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Story Notes:

(the title's acronym is FAGS)

Sakaara spun her head from side to side and looked at the rest of her adventuring group. Despite meeting them in a sketchy tavern, the elven sorceress had grown rather fond of them. Belisara the half-giant barbarian was a gregarious figure – tall, incredibly muscular and almost always drinking. Eoreth the human priest was always calm and composed beneath his plate, and the half-drow Giro was as sarcastic as he was stealthy.

The cold stone of the dungeon walls around them was illuminated by the pale glow of Eoreth’s restorative magic. The party’s latest adventure had taken them to one of the secondary castles of an ancient wizard king, and the last fight was surprisingly dangerous. Belisara had one of her arms twisted open before she bashed an undead skull into fragments with her greathammer, and she was howling an unrecognisable litany of curse words as the human priest restored her back to full health.

“Every single time we go down a set of stairs, the monsters get nastier. Are you all sure you don’t want to rest and try again tomorrow?”

Giro was leaning against a wall, practically unhurt save for a minor cut below his left eye that looked more like warpaint than an actual injury. The rogue was as brave as a thief could be, but he knew his limits – and those of the rest of the party.

“I’ve still got enough restorative magic left to patch every last one of us back to good health after the next fight. Everyone’s still got all their potions too…we should be fine.

“Yeah, what he said. I’m the only one who even got hurt that time…I’m not afraid to see a bit of blood.”

Belisara swung her newly healed arm through the air and stretched her imposing, eight foot tall frame out. Tightening the strap on her dragon-hide armour and giving her hammer a few more swings, the half-giant slammed it into the wall and sent out a spray of rocky dust.

“I haven’t even used any of my higher level spells yet…If you’re worried, I’ll hasten the entire party before we get started. That rod of spell extension I just found should make it last for the rest of the day, too.”

Sakaara spoke up, her own voice lilting and melodic. The elf had a touch of the upper planes running through her blood – she’d guessed that she was related to some noble bastard – and it made her beautiful and charismatic. Successful sorcerers always tended to be beautiful and charismatic, and when her inborn talents were combined with the powerful cloak she’d inherited the elf believed that she had incredible potential. Big green eyes, long ears and silvery hair that reached halfway down her back – when you added in a figure that most women would kill for, the sorceress was more than capable of impressing just about everyone they met. She actually had to turn her charm off to make sure adventuring parties didn’t devolve into arguments over her favour – although it didn’t seem to be an issue with this one.

After hearing the confidence in everyone else’s words, Giro shrugged and laughed.

“Well, guess I’m not winning that argument. Just don’t expect me to take the lead down there.”

“Hah! We all know your type likes to take the rear anyway.”

Belisara thumped a fist against her chest and laughed, before swinging her hammer over her shoulder and making her way down the dungeon staircase. The rest of the party followed suit, the sound of their footsteps echoing out around them. The walls on the left side of the staircase eventually gave way to a vast, dark and open chamber. Sakaara looked over the edge of the stairs(her innate elven darkvision proving quite useful) and saw the tiled floor – roughly two hundred feet down.

“That’s a big room. Wonder why the roof is so high.”

Belisara’s words rang out loud, the echo travelling through the massive chamber, prompting Giro to clap his hand against his face and let out a melodramatic sigh.

“Thanks for announcing tha-LOOK OUT“

Giro reached out with his hand to try and grab Belisara’s shoulder – only to come up short. The half-giant’s next step rang out loud, the stair her foot landed on beginning to glow as a brilliant chime ran through the massive chamber. A channel of light ran up the wall next to the step and onto the ceiling, where it spread out in an arcane pattern – and slowly cast a low light over the entire room.

Even as Giro groaned in disappointment, Sakaara concentrated on the magical dweomers and analysed them as best she could.

“I’m looking, but…all that trap seemed to do was turn the lights on. I think it may have just been an automatic light. This place was meant to be lived in, remember.”

Giro shook his head and frowned.

“In five years of sneaking and stealing, my instincts have never been wrong. That was a trap, no doubt about it. “

Belisara simply laughed at the rogue’s concern, before giving him a slap on the back that caused the slight half-elf to stumble.

“Well, if that was a trap then there’s bound to be something worth stealing further down!”

The entire party continued to walk down the stairs after that, although Giro made sure to check every single step before the rest of the party reached it. They eventually made it to the floor of the massive chamber entirely unharmed – prompting another taunt from Eoreth.

“If that was a trap…I don’t think it worked. Maybe whatever it was that it was meant to do fell apart years ago.”

Giro simply shook his head and started walking. There was a slight channel in the floor, invisible from the staircase but easily noticeable when you’d reached the ground. With Giro checking for traps every step of the way, the party made their way through the massive room. They’d come down on the eastern side of the room, and both the northern and southern sides seemed to simply be large, featureless walls. Even with her elven sight, Sakaara couldn’t see the western wall. Apart from the occasional massive supporting pillar, the room was effectively empty.

It took the party about five minutes before they could even see the western wall of the chamber…although calling it a wall was generous. There was a long ladder stretching up to an exit on one side, but the rest of the “wall” was simply a massive metal gate. The only light came from two big red orbs high up near the ceiling – other than that, there was only darkness behind the gate. Sakaara peered at it for a solid minute before she felt an incredibly shaky finger tap her on the shoulder.

“I…was …right. Infravision. Now.”

While elves like Sakaara weren’t possessed of natural infravision like drow(and their descendants), the sorceress had picked up a magical lens from one of her earlier adventures. Slipping the elegant frame down over her eyes, Sakaara let out a gasp. With the heat-sensing magical vision she now saw with, she could see exactly what those two lights were.

They were eyes. The massive, red eyes of a female catfolk – somehow enlarged to a truly ridiculous size. Sakaara had fought frost giants before, and this thing was at least ten times the height of even them. The two hundred foot ceiling was low enough for the giant cat-eared girl that she had to hunch forward. The giant was completely naked save for a massive collar and a pair of rings. While the giant feline was still a long way away, her ridiculous size meant that Sakaara could identify the magic of those rings in a second. One was a cursed ring of idiocy – an item which utterly obliterated the intelligence of whoever wore it. As massive as the catgirl was, she wasn’t any more intelligent than a regular cat. The second was a ring of silence.

While the giant had kept almost perfectly still, Sakaara’s infravision let her see that the giant was alive. Alive and waiting – she may have been dumb, but she had all the predatory instincts that a cat could possess. Even as the mortal danger she was in sunk into her consciousness, Sakaara couldn’t help but stare at the giant catgirl. The forced hunch the giantess had to adopt emphasised her naked chest – and while those breasts were many times bigger than Sakaara’s entire body, they’d have been bigger than hers even if the two were the same size. The catgirl wasn’t as beautiful as the elf was, but her curvy physique triggered some sort of primal sexual appreciation.

Sakaara was broken out of her trance by a quick slap across the face by the half-elf next to her – but here cheeks were red before Giro’s hand reached her face.

“I didn’t want you to ogle her. Haste. Now.”

“Bu- …those two wouldn’t be in range.”

As the elf and half-drow had stopped to talk, Belisara and Eoreth had continued ahead – unaware of the massive danger ahead of them.

“Exactly. We don’t need to be faster than the giant.”

A shocked expression scrawled itself across Sakaara’s face – before she bit down on her lip and looked to the side. Every adventurer had heard of that old proverb, and the sheer massive size of the monster ahead utterly destroyed Sakaara’s concern for her friends.

Nodding, the elf started to silently cast a spell of haste. It took her roughly twelve seconds to finish casting the spell, which made it seem like the entire world except for her and Giro had simply slowed down – which was the only reason she saw the insanely fast movement of the giant cat. The curvy, female giant pounced to the ground on all fours – and while the magic of her silencing ring removed all sound of her landing, it did nothing to stop the shaking of the ground that accompanied such an incredible weight slamming into the ground.

“What th-“

Eoreth’s shocked reaction made it clear he was stunned by the appearance of the giant. Sakaara turned and watched as the human cleric fell into a battle stance, raising his shield as it glowed with holy light. Raising it above his head Eoreth started to mutter a quick prayer – seconds before the catgirl made her move. A wicked smile on her face, the giant feline brought a single massive fist down like a hammer blow. Eoreth’s shield held strong – although the divine radiance quickly flickered out. Eoreth himself didn’t fare nearly as well. While the shield protected him from being instantly crushed, the sheer force and weight behind the blow shattered his legs and drove him down into a newly formed crater in the ground.

Belisara, who had been standing a few feet behind the cleric, let out a scream and grabbed a throwing axe from her belt. Pulling her arm back and sending it forward in a mighty throw, the half-giant stared as her desperate attack was simply caught in the giant cat’s brown hair. She only started to move again as Eoreth turned and looked at her with a horrified expression on his face.

“Run! Escape!”

Belisara shook her head when she heard the cleric’s words…only to watch as the giant cat crouched down and brought her massive face next to the severely injured cleric. It was only then that the half-giant realised why Eoreth told her to run – he didn’t want her to see his last moments. The half-giant turned on her heels and started running for the exit – averting her gaze from the carnage behind her. The massive catgirl gave the wounded human’s body a quick sniff before opening her mouth wide. Her eyes closed, the feline licked the priest’s entire body into her mouth…and giggled. It would have been cute if she was a normal size- but it was simply horrifying at her current height.

Sakaara was still stunned – she couldn’t help but watch. Curiously enough, the catgirl didn’t seem to chew or swallow the priest – she simply kept him in her mouth before turning her gaze to the next tasty morsel. The giant catgirl began to pad forward on all fours – despite Belisara running as fast as the half giant could, the giant easily managed to catch up to her before she even got close to the still motionless sorceress. Sakaara could feel every single motion the giant made through the vibrations in the floor – she was practically hypnotised by the overwhelming size and presence of the giant.

Belisara quickly realised that she wasn’t going to make it. Ripping off her family necklace and throwing it at the stunned elf, the half-giant let out a melancholic laugh before turning around and facing her final opponent. Readying her hammer, the barbarian ran forward and leaped into the air in an attempt to get a good hit in on her opponent – but she’d underestimated the massive advantage the catgirl’s size gave her. Rather than try and shield herself from the approaching hammerblow, the catgirl lowered her face down and opened her mouth – letting Belisara jump straight in before snapping her jaws shut.

As the catgirl turned her eyes on Sakaara, the elf shook out of her reverie. If she didn’t do anything, she was next. Closing her eyes and ignoring the sight of the giant, the elf conjured a dimensional door in front of her and stepped through. She didn’t have a very powerful teleportation spell ready to cast, but she didn’t need to go much further than the other side of the pillar closest to the stairs. She could see Giro – he’d just made it to the foot of the staircase out…but she knew that wasn’t enough to escape.

The elven sorceress’ eyes shone with light as she concentrated on one final spell. Simply running wasn’t going to get her anywhere – but going fast wasn’t the only way to get out of trouble. As the incantation finished, Sakaara’s form faded from view as she became completely invisible. Moving as slowly and quietly as she could, the elf slowly started to make her way towards the base of the stairs.

She hadn’t even made it halfway there before she tripped and fell – her attention focused on the naked giant slowly crawling towards her. Instantly stifling her cry of pain as she landed on the ground, Sakaara realised that she’d fallen into that same channel on the floor that she found on the way in. The feminine elf had only just started to move her hand to get up when the giant reached her. Still on her back, Sakaara simply stopped moving completely. Her door trick and invisibility seemed to work – because she could see that the massive giantess was going after Giro. While her view was obscured by the underside of the catgirl’s massive breasts, there was no mistaking the cowardly scream made as a giant hand wrapped around a tiny rogue.

When the shock of the giant’s appearance started to wear off, Sakaara looked up at the massive body above her. The catgirl was squatting on her haunches – and the elf was looking up between her legs. The same feminine parts that she possessed were replicated (with a few differences) in massive scale directly above her head, framed on either side by thick thighs that could have crushed a fully armoured, horse-mounted knight with the lightest of efforts. Past that was the tremendous wall that was the catgirl’s stomach – occasionally moving slightly with the giant’s breath. Past that was the underside of the female giant’s breasts – and Sakaara couldn’t see any further past that imposing wall of soft, curvy flesh. There was something appealing about the catgirl’s physique, but her tremendous size magnified the effect that she had on Sakaara as much as it did her physical strength. The elf could feel her cheeks warming up as she watched the giant – as much as she wanted to deny just how arousing the sight was.

Then she heard a different scream – and a horrible noise. The catgirl had finally started to chew, her massive teeth splitting the bodies of her former party members into many gory parts and spraying the wall with red blood and viscera. It didn’t take long after that for Sakaara to hear a tremendous gulping sound even from her lowly position on the ground. It was then that she realised that Giro was still alive – because the giant took her hand and rubbed the half-drow’s body against her stomach as the sounds of digestion slowly filtered out.

As horrifying as it was for Giro, Sakaara’s attention was occupied by something else. A powerful aroma filled up her nose, and from her current position she could easily see why – the giantess was getting aroused. She was so miniscule in comparison that she could watch as blood flowed to the catgirl’s privates, and moisture began to build up. The smell soon became overpowering, so strong that Sakaara didn’t even notice as the giantess raised her hand and tossed Giro into her mouth. The half-drow’s scream was cut off as the cat closed her lips… and swallowed the rogue whole.

Shifting her legs from side to side as she instinctually stimulated herself, the giant catgirl traced a finger over the outside of her stomach as the muffled sound of screaming came out from within it. Sakaara only saw a second of it before a massive bead of the catgirl’s sexual fluids fell down and utterly soaked her upper body. The sticky liquid filled up Sakaara’s mouth and went down into her stomach, soaking her hair as it overwhelmed her senses with the giant’s flavour. There was no denying Sakaara’s arousal now, and as the catgirl purred with satisfaction the elf beneath her crotch slowly slid her fingers inside her own robe. The sound of the massive body around her creaking and straining as it grew another few feet, flush with the devoured souls of her former party members only added to the elf’s eventual silent release.


Sakaara tightened her cloak around her body as she took her final step out of the dungeon. They’d been adventuring in the north, and snow was gently falling down from a grey sky. She still stank of the catgirl’s fluids – and she didn’t feel like washing until she had to. That impossible size…enough power that what was a desperate fight for survival for others was simply foreplay. Power that meant her simple bodily processes were desperate dangers for anyone she cared to play with…it was meant to be hers. Sakaara had started adventuring to develop her innate magical talents, but now she had a goal. She had determination. Giggling softly to herself, the elf took her first few steps towards civilisation while reading the elegantly bound tome she’d looted from the ancient dungeon.

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