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Author's Chapter Notes:

I hope you're enjoying the story so far!  This story has far more plot than the other stories I've uploaded, and this chapter certainly plays a pivotal role in the course of the plot.


Tiffany moaned with pleasure.  Strawberry-cheesecake ice cream was her favorite, combining three of her most tempting foods. things, strawberries, ice cream, and cheesecake.  Sighing with feigned ecstasy, she shifted her shades back over her eyes, it was almost noon, and the sun was beating down on her.  The dark tint of her shades also cast tiny Danny in a distorted color, as well as the ice cream cone he was struggling to escape from.  He now, more than ever, looked imaginary, a helpless plea of her mind to find some stress relief.

“You know why I like this place, Danny?”  She spoke casually, no longer even watching her scared, youngest sibling.  “Because they make real ice cream.  The other places say they make real ice cream, but it’s fake.  You see that, there?”  Turning her attention back to the cone, she pointed a finger at a protruding piece of strawberry.  “That’s a real strawberry, not flavoring, or synthetic.  And that?”  The finger circumnavigated Danny’s position, and the boy fell onto his butt.  “This here is real cheesecake, with swirls of strawberry filling.  It’s legit you know?”  Smiling, Tiffany crossed one leg over the other, and lifted the cone back to her face.  Danny, who had become speechless at his sister’s cruel, uncaring conversation, despite his predicament, dug his fingers into the piece of strawberry she had pointed out, to avoid falling off of the cone entirely; though he wasn’t sure that splatting on the pavement was a much worse option than being devoured intentionally by his step-sister.

That moment had not only been perilous for Danny, but his blood-related twin brother and sister were also victim to Tiffany, as her leg, the opposite of the one that they stood on, shifted into the air, and soared dozens of yards above their heads, tossing their hair around.

“Ali, duck!”  It was almost pointless for Jake to call out, but he’d more quickly said the words than dove into action, and dive-tackled Allison out of the way of the marauding thigh of their sister.  Landing scale inches from where Tiffany’s leg had bet, the twins stared up in awe at the great wall of tan flesh that made up Tiff’s left thigh, right at the cuff of her shorts.  Her legs were perfectly shaven.  Even at their height, Jake struggled to see the pores of her flesh, any abrasion marks left from her razor, or even the faintest bit of stubble.  He was beginning to appreciate more and more how well Tiffany treated herself, and her body.  Rolling off of Allison’s already battered and bruised body, he took a few, deep breaths, trying to relax from their encounter.  They’d nearly been smothered alive under Tiffany’s thigh.  In front of them, they could see the rhythmic movements of Tiffany’s thigh muscles, as the assisted, where necessary, in the bouncing of her calf and lower leg.

Remembering the situation taking place above their heads, however, Allison got to her feet as quickly as possible and ran toward the immense mountain of flesh, and began beating her fists into it. 

“Tiffany, please don’t eat Danny, he’s our brother!  For fucks sake listen to us!”  She pleaded, feeling more helpless than she ever had, even during their time under their mother’s foot.  Jake, who had been trying to play the fearless leader from square one, was beginning to break.  He sat a few feet from where Allison was standing, and had pulled his legs up to his chest.  Maybe it was true, maybe they were figments of Tiffany’s imagination, or some sort of dream.  Maybe if Tiffany did eat Danny, the shock of it all would wake one of them up from this nightmare.

“Jake, get your ass up and help me!”  Allison’s shrill voice stirred him awake, and though it was obvious to her that his spirit was breaking, it was more important that they distract Tiffany.  Begrudgingly, Jake stood and began to call out to their older, deity of a sister.

Danny, again, found himself staring in awe at Tiffany’s lips, as they parted, and made way for her massive, pink tongue.  He’d lost the feeling in most of his legs by now, and though his arms and hands didn’t have much of the frigid dessert covering them, his body was beginning to sacrifice blood flow to them, in order to keep his vital organs warm. 

“P-please, Tiffany…let me out of here…” Danny spoke, barely loud enough for Tiffany to hear, and only because she was anticipating a plea for help, and listening for it.  She paused though, with her lips parted enough for Danny to feel her oppressive breath passing from her lungs, through both her mouth and nose.

“You want me to let you out?”  She asked, as if she didn’t hear him.  Danny only replied with a nod, and said something else that she didn’t understand.  “I bet it is pretty cold.  I didn’t consider that little bro, here, let me help you.”  Danny looked up in disbelief that Tiffany had a change of heart so quickly and easily.  He was expecting her to grab him and drop him somewhere warm, maybe back in cleavage, but was severely frightened by what happened next. 

Tiffany’s mouth, previously causally licking and tasting the ice cream at a leisurely pace, suddenly became much more active and violent.  Danny hardly had time to react, the lips parted again, much more decisively this time, full opening to accept a new morsel.  Her teeth became vicious instruments of destruction, her tongue, now a massive, untamed beast.  Though it was not necessary to open her mouth as wide as it did, with her maw opened as far as her jaws could hinge, the tiny child in her ice cream could see clear back to her throat, her uvula bouncing gingerly in the background.  The throat itself was now a black hole, with no return, as it gaped open, ready to accept yet another meal for a journey inside Tiffany’s powerful intricate digestive system.

There was no escaping it.  Though Danny shifted to dive out of the way, Tiffany’s bite was simply too large, and before he knew it, the world shook violently as her massive teeth collided into the ice cream, tearing a massive chunk out of the dessert.  He didn’t even have time to scream, suddenly cast into the moist, humid darkness of Tiffany’s cave.  There was no seeing anything, all he could do was lay there, sandwiched between both her thick, meaty tongue, and the dense, frozen ice cream.  With her lips sealed, he waited for something to happen.

Allison, who had watched the scene from Tiffany’s thigh, was in hysterics.  She’d fallen to her knees, screaming Danny’s name over and over, wailing into her hands.  Jake had fallen silent and simply watched as his kid brother was devoured by his older sister.  He took most of the blame on himself; after all, it was his fault they were separated at all.  Each of the twins mourned in their own ways, until suddenly, Tiffany’s hand scooped both of them up quickly and easily, and lifted them up to her face.  Her ice cream had been put aside, and her shades lifted from her eyes.  She stared down at the two, and Jake noticed that her mouth was still full.  She hadn’t swallowed! 

“Tiffany, I know you think we’re not real, but I know you wouldn’t risk Danny’s life, even if the chances of us being real to you are so slim…please just spit him out!”  Allison half spoke, and half cried.   She hadn’t even registered that Tiffany had known of their position the whole time.  There was no audible response from their giantess sister, she only moved them closer to her mouth, and then parted it slightly.  Inside was a mess of melted ice cream, saliva, several chunks of strawberry and cheesecake, and one, shivering, frightened pre-teen, partially buried, and lying haphazardly near the front of the tongue.

“Danny!”  Both twins said nearly in unison, Allison scrambling towards the edge of Tiffany’s palm, to get a better look, and possibly pull Danny to safety.  There was no such luck though.  The moment Allison and Danny made eye contact, Tiffany’s jaws shut tight once again, and Allison fell back on her butt.

“Dammit, Tiffany stop goofing off, this is serious!” Jake called out to the giant, more to trying to hang on to his last bits of sanity than to convince Tiffany of the gravity of the situation.  Tiffany quirked a finely arched brow, pulled her palm a few inches away, and, with terrible slowness, swallowed her mouthful with an exaggerated gulp.


Well, silence prevailed momentarily, before Allison screeched again, staring at Tiffany’s mouth, as it parted again, to reveal that it was empty.  Allison’s vision shifted to her sister’s throat, before she buried her face in her hands again, crying more actively now than she had even earlier.  Jake crawled over, fighting tears himself, and tried to console his broken twin.  They didn’t even notice when Tiffany stood, slipped her shades back on, and tossed the last of the ice cream into the trash can.  Once her area was cleaned up, she licked her slightly messy lips, then lifted the two back to her face, leveling them off with her mouth once again. 

“Listen, twerps.  I’m still pretty convinced that you’re not real.  So, Danny had to be a sacrifice.”  She sighed, her breath chilled now from the massive bite of ice cream, and brother.  “If he survives a trip into my belly, then I’ll believe your ‘little’ story, and take you to your mom.  Maybe she’ll care more than I do.  Until then…how about we finish those errands I was talking about, hm?”  There was no smile on her face this time, but she did add just a bit more insult to injury, as her lips parted for a final time, and she unleashed a torrent of wind and energy, a polite burp to her, yet a powerful assault to her siblings in her palm.  With a final sigh, Tiffany dropped her hand to her waist, curling her fingers less than gently around the twins, and slipped them into the pocket of her shorts, and headed towards the car.


Chapter End Notes:

It struggled for a long time to actually let things play out the way they did.  

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