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Chapter three

 The afternoon sun felt good on Queenie’s body. She was lying on the beach, her tail in the waves.  On her head was long red hair. Her closed eyes green in colour. If she was human she might be mistaken for an Irish woman. But she wasn’t human. She was a giant mermaid. At 120 feet from the top of her head to the end of her tail she was a big mermaid even among giant mermaids, so big that few would dare disrupt her rest.


She opened her eyes and found Shortie swimming toward the beach. Her top half looked like she was East Asian and at 100 feet long she was short for an adult giant mermaid,

“This better be important.”

“There’s a new giant mermaid in the ocean.”

“You woke me up to tell me that.”

“She’s even bigger than you. And I’m not talking just a few feet longer.”

“Shortie, I’m as big as they come.”

“Not anymore. The new comer is so big I wonder if she the one the prophecy talks about.”

Queenie rolled her eyes. For years there had been a story going around the mermaids about a mermaid so big she would dwarf the other giant mermaids.

 “You don’t believe that silly story do you?”

“I didn’t until an hour ago when I saw her for the first time. She is swimming a few miles offshore.”

“All right I’ll take a look. But if you’re lying to me, you’re in big trouble.” 

Jean King was bored. She had been on the planet of the giant mermaids for a couple of days now and only seen one giant mermaid who fled from her, mumbling something about Queenie not going to like this.“Who the heck is Queenie?” Jean asked the open ocean.

“She is the boss of giant mermaids in this ocean and one of my wives.” A voice replied.

“Who said that?” Jean asked looking around.

“I did, look in front of your nose.”

Jean finally spotted the merman in front of her. At six feet long he was hard to spot. (Jean is 300 feet long BTW)

“What’s the matter, never seen a merman before?”

“No I haven’t. I’m new this world. Name is Jean King by the way.”

“Bobie is my name. I am husband to Queenie and three other mermaids.”

“Really! So you’re the boss of mermen?”

“Ha,ha. No. We mermen are very rare. It’s not by choice that I’m shared between several mermaids.”

“I’m more of a one man, one woman type of gal.”

 Then Jean saw two mermaids swimming toward her. Bobie noticed them as well.

“It’s Queenie and Shortie. I got to go.”

“Wait! Which one is Queenie?”

“She’s the big redhead.” He replied as he fled the scene. Jean could now see the smaller of the mermaids was the one she saw before.  The larger one did have red hair and didn’t look too happy.

“All right who are you and what are you doing in my ocean?” Queenie asked her.

“My name is Jean King. I’m a human who was turned into a giant mermaid by the spell sisters and placed into this ocean against my will.”

 “Who ever hear of a mermaid named Jean King?” Queenie asked.

“It’s the name my parents gave me. By the way do you know where I can find seals or whales around here?”

“Why don’t you eat fish and humans like the other giant mermaids?” Shortie asked.

“Thanks the Spell sisters. I can’t eat fish. I’ve tried. As for humans, I may be a giant mermaid on the outside but on the inside I’m a human. ”

 Both Queenie and Shortie burst out in laugher. Laugher that came to an quick end when Jean’s stomach growled.

“I hate to be rude, but I need to get some food now.”

“Come back I haven’t dismissed you yet.” Queenie cried out. She grabbed Jean by the tail. She soon discovered that holding on to a mermaid over twice your length isn’t easy.

“Let go me of me.” Jean cried as she shook Queenie off. Then she swam away.

“Damm she is too big to be control.” Queenie muttered as Jean swam away.

 “Think we’re going to have a seal and whale shortage around here.” Shortie commented.“Bet she’ll be eating people within a week.” Queenie predicted.

 To be continued

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