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You looked around with fear in your eyes as you noticed that you are no bigger than a bug, possible even smaller.  The couches, tables, the T.V. all dwarf your size.  Without thinking you wonder into the middle of the family room, when you hear footsteps.  A normal person walks down steps, but Rachel acts as if she were crushing the life out of each step as she blunders down the stairs.

“What do you want Tim,” she says with such disgust that you practically feel it.  You notice she starts looking around the family room, and then the kitchen and she shrugs.  “I thought I heard a loser.”

You don’t know which makes you madder, the fact she didn’t notice you or that she called you a loser behind your back.  You deiced it doesn’t matter you need to get help or things could turn ugly for you at this size.  You start to shout and run toward her to get her attention.  Unfortunately she doesn’t notice and starts to walk toward you.

You should be scared at the fact she is walking toward you but you know she sees you.  It isn’t until she is practically on top of you do you panic.  Due to both her and your size and you misjudge your reaction time and speed to get out of the way and end up right under her bare feet. 

Not feeling a think Rachel continues her walk to the couch to watch some T.V. 

You are stuck with your back to the sole of her foot as she steps on you.  The first thing you think is wow I’m luck.  Then her foot came down again, and crushed your breath away.  Her foot lifts off offering you a quick chance to breath.  You do your best to brace yourself for the next step but it does little help.  After about 5 steps of excruciating pain Rachel reaches the couch.

Normally Rachel doesn’t put her feet on the couch but since no one is looking …well what no one knows can’t hurt them.  Rachel quickly pulls her feet up to her chest and rests her chin on her knees.

You barely know what’s happening as your world quickly moves up.   Below, you can see a leather surface quickly rushing to your face.  You crash into it with enough force to make you wince.  Due to the fact that the couch (unlike the floor) is soft, you can breathe easier.  You still feel the 5 ton weigh of Rachel’s foot on your back but with the couch you aren’t being smashed. 

Rachel quickly picked up the T.V. remote near her and turned on the T.V.  She flipped through a couple of channels and stops on Cartoon Network, her favorite.  Lucky for her some nail polish was on the coffee table so she doesn’t have to move to get it.  While watching her show she starts to paint her toes pink.

What seemed like a blessing of soft ground quickly turned into a living hell; the fact that the leather kept heat in where her foot was caused her feet to sweet on the bottom.  It ran all the way down over the bottom of her foot to your back and over your head.  You did your best to close your eyes and mouth but you had to breathe eventually.  You took a mouth of hot salty sweet in your mouth causing you to gag.  You did your best to spit it out and breath but you weren’t very successful and ended up swallowing some.  It was like swallowing sea salt.

Rachel feeling her feet get tired from keeping them in one place, so she dragged her feet wider apart and kept moving them back and forth.

You felt movement above you and had your face scraped on the leather surface.  While her feet rolled over you, you rolled with them flipping your face into the surface of her foot getting a mouthful of grim.  As your body rolled, your arms where pinned to your back to almost the breaking point.  Then the foot moved back to its original position.  This continued until you started to scream in pain.

Rachel felt something under her foot.  Slowly she pulled her foot up and started to look for the irritable object that she was playing with.  Assuming that it was just a piece of lint she quickly picked up her leg to grab and remove it.  What she found was not a piece of lint but a bug.

You were staring up at Rachel’s face in fear.  You saw her eye’s narrow at you trying to see what you were when her eyes grew wide.  She sees me.  Thank God.  Then an evil smile crept over her face.

“Well what do we have here?”

“Rachel it’s me!!!” You scream till you’re out of breath.  Wet, smelly, and tired you don’t care that she found you as long as it means you are out of this predicament.  You could take in any verbal assault she may give you as long as you’re off her foot.

“Well, well, well if it isn’t a bug on my foot.  This could be fun.”

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