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Author's Chapter Notes:
So begins Jon and Alexis' last day together. We're getting pretty close to the end!
The Goddess of Love: Chapter 11

Jon woke up suddenly. He snapped open his eyes for no apparent reason. He lifted his head and knew he was still on Alexis's chest just above her bosom. " Maybe I've died and gone to heaven. It's a better explanation than a Greek goddess coming down from Olympus to grant my wishes. Albeit with her own twists" Jon thought. Jon rose up slowly , not wanting to wake up the giantess. He stood to his full minuscule height. He stretched his arms and yawned. Jon turned to the nightstand beside Alexis's bed. The digital clock on it read 12: 00 in the afternoon. Sun light filtered through the slats covering the bedroom window. Doing an about-face Jon walked to the edge of his " bed ". He jumped off the edge and landed on the soft mattress below. He bounced and rolled a few times before coming to a stop. Jon hoped up and began walking down the length of the bed. Once he reached the foot of the bed he stopped and starred up at Alexis's petite feet. " Times almost up Jon-Jon ". Jon started and looked around. He knew that voice all too well. A snap echoed through the room.

" Up here Jon-Jon " Aphrodite called. Jon looked up and saw a blonde haired woman about Jon's height sitting atop Alexis's big toe. She still wore her white toga , knee high gladiator sandals , golden bracelets , and large red pendant. Jon immediately started to scowl " What do you want Aphrodite ? ". " I just wanted to remind you this is your last day with Alexis. Tonight at midnight you will be returned to normal and sent home. Alexis will remember none of this " Aphrodite smiled to herself. " Yeah , I know " Jon mumbled. The tiny goddess floated down from the giantesses toe. " Don't be so down , Jon. You should enjoy your final hours with her , instead of focusing on your dislike of me ". Jon snapped his head to Aphrodite. She knew how much he disliked her ? Of course she did , she's a goddess. She knew everything. " Look , I'm sorry. I really appreciate all you've done for me. But all that with Alexis's moms feet. That's not what I wanted ". " I don't think you understand Jon. It doesn't matter what YOU want , it's about what I want. I'm doing this for my entertainment " Aphrodite began to frown. " You're never gonna leave me alone are you ? " Jon asked sullenly. " Honestly ? Probably not , but I can't be sure. Enjoy yourself today Jon. I promise I won't pull any tricks " Aphrodite giggled.

And with that the tiny goddess disappeared in a puff of smoke. Alexis suddenly began to stir. She leaned up and yawned loudly. She looked down at Jon and smiled " Good morning , little guy ". " Good morning " Jon smiled back despite his bad mood. " You wanna have some breakfast ? " she asked rolling off the bed. " Yeah , that sounds great ". Alexis laid her hand down , palm up , on the bed. Jon climbed aboard and sat down. Alexis walked to the door and opened it slowly. After a moment she said " Looks like no ones home ". Alexis carried Jon into the kitchen and set him on the table " So , what'll it be ? ". " Um , I don't know. Whatever you want I suppose ". Jon had noticed that while he was shrunken he didn't need as much food as usual. He'd eaten very little while at Alexis's house and hadn't been truly hungry since he'd been shrunk. " Let's go with a traditional classic " Alexis said walking to a cupboard. She returned with a package of Pop-Tarts. " Haha that's fine with me " Jon grinned. He hadn't had a Pop-Tart in a long time.

Alexis sat down and opened the packaging. She tore off small pieces for Jon and took large bites for herself. The pair talked and laughed telling stories from school about teachers and other kids. Eventually they both finished. Alexis threw way the foil. " I think you should wash up again. You were under mine and my moms feet for awhile last night ". Jon agreed. Alexis filled up the sink and put soap in. She lowered Jon in and he began washing himself. When he finished Alexis dried him off with a hand towel. She then carried him to the living room and set him in her lap. " Alright, so I actually have an idea for what we can do today " Alexis said beaming down at Jon. " Let's hear it ". " I texted my mom. Her and my dad are gonna be out all day. So we'll have plenty of time to do it ". " Well tell me what it is and we will " Jon said his curiosity peaking.

" First , you need to be normal sized ". Jon called on Aphrodite and within seconds he was normal size but still in his toga. " Second , we need a big , open , and secluded place ". Jon asked Aphrodite for this request. In the blink of an eye the two stood in a giant , empty warehouse. " Now I'm really interested. Just what do you have in mind ? " Jon wondered aloud. " Third , I need to be in a full outfit. Shoes and everything. Not my pajamas ". Clothes suddenly appeared on Alexis. A pink t-shirt , dark blue jeans , and a pair of white Vans. " Okay , this is perfect " Alexis grinned. " Now tell me you're idea ! " Jon yelled playfully. " Aphrodite can shrink and grow things right ? ". " Yeah , you've already seen that " Jon said confused. " Well , I want her to grow something really big this time. Not just a little bit , a lot ". " Tell me what it is and I'll ask her ". Alexis took a few steps back and held up her arms. " I want her to make me grow " she said with a nervous smile.
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