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Author's Chapter Notes:

Quite a bit happens here... Well, enough that could happen with

Reid wasn’t the most brilliant thinker. When confronted with any task, the most obvious but not-necessarily-logical answers always came to mind. Reid’s immediate goal was to be noticed by Lauren. His brain registered this goal and the magnificent plan of  “Run up to her toes and jump around so she sees you” was born. Throwing every bit of caution to the wind, Reid sprinted full speed towards the toes of Lauren passing the aisle where his chair towered over him, running beneath the shaded area of Lauren’s seat, and eventually reached near her towering heels. Things were already looking up! Literally!

Lauren, on the other hand, was fuming. I’ll be here for you? Was THAT what he had promised? Whiny Nguyen was a nickname she had inherited in middle school and it wasn’t without merit; Lauren was unapproachable with her complaints and grudges if she felt wronged. She was, of course, angry at Reid’s absence but she couldn’t help but feel worried about the slacker. None of this made sense to her. I just hope he’s back by the time we go outside to march, the loser!

As though the word marching ignited a subconscious command, Lauren’s bare feet both slapped down upon the ground knocking Reid around at the very least a few yards. This woman is powerful without even trying!

“Is this really my best course of action” Reid wondered aloud.
“I’ve gotta think this through a bit more!”

Reid was propelled to just a bit in front of her now still toes. The site was truly humbling. At his current stature, Lauren’s toes not only dwarfed him in size and brute strength but actually cast a shadow over his diminutive form. He’d be lucky to be comparative size to an ant!

Proceeding with caution, Reid brought himself roughly a yard at his height away from her largest toe. The atmosphere was completely new within her proximity. The heat caused him to sweat profusely and the air pressure condensing around her cheesy toe made Reid’s ears continuously pop. She was a universe in and of herself. What the hell was I thinking coming over here?

 “Jumping around wouldn’t be the best course of action to grab attention”, Reid thought to himself. “Maybe I should touch her or bite her or something! That‘s bound to get her attention!”

Nope. Everything in the world was competing with Reid for Lauren’s attention. She and Louise were exchanging laughs and whispering to one another, the trumpets were melodically dancing through the solo sections, and of course, her phone was out.  VRRRRRM. Lauren’s phone had been vibrating again ironically.
New SMS Message. Darin.

“Ugh.” Darin was a nice guy, ideal even. He was just a bit… boring. Lauren was up brought to embrace education and rank thanks to her parents and Darin did come from a wealthy background with stellar grades and experience. He was, however, more along the lines of an awkward lovesick friend in her book. Her parents, to her dismay, absolutely love him. Just imagining them together made her cringe a bit. He was coming up to see her at practice after work the message had told her and she couldn‘t control her ‘excitement’. Fantastic.

Reid couldn’t directly see if his jumping or toe punching was having an effect on Lauren (seeing as how he couldn’t see past her knees) but very little had changed on his level. She seemed too distracted right now.

Unbeknownst to Reid, Lauren wasn’t only distracted by Darin’s message and other exchanges but Dr. Harris had instructed the clarinets to play their respective parts from the field piece. Her focus was immediately brought back to music. She licked her lips, licked her mouth piece’s reed, and began playing  her Clarinet escaping into the world of music. Lauren began the infamous tapping of her foot again.

When the auditorium had become mysteriously quiet Reid was exerting every bit of his strength into pounding against his lovely Lauren’s toe with not a single change in her responses.

“This is fucking ridiculous!” Reid yelled in frustration.


A sudden shift of weight shook Reid’s foundation. Lauren had moved her foot upwards. She noticed me! Reid smiled and waved his arms rapidly so she looked in the right spot.
“Lauren! Lauren?”

The foot of his lover came down at an astounding pace and everything stood still for a moment in Reid’s mind. He was much too paralyzed with fear and self pity to move. He knew what was about to happen. What higher being did I piss off to deserve this?!

The big toe of Lauren pressed into Reid’s chest with tons of pressure that would’ve normally killed him on contact but the shrinking had further strengthened his durability apparently. He was slammed onto the ground with his back pinned against to dirty tile only to see her toes and sole fly into the forever far sky ready to pounce on him again. Relentlessly and repeatedly, Reid was mashed to hysterics by the foot of his dream girl… barely staying tethered to life. The pain was slowly becoming a numbing coldness. Reid felt as though death had him in her cold grip. There was no telling how long this had been going on.

Lauren’s section never had to play long; they were extremely good (“Especially without lazy-bones Reid here”, she thought to herself). She lay her clarinet flat in her lap and began scrunching and wiggling her toes on the cold ground in freedom. She felt a faint crunch beneath her and instinctively look down. There was nothing there visible to her eye. We'll be going outside to march in a few minutes . My feet’ll be too tired and sweaty to care about what I step on.

Reid was buried beneath the now still foot flesh awaiting imminent death. He felt gross, broken, and couldn’t connect thoughts that weren’t related to his painful, humiliating position. Lauren’s scrunching of her toes mashed the frail remaining physical being and durability and he literally cracked under her pressure. Reid saw blackness, was no longer tethered to a physical human body, and expected to see the pearly gates waiting for him on the other side… However, a different fate altogether awaited him in the near future.

The entire band had been dismissed, none of them wiser or caring about Reid’s unfortunate situation.
In ten minutes, the entire band, however, had to be outside the auditorium ready to assume marching practices.

“Louise, wait!”

Louise was greeted by an overly cheery Lauren Nguyen holding a stack of athletic clothing.

“Still no word from Reid?” She asked with little genuine concern.
“Not even a little…” Louise quickly retorted.

“I’m not surprised. He hasn’t been himself lately. Oh, and could you do me a quick favor, Louise? I’m about to change but I… sorta have to tinkle. Can you wait outside the restroom door and hold my clothes to change into? I swear swear SWEAR I won’t ask again! Please?”

It’s hard to get a word in edgewise with Lauren. She was a master of manipulating words with her sickeningly sweet tones and charm. Louise couldn’t help but to say “Yes”.

Waiting outside the door for Lauren to grab the clothes from him once she ‘finished’ gave Louise time for internal debate. He was emasculated beyond belief and wanted to break his “friend zone” mentality. I've wanted her for so long. Reid’s a good friend but he’s messing up his chances. I’ve fallen for Lauren and I want this! I think I  love her even. I- -

Louise’s thoughts were dropped before him. He dropped too! In an instant, he went from standing outside the women’s restroom waiting for his friend to finish and was suddenly weightless, then covered in a cloth of sorts. No matter how much he struggled against the silky cloth he couldn’t budge it or move much further. He began to laugh. This is a REALLY elaborate prank!

Louise continuously struggled out of his ‘prank’ whilst Lauren came out of restroom in an undershirt and less-than-conservative panties. “Louise?!” Huh, he left my stuff by the door. Maybe he’s busy. I’m really scaring off guys again!

Lauren grabbed her t-shirt and shorts from the ground and slid them on effortlessly. Her shorts had a grainy itchiness to the however that she didn’t really like. Louise COULD’VE put these somewhere that wasn’t the ground. There’s no telling what’s out there on that gross tile floor. Whatever, It’s time to go outside! Maybe these two will show up eventually.

Louise was experiencing weightlessness, velocities comparable to space travel, and other uncomforts as Lauren’s clothing went airborne. Maybe this isn’t such a joke… What’s happening?!

Before her knew it, Louise was trapped in a pit of darkness trapped between two walls of  soft, foul smelling “flesh” and was being grinded between the two pounding aforementioned walls, his dwarfed form between them. This wasn’t going to be a pleasant experience at all. Where was he and what on Earth was going to happen to him?


Chapter End Notes:

How's it progressing so far? What is going to happen to Louise? Is Reid out of the picture completely?
Also, don't hesistate to review! It give me an idea of how the reader's think and criticism strengthens us writers! Thanks all! b35;

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