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Chapter four

 “We are now approaching Seal Island. Seal Island has one of the largest seal populations in all the North Atlantic.”

Arnold Bond looked over the tour boat.  There were a dozen fellow seal lovers in the boat. The island itself was a shot distance away. While not large its shores was covered with seals. The gasps from tourists brought his attention to a distance in the water off shore. To his surprise a huge mermaid with blond hair emerged from the water and attacked the seals. The seals screamed in terror and began fleeing for their lives. But the mermaid was so big and fast that she easily caught them in her hands and began eating them.

“She’s the biggest mermaid I’ve ever seen.” A man cried out.

“Bet she even bigger than Queenie.” A woman cried out.

“I didn’t think mermaids ate seals.” Another man cried.

“They don’t. At least they didn’t until today.  We got to stop her.” Arnold told the passengers as steered the boat toward the mermaid.

“How?” A few passengers asked.

“By making her see reason.” Arnold replied. He wished he had more than just a small hand gun on board.” 

Jean King was surprised how tasty the seals were. She gulped them down one by one. She had eaten a dozen seals before she noticed the tour boat. Then she heard the man shouting.“STOP! LEAVE THOSE SEALS ALONE.”

“BUT I’M HUNGREY.” Jean shouted back.

“That’s no excuse. Who are you anyway?”

“My name is Jean King. I was human once. But the Spell sisters turned me into a giant mermaid. And you are?”

“Arnold Bond. I’m a co founder of Seal Lovers of North America. I must insist that you stop eating seals.”

“No can do. Thanks to the witches I can only eat whales, seals or humans. Fish makes me throw up.”

“All right then, why don’t you eat the prisoners of the peninsula of doom located just a few miles north of here or the odd fishermen.” Arnold suggested.

“Let me get this straight. You don’t mind if I eat prisoners or fishermen. Yet you mind if I eat seals and I’m guessing whales as well.”

“The prisoners are sent to the peninsula to be eaten by giant mermaids. As for fishermen, being eaten by a giant mermaid has been an accepted occupational hazard for centuries.”

“Think I’ll stick with seals and whales.” Jean said before resuming her seal feast.Arnold then fired several shots at Jean. But she was too big for the bullets to have much impact. She made sure her face was not facing the gun.

“You’re going to regret this.” Arnold called out as he steered the boat away.  

 “I’m innocent I tell you.” The tall blond man cried out as he was being tied to the post.

“That what they all say.” The guard tying him replied. Besides the blond prisoner, there were five others prisoners tied to posts.After the prisoners were all tied up, the guard sounded a large under water bell. Then he fled inland.The prisoner’s hopes that the giant mermaids were not around were soon dashed. For not one but two showed up. One was a 116 footer with an African appearance. The other was a 112 foot brunette with fair skin.

 “You don’t want to eat me.” One man cried out as the dark skin mermaid untied him from the post.

“Shut up.” The dark skin mermaid replied before biting his head off.Within seconds the tall blond man was the only one left standing.

“He’s mine.” The dark skinned mermaid called out.

“Come on Darkie. You had three men while I only had two.” The brunette protested.

“Only a miracle can save me now.” The survivor moaned. 


Both mermaids turned to see who had spoken. It was the largest mermaid either one had ever seen.The dark skinned mermaid shrugged and swam off. But the brunette mermaid protested.

“He’ll only be a bite to you. But he will go a long way toward filling me up.”

“You want filling up there are tasty seals a few miles from here.”

“Eat seals! Are you stupid?”

The brunette asked. Jean then placed her hands on the brunette’s neck.

“Did you just call me stupid?” Jean replied.

“Ok I’m sorry. Please let me go.”

“Promise not to eat any more humans today?”

“Fine, I promise now let me go.”

Jean let go and the brunette swam away.

“Are you here to save me?” The prisoner asked.

“Yes, my name is Jean King. What’s your name?” Jean asked as she cut the ropes with her fingernail.“

”Eric Baker, I was framed for a murder I didn’t commit.”

“Hope I’m not letting a murder go free.” Jean thought. Out load she said. “You’re free to go.”

‘Thank you my lady. I won’t forget this.” Eric told her before walking away from the shore. Jean watched him go.

“What a day. I managed to get the “queen of mermaids” made with me along with several other mermaids. And I managed some local humans upset with me. Hope tomorrow will be better.” Jean thought to herself.

The end for now 

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