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Story Notes:

since i've written only the first few chapters out on paper, most of the catagories have been added in advance, so if one or two of them upset you, i wouldn't worry about it.

Jake sat in the in the soft warm flesh of his mothers palm, enjoying the sense of safety and comfort it brought, as their 2009 dodge caravan glided through the almost empty east Los angeles neighborhood. the houses here had peeling paint and weeds of all sorts had crawled their way up their gutters and shingles, making for a solemn mood in the twilight hour. this area of Los angeles was quiet, almost none of the buzzing traffic made it's way here, and large driveways meant that parked cars did not crowd the street. Jake sat upright, searching for his temporary new home.

Near the end of the block, they came across a house with a fitting address, a two- story yellow building, with a bright red door behind an iron gate. compared to the other houses of this particular neighborhood, this one was well kept, roses and dasies grew beneath the windows, and the small lawn that was divided by a small weaving walk way, was freshly mowed, a bird bath near the fence held two small birds, washing hemselves and chirping happily. a humming bird feeder hung above the iron gate, suspended from a round windowsil at the top of the house.

"we're here", jake's mother said, parking the car in the small driveway,"it looks cozy doesn't it"?

"I guess so", muttered jake, not at all thrilled that he'd have to move from his home in phoenix.

"oh come on, brighten up Jake", his mother said comfortingly,"we don't even know if you'll be here the full year".

"I hope not", Jake said,"all my friends are back in AZ, try to get me out of here soon".

"we'll get you as soon as all the comotion dies down, for now you'll have to deal with it".

At sixteen years of age, Jake had dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and now averaged a height of an inch and-a-half ever since the "incident".

Jake had been an average teenager, who, like all teenagers, was in need of money. an add he had read in the paper had said that a local pharmacy was looking for young adults to test a few of their newly developed drugs, and we're paying two hundred dollars to anyone who agreed. Naturally Jake rushed down to the pharmacy the next day, and had signed up immediately.

He was sitting in a small room, and had just received an injection, when he started feeling a little dizzy. He told Marie, the female pharmacist, who was gathering up her notes, and she agreed to go get him a glass of water. once she had left, jake began to feel even worse, his head was pounding, he felt like throwing up, and their was a loud ringing in his ears, then, all of the sudden, it felt as if his skin was being stretched over his body. Slowly, his clothes becam heavier and heavier, and he realized the room was seemingly bigger than before. Before he knew what had happened, he was barley over an inch tall, and was lost in the confines of his clothes.

When Marie returned with Jake's glass of water, she found only a pile of clothes remaining in the room. she felt that it was extremely odd, and proceeded to gather them up and search for the young man. she unknowingly tossed Jake around quite a bit, as he was trapped within his clothes, and at some point, the tossing became so great, that he tumbled through the fabric and landed in the glass of water she had brought for him. Cold, naked and wet, Jake screamed at the top of his lungs, but it was no use, Marie had a pair of headphones in her ears.

She was making her way through the waiting room, towards her superiors desk, when a slender young woman asked if she could have a glass of water. Marie smiled and handed her the one she was carrying, and continued to her bosses desk.

Jake was shouting with all his might, but Marie couldn't hear over her music, Jake doubted anyone could. Suddenly a womans voice peirced his ears.

"Excuse me, but do you have a glass of water"? the woman was out of view.

"oh yeah I do, right here, take it" said marie to the woman.

suddenly the water in the cup shifted violently as the cup traded hands. Jakes view swithched from the underside of Marie's face, to a young blonde woman, who was bringing the cup closer to her face.

Jake gaped in horror as her giant cavern of a mouth opened, and the cup began to lean on its side, her lips latched on to the rim of the cup and puckered, making a slurping noise as water traveled into her mouth. The current began pulling jake closer to her face, he tried his hardest to swim against it, but it slowly pulled him closer and closer. He began yelling again, louder this time, in the hopes that she would hear him, but the breath was knocked out of him as he slammed into her upper lip, sending him tumbling underneath it into her mouth. The river of water carried him over her tongue and to the back of her throat, where he made his last attempt against being eaten alive, as her tongue sloped downwards at the back of her throat, he leapt across the drop into her stomach, and latched onto her uvula, clinging to its slimy surface for dear life.

Marie was about to ask her superior, jenny, if she had seen her patient, when the woman behind her started choking. Naturally she rushed to her aid, pulling a wooden stick from her coat pocket, and saying "open your mouth sweetie".

Marie nearly gasped when she did, for there, hanging onto the womans uvula, was the young man she was looking for. she pulled him from that cavern of death, and held him against her chest, he was shivering, from both cold, and fear, she inspected his tiny naked form for damage, the blonde woman stared in disbeleif.

This story skyrocketed to the top of the news hours so fast you would've thought elvis was back. The paparazzi swarmed Jake and his Mother for weeks, until she finally decided to sneak away and place him under someone elses care until the hype died down.

Jake's mother tapped the gate with her knuckles, and awaited a greeting. a few locks clicked behind the door, and it opened, revealing a somewhat chubby red headed woman in her mid twenties, with bright green eyes, hidden behind glasses, her eyes went from the woman standing before her, to the tiny boy in her hand, she smiled suddenly and said"oh so you must be Jen"!

"yes that's me" Jake's mother said,"and this is my son Jake", she opened her palm a bit to reveal Jake, the woman stared in wonder and said "come in come in"!

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