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Chapter 4

Jorien expanded, clothes and all. Within a few seconds, she was over 7 feet tall. She had grown and gained almost 1,8 foot in size. Jorien stood up and looked around her. The room of the old man looked as if she was standing on a chair. Her head nearly brushed the ceiling. It was amazing.

The old man grinned.

"This, Jorien (he pronounced her name correct), is the power I give you. As a token of my thanks for saving my life. Now, it's up to you to use it well."

"Err, thank you...I will," Jorien said, a bit lost in thought. She felt like being in trance. Ducking under the doorframe, she left the old man's home and went to her car to drive home. She had to adjust the seat of her car, because her legs were too long now. How tall she was! And Jorien knew she could grow to even bigger sizes.

As she was driving, she thought what people would say tomorrow at work. She had been of average size, but now, she looked like a basketball player. While waiting for a red traffic light, a startling thought entered her mind. All of a sudden, like a voice in her head was speaking to her.

"What if they don't give you the job because you are so tall?" the voice seemed to say. "What if they don't take you serious anymore? Or say that a woman your size is too intimidating? Clients might be afraid of you, especially the Chinese and Japanese business visitors, who are usually smaller than the average Westerner...".

Jorien felt a pitch in her stomach. She knew she couldn't shrink back to her original size. Just like she knew she could grow, she simply knew that as well.

"What if they fire you?" the voice suddenly said.

"NO!" she cried aloud. "They cannot do that! No, not with me, I won't give up what I have achieved! I've worked hard for it and I shall not be denied my position!"

At home, she paced back and forth in her now, it seemed, smaller apartment. She couldn't get rid of the thought that she could be fired because of her new height. Jorien was caught between despair and anger. The voice in her head nagged about what her superiors might decide. And it angered her that there was nothing she could do. Nothing? Yes, there was something. She had the power now! She would simply claim what was rightfully, as she thought, hers.

"They are discriminating bastards," she thought. "They are sexist, and they discriminate tall people as well. But I will show them! Not out of malice, but out of justice!"

But somehow Jorien wasn't comfortable with that thought. It seemed as if the voice in her head was warning her that she was indeed about to abuse her newfound power. Jorien tried to justify her plans by telling herself repeatedly that it was a righteous cause. That she deserved the position, and wouldn't get it now that she was 7 feet 2 (she had measured herself to be sure of her exact size). It never came to her mind that she didn't even know for sure how the higher-ups in her company would react to her.

"I just scare them a little. Yes, scare them. That is all. Nothing more," she said to that nagging voice in her head, telling her it was abusing power.

Jorien made up a plan to teach the company to mess with her. She decided to live her fantasy, growing and growing while making career. Tomorrow, she would do that!

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