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In another mouth.  I swear after today I would never eat again.  This is just insane, and gross too.  But no matter what it takes, I will get back to my normal size and I will do it soon.  A gurgling noise interupted my thoughts.  When I looked up we were still stuck in pancake mix and was headed for the back of her throat. 

"I don't even have to chew. I can swallow it hole," said Kathrine, Lizzie's sister. 

"That's not healthy," said Lizzie's mom.  Now we were right in front of the uvula.  And just like a rollar coaster ride, we fell, down her throat and soon into her stomach.

5 minutes later...

We landed in the stomach with a hard plop.  We were still stuck in the pancake mix so the stomach acid was touching us.  We were in trouble and we probably wouldn't even make it out alive.  Then the stomach walls started to cave in on us and in one quick second the pile of pancake mix we were in shot up the esaphagus.  We went back into her mouth and headed for the back of her teeth.  Before we reached the teeth she opened her mouth and we fell into the ice cream bucket.  She puked us up.  We were surrounded by half digested pancake mix when she picked up the bucket and started to dump it down the sink drain.  We jumped out and landed on the counter.  Her crotch area was right in front of us after we jumped.  We lucked out.  Then she walked away.

Later that night...

Audri, Michela, Carly, Gen, Allison, and obviously Lizzie showed up later that night. 

Michela had shoulder length dark brown hair, green eyes, skinny eyebrows, perfect white teeth, a skinny, nice boddy, no freckles or glasses, a nice ass, and looked to be about 5 foot 6.

Carly had hair about an 1 inch or 2 past her shoulder, kind of redish, green eyes, perfect white teeth, a skinny, tall body, no freckles or glasses, a nice ass, double D's, and was 5 foot 9.

Gen had shoulder length blonde hair, dark blue eyes, skinny eyebrows, perfect white teeth but with braces, a skinny, hot body, very few freckles and no glasses, a nice ass, and was about 5 foot 4 or 5.

Allison had dirty blonde hair that went about 2 or 3 inches past her shoulders, blue eyes, skinnyish eyebrows, perfect white teeth, a skinny hot body, a very nice ass, no glasses, very few freckles, and was about 5 foot 7 or 8.

Everyone but Audri was talking when Audri asked for a glass of water.  She alone walked into the kitchen.  She grabbed a cup and place it only inches away from us.  That was when she spotted us.  She picked us up and carried us into the living room.

"Hey guys, look what I found!" yelled Audri.  "Spencer and 2 other people I couldn't recognize are 1/8 of an inch!  What do you say we have some fun with them!"  Nice save.  If she would have said Spencer, Dani, and Lizzie, Lizzie's clone would've freaked out because Lizzie's clone and Dani's clone are best friends, just like the real people.  Audri definetly had brains, but what would she do with them?

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