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      Diane boomed upstairs, her footfalls echoing and reverberating through my whole form. It was like she was a monster, like Godzilla or something. It was awe inspiring and frightening at the same time. In a way I was really turned on by the whole situation.

      Her powerful steps carried me effortlessly to her bedroom, where she dropped me in the middle of her bed, which was like an expansive desert of fabric to me and this point. She sat down next to me. She pulled her shirt off, exposing her bra. After that she kicked her skirt off and plopped down in the bed beside me, on her back.

      Her huge fingers came down and pinched together to pick me up. She held me up in front of her for a second, examining me.

      “My, you ARE really just a tiny thing. I could just eat you up! You’re so cute and helpless, like a little child.”

      She put me to her bosom and let go. I sprawled out on her exposed sweater meat, warmth from her breast skin emanating through my whole body. Her hand cupped the base of her breast, and she jiggled it vigorously, toying with me for a bit. “Ooooh”

      I bobbed up and down violently, and was nearly tossed from her boob. I clung to her for dear life.

      She stopped, thinking to herself. She must have had an idea, because suddenly she lifted her bra cup upwards and shoved me in. The cup closed around me, pinning me to her breast.

      It was dark, soft, and warm. Honestly it was pretty comfortable. I had to conform to the contour of her tit and I didn’t get a whole lot of wiggle room, but ultimately it wasn’t too bad. I squirmed around, and felt something jabbing me near my penis.

      Quickly, the temperature rose and whatever was jabbing me grew rapidly. I squirmed again as her huge nipple, which had grown to be larger than my head, pressed into my crotch. I wormed my way around her areola until her nipple was placed near my head and I was comfortable. I settled in as she stood.

      My whole world rushed up like on an amusement park ride, and her breast bobbed as she stood. My face bounced against her engorged nipple. I could tell she was walking over to the body mirror in her room when I heard her crushing footsteps. Her boob moved slightly with each step. In a way, it was like being a boat, rocking with the waves. Combined with the heat and the feeling of security that set in, I was pretty content. I felt like it would be pretty easy to fall asleep in the soft caress of Diane’s bra.

      She stopped walking and stood in front of the mirror before pulling her shirt back on. I felt the fabric swish by, catching slightly on her obtrusive chest bumps. She swayed side to side, obviously checking out her figure in the mirror.

      “Hey, that’s not so bad! You’re so small I can’t even tell you’re in there, with a shirt on! Are you comfortable honey?”

      I nodded. “Yes.” I noticed her still massive nipple, poking out near my face.

      “How long do you think you could stay in there?”

      I had a feeling I knew what she was thinking. “Pretty long I guess. I dunno.”

      “Good. You’ll never have to leave me now. I’m going to keep you in there for a little while now sweetie. You can just go right to sleep if you want, Mommy’s going to do some chores.”

      Mommy, huh? I eyed her luscious nipple. I’ll show her.

      I latched onto her nipple and began sucking, caressing the wrinkly salty skin of her turgid nipple with my tongue. It swelled even more in response.

      “Ooh! Someone’s taking to Mommy well!” She could hardly contain her glee.

      She spent the next hour or so cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes. I worked on her nipple, trying my best to stimulate it and suckle. It actually became really enjoyable, as her nipple was pretty fun to play with. But eventually, I either got tired out or the heat got to me, and I fell sound asleep, rocked gently by my “mom’s” womanly bosom.


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