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It was only then that Allison and Trish returned. But they were not alone. There were seven figures with them. The smallest was 864 meters tall. The tallest was 1125 meters tall.

“Did we miss something?” Trish asked.

“Two more haters showed up. But I drove them off.”Victoria explained.

“They also have driven off the people in the tiny hotel. Most of them have used the emergency wormhole to escape a safe place. I can’t say I blame them.” Janet commented.

“You’re not thinking of leaving already are you?” Allison asked.

“I don’t feel safe here.” Janet replied.

“Me either. Let’s blow this dump.” Stacey suggested.

“But we are just about to show off our dummies.” Victoria pleaded

“Don’t care.” Janet and Stacey then left via wormhole.

“Guess the show must go on. These dummies are life sized versions of the Drenic girls. They were created by the Sizechangers and while there permanent home will be an island on Sizeloa. The sizechangers were generous enough to loan them out for this convention. So go ahead people. Take a close look.  See how you compare to a drenic.”


Some people decided to take a closer look at the dummies. But Hillary noticed that even more were leaving the convention.

“Come on people, we got the situation under control.” Trish pleaded with the people leaving.

“We got visited by hostile GTS-Goddesses, that enough to make anyone nervous. “ Hillary pointed out.

“Are you planning on leaving as well?” Trish asked Hillary

“I want to get a close look at the dummies. But I’ll probably leave after that.” Hillary replied.


As Hillary expected she was taller than the dummies. The shortest dummy (Ashley) was just a few meters shy of her hips while the tallest dummy (Julia) came up between her breasts and the base of her neck. Most of the dummies came up somewhere between her hips and her breasts.


While Hillary was looking at the dummies a wormhole opened up. An 864 meter tall blond woman with brown eyes appeared. Looking around she frowned.

“Did I miss the convention?” She asked.

“We were planning a second day. But the GATC haters have scarred too many people off.” Trish replied.

“Curse the enemies of GATC.”

Hillary then noticed the newcomer.

“Hey aren’t you Amber Flowers, the actress that plays Ashley Andrews.”

“I am. This is a bummer. I was planning to promote my upcoming movie the small difference: Episode 03 at the convention.“

“I’ll be sure to see it when it comes out.” Hillary promised.

“Be sure to spread the word. I want the whole Wishbone multi verse to see my movie.”

“I can’t speak for the universe but I will promote your movie on the solar giantess world. The world I call home.”






 “And what happened after that?”Melody asked.

“Not much. They held a toast to the Unseen Harbinger creator of Giants and the City. I went home after that. My only regret is that I didn’t get to invite Janet to Texas house.”

“Well Hillary we got a surprise for you. Come on in Janet.” Goddess Smith said.

“Janet what are you doing here?”

“I was asked to make a hole in my busy schedule. I can’t stay long but I do have a gift for you.”

Janet then gave Hillary a huge tube.

“It’s a life sized Janine Shaw poster. It’s the first time I can’t recall give one to someone outside DE. But I think you have the room to display it.”

“Thank you Janet. You and your fellow GATC actresses will always be welcome at Texas house.”



The end for now



Author note: I had originally intended to write a story called “compare yourself to a Drenic” where various Wishbone characters compare their heights to life sized drenic dummies. But I wasn’t happy with the result.  

Speaking of dummies I did consider giving Hillary a life sized Janine Shaw dummy but later decided against it.

 It case your wondering,Janine is 945 meters tall. So that's one big poster.

BTW Today is August 19th which happens to be my birthday. I am now 40 years old. Yikes.



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