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Love Games: Chapter 15

Jasmine got off the bed and went to her dresser. She picked up a bottle of red nail polish and plucked a tissue out of its box. Returning to the bed , she put the bottle and tissue in front of Jon. At his current size the bottle came up to about his knee. " You'll need to be smaller. I don't want you messing up because you're too big to see what you're doing ". Jon shrunk himself down a bit , big enough to use the nail polish but small enough to see what he was doing. Jasmine put her toes back in front of Jon. " Get to work " Jasmine said picking up her phone and beginning to text.

Jon unscrewed the cap on the bottle of nail polish , Jasmine had chosen the red color she often had on. As the cap came off , Jon cringed at the smell. He had always hated the smell of nail polish. Being shrunken down didn't help at all. Jon scowled and finished taking out the brush. He approached Jasmine's right big toe and set to work. Jon worked carefully , making sure to keep the polish on Jasmine's nails. He tried to hold his breath the best he could the entire time , it was a slow , tedious process.

Eventually , Jon had painted each and every toe. Jon stepped back and admired his work. " All done " Jon called putting the cap back on the bottle. Jasmine put her phone down and leaned forward , inspecting Jon's work. " Very nice , Jon " Jasmine remarked. " Thanks , I think I did pretty good. Considering it was my first time ". " You did a good job. Well , I'm going out. Time for you to go to bed ". " Wait , Wha- " Jon was cut off as Jasmine's giant hand scooped him up. " Hey ! What are you doing ! " Jon yelled.

Jasmine dropped him back into the shoe box Anna had brought him in. Jon fell on his side and looked up at Jasmine. " You be good , okay ? " With that she closed the lid. Jon got up " Hey ! What the hell ! You can't just put me in here and forget about me ! ". Jasmine didn't answer. Jon stumbled as he felt the box being lowered. The box stopped jerking around. " Jasmine ! " Jon yelled. There was still no answer from the girl. Without warning , the lid of the box compressed down. As if something heavy had been placed on it. Jasmine was making sure Jon couldn't escape ! Jon ran to the small opening on the side of the box and looked out. He saw Jasmine slipping on a pair of gold sandals and texting on her phone. " Jasmine ! Wait ! " Jon yelled at the top of his lungs. It was no use the girl couldn't hear him or was ignoring him. Jasmine walked out of the room , flipping off a light switch on the way out. Jon was plunged into darkness. " Dammit ! " Jon shouted in anger , slamming his hand on the cardboard. Jon put his back on the cardboard wall and slid down into a sitting position. " I'm gonna be here for awhile " Jon said out loud to no one in particular. Jon sat like that for some time , until he drifted off to sleep.

Jon slept intermittently through the night. He'd wake up for periods of time and check the opening in the box's wall. It was no use however , as the slot was in the wrong position to see anything. At some point , Jon decided to call Aphrodite. As usual the goddess didn't answer. In his frustration , Jon came up with a plan. He could shrink himself and crawl through the opening. Currently , he was too big ( he had already tried to crawl through it earlier ). Jon put his hands on the rim of the opening and started to shrink himself. Soon enough , Jon was too small to see through the opening and his feet had left the box's floor. Jon was dangling from the rim still in his grip. He started hoisting himself up. He had gotten one elbow over the rim , when his foot slipped off the cardboard and Jon lost his grip. The second Jon realized he was falling , Jon started growing himself in the hopes of not getting too hurt. By the time he hit the floor , he was big enough no serious damage was done. Jon laid in defeat and realized his plan wouldn't have gotten far anyways. Even if he did get out of the box , he was naked , in a strangers home , and had no clue where he was in town. No , he was truly trapped. He could only hope that morning would came soon. Jon closed his eyes and slept.

" Wake up ". Jon blinked his eyes open , using his hand to shield them from the light " Ugh ". " Come on , get up ". Jon moved his hand out of his vision and saw Jasmine staring down at him. Jon looked around and saw he was still in the box. " What's going on ? " Jon asked squinting one eye. " It's time for school and your coming with me " Jasmine said reaching for Jon. Now she had Jon's full attention. Jasmine picked Jon up. " What are you talking about ? " Jon asked. Jasmine picked up a shoe that was under her bed. It was a red Tom. A shoe that had become popular with the girls at Jon's school. Pretty much it was different take on a flat. " Alright , let's do it " Jon said knowing there was no other option. " Shrink a bit " Jasmine dropped Jon into the shoe. Jon went to the toe and shrank down some. He found the impressions where Jasmine's toes had been. He tried to position himself comfortably based on the impressions. He laid down and waited. There was a slight odor in the shoe , but nothing too bad. It wasn't the worst Jon had smelt. The shoe started to jostle as Jasmine worked her foot in. Jon watched as the large toes he had painted yesterday slid over him. Jasmine's toes clenched around him , gripping his body. " This is should be interesting " Jon thought.
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