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Chapter two



“This is going to be the greatest convention ever. We are going to have people from all over the Wishbone multi verse here.” Allison told Hillary.

“One concern comes to mind.”

“Oh. What’s that?”

“What about normal sized fans? I assume some are going to show up at the convention.”

“We have over a thousand so called normal size people registered.” Trish said with pride in her voice.”


We have taken precautions for the safely of the smaller fans. We had friendly super witches cast spells so if a fan gets accidently stepped on by a larger fan it will be a non fatal experience and the smaller fan will make a very quick recovery.” Allison added.

“Kind of like when a cartoon character gets hurt.” Trish added

“We also got Deians to carry fans who don’t feel comfortable on the floor.”

“I got mixed feelings about you calling the palm of my hand a floor.”

“Sorry Victoria.”

“Deians. Aren’t they the people who were grown to Drenic size a few years ago?”Hillary asked.

“That is correct. “

“The actresses that play the Drenics are Deians. Will they appear at the convention?”

“We invited them. But we aren’t sure if they will show up.” Trish replied.

“I hope they show up. I would love to meet them.” Victoria said.


Sometime later Hillary was wondering around Victoria’s hand. She tried to avoid stepping on the smaller fans. But she had trouble seeing human sized people when there by her feet and sometimes she goofed. Fortunately the people she accidently stepped on did not die. Suddenly Victoria began to speak.

 “Welcome everyone to the GATC fan convention. I’m your host Victoria. My fellow GTS-goddesses Allison and Trish are co-hosts. Our first event is the meet and greet. Which people are already doing with prompting from us.  This will be followed by “How GATC changed my life.” Where people share their stories on how GATC changed their lives.  Then we will end the day with a surprise.“

“Hello folks my name is Allison. For people who are feeling hungry or thirsty refreshments are provided on Victoria’s other hand. Washrooms will also be provided .  We do realize that are guests are of different sizes so our washrooms are as well. If you still can’t find one near your size we do have access to size change guns.”

Hillary shuttered at the mention of size change guns.

 “Is there something wrong?”

Startled Hillary turned around and found herself facing two women. One had brown hair and hazel eyes and was 3690 feet tall. The other was a blue eyed brunette who was 3365 feet tall.

“I’m not sure it’s business of yours, but I had some bad experiences with size change guns. They were the weapon of choice in a hostile takeover attempt of my world.”

“Would that world happen to be the solar giantess world?” The brown haired woman asked.

“How did you know?”

“I try my best to keep up with the multi verse news. My name is Sam by the way. My wife’s name is Susan.”

“Name is Hillary. You two are the first giantess lesbian couple I have met.”

“I’m not a lesbian.” Susan explained. “It would have made things easier.”

“But I thought you two were married.”

“We are. It’s a long story. But the short answer is that I’m a man trapped in a GTS-Goddess body.” Sam explained.

Hillary then burst out laughing.

“That’s the craziest thing I ever heard. “

“It’s no joke. We were turned into GTS-goddesses against our will. At least it my case it did not involve a gender change.” Susan explained.

“You two are crazy.” Hillary said before walking away.


Hillary walked trying to avoid stepping on someone smaller than her when she heard a familiar sound.

“It can’t be.” She muttered. “There can’t be a helicopter here.”

But it was a helicopter. It flew around her face. A loudspeaker from the helicopter said.

“Greetings from Dan’s Crosstime giantess fan tours.”

“I should have known giantess fans would show up.” Hillary commented.

“We gambled that there were giantess fans among the GATC fans. And we were right. We like your shirt by the way.”

“Thank you.”


While Hillary was talking a girl with an Ashley Andrews mask walked by. What caught Hillary attention was the height of the girl. She was 864 meter tall.

“Nice mask.” Hillary told the girl.

“Thanks. Me and my friends bought masks of our favorite Drenic characters and used size change guns to enlarge ourselves to the size of the character.”

“So you’re not normally this tall?”

“Heck no! My normal height is 1.6 meters. If you don’t mind me asking are you a GTS-Goddess?”

“I wish. I’m a class two solar giantess.” Hillary replied.

“I have no idea what that is. Anyway I need to find where my friends have wondered off to. It’s nice to meet you.”

Hillary then waved goodbye.  Then she noticed the helicopter has flown off somewhere.  While trying to find out what happened to the helicopter a wormhole appeared and two figures emerged from it.


To be continued


Author note: the hostile takeover attempt mentioned by Hillary refers to a solar giantess story idea I had called “the meeting” but I never got around to writing it.


People wanting to know more about the GTS-Goddesses that appear in the story can look them up in the GTS-Goddess guide.


Anyway there will be a third chapter, but I make no promises about when it will be written. Comments can speed up the process.



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