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Story Notes:
Crystal lay on her bed, watching her feet intently. Any ordinary person would see nothing out of the ordinary on her bare toes, and not even Crystal herself could see it.

But it was the thought that count, and if there was one thing she enjoyed, it was pondering the fate of the bus that almost ran into her earlier in the day.

Through methods unknown to anyone but Crystal, the bus was shrunk and brought back to her room. A quick scrape of her finger and the top of the bus was revealed its human cargo to Crystal. Tilting the bus until the people fell out onto her feet, she then shrunk the people and bus until neither could be seen by the naked eye.

Somewhere they wandered her toes now, nearly microscopic in size. Thinking of what they must be seeing made Crystal excited, she couldn't imagine anything being as big as her entire body must look to them.

Closing her eyes to better concentrate, she tried to get a better idea over what they were seeing. She saw her toes tower into the air, impossibly huge. Skyscrapers and mountains would be dwarfed by even her smallest toe, and the rest of the huge foot would be large enough to crush entire cities into particles beneath them.

Crystal shuddered at the thought. She almost wished her powers allowed her to grow to a size that enormous and experience the planet cracking force she could deal to the world at that height.

Shaking her head, she realized that actually getting to be that huge would be a terrible inconvenience. Why terrorize millions of people she couldn't ever hope to see, when she could have the same level of complete control in the comfort of her own room.

Sighing to herself, Crystal returned her attention to her feet. She still couldn't see a thing, and decided to make further use of her abilities.

Focusing in onto a general area, Crystal concentrated and almost immediately felt her mind grab control of one of the people on the bus. With little effort, she took over one of the people on her foot to experience what they were seeing firsthand.


Looking at herself Crystal could tell the mind she had taken control of belonged to a young woman.

"Hey, don't fall behind now" a man's voice called out to her.

Turning her attention to the call, Crystal saw a young man in a simple white shirt and jeans. Crystal grinned in the womans body as she came to notice the group had stuck together after being shrunk, and were now climbing their way down foot.

A short jog later, she had caught up to the small group and really took in her surroundings. Far off in the distance, blurred, she could see what looked to be her knees.

Realizing that given her great vantage point, she could still only see to her huge knees almost brought Crystal to her knees. The effect was amazing, seeing and experiencing it from the point of view of a near microscopic person.

Not fully paying attention to the crowd, Crystal took a moment to fully appreciate the beautiful landscape they tread upon.

With a deep breath, Crystal found her nostrils filled with the scent of lotion and an unmistakable hint of sweat. It was a hot day after all, and that was to be expected. The scent lingered for a moment and Crystal sighed with pleasure, even at this tiny size, the fact that the sweat was barely noticable brought her great joy.

The foot curved sharply downwards, as it was standing up after all, and the skin beneath them managed to yield, if only slightly, to their forms. Crystal found she was madly in love with herself and her monolithic body spread before them.

Taking a break from admiring herself, she instead turned her attention to the small crowd that continued to make their way down her expansive foot. The thought that this entire crowd, bunched together as it was, could not be seen at her normal size made Crystal almost laugh.

Though she now stood among them, she was definitely not one of them. They were less than dirt, specks to even a flea that could be disposed of and never noticed, even in death. Crystal was a higher being to them and their minuscule bodies. A deity to be feared and worshiped in all her glory.

Crystal could no longer contain herself. They could do nothing to stop her and she began laughing loudly, drawing the attention of the small group.

"I've enjoyed this quite a bit! Look at you! What did you plan on doing if you ever reached the bottom of the foot?" She asked haughtily.

The group was taken back by the woman's sudden change in attitude. The young man in the white shirt noticed that she had referred to herself as the giantess, and took to answering her question.

"We'd climb down and seek help of course! The skin is firm enough to just be grabbed onto and we can-" He began

"You can WHAT? The entire world is far too large for you to even be noticed! Do you even really think I'd keep my feet still long enough for you to do that? A slight twitch and your plans are ruined. Why not just take advantage of your last moments of life and enjoy the view!" Crystal announced, facing her enormous body and spreading her arms.

Having had enough, the man she was speaking with made a mad rush and, using all his strength, punched the face of the woman whose body Crystal had been inhabiting.

Had been, of course. Sensing a violent reaction, Crystal returned control of the woman's body to her right as the fist connected and she fell to the ground, her body sinking slightly into the flesh of her feet.


Now laughing over the distress she had surely caused them, Crystal decided to end things for them once and for all.

Bending down, Crystal extended her tongue to the general area she had remembered the crowd being. Immediately noticing that it was probably, at most, a millimeter away from where they had been originally dumped brought a wide smile to Crystal's face.

Exhaling suddenly onto her foot, Crystal placed her outstretched tongue against her own flesh and gave her foot a tiny lick.

"My tongue must have been as large as a state to them!" Crystal thought as she felt her mouth salivate over her capture, though she could taste nothing.

A simple swallow later, Crystal sighed in pleasure again. She knew the swallow was likely not needed as the people had no doubt died over the saliva that flooded her mouth.

"To think, even my bodies own natural reactions could dispose of those pathetic... things." Crystal realized with pleasure, also noting how she refused to acknowledge them as human any longer.

Returning her attention to her feet she searched mentally once more. Surprised she could sense a single lifesource still present.

Focusing in on it, she smiled and quickly left it alone again. It was the young man who had tried to hit her. He must have been blown away when she exhaled forcefully, and was now in the gap between her big and second toe again.

"As punishment for attempting to attack your Goddess." Crystal announced, giddy at how she was referring to herself as a goddess. "You are to spend the rest of your life wandering the great plains of my feet. Though you likely don't have much life as I have no intentions of supplying you with sustenance of any kind" She finished.

Though she wasn't sure if the mite could understand her words, Crystal quickly found she didn't care. He was hers now, and he would surely perish soon.

A smile cracked over her face again and she closed her eyes, preparing to nap as the parasite was left to his own devices at her feet.
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