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Author's Chapter Notes:

Play time.

“Well now I can see that you are a handfull! That is how I like my men! Mr. Red-Ass!
Now just hold still, I want to weigh you next.” John said laughing.
Alfred could see John placing the ruler back down on the table, feeling the how his ass still hurt as John was reaching down to grab him with the same hand.
Alfred freaked out and ran back through the door behind him, not knowing what else to do.
Only to run right into a small cage where he could not even sit down in just stand. The wired wall holding him inside. A small cage in which John simply picked up and and closed.
Alfred looked through the cage seeing the doorway on the table underneath him, and started to cry. Holding onto the wire in front of him.

John: “ Now that was easy. What are you looking at? The portal on the table? You can forget about that for the time being, I imagined having to force you into your cage. What a pity, I found that spanking you with the ruler was nice! Did I ever mention to you that I like to spank young men? How long did we agree upon that I'd be paying your rent for you? Did I say a year? Well that depends on you how long I'll keep you here. Go on ahead and cry it on out, that will make you feel better. I am sure there is market for nice little studs like you.”
John said rubbing his hand on his cheek hold up the cage to his face with the other hand.
John went over to the counter next to sink where the scale was. He then placed the cage on it, and wrote down how much Afred weighed subtracting the weight of the cage. “Now it seem that you weight at this time 356 grams.”
John then opened up the cage and shook Alfred into the sink. Alfred fell down into the cold metal sink.
John then turned on the water, and Alfred ran to the corner where the cold stream could not reach him.
“ I know, I know Freddy it is always too cold at first. You really do turn me on Freddy. You handsome little stud!” John said totally amused.
John then let the water run and it was getting hotter. Alfred could feel the steam, as John took off his pants, and underwear. John then proceeded to test the water to make sure it was warm, but not scolding hot. John took the dishwashing soap and soaped up his hands togethere and then grabed Alfred and soaped him up too, giggling the whole time. Humming a lulliby.
Holding all at once Alfred in one hand and stroaking his already hard cock with the other while letting the water run, went back over to the kitchen table. John then placed Alfred on the corner of kitchen table holding him down with his one hand, making sure that he could not use his legs and arms. Slapping arbitrarily his already hard cock which was dripping with pre-cum on the tiny upper body of his new captured test subject. Towering over his tiny subject, staring at it, spitting on it, rubbing the saliva with dish soap together, stroaking his cock, loving it, the strength he had, the facination of it all! And all the while Alfred was yelling, screaming “What the fuck John! Stop it! Stop it! This is insane! John, John John!” John was getting even more aroused by it all.
Feeling how Alfred squirmed around under his hand unable to get away, being careful enough not to squash him, but played with the idea of it. John realize that he would be able to kill him if he wanted, and nobody would ever find out anything. John continued holding him down on the table, enjoying every second of it, until he finally came, and he jerked off all over Alfred's upper body and in his tiny face. Alfred tasted the soap, and sperm, and John's spit and started to puked and cough.
“I am sorry Freddy, but I seemed not to have been able to control myself.” John said in an abrupt arbitrarily fashion wondering if excusing himself was even necissary.

John looked down at his little subject totally fascinated, he felt so much power and arousment. Alfred continued yelling, but John couldn't listen. John was caught up in a strange kind of blacked-out state. This was for John a piece of art. A beautiful image, but real at the same time.
His whole life has been so boring until now. John held him down again and had another orgasm again being able to shoot it all in Alfred face primarily.
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