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Chapter Ten


Invisible Ink


                 “This isn’t real, this isn’t real” kept replaying in my head. At that moment I had just watched my daughter and her friend just leave me on the bedroom floor tied to her god forsaken shoe. I screamed Katherine’s name like it was a swear word. I pulled at the pink knot tied around me but it was snugly fit.  I tried walking, hoping I could somehow drag the shoe as I moved but it was fruitless as I looked towards the slightly ajar door. It was cracked open enough for me to high tail it out of here.

                “Who am I kidding, even if this lace wasn’t tied around me I just couldn’t leave Samantha here, no Katherine has this round won.” I say to myself as I turn towards her overturned sneaker. I looked at the fecal matter pounded into the tread of the shoe. It looked as if Katherine had hosed off the bottom of the shoe but it couldn’t have done too much good based off how it looks.

                The feces is pounded in deep and now dried in almost as if its apart of the shoe itself. I glance around at how exactly I am going to do this. I know Katherine’s intentions are for me to have to eat this feces but there is no way I’m eating anybody or anything’s waste.

                “Think, Greg, think” I say to myself as I scan the cluttered floor of my daughter bedroom.  Clothes, shoes, cds, magazines, you name it all kinds of crap that Samantha and I have been harping on her to clean up for months and now most definitely won’t be picked up anytime soon. My eyes finally land on a half ripped piece of notebook paper. I can just make out half a heart that says lia plus erine.

                “I don’t remember Katherine talking about any sort of boyfriend.” I mumble as I drag the paper over near the shoe and work my arm into the tread of her shoe. My arm slides perfectly through the grooves of her shoe as the feces falls onto the paper.

                I had finished the shoe some time ago but Katherine hadn’t returned. Even though the blinds are closed tightly a few shards of light from the street lamps shine against the wall telling me it’s quite late.  I slink back down onto the ground and wait knowing that Katherine surely won’t make it home by curfew tonight.

                I awoke to the heavy footfalls of Katherine followed by the door swinging open I look up to see Katherine partially shrouded in darkness for but a moment before she flips on the lights. My vision blurs slightly as my eyes readjust to the now painfully bright room. My eyes lock onto the blatantly inappropriate shorts.

                Katherine has on a some very low cut jean shorts, these are cut so low that the pockets hang down beneath the frayed denim line of the jeans. A tight form fitting pink shirt with a white skull and crossbones hug her chest as her sandal clad feet annoyingly slap against the floor.

                Katherine looks down at me briefly before pulling me from her shoelace with ease, not even bothering to check on my handy work. Almost immediately everything is in motion, the cool flesh of my daughter’s hand envelopes me as she walks towards her bathroom. I can feel myself rising higher and higher so that I am suspended before her face. The smell of rum washes over me. It causes my nose to crinkle as she smirks down at me.

                “What’s the matter? Don’t like me breathe?” Katherine mocks as she pushes her bathroom door open and heads for the sink. I cringe as her hand starts to tilt.

                “No, Katherine, No!!” I scream as I roll down the side of the sink crashing onto the slightly elevated drain, crusted on mint green toothpaste blotches line the sink in various patterns all centralizing in the bottom of the sink. Just last week I was scolding her about this bathroom. Towels all over the floor, toothpaste not washed out of the sink, hair lying in the bottom of the shower drain. She of course hadn’t bothered to clean the bathroom floor or toilet. It was a regular pig sty.

                “Get me out of here! This is gone on long enough. You won’t get away with this Katherine.” I shout knowing at some point a bigger adult has to come by. It’s not as if the whole world has shrunk.

                Katherine smiles devilishly not even bothering to respond, I gulp as she reaches past the sink and grasps her toothbrush. I desperately start to climb the walls of the sink but my size mixed with the angle of ascent of the sink make its near impossible. I make it up an inch or so only to slide back down the basin. 

                “Oh thank god” As Katherine reaches towards the sink with her free hand as she begins to brush her teeth only instead of reaching all the way into the sink she stops at the spigot. She pulls the handle out and twists slightly towards the hot.

                “ARRGGGHHHHHH” I scream out in pain as a torrent of scalding hot water shoots into the sink. Unsure of if it’s my size, or the water is just really that hot, however it practically burned as it touched my skin. I struggled in vain to scamper of the side of the sink before falling into a small pool of hot water.

                I tread water for dear life as the hot water continued to shoot into the sink faster than it could drain out. I look upwards at Katherine who cocks her head back slightly before sending a massive wad of mint toothpaste and spit towards the sink. I try to wade out of the way but the water is now nearly to my chest preventing any swift movement.

                “NOOOO” I manage to squeak out as Katherine turned off the water. I drop to my knees thankful for the reprieve as I drop to floor of the crusty sink. 

                “Thank” is all I get out before the toothpaste slams against me knocking me end over end my head slamming against drain. I wipe the warm concoction of saliva and toothpaste from my face just in time for another round to explode against my chest splashing up and into my eyes. I begin to try to wipe the toothpaste from my eyes only to see my hands covered in the gooey substance.

                “You’re grounded for life if I get out of here!” I snap up at her as a Grinch like grin erupts on her face as her lips puckered slightly as another volley of toothpaste headed straight towards me. I tried to move out of the way but as I try to stand up I slip back down into the puddle of toothpaste. The puddle splashes covering my limbs and chest as her the newest wave of toothpaste hits me squarely in the face.

                This causes gallons upon gallons of toothpaste to careen down my throat as my I hack up toothpaste only for more to pour down my throat. Shot after shot of toothpaste slams against my body. I look from left to right in vain for a way out. Rivers of toothpaste ooze down the sink towards me slowly as I thankfully hear the clank of the toothbrush into the cup.

                “Of course she wouldn’t rinse it off. I mean why would she do something we have only told her to a million times.” I curse to myself as I gleefully await the water to wash this crud off of me only it never comes. I watch in horror as Katherine reaches towards the bathroom light and flicks it off before closing her bathroom door.

                “Katherine, KATHERINE, KAAATTHHERRRIIIINNNEEE!!!” I scream unable to believe she just left me here in a pool of her toothpaste.  As I move to stand up I realize one frightening detail my legs and arms don’t seem to respond.

                I was horrified at this point. I don’t know any other way to say it other than that. I was quite literally forced to lie there as my daughters spit and toothpaste hardened around me sealing me into the side of her sink. I was entombed in crest without any hope of escape.

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