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There was no doubt about it. Sakura, Chris' daughter was about to head onto stage to swear him on her feet. Worst of all Chris whilst conflicted felt deep down that he was looking forward to it. It's as if there was some side efffect making him yearn to be worn at all times. It isn't normal to want to be with Yuki's sweaty feet and certainly isn't normal to want to be at your daughters feet and yet he wanted it. 

"Those are some lovely shoes you have on. Maybe I won't want to trade back after." Yuki laughed, referring to Sakura's leather school shoes. "I kid, I kid. But they are so cute I can just enjoy them for a short time. Now please take them off and stand on the hot plate for a minute or as long as you can stand it."

Chris was placed back on the ground but he heard Sakura remove her shoes and step on the heated area. Whilst Sakura's feet heated up Yuki entertained the crowd by putting on Sakura's school shoes.

"Do they suit me?" She joked with the crowd "I'm sure our miracle insoles would work wonders in school shoes. Now feel free to step back onto that glass panel, hopefully I can feel less bad about how sweaty my feet got."

"Feel free to put my shoes on now, please watch the left one for obvious reasons." Yuki motioned as she lifted up the glass panel to once again show 2 sweaty footprints on the glass.

"Eeeee." Chris could see Sakura inserting fer left foot into his partner flat. Obviously some of the sweat was left over since it was just a normal flat .The anticipation was getting to him. He just wanted to be worn again, to be complete. If it had to be Sakura then so be it at least he was able to provide her comfort, better her than some random, even if she didn't know she was about to wear her father.

Her toes appeared above him and it was weird to see the small differences between her and Yuki's foot. Before he could focus too much he was hit with a sweat drop that fell from her foot. It was very salty but somehow different, sweater to a degree. If had to be from being cramped in her school shoes all day because it did also taste slightly leathery. Sakura was being more hesitant than Yuki but slowly but surely her foot touched down on his insole and the taste sensation exploded. He felt her heel settle down sealing him to her foot and with it her foot sweat.

"Now to make sure it works right just give it a good stamp or two and then you'll feel it." Yuki said playfully. Fully knowing that it was a human being that she had just instructed the girl to stomp into the ground.

Chris felt himself raising, powerless to do anything against his daughters feet. He knew it was coming, he knew he couldn't stop her.


The reflex kicked in and Chris immediately begun licking and absorbing all of her foot sweat that had built up. It was different to Yuki becaus he could tell that not all of this foot sweat was fresh, some had built up from her school shoes. He didn't remember her schedule, had she had gym today? Hell, would she have even had a shower last night. How many days of sweat am I removing from her foot? All of a sudden he tasted something more solid, more acrid. It came from near her toes. Had he just swallowed his daughters foot grime. As if in response he tasted more.He felt Sakura start to move around and with each step she took he started sucking her foot harder and harder tasting and removing all impurities from her foot.

This should be gross, it should be horrifying and yet Chris couldn't help feeling accomplished, like he was helping serve his purpose. Sakura had definitely needed this and he was glad to be of use. He wasn't sure whether it was him or reflex cleaning her foot anymore but he was happy. He started to notice a change in the smell from her foot...was he actually swallowing her smell too or wait...is that...smoke?

As if in response sirens started going off around him and all of a sudden Sakura started moving erratically. As she ran her heel occasionally slipped out of her shoe so that Chris got glimpses of what was happening.

Smoke and fire errupting from the hot plate on stage *thud*

Yuki yelling out for Sakura with her hand out still wearing Sakuras school shoes *Thud*

People running everywhere  *thud*

Sunlight? Are we outside? *thud*

Sakura continued to run and run, with each thump Chris had no choice but to embrace, lick and swallow any sweat or dirt that fell off her foot. He had fear for her safety and if he could he wished he could hold her foot tighter to provide support...but alas he was just her shoe.

Just her living shoe...that she didn't know was a person, let alone her father. Would he be ever found or would he just be her shoe forever, to wear out and ignore?


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