do such a thing. Susan had always been very open about what she would like to do with certain people, still Devin never imagined she would be able to do it. He felt as if ice had ran down his spine because when a woman as honest as Susan said something it was best to take her seriously. After the recent events, he couldn't help but believe it was very possible Susan would swallow another person as if they were nothing more then a pill and that troubled him.


Susan, “Devin I want you to watch this. It might take a few minutes but do your best to keep your eyes on me even if you're hiding. I was actually saving these little snacks for your birthday I wanted to give you a surprise but well.” A slight giggle escaped Susan as she began to stand up. “I also hoped that you'd break your promise to me otherwise I wouldn't have been able to shrink you. Oh but only if you'd waited a little longer so I could watched. Mm but at least you're going to get to watch me.” As she thought about Devin hiding in her room Susan couldn't help but tingle and gave an excited squeal. “Devin you better be in here if you miss out on this I'm going to be so upset!”


Sherwood, “Let me go you bitch! I hope you choke! I hope you get a virus you fucking cunt!” Sherwood's cries were being entirely ignored by Susan. His fist beat repeatedly against her fingers but showed so sign of progress and soon he opened his mouth and tried to bight into her flesh. As his teeth squeezed down on her skin he felt it compress only slightly and then they made no more progress. His teeth hadn't even began to force through her skin but rather the movement was due to the skin's natural give. The feeling of his stomach dropping hit him moments later as Susan began to raise him towards her mouth.


At this point Susan was done speaking with Sherwood. He was going to go into her stomach and nothing he said was going to change that. The feeling of his tiny fist beating against her fingers was amusing though so perhaps she could draw it out a little more. Bringing Sherwood to her lips Susan lightly blew across his naked body noting how this simple act cut out his screams of protest. Parting her lips slightly Susan held Sherwood before her mouth for a moment allowing him to look inside the void. Her tongue moved from side to side eagerly waiting for its first human victim.


There was a pop. The sound struck Sherwood like a hammer whenever Susan parted her lips the result of lips parting breaking the seal made by her saliva. Heat struck Sherwood immediately as the heated humid air engulfed him with those lips parting. His hands stopped beating against her finger as he looked towards that void. He could see little grooves in Susan's lips He could have fit his hands or feet into those grooves and used them to climb those lips. A bit of light struck him and he looked up to see a sliver of saliva reflecting the light as her mouth remained only halfway open. Then he felt himself moving forward again and a scream escaped him.


Susan felt Sherwood squiring again as she pushed him into her mouth just past her lips. As he moved past her lips they came together trapping him in their embrace. Immediately Susan's tongue moved up and struck the man in the face coating him in her saliva. This silenced him immediately and she sucked lightly on his body pulling him further into her mouth up to his knees. She felt his body slump forward landing on the hot surface of her tongue which immediately pushed up to meet him. She had been preparing for this for quite time and finally she was going to get to enjoy one of her treats while her beloved looked on.


Pain flooded Sherwood's mind as Susan's tongue struck him in the face. The force of the impact was far more then he imagined and it felt like someone had body slammed his head. This pain was soon compounded by the saliva her tongue left behind. The hot sticky fluid adhered to his face and made it hard to breath through his nose forcing him to open his mouth. The air was practically stripped from his lunges as Susan sucked him in deeper and a shriek of pain escaped him as he was pulled through those lips. The feeling of her tongue against his skin moments later sent a way of fear through him and he could swear he felt his flesh burning as it touched that muscle.


With only Sherwood's feat sticking out of her mouth Susan pushed her right index finger against them and gave a hard push. She felt his feet give immediately even as they moved past her lips and felt certain she'd just broken them. The way he began to frantically squirm on her tongue told her just as much. In the end this would probably be more of a mercy as it would speed up his end. After a moment during which she considered opening her mouth and letting him see the light once last time she opted for no and swallowed. Her body was made to tremble the moment she felt the tiny figure enter into her throat and her mouth immediately opened wide while her head turned downward as if to let everyone see he was gone. In truth she only wanted Devin to see and cared nothing for the others.


Devin's heart skipped a beat as he saw the bulge Sherwood made as he was forced down Susan's throat. He didn't need to look into her mouth to know she'd done as she said she would. Before hand it had only been words. She had a chance to pull back to release him or put him back in the cage. Now that possibility was gone. A low moan hit his ears moments later and he watched as Susan rubbing her throat down apparently enjoying the situation.


Susan, “I can feel him struggling as he goes down. Mm Devin are you watching me? Keep watching me I'll tell you when you can stop. Oh Devin you're going to love this I just know it.” As she spoke Susan raised her arms above her head feeling a tingling building up within her and running throughout her entire body. She could feel her muscles tightening and a great need to stretch was building up within her. Even she didn't know how this was going to feel being her first time but she was certain it was going to feel good.


What did she want him to see? Did she mean just set back and watch as she ate these people? Devin didn't know but he still watched. He watched as Susan lifted her arms above her head and began to sway from side to side. Her elevated arms resulted in the slightest hint of her belly being exposed just a sliver of flesh not even reaching her belly button. At least it didn't show her belly button at first as she began to sway Devin couldn't help but notice the bottom of her belly button coming into view. Was she going to strip after she ate that person? Did she think he would enjoy that?

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