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This story is fictional based on nothing more than my rather

sick imagination and a little too much time during the day and

on weekends.  There are no real settings and if it happens to look like anything

you may have seen before, well that’s by accident

 If this happens to reflect you life in anyway then

I recommend counseling. 

Human’s have several innate abilities in which they are unaware, but come at a high price for those who know of them…the ones who these abilities, which so many have learned to turn of or just flat out ignore, is stuck in the on position.    For them, a simple look or even a tap can mean something very different for them. This is a story of such a situation.


It’s Friday, the day everyone loves and hates.  Why you may ask?  Because its not only the last day of the work and school week, but its also the last day you have to go through till the weekend.  Its this that what makes this day the longest day in the week.  Yet, it’s a good day for one Dr. Bento Purini.  You see, Purini is an experimental physicist who has been barred from just about ever institution of higher learning on the East Coast of the United States, and in several countries, but not for his eccentric theories, rather than for his radical ideas. 


You see, Purini is a perfect example of a scientist with no conscience. He believes in advancement at all cost, including human experimentation.  It was his last experiment, attempting to use a higher energy particle accelerator on several of his colleges that got him thrown out of the scientific community.  It was only the fact that the school’s power station overloaded that stopped him…that day. 


Yet today Purini is still up to his old tricks, only this time, he has decided that pleasure should also accompany his research. 


A few days ago, in fact the previous Saturday, Purini ventured into a local book store. His goal was not to take in the latest novel or entertain himself at the snack bar, for it was to try in address one of the local youths stationed at the school.  You see, many of the local youths actually come to hang out at this book store that happens to also be the bookstore for the local college.  It should be noted that most of those present are female.  Yes, these high school students are in fact looking for the college boys who are ‘so much more mature than the boys their age.’  It helps that most of these boys have a realistic income and cars. 


Purini knew that this place is always filled with plenty of options, and it didn’t take him long to find his target.  As he cowered behind a stack of magazines, he spied a young girl, probably only in the 9th grade, but she was already too interested in boys far older than her.  He knows this well as he watches her eyes constantly dart form one boy to another, barely even spending a second on her homework.  Each glance is slightly more desperate than the last. 


‘Girl’s like that…’  he processes, ‘…are always interested in any older man.’


So he takes a few steps towards the girl as she falsely pretends to study.  He doesn’t head straight for her.  Instead, he heads to the bar and grabs a Latte, bumping into a young boy as he goes.  It allows him to get close enough to scan her few text books.  He then starts his way back. This time he stays behind her, ensuring that she will not see his approach. He then passes behind her, spots her basic Algebra and notes that, of the questions she has done, they are all wrong. 


“Algebra?”  He states in a calm voice. 


The girl nearly jumps, but by this point he has already passed clear to the other side of her.  This little girl looks up to him with her daddy issue eyes that have quickly realized that, while she may have hit a little bit too high, Purini isn’t too bad of a catch.  After all, Purini isn’t bad looking at thirty.  A scientist, he still knows that its important to maintain ones body and looks (better looks increases ones chance at reproduction).  He’s pretty clean cut with some beard stubble, but its maintained in a way that makes him look that much more mature than his otherwise twenty something looks would suggest. 


“Uh…yes.”  The girl replies in a more awkward, juvenile manor, but she then quickly corrects, looks down to her paper and starts, “But I am afraid I’m not really good at it.”  The more resent statement is in a more simpler, calmer tone, one that is designed to encourage continued conversation. 


“Well, I think that I may be able to help you.”  He responds. 


With that, the trap is set.  He helps the girl with her homework.  Its all very simple to him, but as is good for the scheme, he tries to go slow with the girl.  Within an hour, she is his.  He get’s her a drink as they study together and tutors her on some upcoming material.  Its only by hour 1.5 does he finally say,


“You know, its rather busy in here, we should find someplace that is better to study.”


“Okay.”  She quickly replies. 


The Doctor then takes the girl back to his place.  It’s not too far away, only a five minute walk.  In that time, the good doctor has the young girl smiling and happy and open.  He then brings her inside of his home.  Its not a bad home, it’s a modern building built like a large box, but the area he takes her to is not the living area.  Instead it’s the rear lab. 


“Don’t worry, it’s just easier to enter through the garage.”


The girl looks around with a smile on her face.  Her light green eyes and her wavy blond hair tied in a pony flaps around her head as she looks at all the equipment that has been staged in the room.  Purini continues into the room as the girl slowly enters.  Purini walks straight to a computer in the corner and types into it.  A large, device suddenly rotates around and points towards the girl.  It is run by a silent motor so the girl doesn’t hear it.  Then, with no warning what so ever, a beam of high energy hits the girl and knocks her over, but before she can hit the ground her body just suddenly begins to melt away. 


From an atomic perspective, the polarity between her protons and electrons are changed.  The new polarity decreases the distance between the two.  The process causes particles of mass to become extruded from in inside the nucleus of her cells, causing her mass as well as her size to drop.  Soon, this girl, formally five foot even drops down nearly twenty times, dropping her new height of about three inches.  The process lasts only a few seconds but its traumatic and she instantly passes out from the shock.  Yet Purini knows this is only temporary.  Now that her body no longer requires nearly as much oxygen to operate, her reduced size means that, she will become momentarily euphoric with the amount of oxygen surging into her system. She will actually be more alert when she wakes up. 


‘It is true that at her current size, the differences in O2 molecule size could be an issue, but it shouldn’t be but so bad at her current scale.  But it doesn’t matter…I don’t want her in that state just yet.’


Purini takes what looks like a standard specimen jar off a rack on the wall and walks it over to the girl.  He then bends down over her limp body, which still wears its backpack.


“So cute.”  He states looking down at her. “I only wish there was more time.”


He then scoops up her body and pushes it into the jar and closes the lid.  With that, a device, one that has also been shrunk, activates and the little girl is frozen solid in a state of suspended animation. 


That is how she remains till that Wednesday.  That is when Purini pulls her frozen body down off of a shelf and over to a small examination table.  He cracks open the jar, which instantly defrost her and slides her body onto a dissection plate.  She looks dead.  But after a few moments, he watches as her small chest begins to move up and down.  He decides to make her more comfortable and takes out a small set of tweezers and uses them to pull the straps off of her backpack.  He then picks it up and drops it to the side. 


It takes a few moments but eventually the girl wakes up.  She looks around, half dazed, but the fact that her body, even though once frozen, has had a chance to slowly adjust to the thicker air, she is much calmer than what she would normally be.  She is able to look around and spot the large glass eye piece looking down on her from above.  She doesn’t know what it is, but its like nothing she has ever seen before.  What she doesn’t realize is that it is a digital camcorder, and it is recording.  She then turns to the left and spots a giant face.  The face is familiar to her.  Yet that face smiles and starts,


“How do you feel?”


“I feel?  What happened?”  She states half in a daze.


“Why don’t I show you.” 


Whit that he takes out a ruler and places it next to her.  The girl looks at it and instantly notes how it reads about three inches, but it means little to her.  Its only after she looks up and notes the giant hand and the giant arm its attached to does she realize the trouble she is in.  A look of fear jumps to her face as she looks to him, then over herself. 




“Oh come on, do you think that a mind who could barely get high school algebra can contemplate this.  Let’s just say I shrunk you.”




“Research.  You see, that is what I do here.  I test advanced particle realignment, and you are just one of my experiments.”


“Why?”  She cries. 


“Because it’s necessary.  People don’t realize that everything we need to fix our society has been being born out of control for the past five hundred thousand years.  Look at this.”


He takes another bottle and places it next to her.  Inside is an orange liquid. 


“This was another girl, just like you.  She was so obsessed with finding that older boyfriend…now, she’s little more than a soft drink.”


The girl can hardily believe it.  Yet spotting the mayonnaise jar that is twice her size causes her heart to fall out from her chest.


“Wait…your not going to do that to me…are you?”


“I don’t know yet.  Right now, you are only one solution to the Earth’s problems.  You are a test to ensure that humans can survive on you scale.  My previous subjects…well, only a few of them are left.”


“Huh…they…wait no, please…”


“Oh, they did not die because of the experiment.  They died because they refused to cooperate.  Actually the process is quiet stable now.  No, they decided that they couldn’t put up with the testing phase, that…they were human and scientific advancement wasn’t important to them.  So since I couldn’t use them, I disposed of them.”


A terrible feeling of fear fills the girl.  But it does make her obedient.  From that point on, she participated in all of his experiments.  She was measured and poked and prodded.  She was forced to live off of food that was twice her size, food that, at first, made her sick and hurt to swallow.  At night she was kept in a hamster cage.  Then in the morning its under a microscope,  then breathing test, stress test, and just about every other test.  She is put in mazes, both the traditional type and ones involving giant books and pens and other random objects.  By Friday, the girl is whipped out and stressed. 


“Well, today I think we shall do something different.”  Purini states. 


“Whaaaat?”  The girl cries, the stress taking her over.  


With that, he pops open the cage reaches inside and picks up the tiny girl and halls her outside of the cage then drops her onto the dissection plate. 


“Now take off your cloths.” 




“Off with them…its not like I haven’t seen you bathing in the feed dish.”


The girl glows with embarrassment. 


“Come on now…I could easily force you too.”  He drops his hand down and uses his pinky, in a rather awkward way, pushes her over.  She thump easily knocks her over.  Her chest hurts from the impact and the message gets through.  The girl slowly pulls off her top and pulls off her pants, which causes the skyscraper of a man to state,


“Underwear too.”


The girl’s face glows red as she removes her panties and her underwear.  Her tiny cloths stand in a pile barely an inch across.  Her breast are tiny, but she is young.  The doctor smiles.  She isn’t really a fully developed girl, but for her to be forced to fallow his instructions is enough to get this man excited. 


“Now lie down in the center.” 


The girl gets up and slowly walks into the center of the dissection plate.  She then drops to her knees and lays down. 


“Extend you arms and legs.” 


The girl fallows suit as she begins to cry.  Purini then grabs a few staples and presses them into the rubber mat just above all of the girl’s limbs, trapping them.  He then grabs a small spray bottle and sprays the girl with it.  It makes her cough a little bit before Purini comes back around with a small knife. 


“Wait…what are you going to do?” 


Purini then drops blade down onto her twig like limb and begins to pulls it down the length of her arm.  She wants to shriek out in pain, but for some reason feels nothing.  He then takes two pins and expands the slit he just made, exposing the muscles in her arms.  He then moves over to her stomach and drops the blade down on her once more.  As with her arm, he slowly exposes her organs and uses pins to keep the skin open. 


The girl cries heavily, but for some reason she feels no pain.  Purini just looks over her.  There is a little blood, but that is only because he has managed to miss all of her major blood vessels.  What he sees interest him greatly.  He takes a magnifying glass off of a shelf and begins looking her over.  The sign of her pure white skin contrast against her red, pulsing organs is so alluring to him, even sexually stimulating.  With his free hand, he takes a small pin with a blunted head and begins pushing her organs around looking at them, analyzing them, enjoying their beauty.  He watches as her intestines pulse slightly and her lungs flex inward and outwardly.  He can even see her exposed rib cage.  He pushes her legs around just to see how they react.  He reaches over to her opened arm and does the same.  He watches the muscles and ligaments flex. 


“Now something a little more evasive.” 


He takes a thinner stick and reaches it around to her micro-sized vagina.  He pushes against her tiny labia.


“Wha…what are you doing?” 




He then pushes the steel looking object into her body.  He feels little resistance to his invasion and it brings a smile to his face.  She feels a sheer amount of pressure on the lower region of her body. 


“Stop it!  Stop it!”  She yells, but the doctor cares little.  He just watches as her diaphragm presses up against her lungs as she screams.  He knows, from the anesthetic he gave her, that she can’t feel any pain.  But watching her in this condition is just to exciting to pass up.  He pushes the pole up, watching her body bulge.  He then spots her small uterus begin to expand as the small pole passes into her body.  That’s when he begins to feel some resistance.  He then pulls the pole out and spots the small spot of blood on the tip. 


“Well, I guess you really were a virgin. Not anymore.” 


The girl’s face is red and she cries hard. 


“Well, I guess I will sew you up now.   You can know be a test subject for one of my other inventions.”


He then undoes the pins and pushes the skin of her chest and abdomen closed.  He then takes a small laser and passes up her chest, healing her wound.  He does the same with her arm.  Then, he uses the tweezers to pull out the staples, freeing her.  The girl sits up and immediately moves to hold herself.  Then, using his forefinger, he strokes her shoulder and replies,


“Oh don’t worry, it is almost over…only one more test now.” 


The girl looks up to him and cries…




“Yes, you are the only one to make it to the end.  Come on.”  He then extends his hand and places it next to the girl, as if beckoning her to get on.  The girl, with this new hope I her, slowly sits up and walks over to the hand and sits on it.  He then lifts her up slowly and carefully up in the air and in front of his face.  The girl looks at him nervously, but the hopes of escape are too much for her.  The doctor smiles and states,


“This little experiment in sustainability…of making people small, has all been about one thing…making sure those of us that remain normal will be able to have a food source for some time.”


The girl has no chance to process that remark as the man opens his mouth wide and pushes the girl inside, and swallows her whole.


He then nods his head and responds,


“Not bad, not bad at all.” 




Tyler wakes up from a dream.  He finds himself inside of the English class with most of the students around him having departed.  He then looks up and spots his teacher, Mss. Idlemen who remarks,


“Tyler, you are an A+ student.  And while you did finish the test early, I would like it if you wouldn’t sleep in my class.”


“Yes ma’am.”  The boy responds.  He then leaves. 


Tyler is a young boy, only 14, in the 9th grade of the local high school.  While he did fall asleep, he honestly wishes to God he hadn’t.  The dream he had was among the worst he has had in ages.  As he exits the building, he looks and spots the poster decrying the latest of his classmates to disappear.  This school seems to suffer from a high level of runaways.  Yet as he walks down the street towards his home, he passes that same old ugly, box of a home as always.  Yet, not paying attention, he accidently runs into a man exiting and bumps into him. The brief contact is familiar and stirs up a familiar feeling inside of him.  He spins around and looks to the man.  He has seen him before, but that’s not too unusual.  While there are plenty of transitory people in his community with the college, it makes spotting the regular people that much easier. 


But seeing this man causes something to happen to Tyler that he only barely understands.  He feels a strong pulse of energy that shoots straight into his mind coming from the man.  It’s a pulse of fear, of dying, of murder.  Then, with just a slight exchange of glances, as this man tries to figure out what is wrong with this boy, Tyler is filled with, not just random images, but full and organized memories, from this man.  Memories or his experiments, memories of his victims and memories of the stress he put them under and the enjoyment…and then there is Crystal…his missing classmate and a friend of his; A girl who he sometimes though knew more about this 6th sense than she was willing to let on. 


Then…his mind fills with not memories of hers, but with her current thoughts, her screams for help as she endures the pain…the pain of being digested.  Tyler looks to the man.  Most the time, he doesn’t know whether or not to take these images seriously, but this time, this time he is left with a choice, ether to trust to images…or ignore them.  But something in his mind tells him that what he is seeing is true, and compels him to do the only thing he can do, and that is save his friend.  In a fierce and powerful change that this 90 pound weakling can muster, he pushes forward and knocks the man down, with only about a hundred people watching.  He then begins hitting him, not in the face, but in the stomach.  He ensures that each blow is as effective as he can manage, and he ensures that his frequency is tight enough as to not to allow the man to breath. 


He gets about ten punches in before he is grabbed off the man by a college student and a police officer, both who look at him as if he’s gone crazy. Several people run over to the man to ensure that he is okay, and to help him up, but the quick motion disrupts the man’s constitution and he turns over and throws up. 


As expected, the fallowing sight was more than most could comprehend.  For what flowed out of his mouth was the missing girl, a rather popular little blond know as Crystal King.  You see, for all his time, researching the mysteries of the universe, Dr. Bento Purini forgot that sometimes, the greatest mysteries of the universe aren’t out in space, but are ones that we as humans, have forgotten about ourselves.   

Chapter End Notes:

This was an attempt of mine to make a short story series that, yes, is based off the Twilight Zone and off of the Jonny Bravo Twilight zone parady episode.  No, I am not good at proof reading so some parts do read rough, but don't bother me about that.  Other than that, your comments are welcome

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