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Author's Chapter Notes:

Long time no chapter. I'm not necessarily going to be adding any more at speed I just wanted to keep on with the story i started a long time ago.

"Hello, hello, welcome to a special Transcorp presentation." Yuki greeted the crowd as she walked up on stage in front of a crowd of hundreds. Photographers, reporters, bloggers all looked on intently from the crowd. General public had also been welcomed in and Yuki managed to spot even some school students had made their way into the crowd somehow. All of the stage lights were focussed on her and almost instantly she could feel her body tempterature rising from them combined with her nerves.

Chris suddenly noticed the heat around him increase and all of a sudden he noticed a different taste. It was wet but also salty, and then it hit him. He was tasting Yuki's footsweat . Her feet were sweating and his inbuilt reflexes were now forcing him to swallow her sweat. It wasn't necessarily bad, Chris thought to himself, only odd and unexpected.

"Now these shoes I'm wearing may just look like normal flats, but in reality one is very special, and rather than tell you, I'm going to show you. Now I don't know why you'd be here if you did but if you don't like feet this may get a little gross." Yuki proceeded to step out of her flats and onto a surface in front of her. "Now what I am standing on here is a heated pad and...it is rather hot and difficult to stand on."

Chris suddenly started feeling cold again. He had been left alone again and whilst this time he did feel like a small portion of her scent had remained with him, he still couldn't help but feel incomplete. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak, all he could do was wait for her foot to return. Sweaty or not he already knew that he preferred being with her feet.

"Ow...ooh ok that's enough hot plate. Nooow if I stand over here on this glass pane aaand then back then we will get a nice display of what happens when our feet get hot." Yuki picked up the glass pane and showed it for all the crowd to see. Clearly visible was 2 foot prints. "Now as you can see my feet are unfortunately a little sweaty and normally that's a nightmare to combine with tight shoes just as these but you're about to see something special."

Chris could see Yuki moving around above him and it only made him more agitated waiting for her. He was barely paying attention to the words she was saying, all he wanted was to feel her inside him again. All of a sudden he saw her returning and putting her other foot into the other flat. He then saw her sole rise above him and saw a droplet come off her foot and land in him. It was more concentrated than before and very salty. Her toes approached fast and before he knew it they touched the surface of his insole. Immediately he was bombarded with wetness and the taste of pure salt. It was different to before it was all around him, drowning him almost. He felt her step down forcefully and then things stepped up another notch. His automatic reflex kicked in and he could feel himself feeling out for and absorbing the sweat direct off her foot. He didn't know where exactly he was storing all of this sweat but he could certainly feel as if he was licking and swallowing her sweat down through no choice of his own.

"Now tight shoes, hot feet, hot lights and a heated floor. There's no way I'm going to be better off right? Well lets just have a looksee." Yuki peeled off each shoe and stepped back onto a glass pane for a few seconds and then stepped back again. "Now if I lift this one up and you can plainly see..."

A few gasps erupted from the crowd in response to Yuki lifting the pane up. Her left foot mark appeared even more prominant than last time, however the right foot left no marks at all.

"As you can probably guess this is a pair of two very different shoes. The left is a normal everyday shoe, but the right contains our very special Transcorp Miracle Insole!" Yuki proceeded to lift up Chris and present him so that everyone could see the insole. "A lot of you are too far back to see but those close of you will also notice that the shoe itself is perfectly dry as well hence why we call it a miracle. Now just to prove this isn't all smoke and mirrors if there is a member of the audience who is a size 5 and happy to swap shoes with me for a moment we can prove just how amazing a development this is."

Hands sprung up throughout the crowd. The way Chris was held, he could see how large the crowd were, how many eyes were on him and his body in this new form. How was it possible he was here, held up by a single hand with all eyes on him and hands all throughout belonging to people who wanted him on their feet.

"How about you?" Chris focussed his sight on who Yuki had pointed to and a schoolgirl started to move towards the stage.


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