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Hands on her knees, Gisele leaned down over the quaking town, the sight of her cleavage replaced by her stunning eyes, cute nose and her massive, supple lips. But with those pink lips, every enormous breath from the goddess began sweeping through the town like the winds of a massive hurricane. Parked cars on the street swayed on their creaking chassis and trees bent to and fro under each roaring breath; her every inhale a frigid, pulling current, every exhale a blast of warm, minted air.

Unlike Gisele, Philip Martz held his breath. This was it. Now that the town could no longer hide from the goddess, it was entirely at her mercy. It’s true that if she hadn’t noticed it, Gisele may very well have crushed it underneath one of her feet, but this was just as tense and harrowing. Now either she was going to leave this sleepy, nearly leveled town, or…

The possibilities nearly made him wet himself.


Both Philip and Gisele were perfectly still as her eyes darted surgically through the streets, intense as stadium-sized searchlights. And at this close distance, Philip could see the flawlessness of her skin. No bumps, scars or discoloration were to be found at this close proximity, her gorgeous face filling the entire sky. Looking up and seeing only tanned skin, Philip now comprehended what she could do at her size.

The possibilities flashed through his mind like a passing train. A single half-hearted stomp could obliterate the entire town, leaving behind a ragged footprint. She could crush them under an open hand, smash them like a bug or pound them with a fist, completely annihilating them. She could crush them under her firm, voluptuous body with her toned tummy or her mountainous breasts. Looking at the size of her chest, she could instantly turn their small valley into twin craters. She could turn around and flatten them under two firm cheeks and a pussy, grind them to dust underneath her tight ass as she unleashed an earth trembling moan. And with the whipping air stinging his eyes and the wind lashing around him with her every breath, Philip could just imagine the goddess pursing her plump lips and blowing the township apart like a flame. Not to mention that after witnessing her tear apart a mountain like it was a mound of clay, she could probably bury her hands beneath the whole town and lift it from the earth like a platter.

A distant pop snapped him out of his fantasy and a red flare arced into the atmosphere, almost touching Gisele’s hovering nose. The flare trailed thick, white smoke before Gisele’s breath blew it away like a piece of lint. Almost immediately the earth shattered from massed gunfire rumbling all around him.

Gisele slowly reeled back onto her knees, her head whipping back as if slapped, a surprised yelp exploding from her lips. The goddess’s shadow that had bathed the town suddenly vanished into light as her body retreated from the valleys’ sky. She reached up and rubbed her right eye vigorously, simultaneously covering her massive breasts with her other arm.

The drumming of heavy machine guns rattled vaguely from all directions, the myriad pops of rifles practically melded into an indistinctive hum. Within seconds, the thunder of artillery and cannons joined in, their sharp, concussive blasts snapping at his ears. Philip looked around and over his shoulders, trying to see where the barrage was coming from, but unable to see anything but the sheets of tracers flying overhead, he gave up with the terrifying conclusion.

There was no way that the goddess looming overhead was going to let this place stand. If there was any chance she was going to destroy a tiny, defenseless town, it was almost a certainty that she would obliterate a tiny, defensive town that was assailing her.

“Well, shit…” Philip sighed with a nervous, shaky voice, pulling out his wallet as his eyes stayed glued on Gisele’s heaving bosom. The goddess had bent back over the town, still rubbing her eye as she gave him a full, unobstructed view of her body, from her trimmed pussy to the grimy blonde hair. And from this view that climbed into the sky, Philip watched as her protective arm pulled her two breasts together. He nearly drooled as they collided to form a mouth-watering cleavage of astonishing proportions. The goddess seemed to be using her forearm to squeeze her boobs against herself, as if trying to make them a less prominent target. The resulting grip formed a cleavage a bobsledding team could’ve raced down. And whole buildings, entire rows of houses even, could’ve been nestled away, safely encompassed in that fleshy chasm. The goddess put on, unintentionally of course, a short erotic display as she struggled, readjusted, groped and cupped her way to a comfortable position holding her generous chest. Her fondling caused her sloshing breast to murmur and groan over the sound of gunfire, as if awoken from their gentle, swaying slumber.

He had noticed by now that for all its intensity, the attack seemed to have no effect on Gisele. Other than her irritated eye and pained expression, there was no blood, no bruises, no bits of flesh torn from her.

He had pulled out a picture of his family and looked at it momentarily before looking back up at the enormous, puckering cleavage. Though his mind was distracted and his eyes out of his control, he hoped in the very depths of his soul that the rest of his clan had gotten to safety. And that optimistic part of him knew that they had.

The goddess winced and squeaked in pain as the ground shook with enormous vigor. The few houses that had survived Gisele’s footsteps now crumbled like sandcastles. Even Philip held on to his tree stump for dear life. The barrage had come to a near halt because of the emerging tremors and though the barrage continued it was a mere fraction of its former self.

All this… all this to lift one knee.

Gisele’s foot came down hard, stepping on the lopsided mountain her knee had pushed aside earlier. And with a stunning display of power the mountain completely disappeared beneath her sole, the impact sending enormous clouds of earth billowing through neighboring Orleans. The shockwave racing through the ground flung Philip into the air, knocking the breath out of his lungs as he landed painfully on his side. As he writhed, the sky suddenly darkened and the atmosphere grew dense as dust and debris choked the air. His eyes stung as dirt and other fine particles whirled around him like a brown fog. As the thick haze settled, covering everything in a thin layer of soil, Philip coughed and wheezed, his eye’s stuck skyward in frighten anticipation.

And as if on cue, Gisele’s kneeling silhouette began rising into the sky, blotting out the sun for the small town of Orleans at her feet. For the goddess, the simple act of standing was accompanied by a groaning, trembling earth. Great crevices opened in the ground, racing outwards from Gisele’s crushing feet, fracturing Orleans like a genuine geographic jigsaw puzzle.

Philip steadied himself as the quaking ground started to rise. It was as if the earth was pulling apart, crumbling and popping as the land seemed to shift randomly beneath him. A sharp crack boomed over the town, drawing his eyes in shock and horror as a massive fissure opened up to his left, racing past him and through the neighborhood beyond. No further from Philip than a run to second base, the rupture immediately opened up, severing the road in two. A rusted, blue pickup was caught in the growing canyon and Philip watched it toss about before it plunged in headfirst. His side of the fissure suddenly jumped violently as it began to rise, causing cars on the street to jump inches off the ground, Philip too being tossed about like paddleball. He watched as main pipes bursts, unleashing brief geysers that quickly died, clouds of earth shooting upwards from the opening maws in the ground and watched as the complete chaos of Armageddon unravel as the land beneath him continued to tremble over the sound of a crumbling earth in its uneven, upward progress.

The rupture continued to grow wider, engulfing another car and several ruined homes. Philip turned onto his stomach and crawled to a safer distance, looking up over his shoulder at the goddess as her lean legs lifted Gisele to her full height.

To Philip, the goddess practically exploded to her feet, though her immensity made it seem slow and casual. But the way her thigh, hips and abs flexed, how the earth practically shook to pieces at her feet and the wispy cirrus clouds flowed and dissipated from her rising body, it wasn’t such a hard stretch of imagination. Philip watched as Gisele’s dirty, sexy body rise higher and higher into the sky. And the barrage, or what was left of it, arced up to meet her. With Philip and Orleans virtually at her feet, Philip could no longer seeing her as a whole person, but a massive under-boob cleavage held together by an arm, a pair of eyes and a nose peaking over them. The only thing at this angle that he could clearly see was the glistening, twitching, canyon-sized pussy that looked down on the valley like a drooling pair of lips. The view was short-lived however as the goddess bought her feet together, sending another wave of tremors that shook through the broken remains of Orleans.

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