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Chapter twoAugust 19, 1999

Rachel was flipping through a magazine called GTS-Today. The magazine by GTS-Goddesses for GTS-Goddesses. Rachel’s copy was on her scale, meaning to her it was a normal size magazine. She was reading an article on how to deal with goddess worshipers who make pests of themselves. When she heard a voice, say,

“Can I have a moment of your time?”

Rachel looked down to see who has spoken. To her dismay it was Ronald Sherman. President of the “Goddess Lovers” club.

“What do you want?”

“Since Brandon wants out of your marriage. I thought it was time to tell you that several of our members wants to propose to you.”

“My marriage troubles are a private affair.”

Ronald laughed.

“It’s all over the news. Brandon wants to divorce you and go back to a normal life. You should drop the unworthy guy. Replace him, with one of us. We will to accept you for what you are.”

“Unworthy he may be. But I did marry him, so now I’m stuck with him.”

“You are above the law. Annul your marriage. Find someone worthy of you. Some one willing to be your slave.”

“You know it bad manners to put salt in the wound.”

‘What are you trying to say Rachel?”

“I do not want your advise. Quite frankly I find you annoying Ronald.”

“But Rachel.”

“Not another word. Or I take you to jail, and lock you up for harassment.”


In another part of the state Brandon was reading the newspaper. He wasn’t pleased with what he was reading.

He wants a Divorce

Screamed one headline. Another said

Brandon can’ t cut it. He considers himself to be too small

“I wish they din’ t put words in my mouth. He said to the newspaper. For months he had been in the news on a regular basis. Usually as a sideline or a human interest story. But his intent to divorce Rachel was attracting attention all over the world. Judging from the articles, people weren’t sure if he was brave or a nut. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Hope it’s not a reporter Brandon said to himself as he opened the door.

A 5'10' redhead was standing on the door step. She was wearing a formal business suit.

“Are you Brandon Smith? She asked.


“My name is Holly Shoemaker spokeswomen for the local branch of Norms. Congratulations on leaving your wife.”

“She doesn’t want me to leave. So my marriage is over yet. I’ve never heard of Norms. Who are your people?”

“A group who believes the proper size for woman is between five and sex feet in height. We consider giantess and goddess to be a threat to the Human race. Your marriage to Rachel was a concern to us. Some of us were afraid you two would have kids. Do you plan to remarry Mr. Smith?”

“That no business of yours.”

“If you do remarry or have sex with a woman. Makes sure she’s of normal height. Because if you help procreate giantess. We will consider you a threat to the human race.”

“OUT! You norms can’t be a legal group. Leave before I call the cops.”

He then slammed the door in her face.


Before Brandon could sit down, the telephone rang. With a sigh, he went to answer it.


“Brandon it’s your father. We heard what happened between you and Rachel. We want you to know, whatever happens. We will support you.”

“Thanks dad. I knew I could count on my parent’s support.”

“You’re welcome son. Please be careful. Now your mother wants to talk to you.”

“Hi Brandon. Sorry to hear about your marriage troubles.”

“I personally wish it didn’t come to this. But I could not take it any more.”

“I understand. You’re always welcome to drop by.”

“Thanks for the offer. I needed to hear a supportive voice. Hope to see you soon.”

 August 20, 1999

The arrival of the Inter universe transport ship was a sight never seen before in Massachusetts. It was 1200 feet tall and built like a bullet. It attracted quite a crowd. A crowd that included Brandon Smith.

After a few moments a door opened in the ship and Rose Crusher stepped out. The crowd started to back away. On her last visit Rose had shown little regard to people. They wanted to avoid being stepped on.


Rachel came on the scene. She went up to Rose. Making sure she didn’t step on anyone.

“I’ve been expecting you.” She said.

“Here’s the plan. You and Brandon are going to Katie’s world to meet with Katie Spencer and her boyfriend. Geraldine will also be there. She can tell you how the other GTS-Goddess marriages went.”

“Let me get Brandon and we’ll be on our way.”


Brandon didn’t want to go to Katie’s world. But there wasn’t enough time to hide. And with Rose Crusher around he dared not disobey orders. Rose won’t hesitate to kill a man. So he went up to Rachel and said,

“Here I am.”

Rachel played her right hand on the ground so Brandon can climb aboard. Once Brandon was in the palm of her hand she got up and bored the craft.

“Are you coming with us?” Rachel asked when she realized Rose had not fallowed them inside the ship.

Rose shook her head.

“No. You should be able to operate the controls on your own. If I have the time I’ll check on you in a few days.”

Rachel then closed the door of the ship. Moments later it lifted off, the ground and disappeared through a trans. universe wormhole.


Katie stood on the shore line. Her feet buried in the red clay like sand. Toward the east, Confederation Bridge was visible on the horizon.

“It’s quite a sight isn’t it?”

Geraldine who was standing behind Katie just grunted.

“You don’t think it’s an impressive feat of engineering?  A bridge linking Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick.”

“Works of Humankind don’t impress me. “

“Suit yourself. By the way I’m been meaning to ask you something.”

“How big you’re going to get?”

“Geraldine’s it’s not nice to read one mind, without asking first.”

“Sorry. Well let’s put it this way. The day will come when you r able to reach New Brunswick, with your feet firmly planted in the soil of PEI.”

“That’s means, I’ll become miles and miles tall. What would become of me? What would Kevin think?”

“I don’t know. Speaking of Kevin you and Kevin and supposed to meet Rachel Smith and her husband this afternoon. Rachel is an 800-foot GTS-Goddess.”

“A GTS-Goddess that married? I didn’t know such a thing was possible.”

“Other GTS-Goddesses have been married. Rose Crusher feels you and Kevin can help their marriage. A

“Help how?”

“He wants a divorce. She wants the marriage to last.”

“We’ll try to help. But I promise no miracles.”

“Well if you fail. I’ll talk to him. Let him know his true situation. There was something in the way Geraldine said the last few words that sent a chill down Katie’s spine.


The meeting place was in a field in central PEI.  Kevin stood next to Katie. She had briefed him on the purpose of the visit. He wanted to talk to Brandon. Being married to a GTS-Goddess must be an interesting experience. Not that having Katie for a girlfriend was dull. For Katie was still growing taller every day.  Also, standing next to Katie was Geraldine with her famous laptop under her arm.


Finally the ship they had been waiting for arrived. It landed right in front of them.  The door opened and Rachel stepped out.

“Hello, my name is Rachel Smith. The man in my hand is my husband Brandon.”

Katie stepped forward.

“My name is Katie Spencer. My fellow GTS-Goddess is Geraldine. The man standing beside me is my boyfriend Kevin Blair. A Katie then bent over, to pick Kevin up so Rachel could have a better view of him.


While Katie was talking, Brandon was sizing up the GTS-Goddess. He noted that Katie was a little bit shorter than his wife. About 788 feet tall compared to his wife 800 feet.  Katie had red hair and green eyes. Geraldine on the other hand was a bit taller than Rachel, with dark hair and eyes. There was something about Geraldine, Brandon didn’t like. He then focused on Kevin. He appeared to be six feet tall, with dark hair and brown eyes.


Rachel brought her hand next to Katie’s to allow Brandon and Kevin to meet. Kevin went up to Brandon and shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you Brandon. I think we have a lot to talk about.”

“I agree. But can we talk on the ground. Heights make me nervous.”

Rachel sighed.

“Brandon has this fear I’m going to drop him. I’ve tried to talk him out it. But with no luck.”

“It’s ok. We can place the men on the ground.”

“All right.” Rachel then placed the men on the ground.

“Now what?” Rachel asked.


After some discussion it was decided that Brandon and Kevin would have a private man to man talk while the GTS-goddesses would talk along themselves. Rachel was eager to learn about Katie’s world. And Brandon was eager to get away from the GTS-Goddess for a while.


To be continued

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