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Story Notes:
It my first Giantess story
Author's Chapter Notes:
Well, here is the first chapter as I already wrote this and post in Deviantart 

Snatcher, the reality warper and living concept of Joke just went into the library or more like he broke in, he appears as the 1950s 30-the 40-year-old man who wore a dark blue suit and brown fedora hat and he nonchalantly pulls one of the books and starts to read which show the image of the reality on the magical book

In the cloud-bound world where it shows 21st-century Western civilization, only everyone who lives in this world is a giant because the cloud-bound world is a world of a Giant, down in a modernized Victorian-style castle in a bedroom that belongs 365 meters or almost 1200 feet tall 17-year-old Giant high schoolgirl names Inma and she has Glass Hamster Cage but it wasn't hamster, it almost 6 feet tall human boy who also 17-year-old and his name is Jack as he dressed in medieval peasant leather tunic, boot, and medieval legging as he sitting at corner as wondering how his misfortunate and misunderstood of Inma end up got himself as nothing more than a pet to Giantess Inma and him having flashback.

In the flashback where Jack once lived with his family in an Earthbound world called the World of Tinies though they never called this, it only got its name when Jack came to the World of Giants but before he got there, he lived in the Arthurian kingdom under King Arthur and he and his family live in a tiny one-room cottage in tiny farmland they own, the been living in improvised peasant lifestyle and only asset they have is cow but they neglect that it needs a bull to get cow ready to produce milk to feed her calf and without it, she couldn't produce milk so she took up much of space in already tiny farmland that his family own and barely survive on it despite having 8 children

In the end, Mother already made up her mind and tells her eldest, cunning but laziness 17-year-old son, Jack to take the cow out to the market

"Oh come on, Jack, you are the eldest, you have to sell an unproductive cow otherwise I have to sell one of your siblings to the black market as the last resort," said the mother she seemed pretty desperate as they ran out of option which Jack just rolled his eyes out of laziness but couldn't let something happened to his sibling so he replies "Fine"

Jack walks out of his family cottage takes the cow by rope and marches down the dirt path toward the market despite his age, is a cunning con man wondering if he could con someone else by selling the cow to a loser for enough gold to buy grain but while he walking he run into a shady man who shows greedy eyes on the cow while licking his lip like he wants the cow for meat.

Jack knows a shady man might kill a cow for meat as the cow will be slaughtered anyway if the cow is no longer able to make milk as that is how the farmer uses cattle. Jack asks Shady Man

"Hey do you have any glittering gold?" said Jack to Shady Man shady Man shook his head and said "No, I do not have money for meat I mean cow but I do have a magical bean!" put his hand into his pocket and pull his handful of something out to show beans, Jack is no stranger to magic as after all he lives in the high Magical Kingdom under King Arthur but he also no stranger to con artist too so he checks on the bean which glows green which convince him enough so he give the cow to the shady man for the bean as the shady man walks with the cow and never sees it again, he likely takes the cow to the slaughterhouse while Jack returns home to show his family Magical bean, His mother is furious at giving up the cow for a few beans

"You useless! Did you give the cow for the few beans? Even if it is magical I hate beans anyway as I don't care if they give us an endless supply of beans! No tea for you!" yells Mother as she throws the bean  throe beans away into the river which washes them away while sending Jack to his room which is more like a corner at the cottage with a straw mat without tea as Jack doesn't seem bothered 

"Fine with me, tea is just same as breakfast, lunch and dinner, oatmeal," said Jack as he walked to his sleeping straw mat.

In the morning Jack decides to walk out and when his family like his mother asks him where he going, Jack replies "I am 17 as in the Arthurian style High Medieval period are a legal adult and in modern Ireland, it is the legal age of content! You can't tell me to do what you want me for, don't mind me if I don't return today as you still have plenty of children, my brothers and my sisters, who said I only child as it is common for peasant family like us to has 6 or more children. Also, I am a free peasant so I have the privilege to leave this land I was born to and go to a different land, unlike villein or serf!" he then turned and closed the door as he walked along the river brushing his brown hair while not knowing where to go.

After an hour passed, Jack was frozen in amazed and disbelief as he discovered magical beans that his mother had thrown away now grown into a giant beanstalk that reached the cloud, he didn't know what was up there but wanted to check out but before he did, he came across the stranger who leaning and giving warning that if it is a great idea to climb giant beanstalk as they are in a world where anything could happen like terrorized by Dragon, a knight fights a knight and even random boy who turns out be king by pulling the sword out of the stone but discoer Jack is gone and notice Jack already climbing beanstalk like Jack start to climb since first sentence the stranger giving which The stranger shakes his head in disappointment and says "This boy being so teenager, never listening to the warning!"

Jack Climbing has no idea how he can climb the beanstalk and seems to easily dwarf even Mount Everest Before he climbs the beanstalk he has been lazily in his family farming cottage while unaware there was the god of the plot unseen and unheard he just chuckles and says "Because the plot demand it, that why you suddenly got the skill of mountain climbing!"

When Jack reached to top of the beanstalk it was covered by a cloud, at first the cloud like others was made of air and he could go through easily but as further he went, it slowly became liquid and then semi-liquid if it was made of slime before it became solid as he now squeeze through narrow shaft that barely space enough for his body to squeeze, "Ugh, it just me or this cloud getting solid?" said Jack as he climbing through shaft while he worry he might get stuck but eventually he pop his head out of the surface of the cloud and look in amazed the cloud he standing is solid like if he standing on the Earth. "There, I am now in the new world, what could go wrong?" Said Jack cheerfully he manage got out of the shaft and now standing on the cloud

 He standing on top of the cloud as the cloud seemed to stretch from horizon to horizon and he noticed there was a bench but it was no ordinary, it was a colossal and it kind unusually looking bench that instead just one long wooden plank on two wooden blocks it has metal around rim and too many thin planks to count as it has metal curves as legs, not knowing it 21st-century park bench as he living in Arthurian style high medieval. 

"Hello, this must be a bench unusual one but I huge, must be big enough for someone over 1,100 or 1,200 feet tall" Said Jack as he calculated how big he noticed the bench would be enough for anyone before went silent as he said "1,200 feet tall?! Also how do I know the math so much?" but he get no answer as he he were in the world of giants as he in fact standing in the middle of a National park in a cloud-bound world.


Jack feels tremors while hearing the noise, at first he thinks it Earthquake but in the cloud.


No, it was too long to be an Earthquake as not even an Earthquake can last for more than 4 minutes


Tremors and noise got more and more violent and intense and louder until 


the huge shadow cast over him he turned and saw a gigantic individual, he was dumbfounded at his size as even though whoever would be 335 meters tall or almost 1100 feet tall according to his calculation or himself would be barely one cm to the individual. He wanted to run back to the top of Beanstalk which is only accessed by a narrow hole on top of the surface of the cloud but he found himself paralyzed in fear while his brown hair moved by breeze but it wasn't a breeze it breathing from the shadow cover giant

The gigantic individual now crouching down with a hand on their knee while speaking in a chilling tone "Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood of a tiny male!"

 Jack is frozen despite his not understanding of its language but the tone got him Surprisingly it is replaced by a giggle before speaking in a soft and playful tone "Did I got you, the bug? For some reason, you look like a man but it's tiny, I've never seen an unusual bug that looks like a man before!" Jack, of course, doesn't understand its language but from the judgment of tone almost sounds like a girl that makes him look up and notice a gigantic individual is none than a girl who is the same age as himself, 17-18 years, only bigger than 1100-1200 feet of her or 1 cm of himself, she appear to be dark brown hair that tied in a ponytail, dressed in school sailor style miniskirt and school  jacket with welt pocket and badge unlike Jack who wear medieval tunic, boot, legging and brown messy hair and she crouching down showing her face mix of awe and curiosity

"S-s-she HUGE!" said Jack in terrified tone at sight of 1200 feet tall giant highschool girl, Jack doesn't know what to do with the giant schoolgirl but he doesn't want to stay to find out he tries to rush back to the tiny hole with only access to beanstalk but finds himself caught in between of index finger and the thumb of the giant schoolgirl while slowly rising up to her face, Jack now seem scared as he fear of whatever like squeeze out of life or be consume but the giantess isn't and the giant schoolgirl is holding him gently as speak "Sorry as I only want to look better of you" as she lift him close to her eyes so she can see better as she says "My, you so tiny!" said the giant high schoolgirl in awe tone while Jack seem lost in his own thought "Isn't she going eat me?" but she didn't as she just says " you indeed look like man, right bug? I wondering what I do with you, bug?" she seem lost in her own thought as well when Jack try to wiggle out of her grip to no anvil as her grip despite gentle is too strong.

"I got it, I will take you to my home, you will make a good pet💕" said The giant high school girl as she seemed pleased with her idea while Jack didn't understand her language and as for you reader if you ever wonder how you can understand two different languages is because of IRS without Boundary, the omnipresent branch of IRS somewhere in between the universe who is too lazy to speak a different language by simply making any language to the same language that only someone who works in IRS without Boundary and the reader can understand but not for Jack or the giant high schoolgirl

While Jack doesn't understand what the giant schoolgirl saying. But the last word from her is that he seems familiar with the term "Pet" as Jack says "I don't know what giantess even saying but this word, 'pet'? Don't ask me if she thinking of keeping me as a pet?"

Back in his home world of Arthurian style high Medieval if his family had too many children to take care would give away one or two as either servants or slaves Jack seemed a bit glad he wasn't chosen and the same for his siblings but now he has been holding by a thousand feet tall schoolgirl who is the same age as himself, that he has no way to understand or tell and now thought of himself of being a pet to her is last thing in his mind he ever wanted

"I just wanted to be out! I didn't leave my family just to become something like a pet! I must get out!" cried Jack as he used all of his strength to wiggle and struggle in an attempt to free himself from the grip of the high schoolgirl but all he did was exhaust himself while The High schoolgirl remained blissfully unaware of his struggle before Jack give up and says "No use, her grip is too strong, too tired to keep up, all I has to do is wait"

Once Jack stops his futile struggle, The Giant schoolgirl just looks at Jack who tries futilely to wiggle in the hope of freeing himself which only gets her playful giggle out of blissful ignorance while saying "You see cute, cuter than any bug, Jack, you would be more fun as my pet" which Jack look in both surprised and confused as he says "How does she know my name?" which she in spite lack of understanding of language speaking by Jack, she just says "Sorry, a bit rude of me, I should introduce myself, my name is Inma and I calling you Jack after Jack and beanstalk, my favorite book!"

Jack comes to realize that Inma doesn't know his name but named him Jack muttering to himself "I guess she doesn't even know my name, she named me! This is low even if Jack is my actual name!" Jack just rolled his eyes while getting a bit annoyed Inma pulled the jar out and explained "I don't want to squeeze your life out when I bring you over to my home, luckily I carry the jar" She carefully placed Jack into the glass jar before warping the jar with plastic while she pokes the holes allow air in which he finds terrified as he never sees so much of the glass in his life, it like standing inside an invisible forcefield

"What the witchcraft is this? I trapped in forcefield!" cried Jack as he stood against the gigantic glass wall inside the jar Inma turned and walked out of the park with Jack inside the jar she held as she said in a cheerful tone "Now I going home with you, Jack, this going be fun!" while Jack just standing helplessly with his hand's press on the glass wall within the jar as watching his only ticket to his home now seem unreachable which he sunk to his knees as Inma bliss unaware of Jack emotion when she walking further and further from the tiny hole that was only access to beanstalk that link between World of Tines and World of Giant

While Inma walks away with the jar that confines Jack. The stranger tries to warn Jack again and he stands close to the hole that is used as access to beanstalk while shaking his head in disappointment and says "Tsk tsk, didn't I warn you, now you end up becoming a pet to giantess! Such a pathetic destiny for a teenager who is about to turn adult!"

Chapter End Notes:

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