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Author's Chapter Notes:
Hello! I know it's been awhile since the last update, the reason for that is school recently started back up. I'm also working on my next story at the same time. It may be some time between updates now, but I will finish this story. On the upside, this chapter is pretty long and some important things happen. I haven't gotten a lot of feedback on this one, so please leave a review with constructive criticism. Your patience is appreciated and enjoy!
Fleeting Love: Chapter 14

Three days after Jon's return...

Alexis jogged up the stairs to her level of the ship. She was coming back from another night spent with Jon. Tonight they watched a hilariously bad horror movie while she rested her head on his chest. She was very happy to have to Jon back in one piece. Admittedly, he seemed a little different but she figured five months of torture changed a person.

It bothered her that Jon wasn't telling her everything that happened. She understood him not wanting to talk about it and she had sworn not to ask again until he was ready. Jon still didn't want to be shrunken yet. He said he needed a few more days of being normal sized. Alexis was slight saddened by that, but respected what he wanted.

She turned the corner to the hallway of her room and froze. Parker was standing outside her door. Quickly, she ducked back behind the corner before he saw. She considered going back to Jon's room, although he was probably already asleep and she didn't want to wake him up.

" No. I'm going to put an end to this right now. " Alexis thought sternly.

Parker had pretty much been stalking her for the past two days, showing up almost everywhere she went. He was careful to avoid Jon seeing him. Alexis steeled herself and rounded the corner. Parker stood up from his leaning position on the wall. Today he wore a black muscle shirt with blue jeans.

" Alexis. I was starting to wonder if you were going to come back. "

" What the hell, Parker? I thought I told you we were done. This is getting creepy. "

" I'm sorry. I can't help what I feel. We spent four months together. I couldn't help but become attracted to you. You're a beautiful girl. "

" You know I'm with Jon. I appreciate all you did for me, but Aphrodite isn't forcing you on me anymore. I like Jon. He's the one I want to spend my time with. "

Parker's smile turned into an angry sneer.

" I don't know why you like him so much. Who's the one who comforted you while you cried for him? Me. Where was he? Gone. Leaving you to worry if he was alive or dead. Jon is Aphrodite's toy. You two could never have a life together like that. Aphrodite would whisk him away whenever she got bored. She doesn't care about your feelings for each other. If Jon ever pissed her off enough she would kill him and completely forget about you. With me you'd be safe. Aphrodite wouldn't ever bother us. We could be happy. " he said moving close, staring into her eyes.

Alexis shoved him away. " I do not have any feelings for you whatsoever! Me and Jon's relationship is none of your concern. Don't talk about him like you know him. Jon's ten times the guy you are. "

Parker's hand slammed the wall over her head, making her flinch and back into her door.

" How can you like him more than me? I don't get it. "

" Hey! Is there a problem out here? " a man yelled opening his door down the hall.

Parker took his hand off the wall with a deep sigh. " No, sir. I was just leaving. "

He glanced at Alexis from the corner of his eye as he strode away.

" Are you alright, young lady? He didn't hurt you, did he? "

" N-No. I'm fine... Thanks. " she breathed out.

Alexis unlocked her door and dashed quickly inside. She fell back on the door and slid to the floor. She brought her knees up to her chest. Her eyes stung as tears began to roll down her cheeks. Slowly, she stood up and laid on her bed. Alexis doubted she'd be getting any sleep tonight.


Jon awoke to complete darkness. For a moment, he thought his eyes were still closed. He could feel a cold, smooth surface underneath him. Tile, if he had to guess. Wherever he was, it definitely wasn't his room. Spreading his arms out wide, he rose to his feet.

Jon walked a couple feet forward and his hands found what he assumed was a wall.

" Where the hell am I? " he whispered.

Following the wall, he eventually found a wooden portion.

" Hello? Hello! Is anybody here? " Jon yelled.

After fumbling around for a few moments, his hand closed around a circular doorknob. Jon threw open the door and was blinded by light as he fell forward. He heard the door close as his vision returned. He had ended up lying on his stomach on the tile floor. Looking around, Jon realized he knew this place.

It was a hallway at his school. White and blue tiles made a pattern on the floor. The white walls were plastered with posters and important announcements. Recreated paintings by famous artists were spread across the campus. No one seemed to be here at the moment. The only audible sound was the steady hum of the air conditioning.

" Aphrodite? Is this another game? " he called out.

There was no answer from anyone. Jon stood up and dusted himself off. He remembered falling asleep in his boxers, but was now wearing a full outfit. A plain white shirt and tan cargo shorts to be exact. The door he had just come out of was a supply closet.

In front of him was a side entrance to the school that led out to a street. He pushed on the door with all his strength, but it wouldn't budge.

" Not getting out that way... What is going on? "

Jon went over to a classroom's door and peered in through the slot window. Not a single person was in the room, but the lights were on.

" Wake up, Jon. " a voice suddenly echoed down the hall.

He jumped at the unexpected noise. " Who's there? Come out! " he yelled.

The voice did not respond.

" Wake up? Am I dreaming? Doesn't feel like it. I've had weirder dreams though. "

Jon tried slapping his face a few times, he even went as far as to pinch his arm. All he managed to do was make his cheek sting. Rubbing his face, he started walking in the direction the voice came from. The next half hour or so was spent searching every room for some sort of answer as to what was happening. Unfortunately, he found nothing helpful.

While he was searching, Jon discovered there was no way to get off the campus. All of the exits were locked and the fences were blocked off by invisible walls. He was beginning to get very creeped out by the complete silence. Entering a new hallway, Jon could hear a muffled voice. He walked over to the nearest door and looked inside.

Every desk in the room was occupied by a girl and a short, blonde-haired woman stood at the front writing on the chalkboard. He quickly slipped into the room.

" Um, hi. Do you guys know what's going on? I'm having trouble finding a way off the campus. " he asked awkwardly.

The woman stopped writing.

" Took you long enough to find us. We've been waiting nearly an hour, Jon-Jon. "

The woman turned around with a big smile on her face. It was Aphrodite! The Goddess of Love was wearing a red pantsuit, the jacket was open showing a white blouse. A pair of black, thick-rimmed glasses were perched on her nose. She wore black high heels that added little to her height. Her hair hung freely around her shoulders, two braids were done up on each side of her head.

" Aphrodite? So, this was you? What is this? "

" It's exactly what you think it is. A game! I was so bored and I've always wanted to try the teacher look. I think it fits me quite well, don't you? " she said happily doing a full circle.

" Suuure... Wait a minute. Didn't you say I was off the hook for awhile? What changed your mind? "

" Have you gone deaf? I said I was bored. I wanted to make this game more interesting. Take a look around. Do you recognize these girls? "

Jon frowned and walked to the front of the room. All of the girls were staring straight ahead without blinking. They didn't move or seem to be breathing. Looking past the weirdness, he looked at each of their faces one by one. They all had something in common.

" These are all girls that have been in a game. "

" Correct. Sadly, there aren't enough desks for all of them so I chose a few of the more memorable ones. "

Jon was happy to see that Alexis and Bridget were not among the group.

" Okay, you got me. I'm stumped. Why are all of these girls here? "

" Well, you know all of the games are made possible by me using my magic. Either I make them like the idea of having you at their feet or make it so they don't know you're there. I decided to tell them about all those naughty little things you've done without their knowing and now they want a little payback. "

There was a distortion in the air and he felt a chill on his skin. He snapped his head down and cried out in surprise. He was naked!

" What the hell? Why'd you do that? "

" To make things easier. Have fun. " Aphrodite laughed and melted away.

Jon gaped as the room began to expand outward. No, he was shrinking! The girls stood up from their desks and moved to surround him. He shrunk down to inches in height while the girls laughed. His new stature let him see that all of them were barefoot.

Despite the direness of his situation, Jon's member stirred. Among the group he saw some familiar faces, Jasmine, Savannah, Rebecca, and many more.

" Please! Whatever you're thinking about doing, don't! " he begged.

The groups laughter died down. The girls closest to him raised one foot in the air.

" Bye, Jon! " they said in unison.

Jon yelled as one of the most beautiful yet terrifying sights descended on him. The light was blocked out as their toes converged overhead. He felt their soft toes smash into him and then there was darkness.


" This is what Aphrodite is capable of. She doesn't really care about you beyond the fact that you entertain her. She WILL be the death of you. One way or another. Now it is time to wake up. Wake up, Jon. WAKE UP! "

Jon's eyes opened to darkness yet again. He jolted upright expecting to be crushed by the toes of multiple girls. Luckily, the girls seemed to be gone. He was in another enclosed space, this time there was a hole of light in the distance. The hole was up in the air, but it looked like Jon could reach it with some effort.

A quick peek down confirmed he was still naked. He was sitting on some soft material, his hand sunk down as he got up. This new place had a distinctive smell to it. Sniffing the air, Jon caught the scent of feet and cocoa butter.

" I have a bad feeling I know where I am. Need to get out of here and find out who keeps talking to me. "

Jon jogged over to the hole and tried to see what was outside, but the light made it impossible to make anything out.

" Here we go. "

Taking a running start, he leapt up and grabbed the edge of the hole with both hands. The edge was made of a cloth material and sagged slightly from his weight. Slowly, Jon hoisted himself up and got a leg over the edge of the hole. The section of the hole he had climbed up was actually a flat wall, once he got one leg over he rose into a sitting position. Jon's fears were confirmed when he saw his new surroundings.

He was back in Bridget Aguilar's room.

" Shit. I thought I was done with these dreams... At least I hope this is a dream. " he said hopping off what turned out to be Bridget's giant running shoe.

The last time he'd had this dream Bridget was still just as small as him. He decided to try to find her first.

" Bridget! You in here? Bridge! " he yelled.

She did not respond.

" Where is she? Maybe Ingrid has her... "

As far as Jon could tell, no one else was in the room. Unfortunately, the door was closed and he was much too big to crawl under.

" What do I do now? Hmmm... Uh... Voice? Are you there? Little help? Aphrodite? Anyone? "

He waited for some kind of reply, but got none. Sighing in frustration, Jon sat down on the cool tile Indian-style. Without any idea what to do, he figured he'd wait until someone came and opened the door. He wasn't left waiting for long. A few minutes later, he heard a loud, rhythmic smacking sound moving closer. Jon instinctively jumped to his feet.

" Maybe I don't want anyone to know I'm here just yet. " he thought dashing under Bridget's bed just as the door opened.

Two huge, bare, caramel colored feet stepped into the room. Jon gulped in fear and subconsciously shuffled backwards. It was Ingrid Aguilar.

" Where did she put that little bastard? He has to be in here. " she said picking up a pair of Bridget's shoes and looking inside.

" Crap. She's looking for me. "

Ingrid continued to search for awhile. She checked every pair of Bridget's shoes, the closet, and all the drawers in the nightstand. He could only watch as her massive feet clomped around purposefully. After checking all those places she stood in the middle of the room.

" Dammit. I've looked every- Hmmm... "

Ingrid's monstrous toes pointed at the bed and began walking to it.

" Shit, shit, shit! "

Jon ran deeper under Bridget's bed. He considered hiding behind a plastic bin full of old clothes, but it was too obvious and easy to move. No, he needed to go even deeper. Navigating past worn out shoes and forgotten clothes, Jon made it to the far wall of the room. He was glad the bed was placed in the corner. Ingrid wouldn't be able to reach this far back, but he wanted to take it a step further for safety.

His options were pretty limited though. Jon went with a discarded sock, crawling inside and curling into a ball. He could hear Ingrid shifting things around under the bed, trying to find him. She only searched for a short time before giving up in frustration. She stomped out and slammed the door shut behind her.

Jon remained in the sock, he didn't want to risk leaving it and Ingrid suddenly bursting back in the room.

" I'll wait for Bridget or Melanie to come back. Hopefully one of them will leave the door open. "

He got comfortable in the sock, wadding up some of the cotton for a makeshift pillow. Despite his boredom and the coziness of the sock, he was unable to fall asleep. A couple hours later, the ominous silence was broken by muffled shouting. Carefully, Jon worked his way out of the sock. The shouting got louder and the door creaked open, banging into the wall.

" I told you I don't know where he could've gone. He was in one of my running shoes last time I saw him. "

That was Bridget! He had hoped she would be the one to come home first.

" And why wasn't he with you? Didn't I tell you not to leave him alone at any time? Especially somewhere he can escape from. " Ingrid said angrily.

" I just wanted to give him a break... He's been working a lot. "

" He doesn't get breaks. You better find him by tomorrow morning. "

With that, the door shut again. There was the smacking of flip flops and the bed springs squeaked as Bridget sat down.

" Jon? Are you still in here? Please, come out. "

He made his way back to the other side of the bed. Bridget's feet were sitting just beyond the bed frame in brown-soled sandals with a pink strap. An anklet made of white thread and light blue beads adorned her left foot. Stepping out from under the bed, Jon saw that Bridget was laying back on the bed with her feet still on the ground.

" Briget! I'm down here! "

The giantess didn't seem to hear him. After trying once more, he moved on to another method of gaining her attention. He climbed up on her sandal and shimmied over to where her toes sat. Seeing Bridget's normally small toes coming up to his waist was unsettling. Jon remembered the terrible game where he'd been trapped inside one of Bridget's shoes by Ingrid.

As a former close friend, doing anything more than the occasional massage felt wrong. The weirdest part was being so small compared to her. Bridget couldn't be taller 5'0, making her shorter than Alexis. At normal size, her foot could fit snugly in his hand. Much like her mother, Bridget had a caramel-colored skin tone. Her toes were unpainted. He tapped the tip of her big toe to get her attention.

The giant girl sat up and looked down at her sandal.

" Jon! Where were you? " she whispered reaching for him.

Bridget scooped him up and brought him to face level. Jon didn't remotely care about being naked in her hand. They'd been through much worse together.

" I was hiding from Ingrid. She came in looking for me so I ran under your bed. "

" You know better than to do that. Now she's gonna punish you again. I might even be punished. "

" Bridget, what's going on? This all ended months ago. I was normal sized and on a cruise ship. How'd I end up back here? "

" That explains it. You're having another episode, aren't you? "

" An episode? What the hell is going on, Bridge? I don't understand. "

" Jon, you never escaped. You've been my moms foot servant for months now. Sometimes you lose your memory or something. For a few hours, you keep talking about how you escaped and none of this is my mom's doing. You say this all one of Aphrodite's sick games. Which is absolutely crazy. It really makes me worry for your mental health. You always revert back to the time we almost escaped. Back when I was still small... " Bridget said quietly.

Jon could see the beginnings of tears in her eyes.

" What is it? " he asked touching her thumb.

" I'm sorry, Jon... I couldn't be small anymore. It was too much for me. My mom made me big again as long as I do everything she says. I want to help you... but I can't... "

Tears began to spill down her cheeks.

" Bridget... It's okay. You don't have to be sorry. I don't blame you at all. "

" The most I can do is keep you away from my mom as much as possible. But now she's really mad and I don't know what she's gonna do. It might be time to get you out of here. "

" No. I don't want you to get in trouble for me. I'll take my punishment when the time comes. Let's wait awhile before you hand me over though. I'm not looking forward to it. "

The words had barely left Jon's mouth when the door burst open.

" Well, well, well. There's our little servant. Keeping him all to yourself? " Ingrid asked smugly.

" Mom! No, I was just about to bring him out to you. "

" I'm sure. I'll deal with you later. Give him to me. "

With a sad glance at Jon and some trepidation, Bridget handed him over.

" Please, don't be too mad at him. He's not himself right now. "

" Hmph. You do not tell me what to do. Stay in here. If you set foot out of this room, you will regret it. "

Ingrid left the room with Jon clenched in her fist. He struggled pointlessly in her tight grip. She went into the living room and sat down on the couch. A large, malicious grin spread across her face. Ingrid hadn't changed much since the last time he'd seen her.

She still had black hair with fading auburn streaks that was done up in a bun. The corners of her mouth were pulled down making it look as if she were constantly frowning. A single mole was on the cheek just under her right eye. She was wearing a blue shirt and light brown pants.

" What were you thinking trying to hide from me you bug? You should know your place by now. You are my property. You live to serve me. " she said, her slight Hispanic accent coming out.

" You're still the same crazy bitch I remember! What kind of person would keep someone their prisoner and do such terrible things that their daughter is scared to just be around them? A psychopath! " Jon yelled struggling harder.

" Oh! Someone has quite the tongue. I think it's time I remind you where you're rightful place is. "

Ingrid picked up a roll of tape from the coffee table. He knew where this was going. She put her left foot up on her knee and smushed him stomach first into her sole. The sticky side of the tape was pressed onto the small of his back. Ingrid wrapped it around her foot a couple times, securing him firmly.

When she was done, Jon beat his tiny fists on her soft, wrinkled sole in anger.

" Let me go! You can't do this! No! "

Ingrid stuck her foot in a slipper under the coffee table. He was sandwiched between the soft insole and her own sole. Jon's member was poking up into her sole, making him hard. The slipper was lifted into the air, tilted on it's side, and Ingrid started to rock her foot slowly. The slow rhythm made him even more excited.

" Ah, no. I never wanted to be in this situation again. " he thought trying to pry himself free of the tape.

An oddly, familiar feeling came over Jon. As he tried to place it, his eyes glazed over and he lost control of his body. It began to hug Ingrid's sole and rub up against it.

" No! I still have Aphrodite's curse?! Stop! Stop it! " he yelled in his mind.

It was pointless however, he was a prisoner in his own body. All he could do was watch on in horror.

" Now do you see, Jon? This could likely be your life. One day you could anger Aphrodite enough that she gives you back to Ingrid and forgets about you. Leaving you with this woman for the rest of your life. And this would be merciful compared to what else she's capable of. " the voice said in his head.

" Who are you? Why are you doing this? "

" Who I am is not important. What IS important is that you realize Aphrodite's evil. Do you want to live a happy life with Alexis? That will never happen if Aphrodite is overshadowing everything you do. Something needs to be done. "

" What the hell am I supposed to do? You said it yourself. She doesn't really care about me at all. I'm just her toy. "

" She cares for you more than any of her other toys though. You are her favorite. Maybe, just maybe, if you appeal to her you, you can come to some kind of agreement. If anyone has a chance, it would be you. "

" Do you honestly think that'll work? Just talking to her. "

" It's worth a try, isn't it? Think about it. For now, you need to wake up. There's a gift waiting for you in the real world. "

The world before Jon's eyes started to melt away, distorting to reveal darkness...


Jon awoke covered in cold sweat. He sat up in the bed and saw he was back on Aphrodite's ship.

" Did I even leave? " he thought swinging his legs onto the floor.

He went to the bathroom and splashed some warm water on his face. Looking in the mirror, he discovered he was back in a pair of gray pajama pants.

" What was all of that? It was so vivid... "

Rubbing at his eyes, he started to walk back to the bed. Something outside on the balcony caught his eye. A bird of some kind was perched on one of the chairs and starred at him intently. Not exactly sure what to do, he walked towards it. The bird didn't take off or move away, it just continued to stare at him.

When he got to the glass door, the bird ruffled it's wings. The bird was actually a black, yellow-eyed owl.

" What are you doing way out here? " Jon whispered.

A glint of metal on the table made him look down. A chain with what seemed to be a coin attached sat on it's surface. The owl flapped it's wings and took off into the night sky. He quickly lost sight of it. Jon slid open the door and retrieved the chain.

The necklace was made of a dark metal, there was indeed a coin attached to it. The coin was covered in undecipherable carvings. With a confused look, he brought it back into the room. He dropped it into the top drawer of the nightstand and laid down again. He wasn't sure why he decided to take the chain, it almost felt like his subconscious was screaming at him to do it.

" First that dream and then this. What a weird night. "

Jon figured he'd turn the chain in to the Lost & Found tomorrow. Maybe it was important to someone.

Chapter End Notes:
The plan is starting to come together, but first Jon has another problem he needs to take care of.
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