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It was a historic step. 

For the first time in over 200 years, a foreign invader was on American soil.  Sang-Hee represented a single soldier, yet the 5 mile tall, bikini-clad corporal possessed the strength and destructive power of countless armies combined.

The Korean She-Goliath stood on the shore, drinking in the sight of her enemy’s homeland.  From her perspective some 30,000 feet above ground, so much of the land stretched out before her.  Immediately ahead was a major city, its sprawling infrastructure easily visible to Sang’s sharp eyes.

The tallest buildings stood no higher than mid-shin to her, and were clustered a few miles away:  a short stroll for the giant soldier.  Most of the other structures were far smaller; so tiny that they didn’t even reach the feeble height of her ankles. 

Sang’s orders were simple:  destroy -- obliterate the first city she encountered.  The feeling of absolute superiority and power coursing through her body made the young woman sure she would have done just that whether the leadership wished her to or not.

Destruction at her size was inevitable anyway.  Peering down at the ground, Sang noticed the simple act of her wading and stepping ashore wreaked incredible havoc.  Based on the remaining recognizable objects, she assumed she was in the middle of an industrial port.  Few buildings remained standing though.

Clearly her stepping through the ocean created powerful tidal waves…tsunamis.  Nearly every structure within a mile of the shore had been knocked over by the titanic waves Sang created.  Thick layers of broken buildings were intermingled with mud and several beached ships.

Those ships were the most recognizable things remaining.  Mighty tankers and freighters littered the area.  Most of the massive boats were flipped on their sides or tops, and despite their mass, had been obviously helpless against Sang’s approach.

The realization of her casual strength caused the North Korean woman to shiver with pleasure.  Without thinking, her hand crept downward, and slid beneath the waistband of her bikini bottom. 

Who knew power, godlike POWER could be such an aphrodisiac, Sang thought?  At the same time, she realized there wasn’t a man capable of satisfying her.  Somehow, this realization of masculine impotence in comparison to her own might made Sang smirk.

Eyes closed, breathing deeply, she massaged her sensitive region for a moment, before tearing herself away from the mounting pleasure.  No, Sang thought, she was free to do as she wished, but she had a point to make to these Americans.  The destruction she intended to inflict would only add to the eventual pleasure anyway, she reasoned.

Sang’s long stride quickly carried her from the shore to a more intact part of the city.  Beneath her feet were wide highways littered with abandoned vehicles.  Squinting a bit, she thought she could see masses of people fleeing far ahead.  She was disappointed that she arrived after they had the chance to escape.  Still, their puny legs wouldn’t carry them far enough to get away from Sang.

“Insects!  Go ahead and run” she taunted.  Sang relished the mental picture of her feet trodding upon so many of her miniscule enemies.

She followed the highway, heading closer to the crowds, as well as the far more interesting downtown area.  No manmade obstacle could stop Sang’s progress.  Her feet crushed the largest vehicles, while highway overpasses collapsed from her ground quaking steps.  Excitement built, and Sang quickened her pace, until a series of bright flashes on the ground caught her attention.

Stopping, she looked toward the ground, and a wide smirk lit up her face . . .

If not for the miniscule fireballs exploding near her bared toes, Sang never would have noticed the line of tanks below.  To say they blocked her path would be giving them far too much credit.  More accurately, the armor columns and the soldiers were on Sang’s path.  To the giant Korean woman their threat was inconsequential, yet they promised to serve as a delightful diversion.  With a satisfied grin Sang bent down to get a better look at her opposition.

Row after row of the little war machines sat before her.  An impressive enemy for a normal army, but at Sang’s size, they didn’t even qualify as toys.  Clustered around the tanks were minute specks . . . soldiers.  Their pathetic size made it impossible for Sang to count them, but she estimated there must be a few thousand.

She mocked them with a cutesy wave, coupled with a “Hello” in English.

Swatting airplanes, and sinking boats was fun, but these men would serve as a far more satisfying outlet for her colossal power.  Now Sang would have the pleasure of pitting her physical strength against actual American men.  The very anticipation made her tingle all over again . . .

. . . . . 

The men’s orders were simple:  distract the North Korean woman, in order to give civilians more time to evacuate the city.  Stopping her was never discussed as even the most optimistic military leader understood the reality. 

One general in D.C. put it best, “Stop her?  We’re too small for her to notice if she’s not even looking.  Hell, those boys we put in her path could end up as the bitch’s toe jam, and she wouldn’t even know it!”

 . . . . .

Those very toes were what they initially faced.  Even though the Korean woman didn’t move, her mere presence was overwhelming.  The smell of Sang’s titanic bared feet alone, with their pungent, vinegary odor, instantly brought five thousand men to their knees.  Eyes watering, noses burning, the elite unit was all but incapacitated, and Sang hadn’t even moved yet.

The tanks and their crews didn’t succumb to the girl’s foot odor due to filtered air systems, but that was the only victory they would taste.  There was no hope of escaping, but Sang wanted to let her prey know the true hopelessness of the coming battle.  Like her earlier encounter against the navy, Sang once again plunged her finger downwards.  This time though, instead of swirling a bit of water, she traced a circle around the mass of men and tanks.

Those who recovered from the shock of the girl’s foot odor, watched as a Statue of Liberty sized index finger plunged into the ground.  Asphalt and earth were torn asunder without any noticeable effort as the Korean woman cleaved a 150-foot deep moat that encircled the puny American soldiers.

The two sides stared at each other for a moment; Sang sneering down, and Americans gazing skywards.  That she held the advantage was obvious to a worldwide audience.  She didn’t attack right away though, instead she pointed and laughed.  A military force capable of incredible destruction was simply laughed at by a single young woman.  It would become another iconic image.  The mocking and humiliation paled in comparison to Sang’s attack though.

In a flash her giggles ceased, and the girl’s beautiful face became serious.  Sang’s thumb plunged toward the outer formation of tanks.  She was actually quite gentle, but even her slightest touch carried grave consequences in such a tiny world.  The pad of Sang’s thumb lowered onto a half dozen tanks, and while the machines were heavily armored, they provided no resistance to the casual pressure she exerted.  Heavy steel simply compressed flat in an instant.  Sang brought her thumb back up, and examined it.  Grinning, she saw the pancaked tanks stuck to her finger like bits of dirt.  A small shake of her thumb sent the crushed machines flying away.

The remaining tanks opened fire as one.  To nobody’s surprise the American attack was futile.  Sang simply absorbed each and every explosion.  Ordinance burst harmlessly on her body as she regarded her next victims.

She spied a throng of men seemingly coming to their senses.  They amounted to a thousand or so, Sang couldn’t be sure of the numbers due to their miniscule size.  It looked as if they were organizing an attack, but then they saw Sang’s almond shaped eyes staring directly at them.  Instantly, all attempts to fight were abandoned, and the men fell into fetal positions.  Lowering her face directly above them, Sang drank in their terror for a few seconds.

“The mighty American military man” she boomed in Korean.  “To think, cowering before a mere girl!”

She knew the soldiers didn’t understand her, but the insulting tone was unmistakable.  Idly, Sang wondered if Korean would replace English once America and the world were conquered?  It made her feel all the prouder to imagine these arrogant specks being forced speak her language!

Unfortunately for the trapped soldiers, they wouldn’t live long enough to experience a world ruled by Sang and her giant sisters.

A world ruled by . . .  Sang.  Again the gargantuan woman was distracted by her thoughts.  Sang was actually startled that she imagined herself, and not the leaders of her homeland, dominating the planet.  It was a somewhat uncomfortable feeling for a person exposed to a lifetime of propaganda.  Uncomfortable, Sang thought, but perhaps not so outlandish considering the power she wielded . . .

Further pondering was interrupted when a mortar somehow impacted inside Sang’s nostril. The explosion tickled a bit—even made her eyes water ever so slightly.  Then the annoyance vanished just as quickly.

 “Oh yes, I almost forgot about my toy soldiers.”

The men she mocked earlier were once again climbing to their feet.  This time, rather than tease them further, Sang stuck out her tongue, and licked up the entire battalion.  Nearly one thousand men-- hopelessly trapped in Sang’s mouth . . . stuck to the tip of her tongue.  Most were initially crushed by the impact, while others drowned in her saliva.  Those who survived had no doubt that they were about to be swallowed by their enemy.

Staring down at the remaining force, Sang smacked her lips and closed her eyes, as if enjoying the taste of the Americans.

“Mmmm” she moaned.   A short pause, and a second louder, almost sensual “Mmmm” thundered from above.

Initially Sang only wanted to horrify her audience, but the more she thought about what she just did, the more aroused she felt.  These American soldiers amounted to less than a few grains of rice, and she was about to consume a thousand of them in less than a few seconds. 

On the ground, the remaining soldiers watched the nightmare unfold.  Many wretched at the sight of so many of their comrades about to be eaten by this girl.  Their feeling of sheer impudence was crushingly emasculating.  These soldiers represented the elite of America’s military, yet they could do nothing to stop a young Korean woman from actually swallowing their friends.  Even worse:  they were helpless to prevent the same fate happening to them.

Sang knew their thoughts, and it was exactly what she hoped for.  She continued her performance by swishing her snacks around in her mouth a few times, right before swallowing them all whole.  Without a doubt, the Americans beneath her, and those watching on television could see the small lump traveling down her throat.  They knew that lump contained their defenders, their fellow countrymen, and now those men were already settling into her stomach. 

The murderous young woman stared down at the remaining force, and grinned.   She hadn’t even noticed their attacks ceased minutes earlier, once the soldiers’ ammunition ran out.  A few of the bolder, angrier men actually tossed rocks at her, which was as amusingly effective as the modern weapons they had used against her earlier.

She examined her foes, lingered over them as if she was deciding which part of the buffet was most delicious.  It was all for show though, as Sang had no real desire to eat any more of the soldiers.  There was another, equally as satisfying way to humiliate and destroy her foes.

Sang inhaled deeply. 

Due to her immense size, the soldiers actually felt the wind pick up around them as she sucked in massive amounts air.  With Sang’s lungs filling to capacity, her chest pushed out against her bikini top.  At least the men would have an alluring image before meeting their end, she thought.  

Everybody knew what the giant Korean planned.  Many men scrambled to find shelter, while others refused to accept that this girl could cause meaningful damage by simply blowing on them.  In the end, no matter what the soldiers did, their fate was sealed.

Sang loomed overhead, looking almost cute thanks to her bulging cheeks.  Her eyes sparkled with cruel mischief, and she was clearly amused.  Any cuteness people might have seen vanished when Sang unleashed her attack though.  Once her lips formed an “O”, the windstorm began.  A incredible blast of air instantly obliterated the remaining soldiers and tanks.  The simple act of Sang blowing, which seemed quite insignificant to her, sent multi-ton tanks flying just as easily as it did men.

After only a couple of seconds, the entire American force had been blown away.  The ground where they once stood was empty. 

The giantess beamed.  “I win!” 

She might have gloated more, but the tingles she felt upon reaching shore earlier were increasing to volcanic levels after dominating these men --

-- Knowing how utterly helpless they were . . . how pathetic these American men were . . . it all added to the incredible surge of lust growing inside of Sang.  People all over the planet watched the live broadcast as she moaned.   Her hand again slipped beneath her bikini-bottom, but just as before, Sang stopped herself.  She stared into the distant news helicopters, an almost feral expression on her face.  Jaw clenched, chest rising and falling rapidly, Sang needed to unleash her growing need for pleasure.

Her eyes turned toward the downtown area. 

Skyscrapers.  So many people.  Yes, she would go there without any further delay.

The foreplay was finished, and soon Sang would unleash her pent up desires . . .


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