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      Diane walked to her car after work was over. She opened her car door, sat down, started the engine, and pulled me out of her bra. She set me down on the seat in her lap, near her crotch, as if to say ‘you are still mine’. She patted her nether regions sensuously before driving off, and I hugged one of her huge fingers.

      I asked her how work went, trying to make small talk. She vented a bit. Retail was by nature a bit stressful, as people could be really problematic and difficult. I let her blow off some steam as we drove home, listening carefully. In a weird way, I started to feel a bit like her ‘rock’, which was funny because she had made it pretty clear that she was going to be the one in control of this relationship. Regardless, after she was done letting it all out she smiled and thanked me. It made me feel good, like I was contributing to the relationship. In a way, I realized I truly did love Diane. I was concerned with her well-being. She made me feel needed, desired, and loved.

      As we drove I stewed on that for a while. Internally, I knew I still wasn’t fully ready to accept this lifestyle. I still felt that at any given moment I should attempt an escape. Basically, a part of me wanted to return to normal, to be normal size again. I wanted to drive my car, eat real food, see my family, and enjoy regular sex. Don’t get me wrong, I was seeing a ton of perks with my new lifestyle, but I still wasn’t yet ready to relinquish the old.

      On the other hand, Diane had done several things to prove she would be good to me, and I deeply cared about her. Yet she had still shrunk me, essentially an act of domination and control that left me with little choice. I felt loved by her, yet I didn’t feel trusted. It was as if she felt that she needed to shrink me to have me for herself, which, I’ll admit was probably true. Ultimately, I concluded that this lack of trust was what was bugging me. It wasn’t really that she had shrunk me exactly. If Diane wanted to make this whole thing work, she was going to need to trust me. I needed her to; otherwise I knew I might run.

      We pulled into her driveway, and she stuffed me quickly into her bra before walking into her home. She shut the door, and I heard her lock it harshly. She began humming softly, her sweet feminine voice vibrating through her chest to my ears. Her breasts rattled briskly as she eagerly trotted upstairs. I heard her enter the bedroom and slam the door behind her, and then walk over and sit on the edge of her bed.

      She peeled her clothes off, opened her bra and stared at me hungrily. Diane had that look, the “eye of the cougar” if you will. She wanted sex in the worst way. Her massive hand grasped me firmly, encasing me in her fingers as she set me in the middle of the bed.

      My woman stood and turned, locking eye contact with me as she stripped seductively. I felt myself perking up in my nether regions as well. I was excited, yet slightly afraid.

      I was laying on my back, staring up at her as her brought her panties down to her ankles. The smell emanating from her musky muff was unmistakable- she was wet as hell. After she finished she posed, fully nude, her hands on her hips and her breasts thrust upwards proudly.

      “Honey, the things I’m going to do to you…..” she smirked, lowering her gaze and crawling forward. Her hands and knees crept forward, tilting the bed at weird angles until she was just above me. She paused again, fully enjoying the situation she had put me in. There was nothing I could do to resist her.

      I gazed upwards at the tower of female destruction. Her sexual hunger was intimidating, and I timidly shrunk back.

      A huge thumb pressed into my chest as she picked me up , pulled a pillow underneath me, and set me back down on top of the pillow.

      “Diane!” I squeaked, “what are you going to do?”

      “Shut up baby.” Diane loomed over me, and her turgid pussy floated into view. “Mommy’s going to get hers now.”

      The hairy monster that had ascended over me came down, slamming into my body and driving me into Diane’s hand. I panicked, grasping dirty blonde pubic hair and throwing out my limbs in protest. Her strong muscular labia fought against me, brutally surrounding me. Her engorged clitoris became exposed, filling my whole view. Weight came down, down, down on top of me and the monstrous clit jabbed harshly into my face. I struggled and squirmed, and heard a loud gasp followed by and long moan.

      This wasn’t supposed to happen! I was going to die, I was sure of it. As far as I was concerned, Diane was gone. I couldn’t see her at all. All that I could see was an oppressive monster, a hairy brutish female monster that wanted nothing more than to devour my puny body. It hungrily wrapped its lips around me, succulently enjoying my helplessness, toying with me. I panicked more, gasping for air, and squirmed desperately. I needed to escape! The pussy only enjoyed it more, slickening and quivering, boxing my face in with its rock like clit. Immense weight rocked back and forth, alternating between periods of intense pressure.

      I was getting nowhere. My fight or flight had kicked in, and flight hadn’t worked. I struck the clit sharply, juices spraying all over me. I was drenched. The cunt monster responded to my attack, slamming into me powerfully. Thick labia pinched my body as incredible weight was placed on my body, and fluids sprayed everywhere. I heard booming but muffled female moans. I coughed, grasping thick hair around me in an attempt to save myself from drowning. The hairs were wet with cum, and they slipped right through my fingers. The realization that my situation was hopeless set in, and I slumped back, defeated.

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