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"Hey, I haven't seen you around here before who are you?" Some kid asked me on the way home from school.


"My name's Anthony I just moved here." I said.


"Cool, my names John." He said.


"Nice to meet you, but I have to go I'll see you later." I said.


"Hey I got nothin to do you wanna hangout at your place?" John asked.


"Um no sorry you cant come over." I said walking away.


"Alright then talk to ya later." He said.


I walked into my house and didn't hear anything so I assumed that no one was home. "Wow, no one's home that's a first." I said.


"Nope you're stuck with me." Amanda said walking out of her room. Amanda was my younger sister, She was a 5' 2" cat furry. She looked like a person with yellow fur, she also had claws a tail, and a cat-like nose and pointed ears on her head. She also had long hair on her head like a normal girl would. She was 13 years old but we both got along really well, mostly because her being different made it really difficult for her to make friends and I didn't like to talk to anyone that made fun of her. "Where are mom and dad?" I asked.


"They went to the store." She said.


"Why didn't you go with them?" I asked.


"You know I don't like like going out." She said.


"Well you can't hide in the house forever." I said.


"You're right, want to go for a walk in the woods?" She asked.


"Fine but not for too long." I said.

She got boots on and came outside. Behind our house were woods that we hadn't been in before, so they I was a little worried of what might be in there. Amanda however wasn't, the only reason she didn't want to go alone was that if we happened to find anyone in there she would have me to defend her if they made fun of her. I really didn't mind spending time with her, especially since I really didn't have any friends other than her.

While we were walking I remembered the night that I had found her. I was 3 years old and it was back when we lived in California. I was playing outside and it was getting late, I saw a light and being a curious 3-year old I decided to walk toward it. When I got to the base of the light it dissapeared. I began to walk away but I heard something following me, it looked to me like a regular yellow cat and it began to follow me.


"Kitty!" I said to it.


"Kitty?" It said back.


I wasn't surprised that she said something back because I've never really seen a cat before. My parents didn't like pets but they never told me that. So I started talking to it, but all it could do was repeat me. I started to play with her and she we were having fun until it got dark. Even at 3-years old I knew to be home by dark. As I started on my way home she followed me and I was happy to take her with me. When I got to my house my parents were not happy that I had brought home a cat. They tried to shoo her away but she refused to move. My mother picked up the cat and was going to take it away.


When I saw that she was taking my new friend away I shouted, "Mommy where are you going?" 


"Mommy!" The cat said. My parents were shocked and my mother almost threw the cat away.


They were really surprised but they were also fascinated. They decided to keep her, and I couldn't be happier. My parents didn't want any chance of the cat getting sick or anyone else sick so they took it to the vet the next day to get its shots, but when they asked the vet wasn't sure what kind of cat it was and they didn't want the vet to think they were crazy so they didn't say anything about it talking. Before they came home they tried to get the cat to talk in the car but it didn't want to say anything, not even a 'meow'. She only seemed to want to repeat things that I said. I would say "talk!" and so would she, my parents were puzzled at this but they did not want to get any media involved because they didn't want the publicity. For the first few months she was treated as a cat just like any other. After a few months though she began to walk on two legs and her paws becan to look moore like hands and feet. When my parents had noticed this they took her back to the vet and asked again what kind of cat she was, but all he had to say was, "Not one i've ever seen before." My parent decided to pay for DNA testing to find out what kind of cat she was. It was expenseve but they wanted to know since this cat was starting to look more and more like a little girl.


A week later the doctor called the house and told them that they had never seen anything like her, her DNA was 75% human and 25% cat. This gave her the whole structure and a brain like a human but cat-like features. The doctors told my parents that since she was turning out to be more like a human than a cat that she should be treated like a human. My parents were so confused and astounded at the same time. They told the doctors that she sounded like she could talk and told them that she repeated things that I said. The doctors said that they weren't surprised and that my parents should teach her how to speak just as they would a human child, and that thy should make me understand that i should learn to treat her like a sister. It was difficult for my parents to adjust but I was young and I just listened to what my parents said. Amanda learned to speak, read, and write just like any other kid, however there were a few problems. Since she wasn't really human other parents did not want their kids playing with her. As she got older kids made fun of her a lot.

Amanda and I grew close and my parents could tell even when we were young. Once when she was four and I was six we were walking with my mother and some kid that looked about my age came up to her and started laughing. Both me and Amanda got mad, I pushed the kid down and he got up and pushed me back when Amanda saw this she went up to the kid and used her claw to scratch him on the arm. It left a big mark on the kid and he started crying. The mother of the kid was mad but my mother apoligized and they were alright. As I got older I still teased her like any older brother would, but I had to be sure not to go too far. One time I did though, she had accidentally broken one of my video games and I called her a furry freak. She got really mad at me and she scratched me all over with her claws and i knew that I deserved it but I was sorry and did apoligize to her. Even now, every now and then I would tease her, but as we got older she didn't mind as much because she knew I didn't mean anything by it. I couldn't believe that even 12 years later I could still remeber that day so well, at least most of it. The rest my parents reminded me any time I asked.


Now, she was thirteen years old and acted just like any other teenage girl, but one who was shy and didn't like to leave home. I understood that she didn't want to be seen much but she had to go oustide every now and then, which os the other reason I didn't mind going for a walk with her, even if it was in the woods, it was still outdoors.

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