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Story Notes:

This is my first try on this site.  The story is relatively simple.  The characters and setting are not fully explored.  It took several hours to write.  I would appreciate some honnest criticism before commiting myself intro writing better stories with much more depth.  Thank you in advance :)

(Please don't be too harsh on syntax and grammar as English isn't my mother tongue.)

What a gruesome sentiment it was to feel forsaken from the very world itself, as if the air and sun retracted far away from some invisible and unassailable prison whose walls could extinguish the breath of the mind in the blink of an eye.  The expression of helplessness itself and the vivid heart beatings led by the ineluctability of a serious predicament.  To be hung by the arms and legs like a vulgar puppet at the mercy of the breeze and its load of anfnoying and fearsome bugs.  The uncertainty of the near future, feeder of fear, insidiously pervading one’s entrails.

There are times when practical applications exceed by far the knowledge acquired through meticulous studies.  Distinguished Ambassador Ludwig Von Osburg had had his first lesson on the matter taught by the impassive whims of fate.  His ambitions were never misplaced or pompous, his heart warm and generous, soft to his nearest and dearest and lenient to strangers.  However, the skies made little case of his greatness of spirit when he first left Berry-Ol’-Town, blessed be that name and all of the Sylvanus people.

 The mission was simple, of those conferred to the favoured novices and accomplished within the matter of a day or two.   A mundane task for such an eminent and promising student already promoted without experience, solely in virtue of his academic performances and brilliance in the real life simulations.  He had to instigate peaceful contact with the newly installed humans in the outskirts of Berry-Ol’-Town and convene of an understanding concerning the disturbances of nature caused by their unexpected arrival.  A simple contract to attest of the humans’ acknowledgement towards the Sylvanus people’s interests and concerns.

Alas, luck is often elusive, almost specifically for those who would need it most in the circumstances.  The human camp was merely some summer festival established outside of town.  Ludwig simply happened to pick the wrong stand to express his polished rhetoric.  It was a dart throwing stand with balloons and prizes and the owner was a very solitary and busy woman.  The ambassador managed to climb on the desk where the rewards were displayed, his well-trained body more than prepared for all sorts of the athletic activities usually required for a sylvan like him in order to make contact with a human.  For a second he contemplated the gigantic woman comfortably seated on a wooden chair.  Her head was on level with the desk and at about fifty feet from his perspective.  He could feel the waves of warm air gushing out from her voluptuous red lips.

 Ludwig felt pride as he realized he wasn’t afraid by the vast figure of the thirty years old gorgeous woman.  The simulations had paid off.  However, how intimidated he was ! There was a secret reason why he had chosen to become an ambassador.  He enjoyed the risks and dangers affiliated to the jobs of course.  But what he truly craved for was the contact, no matter how humble, with human beings of the female variety.  To avoid being prolix, let us phrase it this way : he was and had always been an inveterate pervert.  He loved life and women, especially when the disproportioned scales magnified the feminine beauty to heaven standards.  Ludwig quit his musings.  Standing at nearly half an inch tall, he joined and wriggled his tiny fingers around his mouth to allow his squeaky voice to magically fend off the air and reach his hostess’ voluminous ears.


-Hail there, fair lady! May nature serve you well.  Isn’t it a nice day for a noble soul to attend one’s business?     

At the sound of this high-perched voice coming from nowhere, the woman almost felt off her chair.  She stood up and frenetically moved her gaze from one point to another, trying to figure out what kind of joker or stalker would surprise her like this.  She rested her hands on the desk, leaning forward to look down.  The huge tremor knocked the tiny harbinger off his feet and he hurt himself falling buttocks first on the hard material as the massive yet delicate hand dropped a few feet near his position.

-By the Oaken Sage stop rummaging like this or you will end up crushing me!  For your people’s sake you should avoid this embarrassment! 

-What...Wh...Who’s speaking ? Show yourself jerk, I have no time for this.

-First of all I am no jerk, fair lady, and I would dare say it isn’t an appropriate discourse to hold considering the diplomatic issues us presently encoun...

-Where on earth are you?

-Down, look down! No, not on the ground...On the desk!  Yes that’s more like it.

The woman’s eyes finally met with the almost microscopic person and she uttered a tiny yelp.  She quickly let out gasp, lifting the hand that almost crushed the man to her mouth, palm first. 

-Now that we made mutual acquaintance, we should begin immediately and go about the inquiries I must bring to your people.  Is there anyone in the surrounding area who is qualified to discuss with Ambassador Ludwig Von Osburg of the mostly wise Sylvanus people?

The woman regained her composure and slowly, insidiously, a sly smile adorned her lips.

-What the...you must be kidding me.  I’ve had such a horrid day without customers in this stinky stand.  I’ve heard of your people and to be honest I didn’t know some of you were delirious or stupid.  Nevertheless, I think I could use your help to beef up my little financial crisis.

Before he could mutter a word, the woman caught him with her free hand falling from the skies, fingers stretched, not unlike the majestic eagle swooping down on its prey.  The sylvan felt the tremendous, surreal pressure around his body as she carelessly applied pressure on his torso as she tied him with the string like a sausage.



And so she had mercilessly made a tiny prisoner out of his person.  He was fighting for all he was worth against the tiny strings clasped around his waists and yelling his lungs out.


-This is an outrage! I, the great emissary of the most exalted Frederick IV, command the respect I am due! My people will know of this treachery and the cunning of...


-Cut it off, little jerk.  You’ve been whining for the whole afternoon.  You’re just a prize by now and maybe it will give my stand some attention.


That being said, the woman passed the rest of the afternoon cleaning the prizes, ignoring the tiny man’s pleas until a customer arrived.


The girl must have been nineteen.  Her hair was short and split in two sensual locks finely spread on her forehead.  It was delicate and of a deep dark that shined beautifully by the declining sun rays.  Scintillating on top of a cute little nose were two flawless emerald-like eyes whose long eyelashes made you feel privileged to be the target of such a fascinating gaze.  Her face was small and fragile, not too thin and with just the right amount of natural tanning.  The quintessence of this beauty resided in her lips, which were relatively thin and slightly curling.  They were of a delicious pink soothing for the eyes and burning for the heart.  She was wearing a tight yellow tee-shirt that gracefully unveiled both her adorable breast and bare, flattened belly.   Her slender legs had their thighs covered by dark green shorts that let out a glimpse of their firmness.  Elegant female calves led the eyes to fine ankles that disappeared into roller skates.


Ludwig had given up hope and continuously felt minuscule warm tears tickling his cheeks.  A fragrance of sweet perfume startled him and he lifted his head, only to face gigantic dark green large pillars that occupied the wholeness of his field of vision.  He was forced to shake his head up and down, right and left to catch a glimpse of every part of this tremendously huge and mesmerizing feminine landscape of a body.  Opportunist as he was, he enjoyed the sight quite a while, especially since he was directly facing at the part of her shirts that stand near the belly.  He however regained his proper senses and spoke with a tone filled with affected dignity.


-Young and enticing maiden, I beg of you to hear my pleas! This vile woman that you face is utterly oblivious to my condition of sentient being.  She makes no consideration of my person other than that of a prize for some dart game! An outrage...no...A ROYAL outrage considering my family bonding with members of the crown!  Let me introduce myself... I am Ambassador Ludwig Von Osburg of the most benevolent Sylvanus people.

The young girl nearly suppressed a giggle as the standing woman in front of her rolled her eyes and looked far above in complete annoyance.

-And my name is Adele, pleased to meet you, ambassador. 

-Graced be the Oaken Sage finally a human with common sense! Not that your race is deprived of such an eminent mind trait, but the recent events of my journey made me consider otherwise.  It is quite known that...

Feigning to care for what the tiny man had to say, Adele addressed him a stunning smile.

-I am quite used to the manners of your adorable people, Ludwig.  Oh, Ambassador.  Sorry.  I meant no disrespect. 

She giggled.

-A colony of your people exists not so far from my house and I’ve had several encounters with them.  Always a pleasure to meet a sylvan !

-That will be five dollars for three darts, interrupted the woman.  The rules are the same as everywhere so don’t force me to explain them.

-Alright.  I’ll play for the sylvan.

As the concerned fellow was about to protest about being considered merely merchandise, Adele leaned down towards her new friend.  To Ludwig, the violence of that simple movement was astonishing.  Powerful gusts of air seized him and agitated the strings around his members.  The beautiful face, twelve times as wide as he was tall, loomed in front of him in all its magnified beauty, quickly closing the distance.  She approached her lips near the tiny emissary, missing him by a few inches at his own scale. 

-Don’t worry cutie.  I will get you out of here and I promise to keep you somewhere safe, where this harsh world has no reach on you.  Let me carry you to my house.

The dumbfounded ambassador was without words.  All of this had happened so fast, the warm air of her mouth was so sweet smelling and aphrodisiac that all he could do was to stare at her lips with a tiny perplexed look.

-Don’t get used to that thing...you have yet to deserve it.  Now pay me.

Adele paid the woman and played the game.  Ludwig was unaware of those events as his position only allowed him to watch the girl’s panties.  Gifted with great dexterity, the girl won easily and quickly untied her prize. 

-Well here’s a prize I’m not sad to give up.  Have fun with him.

-Fun? What do you mean by...?

Before he could finish his sentence, Adele swooped down on him and unceremoniously deposited her quarry into her pocket.

-You sure talk a lot, cutie.  I’m pretty sure you would prefer to ride somewhere else but this will be the safest way.

Ludwig didn’t know what to think about all of this.  Surely there had been a mistake and this lack of ceremony amongst the human community had its reasons.  This was certainly no proper way to treat an official messenger!  Although he had to admit to himself that he did not mind being that close to that girl despite all the bouncing.  Her thigh was firm and the surrounding odour was pleasant to say the least.  The journey to her house went uneventful.

When the bouncing stopped he felt a contraction in the shorts.  He assumed she was removing her roller skates and had arrived at home.  The titanic yet soft hand plunged into the pocket and grabbed him between index and thumb.  Adele winked at him and landed him on the mattress of her bed.

-Enjoyed the ride?

-To be completely honest, dear lady, I would say I did.

Adele let out that cute feminine giggle of hers, passed a hand on her forehead, gently stroking her hair.  Then she delicately jumped on the bed and sat crossing her legs.  Her bare feet stood as living houses near her tiny prize.  A thin layer of perspiration covered them.  Ludwig didn’t mind.  However he didn’t feel quite at ease with the way she fixed him, almost pinning him down on the bed with the sheer strength of that green gaze.  He tried to ignore this feeling.

-So...how is the diplomacy with the surrounding Sylvanus town you mentioned earlier?

-Well...to be honest, it is sort of a very intimate diplomacy.

-Really? Have you made proper contact with an ambassador? What is his name?

-Hmm... I don’t know...an accident happened to him before we were done completely.  Unfortunately I won’t ever know who he WAS.  Not like I would care anyway.

-What do you mean?

-You talk too much, cutie.  Let’s just say that I put him somewhere safe just like I promised you.

-Great, great, all the better if nothing nasty happens to me...but there is still the matter of my mission that requires to be carried out.

Adele curled up in her bed, sending him a lecherous smile.  Her lips parted slightly and she exhaled a muffled feminine moaning.

-Let’s just assume your mission was aborted, alright? Now come to me.

-Wait I protest this...

Gently, Adele gently shoved him with her foot and spread her toes.  He looked at her in disbelief.  Her angelic face looked tender and innocent at this moment.  Before he could finish his sentence, he got painfully jammed between her big and second toes.  He had not seen it coming and the crushing pressure was unfathomable.  His mind was working at an impressive speed; multiple elusive, fleeting thoughts crossed his imagination at once as well as memories from childhood.  He noticed despite feeling an imminent danger that the smell was more intrusive in this position.  He felt himself being lifted up...

Adele’s breathing became frantic as she deliberately slowly approached her tiny prisoner to her mouth, lifting her right foot both hands resting on her calf for support.  Between her soft moanings she could have sworn she heard him yelling and yelping, although his magically enchanted voice had ceased working hours ago.  Every time she was surprised that such an insignificant thing would be capable of having feelings and a unique mind.  Enveloped in the mist of her own thoughts of not-so-clean nature, she was oblivious to the man’s terror.  She drew him her better smile that would melt an entire comet and warmly released a long, wet, fresh red tongue out of her cozy lips.  The muscle licked her upper lip in repeated movements of comings and goings.  Exalted, she hummed seductively and closed her eyes.  All of a sudden her tongue rose up as her foot got near the voluptuous lips and she licked her toes clean of his minute passenger.  Her free hand instinctively looked for her crotch underneath.  Adele retracted her tongue back into her mouth and with astounding celerity, before he could retaliate from the shock, she swallowed Ambassador Ludwig Von Osburg in one colossal gulp, sending his tiny worthless figure to the same fate so many of his kind had already suffered.  She opened her eyes and smirked, her lips tied in some devilishly satisfied smile, not unlike the aspect of a cat upon a good hypocrite meal. 

-Ah! Well I did promise I would keep you somewhere safe from the world.

She rubbed her soft belly with a sluggish hand, biting her lower lip and fixing the opposite wall pensively. 

-I barely felt this one in my throat...she thought.  It’s almost like he wanted this to happen.

A puzzled look on her face, Adele stretched her arms and legs and sighed.  She stood up and casually walked in her room, satisfied once again with the knowledge of having swallowed a sentient being alive.  The idea slowly faded away as she showered and went to some movie during the night, slowly forgetting this tiny funny character had ever existed.  She skipped dinner.

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