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     Her demeanor had totally changed, like someone had relit her whole existence. Suddenly she had something to be excited about. I was pleased to see her so happy. I climbed into the passenger seat.

      On the ride over to her house she chatted excitedly about dinner. She asked me all kinds of questions about what I would want to eat, what I liked and didn’t like. The whole conversation gave me this weird vibe. It was as if I was on a date with a young girl, where she was going to cook for me for the first time. Yet, on the other hand, it was like talking with my mother about dinner at the same time. Diane had a certain motherliness to her, and yet retained a girlyness as well. I would be lying if I didn’t admit it was incredibly sexy.

      By the time we made it to her little house, we had decided that I liked steak and potatoes with biscuits. I helped her carry her bags in, and she ushered me quickly into her little house.

      It was cute, almost quaint. At first glance you could tell that it was inhabited by a single person. Most rooms seemed to be painted in a sunlight yellow or pastel pink, and there was a great deal of empty space, but it was really clean. It was not a particularly large house, just a little Victorian thing. I was impressed.

      “You have a nice house Diane.”

     She smiled proudly, and showed me into the kitchen. “Have a seat, make yourself at home! Do you want something to drink?” She opened the fridge. “Would you like a beer?”

      I saw she had a few cans of Miller Lite. At first I thought I should turn her down. I didn’t feel like consuming any alcohol, never mind light beer, which I wasn’t a huge fan of. However, this whole thing was for her, so I figured one can wouldn’t kill me. Besides I knew she wanted me to have it.

      “Sure, that would be great.” She opened and handed me the beer, and I accepted it graciously.

      “Well, I’m going to bring this stuff upstairs, and then I’ll get started on dinner! I won’t be long!” Diane scooped up her Target bags and hurried upstairs.

      She must be so lonely. It was like she was almost giddy to have someone to talk to. In truth I was glad to have someone to talk with as well.

      I heard her shuffling about upstairs, slamming dresser drawers. She must be changing.

     My thoughts went to the gutter for a bit as I thought about Diane undressing. I always pictured her as a white lingerie woman. My member stirred a bit as I thought about her specific lady parts. For an older woman I was surprised at how easily she could turn me on. The more I got to know her the more intoxicating she got.

      I heard her moving about, likely heading to a bathroom. She must be making herself ready. I thought a bit more about Diane, entertaining myself as I sipped my beer. Diane wouldn’t be interested in a young guy like me, would she? I was probably young enough to be her son. Although, Diane didn’t actually have any kids…

      A medicine cabinet slammed shut, and Diane hurried downstairs. I shouldn’t be thinking about her like that! I remembered the reason why I was even here- tonight was supposed to be about her.

      She entered the kitchen, and she was a pretty stunning sight. I could see that she had thrown on a skirt and a cute top, and she was wearing small high heels. She had touched up her makeup as well. I couldn’t help but notice she had put a bit more effort into her attire than what was necessary for a casual meeting like this. The poor woman was definitely really lonely.

      She smiled cutely, and pulled some steaks out of the freezer and popped them into microwave to defrost.

      “You’re looking really nice tonight Diane.” I complimented her genuinely. She did look good.

      “Oh, thank you. I try.”

     “Did you need any help with that? I could peel potatoes.”

     “That would be great!” She explained to me where they were in the cellar.
 I headed down to the cellar and quickly found the potato sack. I grabbed a few and headed back upstairs.

     We made small talk as I set to work peeling. Diane had grabbed a beer as well. Again, her figure became apparent to me. Watching her prepare the biscuits, I noticed her full thick womanly hips, her curvaceous ass and supple breasts. Her shoulder length dishwater blonde hair was light and voluminous, and it curled slightly upward at the tips. Once she cleaned up she really did look a lot younger, and I couldn’t help but take a long glance at her.

     I realized I was staring at her ass for too long when she turned around and caught me. I pretended to go back to peeling, but I think she knew. She seemed to take the nonverbal comment very well. To cover myself I took a quick pull from my beer. It tasted kind of funny, but then, I supposed all light beer really did.

       It wasn’t long before Diane had cooked up a great dinner. She really was a pretty talented cook. Over dinner we talked about a variety of things. I tried to keep the focus of the conversation on her, but she seemed to be a lot more interested in what I had to say about things. It was like she was trying to figure out a way to ask me something. Finally, curiosity must have got the better of her because she came right out and asked.

      “Are you seeing anyone Joe?”

      This question was a bit startling. It brought me back to the thoughts I’d had of her being romantically interested in me. While the chances of that became more likely, it was also possible that she was merely curious. Regardless, I needed to play it cool. I didn’t want to be boorish.

     “Not at all,” I admitted. “I’m actually having a bit of a problem finding someone right now.”

      I focused intently on her, attempting to gauge her reaction to this. She seemed oddly pleased.

      “That’s too bad! I would have guessed the girls would be all over a nice man like you.”

      I took another sip of beer. “Nope. I’m just enjoying being single right now, I guess.”

      “Well I’ll tell you kiddo, you just be persistent! You have a ton of really great qualities that the ladies love, trust me.” She grabbed my hand and stared deeply into my eyes.

      She had beautiful green eyes, large and expressive. She had look about her that was hungry and simultaneously pleading. I could tell that she was really lonesome inside, and longed for male companionship.

      She reached across the table and began stroking my hand, gently. Her eyes pleaded with me. I began to feel a bit uncomfortable, as she was sending a pretty clear message of what her intentions were.

      For a long while, I just stared back. It was all so sudden, and so perverse. Here was a woman who was probably old enough to be my mother, who was also kind of my boss. Yet she was so intoxicatingly attractive, and clearly wanted me in the worst way. My mind bounced back and forth.

      I wasn’t getting anywhere with the ladies anyways, I thought. What would I have to lose? I was clearly really attracted to this woman.

      On the other hand, what if Diane was looking for a serious relationship? Would I be able to deliver that? No. But I didn’t want to give her a one night stand and bail.

      Why would she be looking for a serious relationship? Don’t make this anything bigger than it already is! Just go for it! You’re only going to get this one chance, I told myself.

      I grasped her hand with my other hand, and carefully stroked it back. Diane smiled coyly. She knew she had been planning this all along, but I think she was surprised that I’d obliged. I heard her kick off her heels underneath the table.

       “Maybe we should go visit upstairs,” she said slowly, in an uncharacteristically low voice. “We can get to know each other a little better.”

      I stood. Diane turned and seductively walked upstairs, where it was dark. She didn’t bother turning the lights on as she went.

      Oh man. This was it. My heart was racing, my mind pulsing. Was I really going to do this? I slammed the rest of my beer and tried to clear my head. Yes. Yes I was going to do this. I was going to have sex with Diane!

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