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Le Marquis 2013




It was Sunday, the last day of her vacation. Dressed in an inconspicuous way, with her copper-blond hair tied into a ponytail and thick framed specks on the nose, Molly entered her favourite restaurant. With fife foot four she was a common tall woman, and having a cute round face she looked like a 16 years old girl.


Taking a secluded place she was greeted by the friendly waiter asking for her order. And shortly inspecting the menu she said: “I take a glass of water, a hamburger, a small salad and some of your special spice.” By saying this her mouth visibly was watering.


Impatiently waiting Molly fluffed the right leg, occasionally taking a sip of water to solace her grumbling stomach. The tension in the air somehow felt like seconds before feeding lions. And fortunately for the waiter, so to say, it took only ten minutes to bring out the dish.


The young lady immediately raised the top of the burger, placed side by side two pieces of spice upon the hot flesh, added some droplets of ketchup and took the whole thing with both hands. Greedily exposing white teeth she pressed the burger between her jaws; chomping, munching and gulping like an animal. And one or two minutes later she sucked on her fingertips.


Nobody was looking sternly or grumbling, because that's the common way to consume fast-food. And since she was busy the whole day at the mall, completely forgetting to eat something, table manners were less important.


More ladylike now she spiced her salad with seven of the remaining eight morsels, pierced one with the fork and hoisted a load of vegetables into her vast mouth. It was like watching a junk press engulfing an old car!


Normally she not even thought of sparing one piece. But this time was different because of it's untypical behaviour, what caught her interest. If the waiter would have noticed it, the annoying thing immediately would've been replaced by two or more others, what meant to end between the jaws of the cook. But he was busy on another table.


Usually these mouth-watering ingredients kept polite and still. They were solicitous to enhance the women's appetite and act like some kind of dietary fibre supporting the digestion, especially when dished late in the evening. But they surely weren't allowed to disturb the guests. And this special one even had the unspeakable brazenness to shout: “Molly, it's me!”


The two inch tall boor was completely shaved and yummy pink as if sunbathing too long. Knelt down in the small basket near her glass of water he went completely unnoticed while the stunning redhead unhurriedly finished munching her salad including his docile comrades. He heard the crunching of greens, flesh and bones and sometimes a muffled cry, sending shivers down his spine.


Once all was inside the now satisfied chamber somewhere under the knitted pullover, she cleaned her deadly teeth with a sip of water, dabbed elegantly her rosy lips and asked in a gentle manner: “Now tell me, Steven, how come you turned into one of this establishment's most famous specialities? Either you are a criminal convicted to death or you sacrificed yourself. Expecting the last I have to ask sternly: Is this the meaning of your live, to become an insignificant tiny piece of my dinner?”


Feeling uncovered he blushed and replied: “Not especially because of you! Well, I couldn't get the 'job' I was born for since my body isn't strong enough. And so I desperately decided to fulfil another fantasy of mine, hopeful to vanish between the severe looking lips of an adorable strong businesswoman.”


Clearing her throat she said: “Sounds like you're a masochist!” And hasty he went on: “But now that I'm served and watched you chew up men as thoughtless as slices of tomatoes, I'm definitely cured. And I thank you for the chance to tell you the change of my mind.


By the way, how can you talk about most famous specialities and call me insignificant?” – “You cheeky lubber already know what I mean!” she snarled sternly.


Examining him from the top down alike a brat Molly scoffed: “And now you smart guy pin your hopes on the gastronomic norm, never to bring out the same dish twice – huh? Don't forget, they have a cat!


How long do we know each other right now? Well, we got enrolled to primary school together, sat in the same classes and you had a big crush on me. We spent the whole childhood together. So don't you think that's quite enough for knowing me better?


Even as a kid I always was a realist. And the current reality says: you are a bite-sized piece of flesh, juicy, healthy and adapted especially on a woman's taste. These are undeniable facts!


Despite my crush I still have on you, times have changed. Not seldom these days love literally goes through the stomach. So how on earth can you assume to be save?”


Ogling his trembling body she offered a calming warm smile, waited a while and said: “So, what's up? Don't be shy and tell your old friend, in which way you want to be savoured. I can chomp you into pieces like a chocolate bar or grind your whole body thoroughly with those immaculate molars of mine. Or do you prefer to become smeared to the palate by a merciless strong tongue? I assume, you aren't much stronger than liver sausage.


To me the last would be best, because so I'd get the most of your delicious aroma. And while your bones crack one by one, you could do me a favour by screaming down the abyss, telling my stomach to produce a little more acid. So it wouldn't take unnecessary long to fluidify the squeezed out remains sticking to my tongue. Sounds sexy? Well then, I'm waiting for your decision!”


The tiny man knelt in his basket like praying, not saying a word or doing anything he would regret. The slightest wink could set the sadistic redhead in motion to fulfil a mortal desire that wasn't his anymore. Apart from that a girl styled like a bookworm definitely wasn't attractive enough to die for!


So after a while she pouted: “Sorry; I forgot that you adore well dressed business chicks with shiny red lips! – What about these dickheads hanging around with you? If I remember right, their names are Marc and Oliver. Did they become edibles too?”


Lowering hist head the shrimp said: “They got convicted because of shop lifting and we passed the objectifying process together. Mark and me were served the same time tonight.” She burped silently: “Oops, did I devour this 'slice of tomato' with my burger?”


“No, his live ended over there” he replied, pointing at the next table, where a lonesome blond girl, known by every regular as the chief's daughter, was busy with her crayons. And shaking her head Molly muttered with a broad grin: “Always a roughneck, and now dominated and eaten by a kid – how humiliating!”


Nosy she asked about the other one and listened to an interesting report. Her friend said: “Oliver wasn't dished because of the unbelievable coincidence ending at the workplace of his wife Tina. I observed the event from a shelve on the kitchen wall.


While warming up a speciality called Gene Pool she fished her man out of the stock pot, disdainful examining his weak body stuck to the big wooden spoon. Unfortunately he was conscious enough to see the woman he battered over years enjoy the most satisfying minute of her live. And as always he scolded her.


So happened what was planed from the very first. Tina slurped the puddle of creamy soup from the spoon, tasted it contemplative and abused my friend to add some seasoning. She humiliated him a little more by smacking in short intervals until their relationship ended with an inaudible heave behind her white chin. At least he wasn't eaten by his beloved daughter!”


Mentioning Steven's last words she meant: “What you say is illogical, because he went down the esophagus alive. And when women aren't really hungry, this way to heaven turns out to be extreme painful. At the table over there he would have been munched up in a jiffy with French fries. By the way, the speciality you mentioned is one of my favourites too!”


Yes, from this point of view Molly was right, albeit he doubted that in a woman's stomach one could survive longer than a minute or two.


 Thereafter she winked for the waiter, paid the bill and asked for an extra napkin to wrap around the “dessert”. So Steven disappeared in her dark handbag containing tampons and a lipstick of his size. Engulfed by a woman's privacy as never before the tiny man realised to be hers like all these items. It was a strange feeling creating dirty fantasies!


Overhearing their conversation the astonished man, old enough to be her father, asked: “Well, I don't want to interfere your live, but are you really going to eat your former classmate? Most girls detecting friends keep them as pets or toys.” And puzzled she answered: “Yes, of course! But first this bold thing needs a little lesson in the matter of appearance and reality.” Meant was the way he saw her because of her outfit.

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