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Story Notes:

Just something that I felt like writing. I hope people enjoy it.

Author's Chapter Notes:
I wrote this in about 10 minutes on my iPad, sorry if it's not that great.
Philosophical Zombies

The four creatures stood about a quarter of an inch above the chair they were standing on. They were staring at the giant nude black woman standing before them. Her hair was long, covering her breasts, and her breasts jutted out from her check eclipsing part of her face. She had told them her name was Laretta, and had made it clear from the way she stared at them, the evil look in her eyes, that she meant to make very good use of them very soon. Each of them represented an investment of about $200 on Laretta's part. This was quite a sum to spend on a luxury that would soon be made unusable, but it was one she was very happy to pay.
Each of them resembled exactly in every way but size human beings. They weren't. They were pets, pets which would insist occasionally that they were just like her, alive, terrified beings, often pleading with her as they stood on her tongue, or as she lowered them into her underwear, her pungent odor filling their noses with air.
Fake people. Genetically engineered to never grow taller than a quarter of an inch. Sold in sex shops, grocery stores, and pet shops across the world. Bought for the amusement, and occasionally the sexual needs, of billions of humans around the world.
She stared them down, the tiny replicas seeing the lust in her eyes. They had heard stories of fetishists like her. There were many things people did with their kind. Many of them lived long, happy lives. The less fortunate were destined to become nothing more than a snack, to be given no more thought than a bag of potato chips. Or worse, as seemed to be their destiny, they often ended up as gore, smeared along a person's genitals.
They seemed afraid. They weren't. They couldn't feel fear. Laretta put that out of her mind. She liked to believe they were afraid.
She turned around , facing away from the chair the tiny things stood on. Her ass hung over them, an evil-looking thing, large enough and heavy enough to crush them all into jelly. Sure enough, it started to lower. They screamed, tried to run away from it. Three of them (two men and a woman) escaped, finding themselves between Laretta's thighs when her weight crashed down on the unfortunate man who was no nothing more than a stain on a woman's ass cheek.
Laretta laughed. 'Good,' she said. 'You're right where I want you.' She brought one hand down to her slit and opened it up, presenting her warm, pink hole to the tiny creatures. 'One of you. Jump in, or I'll shove all three of you up my ass.'
One of the men stepped forward immediately, to Laretta's surprise. He made his way over to her womanhood and climbed inside. Laretta shivered as she felt him wiggle around. She put her fingers in behind him, shoving him farther back. She moaned in pleasure and with her free hand grabbed and started rubbing her breasts, not taking her eyes off the two tiny things between her legs.
Before long the one inside her stopped moving. She came not long after that, her fluids drenching the man and woman in front of her. She smiled down at them and licked her lips as she rubbed her belly. 'I don't know about you, but I'm famished,' she said. She picked them both up in one hand, rubbing them across her growling stomach, the black flesh that would soon be their prison taking up their whole field of vision. She rubbed them over each of her nipples, then brought them up to her face, staring at them with an obscene hunger for a few seconds before dropping both of them into her open, waiting mouth.
They screamed as they fell, landing n her tongue, and stared around at the white pillars around them. The tongue bucked, knocking them into her cheek, and a voice louder than God's own rumbled up out of the throat behind them, 'FUCK ON MY TONGUE, NOW!' The giant pink thing scooped the two up, throwing them together, and they went at it. His thrusts were deep, and the moans of pleasure the two of them produced were accompanied by sobs as they anticipated the end of their lives, and soon their own noises were drowned out by moans emerging from the throat behind them.
When the man collapsed, exhausted, the giantess felt the movement in her mouth stop. She moved the couple into position in the back of her throat, the two of them clinging together, crying into each other's shoulders, and prepared to swallow them. Just then, the door to the room she was in opened, and she turned to face the door. Through the open lips, the tiny couple saw an enormous man step into the room, and when he glimpsed the naked Laretta, his eyes lit up.
The outline of Laretta's lips turned into a smile, and the tiny pair screamed.
Chapter End Notes:
More to come soon, possibly, depending on if I feel like it.
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