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Author's Chapter Notes:

I wrote this Chapter as a response to one of my latest reviews. I love reviews, so thank you Casanova for taking the time to read the story and to voice your concerns. I hope some of them have been addressed. Feet, well, that will come later... this is just some idle torture. :)


A huge tremor shook the entire box, knocking all the remaining ex-girlfriends to the ground as Melanie casually lifted the magic case up closer to her face. “Keep quiet, or there’ll be consequences.” The giantess said in a deathly whisper.

Melanie started to walk towards the door , the box cupped snugly underneath her expansive chest. The tingling sensation in her ass as her legs moved brought a satisfactory smile to her face. Merely hours ago, she was half doubting whether or not she would stay with James. He was a nice guy and all, but he didn’t really excite her. Now, she was in his apartment, going to his kitchen, with a box full of tiny women that completely belonged to her.

“Please, Goddess, if you spare me pain… I can tell you all you need to know to keep James.” One of the girls in the box pleaded. Melanie’s brow furrowed at the statement and she stopped moving. Looking down at the tiny occupants of the box, she raised an eyebrow at the speaker. She was a small girl with an athletic body type, the defining feature however was the purple streaks in her hair. “You think I need advice from an emo-wannabe?” Melanie sneered with a venomous tone.

“I mean no disrespect, Goddess.” The little girl pleaded before dropping to her knees. The action brought a wry smile to Melanie’s face. “Goddess, I like that… the rest of you would do well to remember that.”

“What’s your name?” Melanie enquired as she set the box down on the kitchen table. The small girl with the purple streaks in her hair spoke up, almost in a whisper. “Sharon, Goddess, my name is Sharon.”

Melanie waited for a few moments, her gaze boring into Sharon. The tiny started stammering instantly, “Apologies, Goddess, I am merely ex-girlfriend number 4. I was the girlfriend that owned, Jenna, Maria and Nikol.”

The cruel smile came back to Melanie’s face as she looked down at the blonde Nikol. “This is the girl that did something terrible to you?”

“Yes, Goddess.” Nikol answered curtly. Her eyes were like daggers and aimed at Sharon. Melanie continued smiling to herself as she casually flicked on the kettle and readied a cup with a tea-bag. A thought struck her, it was something that Sharon had said.

“If James breaks up with me, or I break up with him… what happens?” She asked absentmindedly as she searched his cupboards for sugar. Some of the girls in the box started to all speak at once, whilst some of the others remained quiet, trying desperately not to draw any further attention to themselves.

Returning to the box, Melanie sighed and raised a hand, signalling all the tiny captives to shut up. “Nikol, speak.”

“You’ll be transported to the box… for the most part.”

Melanie stopped what she was doing and looked down at the tiny blonde. “What do you mean for the most part?”

Nikol sighed, she more than anyone else knew how to explain this. “Essentially, it means that you will be transported to this box. Or at least, a clone of you will be sent here. There will be a double of you that is outside in the real world at all times, completely oblivious to the curse.”

“How do you know all this?” Melanie asked as she poured the boiling water into the cup in front of her. Nikol looked at her feet and felt the tears run down her face as the memories came flooding back to her.

“James broke up with me because he fell for a girl at college called Sharon. I was instantly trapped in the box, and I was filled with anger, regret and more than anything… hope. Once I knew about the curse, I thought that I could warn my friends in the event of a break up. You know, so they wouldn’t just think I had disappeared. But one of the days that Sharon had kept me… in that place… she was at a party and James introduced her to me!”

Melanie looked at the tiny blonde in confusion. “What do you mean he introduced Sharon to you, you were tiny?”

Nikol just nodded, “Apparently there was a life sized version of me… a clone of me, that’s in the real world right now. She sounded like me, she had my personality, my clothes, my friends… but it’s not me.”

“Was it then that Sharon did the worst thing you’ve ever experienced?” Melanie asked in a softer tone.

Nikol was in a flood of tears, “Yes… she had kept me in her shoes all day, and the clone of me had admired them during the party. Sharon let my clone try on the shoes with me in them. The clone’s feet were too big though, and I was killed by a giant version of myself.”

In that moment, every girl in the box hissed at Nikol to shut up. Nikol looked around her, and the realisation of what she had just said slowly sunk in.

Turning back slowly to look up at Melanie, Nikol almost screamed as she saw the giant face mere inches from her. “What was that about you getting killed?” The giantess said with a cruel smirk.

In that moment of silence, Nikol made a decision. If she lied to the giantess, she would be punished… but another idea came to the forefront of her mind. “If you want to see an example, put Sharon in that boiling water.” Nikol said, knowing full well that this could backfire on her.

Melanie grinned widely, looking into the box she couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “You guys can regenerate?”

“Don’t listen to her Goddess, she has become crazy with her time in this cursed box.” Sharon pleaded on bent knees.

“So, should I listen to Nikol who gave me the great idea of getting an ass slave… or should I listen to the brown-noser that has been trying to impress me since she realised I’m the new boss?” Melanie mused. “I’ll give you both an opportunity to convince me. You get one sentence each.”

Sharon leaped forward and started professing her undying loyalty to Melanie, telling her that she would forever be faithful and could tell her all the secrets she learned of how to make James happy.

Melanie disregarded the tiny Sharon and turned her attention towards Nikol who had regained her composure. The tiny blonde looked at the desperate Sharon and wondered how she had ever felt fear when looking upon her. Returning her gaze to the giantess before her, Nikol gave her answer.

“I haven’t lied to you. We regenerate when we’re killed outside of the box. If you pick me up and kill me, then put me back inside the box… I’ll be alive with all the memories of my death when you open it back up. I would prefer if you didn’t kill me, but if it’s to prove a point, take me.”

Melanie looked down with surprise as Nikol raised her arms as if she was about to be picked up. The giantess had a thoughtful expression on her face as she reached into the box and picked Nikol up.

The tiny girl began weeping softly, realising she was about to be boiled to death when she suddenly felt her legs touch Melanie’s smooth skin. Nikol opened her eyes and was shocked to see that she had been placed on Melanie’s shoulder.

“I appreciate honesty, and I’ve a feeling you’re going to give me a lot of fun ideas for these little bitches.” Melanie said with a smile as she lifted the steaming kettle and poured it’s contents into the box.

Nikol felt herself smiling as she watched all her former tormentors drown in the boiling hot water.

Sharon’s screams continued the longest, she begged and pleaded for Melanie to close the lid of the box, to restore them to normal… she was however rewarded with the cold and calculating glare of the giantess until she finally succumbed to the water and sank below.

Chapter End Notes:

Reviews please, it's at the early stages so I can very easily incorporate requests.

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