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“Not another complicated game! Last time I had to keep track of peoples individual limbs as currency! Fun, but I had no idea what we were doing!” Karen whined.

“No no no, it's not going to be as complicated as tiny Monopoly, but it is going to involve a score.” Melissa reassured her friend. “We'll score each other on four criteria, each worth two and a half points for an even ten!” Melissa explained.

“I'm only barely understanding so far, but go ahead.” Karen offered truthfully

“Hmph. Well, we'll just go and destroy a single building! That's it! Whoever can do it the best wins the whole thing!” Melissa offered, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I don't really see how that's a competition Mel.”

“That's why I'll be going first!, and if you think you can defeat me then you're completely welcome to try.” Melissa taunted, giving her rear end another firm slap and stepping back into the city. “There'll be no restrictions, so it all comes down to style


Father Joshua whispered into the prayer beads he kept wrapped around his neck. In times of crisis people of the faith went to places they believed were safe, and the church was always one of them. With the current going-ons outside, the chapel was packed with people praying on their knees for the situation to turn out alright. The ground rumbled every few seconds, but they didn't care. If they died in service to the Lord, then so be it.

The shaking stopped abruptly, as the power for the entire building went out. Cast into darkness, the people held strong, shouting praises louder. Reverend Joshua opened his eyes, and his heart warmed at the sight of the people holding strong, but he had a feeling that things would become very chaotic soon.

Bringing a crucifix up to his lips he closed his eyes. One of those terrible demons had arrived. The darkness they were under was proof of it. Had the power just gone out the setting suns rays would penetrate the stained glass windows of the building, but there was nothing. The only way that could happen is if something outside was blocking the setting sun, and it would take something huge to do that.

Walking up to a young woman on her knees praying, Father Joshua placed his hand on her shoulder, and her shouts of prayer increased in volume. He closed his own eyes and muttered another word of prayer, before he heard the proof of the giant she-demons arrival.

A great weight had settled on the roof and was beginning to press down. The high-pitched sound of tortured wood and steel creaking and giving in to a superior force easily overpowered the sounds of prayer. Some people were beginning to panic, and stop their praying, while others held firm in the belief that everything would be okay.

Father Joshua merely kept his eyes on the tall, pointed ceiling of the chapel. Two great round dents had formed and were beginning to press down oh so slowly. He wasn't sure what the demoness was crushing the church with, but he knew it stood no chance. Taking a slow, deep exhale, he raised his arms to the sky, praising God in what he was certain would quickly become his final moments.

No sooner had Father Joshua raised his arms to the heavens themselves that the two dents in roof cracked through, showing two huge, round butt cheeks belonging to the giantess. Pieces of wood and debris rained down onto the people, inciting a wave of panic among the weaker-willed warriors of God. She wiggled from side to side, making the hole bigger, and held her colossal rear end over the people of the church for an agonizingly long moment. Those less secure in their faith had given up, intending to escape, while others pointed up, rebuking the unholy temptress.

Two fingers appeared from above and pulled aside the tiny, useless thong, exposing the giantess's puckered hole to the people. Father Joshua witnessed the lewd act and felt a tightness in his trousers. He'd lived a life of celibacy, but now this temptress from hell had a hold on him. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind from the evil placed before him, when he saw something strange about the hole above everyone's head.

Before he or anyone could dwell on this, the giantess began to groan. A gurgling sounded from deep within her bowels and exploded outward from between her cheeks, completely gassing the entire sanctuary in an instant. Booming, girlish giggles were heard from outside as the loud sound echoed in everyone's ears, and many covered their mouth in an attempt to not breathe the noxious fumes produced by the tremendous ass.

Father Joshua coughed, and inhaled deeply in an attempt to catch his breath, only to immediately regret it as the gases filled his lungs. They weren't going to be killed quickly, they were going to be slowly suffocated to death like this?! He covered his mouth with his nose, trying to ease the malevolent, all-encompassing miasma of stench, only to find it didn't help in the slightest.

Dropping to his knees, Father Joshua looked up, and silently prayed for it all to come to an end. People around him began to vomit as the stench couldn't dissipate in the room, and the prodigious rear end jiggled slightly from the demoness's laughter.

With his eyes beginning to burn, and the world beginning to grow dark, Father Joshua stopped holding his breath and inhaled again, quickly finding the air burning his lungs. He fell to the ground, clawing at the carpet with his fingernails, praying for it all to come to an end.

At last, his prayers were answered when the giant, hovering rear end came down, crushing the Father, and everyone else in the sanctuary into little more than red stains.


“Ahh that felt go-”

“Good GOD you're gross Mel.”

Melissa squinted her eyes dangerously, before standing up out of the large, ruined church she'd used to relieve herself in. The scent of her mischief began to float up around her as she approached her slightly shorter friend, looking her in the eye.

The staredown lasted for nearly a minute, as neither giantess wished to relent. Karen stood on her tippy-toes while Melissa's eyes bore holes into the pretty blonde's big, blue eyes. The air was tense around them, and they looked like they were about to engage in a fist fight.

“Your turn, tiny.” Melissa whispered before breaking into a wide, toothy grin.

“With pleasure, shorty.” Karen whispered back, giving Melissa a light shove before stepping through the crowded streets to her target.


Sarah felt like she was going to go insane.

Earlier in the day a couple of giant women had strolled into the city like they owned the damn place and set about completely destroying it. They seemed to be taking turns from what she could gather, but that didn't make things any easier.

“ALL STAFF REPORT TO THE E.R. PEOPLE WON'T STOP ARRIVING!” a voice screamed over the P.A. system. Abandoning the man she'd been pushing on a gurney, Sarah began to run to the nearest stairwell when the power suddenly went out.

Paranoia gripped Sarah's heart as the ground began to rumble. A second later the power was back on, and the voice was yelling over the intercom again, but Sarah wasn't paying it any attention. She could see her. One of the giantesses. She was here.

Windows lined the edge of the entire floor, and through them Sarah could see pink, soft pads. Far larger than the window, she looked down at her own flats, fully aware that she was looking at a greatly magnified foot. She gulped audibly, and looked around in a panic.

She was alone. The entirety of the staff had followed orders, and the only people sharing the floor with Sarah were the injured people who couldn't get medical attention. A chorus of wails and groans echoed through the empty halls. Blood rushed to Sarah's ears, muting the sound as she heard saw the skin of a giant toe press into the window.

Stepping back slowly, she could only watch in terror as cracks spider webbed through the glass. The giantess was pressing her feet into that side of the building. A few stray screams began to sound as people on that side realized their closeness to the giantess.

With a sharp crack, the glass was broken, and the soft, pliant skin of the woman's toes pressed into the hospital. Immediately a sharp odor began to fill the air. The little nurse watched those wiggling toes for a minute, completely hypnotized by what was going on despite her brain telling her to escape.

The ominous creaking of steel snapped Sarah out of her stupor, and she turned around in an effort to escape. Before she could take her first step, the overwhelming feet bore into the building, ripping up the levels above and beneath her own. The floor under her own tiny feet began to cave inward, creating a slope that lead directly to the huge, uncaring feet.

Tears streaming from her eyes, Sarah climbed the slanted piece of floor, desperately hoping to escape. Bedridden patients weren't so lucky and they fell out of the building, colliding with the pillowy sole overtaking the structure. She couldn't have saved them, but she still felt pangs of guilt as she heard their screams reach a fevered pitch before falling outside.

Finally she managed pull herself onto some stable, horizontal flooring, and looked at the toes behind her. They'd stopped their inexorable acceleration, and she found herself silently thankful for that. Breathing deeply, her lungs were filled with the scent of the girl's feet, stirring up feelings inside of her. Part of her mind wanted to submit to a being of such power. A being that dominant.

Taking a step back to the toes, the ground under Sarah creaked, bringing her back to reality, and she promptly ran to the opposite side of the building. Frenzied cries could be heard clearly now, and Sarah slid down the wall, catching her breath. She wasn't in the safest place around, but at least she still had her life.

Looking at those huge, pretty toes longingly, Sarah was caught off guard when the wall behind her was pushed forward suddenly, blasting the little nurse forward. Turning around wildly, she saw the giantess's other foot had exploded into this side of the building!

Crawling on her hands and knees, Sarah went to a safe spot in the center of the ruined structure. An all-new wave of shrieks could be heard from the freshly exposed side of the hospital. She pushed the thoughts of all the innocent lives lost from her head as she cowered under a desk. With the second foot now inside the building, she had twice as much of the scent to deal with, and it was beginning to symbolize power to her.

Both feet began to move towards each other now. The titanic toes tore through everything in their path, seemingly trying to squeeze into each other.

Sarah didn't care. She was at war with her own mind. Having always been a submissive woman, she was so overwhelmed by seeing the giantess in person, even if it was only her feet, that she wanted to pay tribute to her. The power she wielded so effortlessly was immensely exciting to the comparatively tiny woman, and as she looked upon the red splotches covering the toes she could feel a deep jealousy burn within her.

The toes were closing in now, much of the floors above collapsing onto them, though the powerful digits didn't seem the least bit fazed. Sarah smiled at the sight, and crawled on her hands and knees to a more centered place on the floor. There was no possible way out, especially since she was on the fourth floor, so she was going to go out in her own way.

A maddening arousal formed in her body, and Sarah shivered in delight while the mighty appendages closed in on her. She wasn't even sure which toes she was going to wind up smeared against, but in a way, she preferred it like that. She shouldn't get to pick her own fate, she should be forced to take what she's given with pride.

Soft skin pressed in to the left of the little girl, followed a moment later by the right. Being enveloped in a tight chamber of flesh for a moment was intoxicating, before the pressure began to mount. She hoped that the giantess could feel her between her toes, so her death could serve some sort of meaning.

Pressure continued to mount painfully, and Sarah could feel parts of her body begin to collapse. She screamed as best she could when muffled by the flesh, and coughed up blood as her bones cracked loudly from the giantess's idle movements. Still she was alive, and smiled. The smile didn't fade, even as she could feel her skull begin to cave in from the pressure.

A moment later, the toes separated, sticky red remains spreading out between them.


“Mmmm I'm having soooOooooOoo much fun Mel. I can't even deal with how much fun I'm having.” Karen said, rubbing her feet together over the remains of a once-mighty hospital.

“I can see what you're trying to do here, and I don't like it.” Melissa said with a smile. “Regardless, hospitals are always a good choice.”

“So that means I win right?” Karen asked, standing up and wiping her feet on the ground. “You tried kid, but in the end, you just couldn't compare.” She gloated, placing her hands on her hips.

“Whoa whoa whoa, I gave you a compliment, that doesn't mean you won.” Melissa said, patting her still bared ass. “Or did you forget what I did to them?” She asked happily shaking her hips.

“What you did was gross. What I did was sexy!” Karen said nonchalantly.

“Oh ho ho, is that what you think? I'll have you know I graduated top of my-”

“Top of your class at giant school blah blah blah, whatever, just admit that I won!” Karen interrupted, stepping idly on a few vehicles in the parking lot.

“I'm not admitting that because you didn't win!” Melissa shouted indignantly, stomping her foot and making the street quake for several blocks.

“Alright! Tell you what!” Karen shouted. “We'll have a competition! At the next city!”

Melissa's eyes narrowed.

“I-I'm kidding, of course.” Karen said nervously, stepping back from her friend and promptly losing her balance and wiping out several more blocks of tiny people.

“It never ends with you, does it.” Melissa said, shaking her head in disappointment. She stepped to her friend and offered her a hand, lifting the other giantess to her feet so they towered dominantly over the ruined cityscape again. “You have a point though, this city's looking kinda... shitty.” Melissa added, lifting a dusty foot from the ground and shaking it off.

Karen didn't answer, but instead broke into a run, her feet gouging large holes in the ground with every earth-shattering step.

“Race you to the next one then!” Karen shouted after having taken her head start. Things were indiscriminately crushed underfoot as she ran, and she didn't bother waiting for Melissa either.

“Rrgh, ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER!” Melissa shouted as she retrieved her skirt and began running after the towering blonde. She made sure her feet fell onto areas that Karen had left behind, not wanting to waste any of the potential fun along the way.

As quickly as they arrived the two monumental beauties vanished. Another city was left in ruins, while a fresh one awaited their arrival.
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