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Story Notes:

In this world humans and mice evolved from a common ancestor. This resulted in mice that look just like humans except with big round ears and a long thin tail.
Unfortunately for them, like in our world they are mostly treated as pests


I've rewritten this story


The apartment seemed quiet.
Feeling confident no one was home he stepped out from under the wardrobe. Our little friend stood at 4 inches tall, had black hair and was wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue trousers and a red scarf (all woven together with bits of scavenged cloth).
Not letting his guard down, he made his way to the kitchen to try and find some food.
Now crossing the kitchen tiles he stepped onto the trap left for him by the occupant. The tile folded in half in the middle and snapped shut with more than enough force to kill him. Luckily for him though, the trap hadn’t been set properly. Instead of going off when he stepped in the middle, it went off when he stepped on the edge, giving him just enough time to escape death.

However, the apartment wasn’t as empty as he’d thought.
The occupant was a 33-year-old woman with dark blonde curly hair, and upon hearing the trap, had rushed in from another room.
She saw the trap had failed to get rid of her pest and angrily stormed over to catch him.
He had started running back to the wardrobe and the hole in the wall hidden behind it. Even though they were fast runners, they still weren’t a match for humans, and the wardrobe was on the other side of the room.
She soon caught up to him and kicked him a short distance onto his stomach. He was now only around a metre (to humans) away from the wardrobe, and attempted one last sprint to make it underneath.
Before he could scramble back to his feet she lowered her foot on top of him and pinned him to the ground, with his arms and head showing so she could see him struggling.
Her face quickly changed from angry to a very mischievous smile as she pressed her foot down harder and twisted it slightly. Underneath her foot the mouse-boy was clawing at the floor and screaming (voices inaudible to humans). Desperately trying to escape, but it was useless. She was just too strong for him. While keeping her foot down she crouched down and reached for him; still trying to pull himself out from under her foot.
It was useless though. She slowly slid her foot down his body so she could wrap her fingers around him.
She picked him up and walked back into the kitchen and laughed as she thought of what she was going to do with her captive.

He was now trapped in an empty flower vase, far to high and smooth to climb out. His captor was busy getting items from all over her apartment with sinister thoughts running through her head, and always with a big grin on her face.
She had soon finished gathering her things and walked over to the vase, reached in and grabbed the mouse-boy. She brought him over to the table and pinned him down on a small rectangular chopping board. He was still struggling under her hand, as this was making things difficult for her.
She flicked him as hard as she could in the chest and head, both winding and dazing him. She took advantage of his disorientation to reach over and grab 4 sewing needles.
By the time she’d got the he’d come to and was wrestling with her hand again, but that didn’t matter now.
She pressed his hand down with her finger and pushed the needle into his wrist, till it came out the other side and was imbedded into the board. She could see he was screaming and smiled even more. She then started on his other arm; he was panicking even more this time, because he knew what was coming. It didn’t make a difference though, she was still easily able to do the same to this arm. She then took a small knife and tore his shirt off and threw over her shoulder. She pulled his trousers off his legs, as it was easier than cutting them.
She repeated this with his legs as well, so he had needles through each of his limbs; as well as his tail. This effectively restrained him against the board. Rather than throwing his scarf away she blindfolded him with it, frightening him even more, and soaking up the tears.

She wasted no time starting. She first flicked him between his legs and watched his body tense with pain. After doing this a few more times she started rubbing his penis with her fingertip, not surprisingly he quickly got hard.
She then giggled and pulled on his penis very hard, enough to lift his pelvis off the ground. He stopped screaming when she let go, but it wasn’t over yet, she was only just beginning. Over the next half hour or so the torture continued: rubbing an ice cube over him till he was shivering, making the candle wax seem all the more painfully hot; not to mention there was plenty of it. Seeing what type of rough cloth would scratch him the most, poking him with sharp objects, placing heavy items on top of him, and making sure every single cut got its fare share of lemon juice.

Just as she was starting to run out of torture methods the buzzer by her door went off.
She walked over to answer it. A friend of hers had come for a visit. Her face lit up again, she thought she might have some ideas of what to do to her little victim. She unlocked the door downstairs via the button on the buzzer and told her to “come on up, the doors open”.
She walked back to the table and started to pull the needles out. She didn’t need to be worried, he didn’t have the strength left to try and escape.
Her friend arrived as she was pulling out the last needle.
Her name was Rachael, she was in her early 20s and had very long blonde hair.
“What’s that?” was the first thing she said as she took off her tunic
“It’s a mouse. I caught him this morning”
When she got closer she noticed the state he was in, and put her hand to her mouth in shock. “Oh my god, what are you doing to it?”
“I was just having a little fun,” she said smiling.
Her friend ran over and reached for the mouse, but he was snatched away at the last second. “Oh come on Rachael, its just a mouse”.
There was no reply, she simply grabbed her hand and they began to wrestle over the mouse-boy, being swung around in his torturers hand.
With a flick of a wrist she let go of him and he flew across the room and landed with a thud. Her laughing lowered her guard and her young friend pushed her over onto her sofa, Rachael ran over to him almost in tears.
“Oh well, I guess we’ll have to find something else-”
“How can you be so cruel?” she shouted. She didn’t wait for an answer either; she just grabbed her tunic, gently wrapped him up in it and stormed out, after quickly picking up his trousers off the table.

Rachael was sitting in the waiting room while the vet did their best to save the injured mouse. She had ran straight home and got her roommate to drive her there. Rachael’s roommates name was Becki. She was a bit of a tomboy; she had rather short brown hair and often just wore an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Rachael she was trying to read a magazine, but she was too anxious to focus on it. She soon threw it back on the pile and stood up. “What's taking so long?”
“Calm down Rachael”
‘How could I be calm right now?’
“Look, you talked the vet out of just putting him down. So don’t complain that she’ taking a long time to help him”
Rachael sat down again. “I guess your right”
After another few minuets the door opened, and the vet called them in.
‘How is he?’ Rachael said as soon as she walked in.
“Well he was in pretty bad shape, and he's not going to get better in a hurry, but he should be alright” Rachael sighed with relief.
“Thank you”
The vet showed them to him. He was asleep on a piece of cloth on the table, wrapped in bandages (cut to his size). There wasn’t much damage to his legs, so she’d put his trousers back on.
“So. He's still sedated so don’t worry if he doesn't wake up anytime soon. Also, even when the sedative wares off he's not going to have much strength, so he's going to be dependent on you two for a while”
“That’s fine,” said Becki
“You know they only live 40-50 years in the wild because they're reactions start to slow, and they can’t escape predators as well”.
“Yeah I know some things about them. Why?”
“Well without natural threats they can live 60-70 years, the oldest one ever recorded was 83. So I hope you realize you have a lifelong pet there”.
“It’s all right, we know. Is there anything else?”
“Just try to keep him lying on his side, it’ll keep the pressure off the more severe injuries”
“We will. Thanks again”. They went home with him in a shoebox with a cushion inside. They soon arrived at their apartment, went in and put the shoebox away, and the cushion on the sofa being careful not to move the sleeping mouse too much.
“I just can’t believe Lucy would do this” Rachael said looking at him.
“Yeah, we are definitely not friends with her anymore”
“Agreed” they shook hands on it and laughed slightly.
They then sat down and started watching T.V.

Hours later the mouse woke up. Although the two girls didn’t notice as he could barely move his fingers. He didn’t have the strength to move so all he could do was lie there and rest. Eventually he worked up the strength to slide his head up to try and see where he was. This was just enough to get him noticed by Rachael (sitting next to him). “Hey Becki, he's awake”. Rachael slid off the sofa and kneeled on the floor so her head was in front of him. “Hey there, sleepy head” she reached over to stroke him, but he started to stir. He couldn’t get up, so when her hand came close, all he could do was close his eyes and brace himself. Rachael saw this and pulled her hand back. “Its all right, I’m not going to hurt you”. She gently stroked an uninjured part of his back, but he just tensed up even more. He was trembling with fear; he was absolutely terrified of her.
“Rachael leave him alone. You’re scaring him”
“But I was just…” she didn’t finish
“He's been through a lot. I don’t blame him for being scared of humans right now”
“I know, but still…” Rachael looked sad because of this.
“Hey, come on. Sooner or later he’ll realize were not trying to hurt him, and then he’ll be happy to see us” Rachael smiled and they both sat back down, leaving him to rest. Soon she thought he must be thirsty, so she got the pipette the vet had given her and filled it with water. He was still nervous around them, but he was thirsty and he wasn't going ignore to the water in front of him. While watching him lapping the water from the end of the pipette, Rachael felt mixed emotions. She couldn’t help smiling at how cute he looked right now, but at the same time she was reminded why she had to do this. She hated Lucy for what she'd done.

A week passed and the newly named Joey was healing well. He still spent most of his time resting somewhere, but he could walk again, and didn't need help eating or drinking anymore. He had also come to trust Becki and Rachael; he was fine being picked up, carried around and lying on them. Whenever Rachael was watching T.V she would lie down on the sofa and put Joey on her stomach to lie down with her. As a lover of all things cute, it always made her happy seeing him fall asleep on her. After another week or so he was fully healed and was more than happy to have become Becki and Rachael's pet.

It was as normal a day as any, nothing out of the ordinary had happened so far. It was Becki’s turn to do the shopping so she was out, leaving Rachael to lie on the sofa with Joey sitting on her. Then someone knocked on the door. Rachael thought it was Becki coming back, so she just shouted ‘Its open!’
The door opened and the person came inside, Rachael didn't look to see who it was. She didn't have to, as an all too familiar voice spoke up. ‘Hello Rachael’
Rachael shot up and turned to face her. “Lucy” Rachael stood there glaring at her.
“Oh you look so angry” Lucy had that kind of smile on her face that seemed to say ‘I'm better than you’
“What are you doing here Lucy?”
Her smile widened “I’ve come to take my little pet back”
“You can’t have him. You tortured him mercilessly”
Lucy giggled mischievously “Of course. Now it’s healed though I thought I’d give it another round”
“You’re a monster”
Lucy laughed out loud “Well. You could give it back, or I could take it back” Rachael said nothing. Lucy’s smile faded. “Fine then have it your way”
Lucy ran straight at her. Rachael had to put Joey down so she could fight back, but this left her open to attack. Lucy tackled her and they both fell to the ground and began wrestling. Lucy was taller that Rachael, she had the advantage from the beginning, but she had another advantage she had kept hidden. Lucy reached into her pocket, and before Rachael could react she had handcuffed her hands together behind her back. Lucy wasted no time lifting up the sofa and snatching Joey up. “Leave him alone!”
“And if I don’t?” Rachael realised there wasn’t anything she could do in this situation. Lucy kicked her onto her stomach and sat on her back. “Alright then, why don’t we all play together” She put Joey under a glass and balanced a book on top. Then she started taking off Rachael's underwear (she was wearing a skirt). “Ah. What are you doing” Lucy just laughed. “Hey. Stop that. Wait”
After Lucy had taken them off she lifted Rachael's ass up so she was on her knees with her face still on the floor. She then turned her attention to Joey. She grabbed him, ripped his clothes off him and tied his arms up with a rubber band she’d also had in her pocket. “Lucy. Wait. Stop” She just laughed; she continued and slid Joey head first into Rachael's pussy. Rachael let out a small scream, and kept whining as Joey wriggled around trying to escape. “No, St…stop it. Please”
“Why not just squeeze?” Lucy began. “That would get him to stop.”
“N…no!” Rachael was finding it hard to speak.
Lucy smiled “Alright then” She then put her middle finger in her mouth and then shoved it up Rachael's ass. Rachael tensed up, and couldn’t help squeezing Joey like Lucy wanted. “No! Stop it. Lucy please!” Lucy just continued to laugh and finger Rachael's ass. Rachael was in tears. Not only was she being raped by her former friend, she was slowly crushing Joey in her pussy.

Just as Rachael was about to give up hope, Becki came home from the shops. Not missing a beat she dropped all the shopping and ran over to help. Lucy stood up and prepared for the fight. Becki went to a judo club once a week, so she was a good match for Lucy. She wanted to go and help Rachael first, but she had no choice but to take care of Lucy. After a short fight Becki managed to throw Lucy off balance, she threw her to the ground. On the way down she hit her head on the table and was knocked out cold. Becki immediately took the key and freed Rachael, and Rachael was free to help Joey. Becki had handcuffed Lucy’s hands together and went to call the police.

The police took Lucy away, did reports and asked some questions. It took a few hours over all, but they were then left alone to do whatever they wanted. Rachael had shut herself in her room since the police left. Becki was a little worried and left Joey on the sofa to go and check if she was all right. “Rachael are you all-“ she didn't finish. She had walked in to find Rachael masturbating on her bed. Rachael screamed in embarrassment covered herself with her duvet. “Get out!” Becki closed the door, still shocked at what she had just seen. She went and sat back down of the sofa with Joey. Ten minuets later she knocked on Rachael's door with Joey in her other hand. “Come in” she heard from inside. Rachael was in bed. It didn't look like she continued after Becki walked in. “H…hey Rachael”
“Hey”. They were both feeling a little awkward.
“Look Rachael about before”
“I'm sorry Becki I…I just-“
She was interrupted when Becki climbed on her bed and put her hands on Rachael's shoulders “Look I know what Lucy did to you was horrible, but I can’t stop thinking about it either”
Becki had kissed her. At first she was shocked at her boldness, but she couldn’t resist it. Neither of them had ever been this turned before.
Becki threw the duvet onto the floor, and they both undressed.
She then reached for Joey and undressed him to. They often brought him with them when they had baths, so he barely resisted. She placed him on Rachael's stomach and started rubbing his penis with her fingertip. Alarm bells seemed to go off to Joey and he tried to crawl away, but Becki pinned both his hands above his head with her other hand. She then licked her finger and started rubbing again. Even though he was trying to escape he wasn’t able to struggle very hard. She soon stopped, lay on top of Rachael and began to kiss her again, pressing him between their stomachs. It wasn’t hurting him, but he still couldn’t move under Becki's weight. Their smooth stomachs rubbing against him, the drips of sweat trickling down their skin, and his penis rubbing against the inside of Becki's navel. They were overwhelming his senses, and he soon came inside Becki's navel. Feeling this, Becki opened her eyes, stopped kissing Rachael, reached for him, and she sat up. She then lay down on her back, dropped him on her face, and putting his penis between her lips began to gently suck and lick it. She could see his face on her cheek, he had his eyes closed and was groaning with pleasure. Her hand was holding him in place, so he wasn’t able to get away.
Meanwhile Rachael had licked the drop of semen out of Becki's navel, and had slowly licked and kissed her way to her pussy. She continued to pleasure Becki with her tongue and fingers while Becki licked Joey till he came again, but she kept licking to ensure he was hard for what she had planned next. When she was done she sat up again and lowered Joey to her pussy, and started to push him feet first inside. He panicked and started struggling again, but this only stimulated Becki more. Soon only his arms and head were sticking out. He was kicking inside trying to get a foothold, but it only made Becki more exited. He was also trying to grab onto something to pull himself out, but all he was doing was rubbing her clitoris. Rachael had one finger on each of his shoulders to keep him inside, and was letting saliva drip off the end of her tongue onto Joey’s head. Along with playing with her own nipples, all of these together were causing Becki so much pleasure she climaxed all over Joey very soon.
Now it was Rachael's turn. She lay down on her back and lifted her legs in the air. Becki lifter her ass up a bit as well, so Rachael's pussy was up to her face. Becki put Joey in Rachael's pussy feet first; he couldn’t struggle as hard as before so she began moving him in and out. She then started licking Rachael's asshole.
“Wait B…Becki stop. Th…that’s my” she couldn’t finish the sentence and just moaned instead. She clearly had a very sensitive asshole, and Becki was going to take advantage of this. The warmth and moistness of Rachael's pussy was too much to bear and Joey came again. They still weren’t finished though, he had to wait until Rachael had climaxed as well. But this didn't take long either.
After she climaxed Rachael pulled Joey out and pressed him against Becki's pussy, she then pressed her own pussy against him and they began rubbing together. Joey was being squeezed between two enormous wet pussies; this caused him to get hard again. The two girls continued to rub together with Joey in the middle. All of them were hot, sweaty and panting, but this didn't stop them.
Being smaller and easier to stimulate Joey came first, now he had to wait for the two giantesses to cum before he could rest.
“Ah. Rachael I'm about to cum.”
“No. We have to finish together”
“I can't hold on any longer” but she didn't have to, she had a plan. Rachael's asshole was within reach, and she knew that was her weak point. Becki reached over, trying her best not to cum, and pushed her finger in Rachael's ass. She whined and blushed, not wanting to admit she liked it in the ass. Becki's plan had worked, they both screamed in pleasure and climaxed at about the same time, covering Joey in their juices.

They were now just lying on the bed facing each other, with Joey lying in the gap between them. Rachael reached down and stroked his back, but he had fallen asleep. Becki looked down at him as well. “Aww. He must be exhausted”
“Maybe we were too rough on him” Becki laughed and stroked him as well
“Well. He’d better get used to it” Rachael laughed at that. She then scooped him up, placed him on Becki's stomach, and lay next to her with her head on Becki's shoulder. She then put her hand on Becki's stomach just below Joey and gently rubbed it. “I love you Becki”. Becki put her arm round her. “I love you too Rachael”. She looked down and stroked Joey “And you”
“Yeah” Rachael added. Becki then put her free hand on Rachael's on her stomach, and they both went to sleep.

The End

Chapter End Notes:

This is my first and hopefully not last story.
So please comment and tell me if i should bother writing another.
Thank you :)


(not anymore)

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