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Author's Chapter Notes:

More info in the end notes.

Jess continued walking, her titanic ass swaying and jiggling as she walked. Being stuck to her butt, I noticed half my body was squished thinner than a pancake within a tiny wedge of her leggings. Whatever shrunk me must have given me the ability to become some form of jelly at extreme weights! 

Jess's hips continued swaying me around like a rollercoaster, I had to admit it was kind've fun. What kept going through my mind was "Why the hell are these chicks wearing leggings at a waterslide park!?". Sooner than later, Jess said "We should go to the waterslides!" in an excited voice. "Duh." answered a bored female voice. With a lot of effort, I turned my head away from the forces sucking my face into her warm, firm butt. I could see almost every guy walking past staring straight at me. Of couse they didn't notice me, a stupid ass was more important than my life!

As the teens continued walking completely unaware of my prescence, they suddenly quickened their pace. The acceleration quickly sucked my face into the cushiness of her rear. Two forty year old college men began whistling as Jess and her group of friends walked by. "You perverts!" one of the teens yelled in an anguished voice. I could feel the motion quickly halt as Jess stopped walking and put her bag down. I could feel Jess bending over as her butt cheeks tightened. The wedgie I was stuck in was almost free! With a cheer, my body was inches from being free, I was not about to be stuck for the rest of my life! Jess quickly pulled free a white cotton material, a towel! "Nooooooo!" I exclaimed as Jess began to wrap the towel around her waist. I had no time to finish my despair as she quickly tied the towel pressing me very firmly against one of her buttcheeks. I knew where she was headed... The changing room.

Slowly I felt my towel prison begin to loosen... Hanging onto the towel, I was going to be free from this girl's ass once and for all! The towel finally came free and I fell with it into a crumpled heap. "I can't believe how perverted those old guys were!" exclaimed Jess in a violated voice. "Well maybe if you didnt dress like such a skank, they'd leave you whores alone." said a random college girl in the change room. "You did not just say that!" "Can't take the truth?" snidely replied the college girl as she gave Jess a slight shove. As Jess instinctively took a step backwards, she stepped directly onto her towel, wedging me directly between her toes. "Gross!" exclaimed Jess. I sat there waiting as she slowly looked down to investigate...


Her hand gently reached out to grab the towel, feeling the wet surface of the white fabric. As she carelessly threw the towel across the room her eyes locked straight onto me. "Oh my God!" she shrieked. All I could do was wait and stare in between her two largest toes.

Chapter End Notes:

So, unaware comes to an end at chapter 2 (and yes I know, short chapter, next one will be much longer). Hope you guys are still enjoying the story, Chapter 3 will be coming, eventually. Thanks to all reviewers so far! It gave me quite the confidence boost!

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