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Story Notes:

Ok, I’m warning you right off the bat: This is basically going to be torture porn. It is going to include some very nasty, despicable and downright brutal scenes later on and if you’re more of a person who likes gentle stuff, I wouldn’t encourage you to read this.

Anyway, this story is going to be part of the same universe as my other two stories, namely Broken Sky and Lethal Beauty (head over to my profle by clicking my username to read them if you want), but the giantess depicted in here is not the same as in the other two.

I will try to include almost any genre to be honest, crush, vore, insertion, butt etc etc. Tags will thus evolve as the story progresses.

Author's Chapter Notes:

Just in case you're wondering about the chapter title, it's latin for "God from the Darkness"

   Matthew awoke with a thundering headache.

   His mind was chaos, trying to make sense of a battering amount of confusing signals relayed through his senses. He saw darkness mixed with spots of slowly pulsing, bright light all around his vision, but none of it made any sense to him.

   He sat up, looking around, his body aching everywhere. His blurred vision slowly coalesced into familiar shapes around him, shapes of people, all looking to be suffering from the same symptoms as him.

   “Where am I”? He heard someone say. “Who are you people? What have you done to me?”

   “We don’t know.” Another voice came. “We woke up here just like everybody, apparently.”

   “What do you mean we woke up? Where are we?”

   “We don’t know.”

   Matthew rose on his feet, feeling a little dizzy and resting his arms on his knees while he listened to the confusing exchange of words around him. What had happened? How did he get here? What is this place? He didn’t know, couldn’t remember. Neither did anybody else judging from the conversation around him.

   There were maybe more than two dozen of people around him, all of them either just waking up, or feeling sluggish from having just done so. He finally took a look beyond the people that were sprawled on the metallic-looking floor towards the horizon. It faded into blackness, the only light illuminating the area around him coming from above. He looked up, holding a hand in front of his face and regarding the various spots of blinding light through the cracks between his fingers, but could make out anything beyond them. He judged, due to the lack of stars, wind or any feature at all, that they were in a massive enclosed space of some sorts, and he thought he could hear a faint rhythmic humming but wasn’t sure if it was just because of his fading headache.

   “We’ve been obviously kidnapped.” Matthew’s mind picked up someone saying. “I mean, there’s no other explanation. What else could this be?”

   “If that’s the case,” another one said, “ then we need to establish a baseline of who we are, and why anyone would have a reason to do that. We need to know how important each and everyone one us here is.”

   Matthew looked at where the voice came, spotting a tall, grey-haired man in his fifties. Smart one, he thought. He took control of the situation immediately, spreading a sense of calmness through the crowd. Still, someone else started to sob a little, cursing under his breath as to why anyone would do this to him.

   “I’m a kindergarten teacher.” A young woman said. “Why would anyone kidnap a kindergarten teacher?”

   “A bus driver here.” Another man said.

   “Ehm… CEO of a pretty large corporation here.” A  bald man in his forties said. Everybody immediately turned, looking directly at him. He simply shrugged.

   “So, It’s you who they want!” A young man said, drawing a murmur of approving voices from the crowd. “We’re only leverage!”

   “No.” Matthew finally spoke. Everybody’s gazes suddenly shifted from the CEO guy to him. “It’s too early jump into such conclusions. We need to search this area, find out where we are first.”

   “Who are you to tell us what to do?” He heard someone say. Matthew sighed.

   “Trust me, please. We need to know what this place is first.”

   “Yes.” the grey haired man agreed. “Let’s take a look at what’s beyond this illuminated area.” Most people nodded, and they began moving towards the darkness.

   “Fuck this!” the young man who called out the CEO earlier yelled, standing right next to Matthew. “I’m going to fucking kill whoever did this!”

   Matthew sighed, while most ignored him. “Calm down. Anger won’t help the least bit now. We need to keep calm and find out what has happened to us. This isn’t your usual kidnapping situation.”

   “Fuck off man! What the fuck do you know about kidnappings anyway?”

   “Trust me, I know.”

   “The fuck you do.”

   Matthew sighed again, and simply turned and started walking.

   “Hey!” the young man yelled. “Don’t fucking ignore me motherfucker!”

   Matthew did just that.

   “Listen to me, you little-”

   Suddenly, the air around them shifted, lights swayed, shadows moved between them. Matthew only reacted when something plunged from above and grabbed hold of the man behind him. He spun and jerked backwards in the midst of shrieks and stumbling people, his eyes fixated on the strange, terrifying thing holding the torso of the man between two massive pillars, heaving him above the ground while the his legs flailed wildly.

   For a brief few moments as his mind tried to place the strangely familiar thing in his mind but couldn’t for some inexplicable reason, absolute silence overtook the crowd, only broken by the muffled screaming of the unfortunate captive. But before Matthew could react any further, the young man’s body simply exploded.

   Matthew was suddenly showered with massive amounts of blood that spayed in opposite directions from the man’s body, soaking his face and clothes in a dark crimson color. The thing then immediately retreated far above into the darkness, dropping the horribly mutilated body into the ground with a wet splash.

   “What-” Matthew tired to say, but his words were lost in the midst of the screaming and panic. He raised his hands, taking a look at the fresh blood sprinkled in his palms, feeling its realness. He raised his head again, looking around. Most people had dropped into the ground, staring at the crushed body with a primal fear on their faces he knew so very well. Others were vomiting while some closed their eyes, screaming and screaming endlessly. But amidst all the chaos, he could still see the faint outline, the afterglow of the thing he had witnessed in his vision. He knew what it was now, he was sure of it, his mind finally having adapted the scale of it, and for the first time in a long while, he was genuinely scared, scared of the hand that had just smitten a fully grown man out of existence. The hand of god.

   As if to confirm Matthew’s thoughts, a slow, sinister laugh suddenly boomed around the crowd, but tinted in the tone of a female. It terrified him, and quietened the whole crowd too. It went on for a very uncomfortable while before it faded, leaving everyone stunned in silence.

   “Wha-, wha-, wha-...” a woman finally tried to speak, her voice getting caught in her breath.

   “Welcome!” a thundering female voice boomed, echoing all around them. “We are going to have so much fun, my little playthings!”

   Then the light started to brighten, slowly revealing shapes and shadows beyond the darkness. And in one particular direction, the one where the voice had come from, the gigantic form of a human being began to take shape.

   Matthew stared, mouth gaping, as the form revealed a young, incredibly beautiful red haired giantess with piercing green eyes. They could only see her top half as the rest was hidden beneath the surface of what appeared to be a platform or a table on which they were standing. And she was naked, with two massive orbs of flesh protruding from her chest that one could only scarcely believe them to be breasts.

   Matthew stood in shock, silent as most others were, frozen in place by her intimidating scale, easily fifty times bigger than any of them. The giantess supported her head on the palm of one arm while the other rested lazily on the surface, its fingers visibly sprinkled with a reddish tint, and regarded the crowd with a soft smile.

   A middle aged woman from the crowd broke their transfixion and slowly rose to her feet, stepping forward while gulping down what Matthew judged to be her gripping fear, and asked: “Wh-, Who are you?”

   “Who am I?” the giantess said, laughing with that sinister tone that terrified Matthew to his core.

   “I,” she said while she suddenly moved her arms around the crowd, surrounding and trapping them, her face filling the sky and her body becoming their whole world, “am your worst nightmare.”

   Then the lights went out, and the screaming began.


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