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"This is for the best..." Jennifer said.

She sat in her car staring down at the tiny man in her hands. Adam stared back up at her. His heart was racing and he was sweating like crazy.

"You're getting rid of me?" his voice trembling.

"Aww, don't be so scared. I just can't keep you anymore… the girl that I'm giving to you is great though. She's very sweet and loving. She'll take good care of you."

"But… you promised you would always take care of me… that we would take care of each other."

"Things are different now Adam. Its been 10 years now since you shrunk. We were both 17 at the time and you were my high school sweetheart…" Jennifer said.

Adam tried to hold back his tears. However, he was still determined to convince her to keep him.

"You said you would take care of me until you found a cure for me…"

"Well yeah, I loved you so much. And you had no family. So what was I suppose to do? But come on… how am I suppose to find a cure for you? It's not going to happen Adam… you're stuck this way. And I'm not about to give you to the government to experiment on you! So… this is the best thing I can do." Jennifer frowned.

"But… I love you… why can't I stay? You're my life. I loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. Please don't give me away."

"I have to sweetie… it's time. I can't keep taking care of you. Besides, I have Robert now… he's my husband and I can't just keep my old boyfriend from high school around."

"But I'm not bad or anything!" he protested.

"Well… it's not fair to Robert. I'm his now. He's had enough catching you master bating while I'm changing or when we are having sex. I understand that you need to satisfy yourself but like I said. I'm his and you have no right to be doing that anymore." Jennifer explained.

"I swear that won't happen again! I promise! I'll say I'm sorry to Robert and I'll just… I'll cover my eyes and ears whenever you're getting dressed or when you and him are making love… I just… I imagine I'm Robert. And I imagine I'm a normal person again. I miss toughing you like that. The feeling of your skin and you kissing you the way he does… I envy him. I wish I was him…" Adam was getting chocked up. His voice shaking.

"I'm sorry Adam… but you're not Robert. And you've become a huge burden… what's going to happen when Robert and I have kids? We just started trying for one… We can't keep taking care of you…"

"But I…" Adam was cut off.

"And you just keep getting in the way. Like the time my mother-in-law came over and there was gum on her shoe… she stepped on you, you got stuck, and you almost caused her to fall from being off balanced. That's really embarrassing Adam… or the time Robert and I were in the shower and you somehow got in the tub? We were having sex and I kicked you down the drain by accident. Robert spent hours trying to get you out. Pulled you out with all of that hair clogged in the drain? We have other things we have to do Adam… better things than waste time to pull you out of the drain." Jennifer said exhaustingly.

Adam was speechless.

"It's not fair Adam. It's time. I love Robert too much to keep doing this to him. I know what you and I had in high school was great but what did I know about love? It wasn't until I met Robert that I knew what love was. I use to think you were the love of my life but really… I just hadn't met Robert yet… we talked about this remember? You said you wanted me to be happy and I am… with Robert." Jennifer began to rub Adam's back with her finger, "And hey, it's all because of you. If you never shrank then I would have never met the true love of my life…"

"I guess so… I do want you to be happy…" Adam said.

"And all that money from your parents will that you got, we're going to save for our kids college. Doesn't that sound great? Well, we did spend a lot of it already. I actually just got this cute outfit for me the other day and a nice swim suit I know Robert would like… and these sexy panties I know he'll like. Gonna have to walk around the house with them tonight to get him in the mood." Jennifer chuckled to herself at the thought of teasing her husband.

"Okay… I understand…" Adam said.

"I hope so… this girl Suzan is a really nice girl. She's in high school and when I told her about you, she absolutely loved when I offered to give you to her. She's 18 and single. I know that will probably change but you're still cute too so I'm sure you'll both have fun for a while… she has a thing for short guys…"

"Okay… but I just wanted to say I'll always love you Jennifer… and I wish this never happen to me…" Adam said.

"Well I'm sorry Adam but it was the best thing to ever happen to me." Jennifer frowned.

"I know… I'm sorry…"

"It's okay sweetie."

Jennifer walked out of the car still holding Adam. She placed him in a shoe box with all of his favorite things and a small thread of her old panties so he could remember her when he felt alone. Adam hoped to get a last kiss from her but that never crossed her mind. She closed the box as he stood there staring up at her, still waiting for that kiss. Jennifer wrote Suzan's name on the box and left it on the porch. She knew Susan would find it when she got home from school.

Adam waited in the box for his new owner. He cried the whole time. He missed Jennifer already. He held that thread from her panties close to him, smelling it and touching himself. Imagining he was big again and able to make love to her. Suddenly, the box opened.

Adam looked up and to his surprise he saw two young girls staring down at him. Neither of them looked 18. As a matter of fact, they didn't even look 16. Their names were Debra and Alissa.

"Eww! What's that?" Alissa said.

Debra looks at the box and see's Susan's name on it.

"It's for my sister." Debra said, "It's probably some weird bug. She has this thing for small things. She's always collecting bugs, dolls, and little action figures. I think she likes imagining she's a giant or something…"

"Your sister is so weird!" Alissa said, "Hey, I stole my brothers magnifying glass! Wanna test it on the bug?"

"I guess so… there's nothing better to do." Debra shrugged.

"Wait! No! I'm not a bug! I'm Susans! I'm not yours! I'M SUSANS! NO!" Adam screamed for his life as Alissa's hand reach down for him.


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