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Author's Chapter Notes:

Jim makes Taylor mad in ways that he didn't even guess were possible, then he has to deal with a timeout.

Taylor looked around after trotting down the steps. She was expecting some kind or reaction, and none came. Where could her big brother possibly be? She walked around the room looking for a note of some sort, completely forgetting about the bottle of water that she came downstairs over. Her slim body twirled around the room as she looked for her brother, completely unaware of the situation.

Under the desk, Jim was freaking out. Although he put together the events that happened, he failed to know why or how he shrunk. He knew that he needed to see a doctor, but could he trust his sister? He thought about it for a few seconds before he realized that she was his only hope, as their mother was on a business trip for the weekend. He sighed, he knew that he had to trust her, but could he? Like a ghost took him over, he walked out from under the table and started waving his arms, calling for her. Suddenly, he saw her walking over from the kitchen, her giant body moving strides. He often thought of her b-cup as small chested, but now standing before him he would never even consider that. He then realized, in shock, that she was moving right towards him - she was going to step on him! He jumped backwards right as she came close to him and he yelled as loud as he could. But that couldn't stop her foot's shadow from descending upon him...

Taylor's eyes gazed around the room but she just couldn't find her brother. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something moving, a bug. Her instinct kicked in and she jumped back, then she looked close. She couldn't tell if it was poisonous and was extremely scared of being bit, so she got a closer look. She randomly noticed that this bug looked weird, it didn't look like a bug at all, it looked something like a man. She looked close, and she saw it, this was certainly not a bug, and it in her eyes it wasn't a man, it was her brother! She picked him up into her hand and carefully eyed him. To Jim, this was an experience like nothing before. Her enourmas hands were highly uncomfterable, and he was worried by how easily she controlled him.

"Jim!" she screeched loudly, "What the fuck are you doing like this! I mean wh...what happened?"

To Jim, her normal speaking voice would be like screams, so her current voice volume was like an earthquake tumbling the area. "I don't know!" he yelled,"Just may you please stop yelling, your voice is too loud for me," he finally lamented.

Suddenly, the consequences of her insensitivity set in and she realized she had to whisper. She said it again, much more composed. "Jim, what happened? Why the fuck are you like this?"

Jim breathed a bit, though her voice was still loud, it was no longer up to 11. "I don't know," he cried, "I passed out and then I was just...like this. You've gotta get me to a doctor, you've gotta get help."

Taylor then realized just how important taking care of him was. "Okay big bro, just give me a second, I have to get washed up and all that."

Suddenly Jim was overtaken by emotions, and though he tried to control himself he just let it out. "What the fuck, Taylor? I'm less than a foot tall and you're focusing on taking care of your hair before me? What's wrong with you, you giant, idiotic bitch?!"

At this, Taylor too felt a splinter into her heart. Though she was perhaps being a bit negligent, she was genuinely caring for her brother, and she felt like she was simply being mistreated there. Her eyes became intense and her already petite body tightened up all the more. "Well, Jim, the hell do you want me to do," she repined, her voice again raising. "What can I possibly do to make you better, touch you with my magic hands? Make everything better in seconds? I don't know what's wrong with you, and guess what? A doctor probably won't either. Unfortunately, you're probably going to be stuck like this, so don't become indignant to me when you're stuck like this." Jim became frozen. He's always had problems with his sister, but it''s always been offhanded teasing, never anything as intense as this. He didn't know how to react, and then it happened...he lost control of his bodily functions, and dripped down her hand.

That was the moment Taylor officially lost it. She very nearly threw him down, but regained self control long enough to put him on the table. "What's wrong with you? Are you actually as idiotic as a baby, you worthless, tiny leech!" She sprinted to the sink and washed her hand, over and over. Jim just sat there, he had absolutely no clue what to do so he simply gazed up at his siter, her once tiny body now towering over him. Her tiny waistline, which he used to be able to wrap his arms around, was now 20 times as wide as him. And suddenly, she did it.

"If you're going to act like a stupid kid, you're going to be treated like one. That means that wetting yourself gets a punishment. An hour in the timeout corner, and you better not make one peep." She picked him up, again as uncomfterable as last time.

"Wait!" he cried out, "Please, Taylor, I'm sorry, forgive me, but you have to take me to the doctor, you need to." His voice carried utter desperation. Taylor simply looked down at her capture prey with stern eyes.

"No," she retorted. "I'll consider taking you to a doctor, but only if you're good and ONLY if you carry out your punishment." At that, she put her finger around Jim's mouth to silence his cries for help. She put one hand on her tight jean straps and stretched it off her body, then she placed him inside on the right cheek that was once smaller than the palm of his hand. She let go of the strap and left him there, stuck against her gigantic ass for an hour's worth of torture. It was dark and cold.
Chapter End Notes:

I'm going to try an update every day or two, I'll see how long I can keep this going. If the Giantess World Community genuinely likes it, that'll be all the only motivation I will need.

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